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 * This file is part of the mimmi20/mezzio-navigation-laminasviewrenderer-bootstrap package.
 * Copyright (c) 2021-2024, Thomas Mueller <mimmi20@live.de>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\BootstrapNavigation;

use Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHtmlElement;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\ContainerInterface;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\Navigation\BreadcrumbsInterface;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\Navigation\BreadcrumbsTrait;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\Navigation\HelperTrait;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\Page\PageInterface;

use function implode;
use function sprintf;
use function str_repeat;

use const PHP_EOL;

 * Helper for printing breadcrumbs.
 * phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.TraitUseDeclaration.MultipleTraitsPerDeclaration
final class Breadcrumbs extends AbstractHtmlElement implements BreadcrumbsInterface
    use BreadcrumbsTrait, HelperTrait{
        BreadcrumbsTrait::getMinDepth insteadof HelperTrait;
        renderStraight as parentRenderStraight;

     * Renders breadcrumbs by chaining 'a' elements with the separator
     * registered in the helper.
     * @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to render. Default is
     *                                                  to render the container registered in the helper.
     * @throws void
    public function renderStraight(ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null): string
        $content = $this->parentRenderStraight($container);

        if ($content === '') {
            return '';

        $html  = $this->getIndent() . '<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">' . PHP_EOL;
        $html .= str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 2) . '<ul class="breadcrumb">' . PHP_EOL;
        $html .= $content;
        $html .= str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 2) . '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;

        return $html . ($this->getIndent() . '</nav>' . PHP_EOL);

    /** @throws void */
    private function renderBreadcrumbItem(string $content, string $liClass, bool $active): string
        $classes = ['breadcrumb-item'];
        $aria    = '';

        if ($liClass) {
            $classes[] = $liClass;

        if ($active) {
            $classes[] = 'active';
            $aria      = ' aria-current="page"';

        $html  = str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 3) . sprintf(
            '<li class="%s"%s>',
            implode(' ', $classes),
        ) . PHP_EOL;
        $html .= str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 4) . $content . PHP_EOL;

        return $html . (str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 3) . '</li>' . PHP_EOL);

    /** @throws void */
    private function renderSeparator(): string
        return str_repeat($this->getIndent(), 3) . $this->getSeparator() . PHP_EOL;

     * @param array<string> $html
     * @throws void
    private function combineRendered(array $html): string
        return $html !== [] ? implode($this->renderSeparator(), $html) : '';