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0 mins
Test Coverage
 * This file is part of the browscap-helper package.
 * Copyright (c) 2015-2024, Thomas Mueller <mimmi20@live.de>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace BrowscapHelper\Command;

use BrowscapHelper\Helper\ExistingTestsLoader;
use BrowscapHelper\Helper\ExistingTestsRemover;
use BrowscapHelper\Helper\JsonNormalizer;
use BrowscapHelper\Source\JsonFileSource;
use BrowscapHelper\Source\Ua\UserAgent;
use BrowserDetector\Detector;
use BrowserDetector\DetectorFactory;
use BrowserDetector\Version\Exception\NotNumericException;
use BrowserDetector\Version\VersionBuilder;
use BrowserDetector\Version\VersionInterface;
use DateInterval;
use Ergebnis\Json\Normalizer\Exception\InvalidIndentSize;
use Ergebnis\Json\Normalizer\Exception\InvalidIndentStyle;
use Ergebnis\Json\Normalizer\Exception\InvalidJsonEncodeOptions;
use Ergebnis\Json\Normalizer\Exception\InvalidNewLineString;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use JsonException;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
use RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\LogicException;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Logger\ConsoleLogger;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Exception\DirectoryNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Throwable;
use UaDeviceType\TypeLoader;
use UConverter;
use UnexpectedValueException;

use function array_chunk;
use function array_filter;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_map;
use function file_exists;
use function file_get_contents;
use function file_put_contents;
use function implode;
use function in_array;
use function is_array;
use function json_decode;
use function json_encode;
use function mb_strlen;
use function mb_strpos;
use function mb_strtolower;
use function microtime;
use function mkdir;
use function number_format;
use function preg_match;
use function sprintf;
use function str_pad;
use function str_replace;
use function trim;

use const STR_PAD_LEFT;

final class RewriteTestsCommand extends Command
    /** @var array<string, int> */
    private array $tests = [];

    /** @throws LogicException */
    public function __construct(
        private readonly ExistingTestsLoader $testsLoader,
        private readonly ExistingTestsRemover $testsRemover,
        private readonly JsonNormalizer $jsonNormalizer,
    ) {

     * Configures the current command.
     * @throws \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    protected function configure(): void
            ->setDescription('Rewrites existing tests');

     * Executes the current command.
     * This method is not abstract because you can use this class
     * as a concrete class. In this case, instead of defining the
     * execute() method, you set the code to execute by passing
     * a Closure to the setCode() method.
     * @see    setCode()
     * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
     * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
     * @return int 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
     * @throws \Symfony\Component\Console\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws LogicException
     * @throws DirectoryNotFoundException
     * @throws InvalidNewLineString
     * @throws InvalidIndentStyle
     * @throws InvalidIndentSize
     * @throws InvalidJsonEncodeOptions
     * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * @throws \LogicException
     * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $output->writeln(messages: 'init Detector ...', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);

        $cache = new class () implements CacheInterface {
             * Fetches a value from the cache.
             * @param string $key     the unique key of this item in the cache
             * @param mixed  $default default value to return if the key does not exist
             * @return mixed the value of the item from the cache, or $default in case of cache miss
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed
                return null;

             * Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time.
             * @param string                $key   the key of the item to store
             * @param mixed                 $value the value of the item to store, must be serializable
             * @param DateInterval|int|null $ttl   Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and
             *   the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value
             *   for it or let the driver take care of that.
             * @return bool true on success and false on failure
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function set(string $key, mixed $value, int | DateInterval | null $ttl = null): bool
                return false;

             * Delete an item from the cache by its unique key.
             * @param string $key the unique cache key of the item to delete
             * @return bool True if the item was successfully removed. False if there was an error.
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function delete(string $key): bool
                return false;

             * Wipes clean the entire cache's keys.
             * @return bool true on success and false on failure
             * @throws void
            public function clear(): bool
                return false;

             * Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys.
             * @param iterable<string> $keys    a list of keys that can obtained in a single operation
             * @param mixed            $default default value to return for keys that do not exist
             * @return iterable<string, mixed> A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value.
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function getMultiple(iterable $keys, mixed $default = null): iterable
                return [];

             * Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL.
             * @param iterable<string, mixed> $values a list of key => value pairs for a multiple-set operation
             * @param DateInterval|int|null   $ttl    Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and
             *      the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value
             *      for it or let the driver take care of that.
             * @return bool true on success and false on failure
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function setMultiple(iterable $values, int | DateInterval | null $ttl = null): bool
                return false;

             * Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation.
             * @param iterable<string> $keys a list of string-based keys to be deleted
             * @return bool True if the items were successfully removed. False if there was an error.
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function deleteMultiple(iterable $keys): bool
                return false;

             * Determines whether an item is present in the cache.
             * NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes
             * and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method
             * is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after,
             * another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date.
             * @param string $key the cache item key
             * @throws void
             * @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
            public function has(string $key): bool
                return false;

        $logger   = new ConsoleLogger($output);
        $factory  = new DetectorFactory($cache, $logger);
        $detector = $factory();

        $basePath                = 'vendor/mimmi20/browser-detector/';
        $detectorTargetDirectory = $basePath . 'tests/data/';
        $testSource              = 'tests';

            messages: 'removing old existing files from vendor ...',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

        $this->testsRemover->remove(output: $output, testSource: $detectorTargetDirectory);
        $this->testsRemover->remove(output: $output, testSource: $detectorTargetDirectory, dirs: true);

        $sources = [new JsonFileSource($testSource)];

            messages: 'removing old existing files from .build ...',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

        $this->testsRemover->remove(output: $output, testSource: '.build');
        $this->testsRemover->remove(output: $output, testSource: '.build', dirs: true);

            messages: 'reading already existing tests ...',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

        $txtChecks     = [];
        $headerChecks1 = [];
        $headerChecks2 = [];
        $messageLength = 0;
        $counter       = 0;
        $duplicates    = 0;
        $errors        = 0;
        $skipped       = 0;
        $testCount     = 0;
        $baseMessage   = 'checking Header ';
        $timeCheck     = 0.0;
        $timeDetect    = 0.0;
        $timeRead      = 0.0;
        $timeWrite     = 0.0;

        $clonedOutput = clone $output;

        foreach ($this->testsLoader->getProperties($clonedOutput, $sources) as $test) {
            $test['headers'] = array_map(
                static fn (string $header) => trim($header),

            $test['headers'] = array_filter(
                static fn (string $header): bool => $header !== '',

            $startTime = microtime(true);

            $seachHeader = (string) UserAgent::fromHeaderArray($test['headers']);


            $addMessage = sprintf(
                '[%s] - check',
                    string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                    length: 14,
                    pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
            $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

            if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            $timeCheck += microtime(true) - $startTime;

            if (array_key_exists($seachHeader, $txtChecks)) {


            $txtChecks[$seachHeader] = $test;

//            if (
//                !array_key_exists('x-requested-with', $test['headers'])
//                && !array_key_exists('http-x-requested-with', $test['headers'])
//            ) {
//                ++$skipped;
//                continue;
//            }

            if (
                array_key_exists('x-requested-with', $test['headers'])
                && array_key_exists('http-x-requested-with', $test['headers'])
            ) {
                    messages: "\r" . str_pad(
                        string: '<error>"x-requested-with" header is available twice</error>',
                        length: $messageLength,
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            $xRequestHeader = null;

            if (array_key_exists('x-requested-with', $test['headers'])) {
                $xRequestHeader = $test['headers']['x-requested-with'];
            } elseif (array_key_exists('http-x-requested-with', $test['headers'])) {
                $xRequestHeader = $test['headers']['http-x-requested-with'];

            $secChUaHeader = null;

            if (array_key_exists('sec-ch-ua', $test['headers'])) {
                $secChUaHeader = $test['headers']['sec-ch-ua'];

            $addMessage = sprintf(
                '[%s] - redetect',
                    string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                    length: 14,
                    pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
            $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

            if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            try {
                $startTime = microtime(true);

                $result = $this->handleTest(
                    output: $output,
                    detector: $detector,
                    logger: $logger,
                    headers: $test['headers'],
                    parentMessage: $message,
                    messageLength: $messageLength,
            } catch (UnexpectedValueException | Throwable $e) {

                $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    messages: '<error>' . (new Exception(
                        sprintf('An error occured while checking Headers "%s"', $seachHeader),
                    )) . '</error>',
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            } finally {
                $timeDetect += microtime(true) - $startTime;

            if (!is_array($result)) {


            if ($result['client']['name'] === null) {
                if ($xRequestHeader !== null && $xRequestHeader !== 'XMLHttpRequest') {
                    if (!array_key_exists($xRequestHeader, $headerChecks1)) {
                            messages: "\r" . str_pad(
                                string: sprintf(
                                    'Could not detect the Client for the x-requested-with Header "%s"',
                                length: $messageLength,
                            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

