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Test Coverage
    ✔ Create Error Type @done(19-04-13 09:17)
        ✔ EventManagerError @started(19-04-06 09:54) @done(19-04-06 09:54) @lasted(46s)
        ✘ DoNotRetryError @cancelled(19-04-13 09:17) We will do it another way
        ✘ RetryLaterError => This need to add some work => v2 ? @cancelled(19-04-13 09:16)
    ✔ Options @done(19-04-13 09:17)
        ✔ URL @done(19-04-06 09:55)
        ✔ Application Name @done(19-04-06 09:55)
        ✔ Add Metas (guid) or function to *prepare* payload @done(19-04-06 09:55)
    ✘ ~~Maybe create a _mock_ version~~ @cancelled(19-04-13 09:16)
    ✔ Should be able to listen event before creating the Exchange @done(19-07-25 08:00)
    ✔ Ajouter du "logging" @started(19-04-13 09:15) @done(19-07-25 08:00) @lasted(14w4d22h45m44s)
    ✘ Ajouter une "validation" des options ? @cancelled(19-07-25 08:00)
    ✔ Add an _"init"_ method @done(19-07-25 08:00)
    version 1.1.0:
        ✔ Add possibility to define a specific TTL for a given listener @done(19-07-29 17:48)
        ✔ Return payload when emitting (payload with the _metas) @done(19-07-29 17:48)
        ✔ Add possibility to add some keys in _metas (using __metas); @done(19-07-29 17:48)
        ✔ Add emitAndWait @done(19-07-29 17:48)
    version 1.2.0:
        ✔ Rework Logger to better integration of error with winston @done(20-05-09 15:27)
        ✔ Upgrade dependencies version and remove unused @done(20-05-09 15:27)
        ✔ Remove emit-and-wait branch as it is merged already @done(20-05-09 15:35)
        ✔ Rewrite documentation (Readme.md) to match new signature @critical @done(20-05-21 11:07)
        ✔ Rework demos to match the last version @high @done(20-05-23 11:14)
        ✔ Fix and work on issue #15 @done(20-05-23 11:21)
        ✔ Write a _"contribute"_ documentation to explain how to push / test / propose. @low @done(20-05-23 11:21)
        ☐ Write a dev documentation, for me, to explain how to create a new version (with npm and travis). @high
        ☐ Write a full exemple article @low