

0 mins
Test Coverage
'use strict';

var miloCore = require('milo-core')
    , _ = miloCore.proto;

// register included facets


 * `milo`
 * A minimalist browser framework that binds DOM elements to JS components and components to models.
 * `milo` is available as global object in the browser.
 * At the moment it is not possiible to require it with browserify to have it bundled with the app because of the way [brfs]( browserify plugin is implemented.
 * It is possible though to require `milo` with node to use universal parts of the framework (abstract classes, Messenger, Model, etc.):
 * ```
 * var milo = require('milojs');
 * ```
 * `milo` itself is a function that in the browser can be used to delay execution until DOM is ready.
function milo(func) {

 * ####Milo packages####
 * - [loader](./loader.js.html) - loading subviews into page
 * - [binder](./binder.js.html) - components instantiation and binding of DOM elements to them
 * - [minder](./minder.js.html) - data reactivity, one or two way, shallow or deep, as you like it
 * - [mail](./mail/index.js.html) - applicaiton level messenger, also connects to messages from other windows dispatched with `window.postMessage`.
 * - [config](./config.js.html) - milo configuration
 * - [util](./util/index.js.html) - logger, request, dom, check, error, etc.
 * - [classes](./classes.js.html) - abstract and base classes
 * - [attributes](./attributes/index.js.html) - classes that wrap DOM elements attributes recognized by milo
 * - [ComponentFacet](./components/c_facet.js.html) - base class of Component facet
 * - [Component](./components/c_class.js.html) - base Component class
 * - [Messenger](./messenger/index.js.html) - generic Messenger used in most other milo classes, can be mixed into app classes too.
 * - [Model](./model/index.js.html) - Model class that emits messages on changes to any depth without timer based watching
 * - [registry](./registry.js.html) - registries of fasets and components classes
_.extend(milo, {
    Messenger: miloCore.Messenger,
    Model: miloCore.Model,
    minder: miloCore.minder,
    loader: require('./loader'),
    binder: require('./binder'),
    mail: require('./services/mail'),
    window: require('./services/window'),
    config: require('./config'),
    util: require('./util'),
    classes: require('./classes'),
    attributes: require('./attributes'),
    ComponentFacet: require('./components/c_facet'),
    Component: require('./components/c_class'),
    Command: require('./command'),
    registry: require('./registry'),
    milo_version: require('../package.json').version,
    createComponentClass: require('./util/create_component_class'),
    createFacetClass: require('./util/create_facet_class'),
    destroy: destroy

// export for node/browserify
if (typeof module == 'object' && module.exports)    
    module.exports = milo;

// global milo for browser
if (typeof window == 'object') {
    window.milo = milo;

function destroy() {