                        $headerChecks1[$xRequestHeader] = true;

                if ($secChUaHeader !== null) {
                    if (!array_key_exists($secChUaHeader, $headerChecks2)) {
                            messages: "\r" . str_pad(
                                string: sprintf(
                                    'Could not detect the Client for the sec-ch-ua Header "%s"',
                                length: $messageLength,
                            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

                        $headerChecks2[$secChUaHeader] = true;

            $deviceManufaturer = mb_strtolower(
                UConverter::transcode($result['device']['manufacturer'] ?? '', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF8'),
            $deviceManufaturer = $deviceManufaturer === '' ? 'unknown' : str_replace(
                ['.', ' '],
                ['', '-'],

            $clientManufaturer = mb_strtolower(
                UConverter::transcode($result['client']['manufacturer'] ?? '', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF8'),
            $clientManufaturer = $clientManufaturer === '' ? 'unknown' : str_replace(
                ['.', ' '],
                ['', '-'],

            $deviceType = mb_strtolower($result['device']['type'] ?? 'unknown');
            $clientType = mb_strtolower($result['client']['type'] ?? 'unknown');

            if (!file_exists(sprintf('.build/%s', $deviceManufaturer))) {
                mkdir(sprintf('.build/%s', $deviceManufaturer));

            if (!file_exists(sprintf('.build/%s/%s', $deviceManufaturer, $deviceType))) {
                mkdir(sprintf('.build/%s/%s', $deviceManufaturer, $deviceType));

            if (
                    sprintf('.build/%s/%s/%s', $deviceManufaturer, $deviceType, $clientManufaturer),
            ) {
                mkdir(sprintf('.build/%s/%s/%s', $deviceManufaturer, $deviceType, $clientManufaturer));

            $file = sprintf(

            $tests = [];

            if (file_exists($file)) {
                $addMessage = sprintf(
                    '[%s] - read temporary file %s',
                        string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                        length: 14,
                        pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
                $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

                if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                    $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                    messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

                try {
                    $startTime = microtime(true);

                    $tests = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);

                    $addMessage = sprintf(
                        '[%s] - read temporary file %s - done',
                            string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                            length: 14,
                            pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
                    $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

                    if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                        $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                        messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                        options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
                } catch (JsonException $e) {
                    $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                        messages: '<error>' . (new Exception(
                            'An error occured while decoding a result',
                        )) . '</error>',
                        options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

                } finally {
                    $timeRead += microtime(true) - $startTime;
            } else {
                $addMessage = sprintf(
                    '[%s] - temporary file %s not found',
                        string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                        length: 14,
                        pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
                $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

                if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                    $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                    messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            $addMessage = sprintf(
                '[%s] - write to temporary file %s',
                    string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                    length: 14,
                    pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,
            $message    = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

            if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            $tests[] = $result;

            try {
                $startTime = microtime(true);

                $saved = file_put_contents(
                    filename: $file,
                    data: json_encode($tests, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT),
            } catch (JsonException) {

                $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    messages: '<error>' . sprintf(
                        'An error occured while encoding file %s',
                    ) . '</error>',
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            } finally {
                $timeWrite += microtime(true) - $startTime;


            if ($saved === false) {

                $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    messages: '<error>' . sprintf(
                        'An error occured while saving file %s',
                    ) . '</error>',
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,


            $addMessage = sprintf(
                '[%s] - write to temporary file %s - done',
                    string: number_format(num: $counter, thousands_separator: '.'),
                    length: 14,
                    pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,


            $message = $baseMessage . $addMessage;

            if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
                options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,


        $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);


            messages: sprintf(
                'check result:       %7d test(s), %7d duplicate(s), %7d error(s)',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
            messages: sprintf(
                'time checking:      %f sec',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
            messages: sprintf(
                'time detecting:     %f sec',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
            messages: sprintf(
                'time reading cache: %f sec',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
            messages: sprintf(
                'time writing cache: %f sec',
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
        $output->writeln(messages: 'rewrite tests ...', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);

        $messageLength = 0;
        $baseMessage   = 're-write test files in directory ';

        $fileFinder = new Finder();

        foreach ($fileFinder as $file) {
            if (
            ) {

                $output->writeln(messages: '', options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    messages: sprintf(
                        '<error>the path "%s" does not match required structure</error>',
                    options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,


            try {
                $data = json_decode($file->getContents(), false, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
            } catch (JsonException $e) {

                $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    '<error>' . (new Exception(
                        'An error occured while encoding a resultset',
                    )) . '</error>',


            foreach (array_chunk($data, 100) as $number => $parts) {
                $path  = $basePath;
                $path .= sprintf(

