'use strict';
/* eslint-env browser, commonjs, node, mocha */
var fs = require('fs')
, assert = require('assert');
describe('Data facet', function() {
var testHtml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/Data_test.html', 'utf-8');
var scope;
beforeEach(function() {
var element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = testHtml;
// Bind the element
scope = milo.binder(element);
it('should define methods get/set to access data in DOM', function() {
// set data
var valueSet = scope.myItem.data.set({ title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1', unused: 'not used' });
assert.deepEqual(valueSet, { title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1' }
, 'should return data that was set');
// check the data directly on DOM
var innerScope = scope.myItem.container.scope;
assert.equal(innerScope.title.el.innerHTML, 'Title 1', 'should set innerHTML for span element');
assert.equal(innerScope.desc.el.value, 'Description 1', 'should set value for input element');
// get data
var value = scope.myItem.data.get();
assert.deepEqual(value, { title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1', info: { name: '', surname: '' } }
, 'should correctly retrieve data from DOM');
it('should define method path to traverse scope', function() {
// set data
var childData = scope.myItem.data.path('.title');
assert.equal(childData.owner.name, 'title'
, 'should find data facet of child component by path');
it('should post messages when data anywhere in scope chain changes', function(done) {
var posted = {};
scope.myItem.data.on(/.*/, function(msg, data) {
if (msg == 'datachangesfinished' || msg == 'datachanges') return;
posted[msg] = data;
scope.myItem.data.set({ title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1' });
_.defer(function() {
delete posted['childdata']; // childdata used to dispatch messages up the scope tree
assert.deepEqual(posted, {
'.title': { path: '.title', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Title 1', oldValue: '' },
'.desc': { path: '.desc', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Description 1', oldValue: '' },
'': { path: '', type: 'changed', newValue: { title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1'}, oldValue: {} }
it('should support "*" pattern subscriptions on data messages', function(done) {
var posted = {};
function logPosted(msg, data) {
if (msg == 'datachangesfinished' || msg == 'datachanges') return;
posted[msg] = data;
scope.myItem.data.on('*', logPosted);
scope.myItem.data.set({ title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1', info: { name: 'Jason', surname: 'Green' } });
_.defer(function() {
assert.deepEqual(posted, {
'.title': { path: '.title', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Title 1', oldValue: '' },
'.desc': { path: '.desc', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Description 1', oldValue: '' },
'.info': { path: '.info', type: 'changed', newValue: { name: 'Jason', surname: 'Green' }, oldValue: {} },
'': { path: '', type: 'changed', newValue: { title: 'Title 1', desc: 'Description 1', info: { name: 'Jason', surname: 'Green' } }, oldValue: {} }
scope.myItem.data.set({ title: '', desc: '2', info: { name: '', surname: '' } });
// check the data directly on DOM
var innerScope = scope.myItem.container.scope;
assert.equal(innerScope.title.el.innerHTML, '', 'should set innerHTML for span element');
// TODO can't set empty string on input element for some reason
assert.equal(innerScope.desc.el.value, '2', 'should set value for input element');
// subscription up to two levels
posted = {};
scope.myItem.data.off('*', logPosted);
scope.myItem.data.on('**', logPosted);
scope.myItem.data.set({ title: 'Title 2', desc: 'Description 2', info: { name: 'Evgeny', surname: 'Poberezkin' } });
_.defer(function() {
assert.deepEqual(posted, {
'.info.name': { path: '.info.name', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Evgeny', oldValue: '' },
'.info.surname': { path: '.info.surname', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Poberezkin', oldValue: '' },
'.title': { path: '.title', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Title 2', oldValue: '' },
'.desc': { path: '.desc', type: 'changed', newValue: 'Description 2', oldValue: '2' },
'.info': { path: '.info', type: 'changed', newValue: { name: 'Evgeny', surname: 'Poberezkin' }, oldValue: { name: '', surname: '' } },
'': { path: '', type: 'changed', newValue: { title: 'Title 2', desc: 'Description 2', info: { name: 'Evgeny', surname: 'Poberezkin' } },
oldValue: { title: '', desc: '2', info: { name: '', surname: '' } } }
}, 'should post messages for changes in data of component and in data of scope children');