* This file is part of the mimmi20/mezzio-navigation-laminasviewrenderer package.
* Copyright (c) 2020-2025, Thomas Mueller <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\Navigation;
use Laminas\I18n\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Laminas\I18n\View\Helper\Translate;
use Laminas\Stdlib\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Laminas\View\Exception;
use Laminas\View\Helper\EscapeHtml;
use Laminas\View\Model\ModelInterface;
use Mimmi20\LaminasView\Helper\PartialRenderer\Helper\PartialRendererInterface;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\ContainerInterface;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\Page\PageInterface;
use Mimmi20\NavigationHelper\ContainerParser\ContainerParserInterface;
use Mimmi20\NavigationHelper\Htmlify\HtmlifyInterface;
use Override;
use function array_merge;
use function array_reverse;
use function array_unshift;
use function assert;
use function count;
use function get_debug_type;
use function implode;
use function is_array;
use function is_string;
use function sprintf;
* Helper for printing breadcrumbs.
* phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.TraitUseDeclaration.MultipleTraitsPerDeclaration
abstract class AbstractBreadcrumbs extends AbstractHelper implements BreadcrumbsInterface
* Whether last page in breadcrumb should be hyperlinked.
protected bool $linkLast = false;
* Partial view script to use for rendering menu.
* @var array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null
protected array | ModelInterface | string | null $partial = null;
* Breadcrumbs separator string.
protected string $separator = ' > ';
/** @throws void */
public function __construct(
HtmlifyInterface $htmlify,
ContainerParserInterface $containerParser,
private readonly EscapeHtml $escaper,
private readonly PartialRendererInterface $renderer,
private readonly Translate | null $translator = null,
) {
parent::__construct($htmlify, $containerParser);
* Renders helper.
* Implements {@link ViewHelperInterface::render()}.
* @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to render. Default is null, which indicates that the helper should render the container returned by {@link getContainer()}.
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public function render(ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null): string
$partial = $this->getPartial();
if ($partial) {
return $this->renderPartial($container, $partial);
return $this->renderStraight($container);
* Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper.
* The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script
* as-is, and will be available in the partial script as 'container', e.g.
* <code>echo 'Number of pages: ', count($this->container);</code>.
* @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to pass to view script. Default is to use the container registered in the helper.
* @param array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null $partial [optional] partial view script to use. Default is to use the partial registered in the helper. If an array is given, the first value is used for the partial view script.
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException if no partial provided
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException if partial is invalid array
public function renderPartial(
ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null,
array | ModelInterface | string | null $partial = null,
): string {
return $this->renderPartialModel([], $container, $partial);
* Renders the given $container by invoking the partial view helper with the given parameters as the model.
* The container will simply be passed on as a model to the view script
* as-is, and will be available in the partial script as 'container', e.g.
* <code>echo 'Number of pages: ', count($this->container);</code>.
* Any parameters provided will be passed to the partial via the view model.
* @param array<string, array<int|string, mixed>|string> $params
* @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to pass to view script. Default is to use the container registered in the helper.
* @param array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null $partial [optional] partial view script to use. Default is to use the partial registered in the helper. If an array is given, the first value is used for the partial view script.
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException if no partial provided
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException if partial is invalid array
public function renderPartialWithParams(
array $params = [],
ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null,
array | ModelInterface | string | null $partial = null,
): string {
return $this->renderPartialModel($params, $container, $partial);
* Renders breadcrumbs by chaining 'a' elements with the separator
* registered in the helper.
* @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to render. Default is to render the container registered in the helper.