                $p1 = sprintf('tests/data/%s', $matches['deviceManufaturer']);

                if (!file_exists($basePath . $p1)) {
                    mkdir($basePath . $p1);

                $p2 = sprintf(

                if (!file_exists($basePath . $p2)) {
                    mkdir($basePath . $p2);

                $p3 = sprintf(

                if (!file_exists($basePath . $p3)) {
                    mkdir($basePath . $p3);

                $p4 = sprintf(

                if (!file_exists($basePath . $p4)) {
                    mkdir($basePath . $p4);

                $message  = $baseMessage;
                $message .= sprintf(
                $message .= ' - normalizing';

                if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                    $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                    "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),

                try {
                    $normalized = $this->jsonNormalizer->normalize(
                } catch (InvalidArgumentException | RuntimeException $e) {
                    $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
                    $output->writeln('<error>' . $e . '</error>', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);


                if ($normalized === null) {
                    $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                        '<error>' . (new Exception(
                            sprintf('file "%s" contains invalid json', $path),
                        )) . '</error>',

                    return 1;

                $message  = $baseMessage;
                $message .= sprintf(
                $message .= ' - writing';

                if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
                    $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

                    "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),

                $success = @file_put_contents($path, $normalized);

                if ($success !== false) {

                $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
                    '<error>' . sprintf(
                        'An error occured while writing file %s',
                    ) . '</error>',

        $output->writeln('', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
        $dataToOutput = [
            'useragents processed' => $counter,
            'tests written' => $testCount,
            'skipped' => $skipped,
            'errors' => $errors,
            'duplicates' => $duplicates,

        foreach ($dataToOutput as $title => $number) {
                        string: $title . ':',
                        length: 21,
                        string: number_format(num: $number, thousands_separator: '.'),
                        length: 14,
                        pad_type: STR_PAD_LEFT,

        return self::SUCCESS;

     * @param array<non-empty-string, non-empty-string> $headers
     * @return array<mixed>
     * @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws UnexpectedValueException
     * @throws NotNumericException
    private function handleTest(
        OutputInterface $output,
        Detector $detector,
        ConsoleLogger $logger,
        array $headers,
        string $parentMessage,
        int &$messageLength = 0,
    ): array | null {
        $message = $parentMessage . ' - <info>detect for new result ...</info>';

        if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
            $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

            messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE,

        try {
            $newResult = $detector->getBrowser($headers);
        } catch (\Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException | NotNumericException | UnexpectedValueException | Throwable $e) {
                messages: sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $e),
                options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,

            return null;

        $message = $parentMessage . ' - <info>analyze new result ...</info>';

        if (mb_strlen($message) > $messageLength) {
            $messageLength = mb_strlen($message);

            messages: "\r" . str_pad(string: $message, length: $messageLength),
            options: OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE,

        $versionBuilder   = new VersionBuilder($logger);
        $deviceTypeLoader = new TypeLoader();
        $deviceType       = $deviceTypeLoader->load($newResult['device']['type'] ?? 'unknown');

        if (
                ['general Desktop', 'general Apple Device', 'general Philips TV'],
            || (
                && !$deviceType->isTablet()
                && !$deviceType->isTv()
        ) {
            $keys = [
                (string) $newResult['client']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['client']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['engine']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['engine']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['os']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['os']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['device']['deviceName'],
                (string) $newResult['device']['marketingName'],
                (string) $newResult['device']['manufacturer'],

            $key = implode('-', $keys);

            if (array_key_exists($key, $this->tests)) {
                return null;

            $this->tests[$key] = 1;
        } elseif (
            ($deviceType->isMobile() || $deviceType->isTablet() || $deviceType->isTv())
            && mb_strpos((string) $newResult['client']['name'], 'general') === false
            && !in_array($newResult['client']['name'], [null, 'unknown'], true)
            && mb_strpos((string) $newResult['device']['deviceName'], 'general') === false
            && !in_array($newResult['device']['deviceName'], [null, 'unknown'], true)
        ) {
            $keys = [
                (string) $newResult['client']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['client']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['engine']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['engine']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['os']['name'],
                (string) $versionBuilder->set($newResult['os']['version'] ?? '')->getVersion(
                (string) $newResult['device']['deviceName'],
                (string) $newResult['device']['marketingName'],
                (string) $newResult['device']['manufacturer'],

            $key = implode('-', $keys);

            if (array_key_exists($key, $this->tests)) {
                return null;

            $this->tests[$key] = 1;

        return $newResult;