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Test Coverage
# Declare files that will always have LF line endings on checkout.

# file-version: 3.0

*                text=auto

# Javascript & Typescript
*.js             text eol=lf
*.ts             text eol=lf
*.cjs            text eol=lf
*.cts            text eol=lf
*.mjs            text eol=lf
*.mts            text eol=lf

*.css            text eol=lf
*.scss           text eol=lf

# Json
*.json           text eol=lf
*.json5          text eol=lf

# Markdown
*.markdown       text eol=lf
*.md             text eol=lf

# Yaml
*.yml            text eol=lf
*.yaml           text eol=lf
*.neon           text eol=lf

# other
*.xml            text eol=lf
*.lock           text eol=lf
*.txt            text eol=lf
*.ini            text eol=lf
*.sh             text eol=lf
*.stub           text eol=lf
*.tmp            text eol=lf
*.dist           text eol=lf
*.lock           text eol=lf
*.html           text eol=lf
*.phtml          text eol=lf
*.php            text eol=lf

# Denote all files that are truly binary and should not be modified.
*.gpg            -text binary
*.gpg~           -text binary
*.asc            -text binary
*.png            -text binary
*.jpg            -text binary
*.gif            -text binary
*.pdf            -text binary
*.ico            -text binary
*.odt            -text binary
*.eot            -text binary
*.ttf            -text binary
*.woff           -text binary
*.woff2          -text binary
*.swf            -text binary
*.mp4            -text binary
*.ogv            -text binary
*.webm           -text binary
*.exe            -text binary
*.zip            -text binary

# files/folders to ignore
/.*                       export-ignore
.github/CODEOWNERS        export-ignore text eol=lf
.browserslistrc           export-ignore text eol=lf
.codeclimate.yml          export-ignore text eol=lf
.editorconfig             export-ignore text eol=lf
.eslintignore             export-ignore text eol=lf
.eslintrc.json            export-ignore text eol=lf
.gitattributes            export-ignore text eol=lf
.gitignore                export-ignore text eol=lf
.jshintrc                 export-ignore text eol=lf
.markdown-link-check.json export-ignore text eol=lf
.markdownlint.yaml        export-ignore text eol=lf
.mega-linter.yml          export-ignore text eol=lf
.noai                     export-ignore text eol=lf
.npmrc                    export-ignore text eol=lf
.php-cs-fixer.php         export-ignore text eol=lf
.phplint.yml              export-ignore text eol=lf
.prettierignore           export-ignore text eol=lf
.prettierrc.json          export-ignore text eol=lf
.stylelintrc.json         export-ignore text eol=lf
.yamllint.yml             export-ignore text eol=lf
codecov.yml               export-ignore text eol=lf
infection.json            export-ignore text eol=lf
infection.json5           export-ignore text eol=lf
phpcs.xml                 export-ignore text eol=lf
phpmd.ruleset.xml         export-ignore text eol=lf
phpstan.neon              export-ignore text eol=lf
phpunit.xml               export-ignore text eol=lf
phpunit-integration.xml   export-ignore text eol=lf
postcss.config.cjs        export-ignore text eol=lf
postcss.config.json       export-ignore text eol=lf
psalm.xml                 export-ignore text eol=lf
rector.php                export-ignore text eol=lf
tsconfig.json             export-ignore text eol=lf
tsconfig.node.json        export-ignore text eol=lf
vite.config.ts            export-ignore text eol=lf
/cache                    export-ignore
/examples                 export-ignore
/resources                export-ignore
/test                     export-ignore
/tests                    export-ignore
/tools                    export-ignore
/.github                  export-ignore