

1 hr
Test Coverage
'use strict';

var ComponentFacet = require('../c_facet')
    , facetsRegistry = require('./cf_registry')
    , miloCore = require('milo-core')
    , FrameMessageSource = require('../msg_src/frame')
    , _ = miloCore.proto;

 * `milo.registry.facets.get('Frame')`
 * Component facet that simplifies sending window messages to iframe and subscribing to messages on inner window of iframe.
 * All public methods of Messenger and `trigger` method of [FrameMessageSource](../msg_src/frame.js.html) are proxied directly to this facet.
 * For example, to send custom message to iframe window use:
 * ```
 * iframeComponent.frame.trigger('mymessage', myData);
 * ```
 * To subscribe to this messages inside frame use (with milo - see [milo.mail](../../mail/index.js.html)):
 * ```
 * milo.mail.on('message:mymessage', function(msgType, msgData) {
 *     // data is inside of window message data
 *     // msgType == 'message:mymessage'
 *     var myData =;
 *     // ... app logic here
 * });
 * ```
 * or without milo:
 * ```
 * window.attachEventListener('message', function(message) {
 *     var msgType = message.type; // e.g., 'mymessage'
 *     var myData =;
 *     // ... message routing and code here
 * });
 * ```
 * Milo does routing based on sent message type automatically.
 * See [Messenger](../../messenger/index.js.html) and [milo.mail](../../mail/index.js.html).
 var Frame = _.createSubclass(ComponentFacet, 'Frame');

 * Calls passed function when frame DOM becomes ready. If already ready calls immediately
var Frame$whenReady = _makeWhenReadyFunc(Frame$isReady, 'domready');

 * Calls passed function when frame milo becomes ready. If already ready calls immediately
var Frame$whenMiloReady = _makeWhenReadyFunc(Frame$isMiloReady, 'message:miloready');

 * ####Events facet instance methods####
 * - [init](#Frame$init) - called by constructor automatically
_.extendProto(Frame, {
    init: Frame$init,
    start: Frame$start,
    destroy: Frame$destroy,
    getWindow: Frame$getWindow,
    isReady: Frame$isReady,
    whenReady: Frame$whenReady,
    isMiloReady: Frame$isMiloReady,
    whenMiloReady: Frame$whenMiloReady,
    milo: Frame$milo
    // _reattach: _reattachEventsOnElementChange


module.exports = Frame;

 * Expose FrameMessageSource trigger method on Events prototype
var MSG_SOURCE_KEY = '_messageSource';
FrameMessageSource.useWith(Frame, MSG_SOURCE_KEY, ['trigger']);

 * Frame facet instance method
 * Initialzes facet, connects FrameMessageSource to facet's messenger
function Frame$init() {
    ComponentFacet.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
    var messageSource = new FrameMessageSource(this, undefined, undefined, this.owner);

    _.defineProperty(this, MSG_SOURCE_KEY, messageSource);

 * Frame facet instance method
 * Emits frameloaded event when ready.
function Frame$start() {
    ComponentFacet.prototype.start.apply(this, arguments);
    var self = this;

    function postDomReady(event) {
        self.postMessage('domready', event);

function Frame$destroy() {
    ComponentFacet.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);

 * Frame facet instance method
 * Retrieves the internal window of the frame 
 * @param {Window}
function Frame$getWindow() {
    return this.owner.el.contentWindow;

 * Frame facet instance method
 * Returns document.readyState if frame doument state is 'interactive' or 'complete', false otherwise
 * @return {String|Boolean}
function Frame$isReady() {
    var readyState = this.getWindow().document.readyState;
    return  readyState != 'loading' ? readyState : false;

 * Frame facet instance method
 * Returns true if milo is loaded and has finished initializing inside the frame
 * @return {Boolean}
function Frame$isMiloReady() {
    var frameMilo = this.getWindow().milo;
    return this.isReady() && frameMilo && frameMilo.milo_version;

 * Gives access to milo in the frame (assuming it is loaded there)
 * Calls function when both milo and DOM are ready if function is passed.
 * Returns the reference to milo inside the frame if the window is already available.
 * @param {Function} func function to be called when milo and DOM are ready in the frame
 * @return {Function} reference to milo in the frame 
function Frame$milo(func) {
    if (typeof func == 'function') {
        var self = this;
        this.whenMiloReady(function() {
    var win = this.getWindow();
    return win && win.milo;

function _makeWhenReadyFunc(isReadyFunc, event) {
    return function Frame_whenReadyFunc(func) { // , arguments
        var self = this
            , args = _.slice(arguments, 1);
        if (
            this.on(event, callFunc);

        function callFunc() {
            func.apply(self, args);