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public function renderStraight(ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null): string
try {
$container = $this->containerParser->parseContainer($container);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
if (!$container instanceof ContainerInterface) {
$container = $this->getContainer();
// find deepest active
$active = $this->findActive($container);
if (!$active) {
return '';
$active = $active['page'];
$active instanceof PageInterface,
'$active should be an Instance of %s, but was %s',
$html = [];
// put the deepest active page last in breadcrumbs
if ($this->getLinkLast()) {
try {
$entryHtml = $this->htmlify->toHtml(static::class, $active);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
$html[] = $this->renderBreadcrumbItem(
$active->getLiClass() ?? '',
} else {
$label = (string) $active->getLabel();
if ($this->translator !== null) {
try {
$label = ($this->translator)($label, $active->getTextDomain());
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
$label = ($this->escaper)($label);
$html[] = $this->renderBreadcrumbItem(
$active->getLiClass() ?? '',
// walk back to root
while ($parent = $active->getParent()) {
if ($parent instanceof PageInterface) {
try {
$entryHtml = $this->htmlify->toHtml(static::class, $parent);
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
// prepend crumb to html
$entry = $this->renderBreadcrumbItem(
$parent->getLiClass() ?? '',
array_unshift($html, $entry);
if ($parent === $container) {
// at the root of the given container
$active = $parent;
return $this->combineRendered($html);
* Sets whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked.
* @param bool $linkLast whether last page should be hyperlinked
* @throws void
public function setLinkLast(bool $linkLast): static
$this->linkLast = $linkLast;
return $this;
* Returns whether last page in breadcrumbs should be hyperlinked.
* @throws void
public function getLinkLast(): bool
return $this->linkLast;
* Sets which partial view script to use for rendering menu.
* @param array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null $partial partial view script or null. If an array is given, the first value is used for the partial view script.
* @throws void
* @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.ParameterTypeHint.MissingNativeTypeHint
public function setPartial($partial): static
if (
$partial === null
|| is_string($partial)
|| is_array($partial)
|| $partial instanceof ModelInterface
) {
$this->partial = $partial;
return $this;
* Returns partial view script to use for rendering menu.
* @return array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null
* @throws void
public function getPartial(): array | ModelInterface | string | null
return $this->partial;
* Sets breadcrumb separator.
* @param string $separator separator string
* @throws void
public function setSeparator(string $separator): static
$this->separator = $separator;
return $this;
* Returns breadcrumb separator.
* @return string breadcrumb separator
* @throws void
public function getSeparator(): string
return $this->separator;
* Returns minimum depth a page must have to be included when rendering
* @throws void
* @api
public function getMinDepth(): int
if ($this->minDepth === null || $this->minDepth < 0) {
return 1;
return $this->minDepth;
* @throws void
* @phpcsSuppress SlevomatCodingStandard.Functions.UnusedParameter.UnusedParameter
protected function renderBreadcrumbItem(string $content, string $liClass = '', bool $active = false): string
return $content;
* @param array<int|string, string> $html
* @throws void
protected function combineRendered(array $html): string
return $html !== [] ? $this->getIndent() . implode($this->renderSeparator(), $html) : '';
/** @throws void */
protected function renderSeparator(): string
return $this->getSeparator();
* Render a partial with the given "model".
* @param array<string, array<mixed>|string> $params
* @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container
* @param array<int, string>|ModelInterface|string|null $partial
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException if no partial provided
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException if partial is invalid array
private function renderPartialModel(
array $params,
ContainerInterface | string | null $container,
array | ModelInterface | string | null $partial,
): string {
if ($partial === null) {
$partial = $this->getPartial();
if ($partial === null || $partial === '' || $partial === []) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
'Unable to render breadcrumbs: No partial view script provided',
if (is_array($partial)) {
if (count($partial) !== 2) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(
'Unable to render breadcrumbs: A view partial supplied as '
. 'an array must contain one value: the partial view script',
$partial = $partial[0];
try {
$container = $this->containerParser->parseContainer($container);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
if (!$container instanceof ContainerInterface) {
$container = $this->getContainer();
/** @var array<string, array<mixed>> $model */
$model = array_merge($params, ['pages' => []], ['separator' => $this->getSeparator()]);
$active = $this->findActive($container);
if ($active !== []) {
$active = $active['page'];
$active instanceof PageInterface,
'$active should be an Instance of %s, but was %s',
$model['pages'][] = $active;
while ($parent = $active->getParent()) {
if (!$parent instanceof PageInterface) {
$model['pages'][] = $parent;
if ($parent === $container) {
// break if at the root of the given container
$active = $parent;
$model['pages'] = array_reverse($model['pages']);
return $this->renderer->render($partial, $model);