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 * This file is part of the mimmi20/mezzio-navigation-laminasviewrenderer package.
 * Copyright (c) 2020-2024, Thomas Mueller <mimmi20@live.de>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\LaminasView\View\Helper\Navigation;

use Laminas\I18n\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Laminas\Stdlib\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Laminas\View\Helper\AbstractHtmlElement;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\ContainerInterface;
use Mimmi20\Mezzio\Navigation\Page\PageInterface;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;

use function array_key_exists;
use function assert;
use function get_debug_type;
use function implode;
use function is_bool;
use function is_int;
use function is_string;
use function rtrim;
use function sprintf;
use function str_repeat;

use const PHP_EOL;

 * Helper for rendering menus from navigation containers.
 * phpcs:disable SlevomatCodingStandard.Classes.TraitUseDeclaration.MultipleTraitsPerDeclaration
final class Menu extends AbstractHtmlElement implements MenuInterface
    use HelperTrait, MenuTrait {
        MenuTrait::htmlify insteadof HelperTrait;

     * Renders helper.
     * Renders a HTML 'ul' for the given $container. If $container is not given,
     * the container registered in the helper will be used.
     * Available $options:
     * @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|string|null $container [optional] container to create menu from.
     *                                                  Default is to use the container retrieved from {@link getContainer()}.
     * @param array<string, bool|int|string|null>           $options   [optional] options for controlling rendering
     * @phpstan-param array{indent?: int|string|null, ulClass?: string|null, liClass?: string|null, minDepth?: int|null, maxDepth?: int|null, onlyActiveBranch?: bool, renderParents?: bool, escapeLabels?: bool, addClassToListItem?: bool, liActiveClass?: string|null} $options
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * @throws \Laminas\View\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    public function renderMenu(ContainerInterface | string | null $container = null, array $options = []): string
        $container = $this->containerParser->parseContainer($container);

        if ($container === null) {
            $container = $this->getContainer();

        $options = $this->normalizeOptions($options);


        assert($container instanceof ContainerInterface);

        if ($options['onlyActiveBranch'] && !$options['renderParents']) {
            return $this->renderDeepestMenu(
                container: $container,
                ulClass: $options['ulClass'],
                liCssClass: $options['liClass'],
                indent: $options['indent'],
                minDepth: $options['minDepth'],
                maxDepth: $options['maxDepth'],
                escapeLabels: $options['escapeLabels'],
                addClassToListItem: $options['addClassToListItem'],
                liActiveClass: $options['liActiveClass'],

        return $this->renderNormalMenu(
            container: $container,
            ulClass: $options['ulClass'],
            liCssClass: $options['liClass'],
            indent: $options['indent'],
            minDepth: $options['minDepth'],
            maxDepth: $options['maxDepth'],
            onlyActive: $options['onlyActiveBranch'],
            escapeLabels: $options['escapeLabels'],
            addClassToListItem: $options['addClassToListItem'],
            liActiveClass: $options['liActiveClass'],

     * Renders the inner-most sub menu for the active page in the $container.
     * This is a convenience method which is equivalent to the following call:
     * <code>
     * renderMenu($container, array(
     *     'indent'           => $indent,
     *     'ulClass'          => $ulClass,
     *     'liClass'          => $liClass,
     *     'minDepth'         => null,
     *     'maxDepth'         => null,
     *     'onlyActiveBranch' => true,
     *     'renderParents'    => false,
     *     'liActiveClass'    => $liActiveClass
     * ));
     * </code>
     * @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface>|null $container     [optional] container to render.
     *                                               Default is to render the container registered in the helper.
     * @param string|null                            $ulClass       [optional] CSS class to use for UL element.
     *                                                              Default is to use the value from {@link getUlClass()}.
     * @param string|null                            $liClass       [optional] CSS class to use for LI elements.
     *                                                              Default is to use the value from {@link getLiClass()}.
     * @param int|string|null                        $indent        [optional] indentation as a string or number
     *                                                              of spaces. Default is to use the value retrieved from
     *                                                              {@link getIndent()}.
     * @param string|null                            $liActiveClass [optional] CSS class to use for UL
     *                                                              element. Default is to use the value from {@link getUlClass()}.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * @throws \Laminas\View\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    public function renderSubMenu(
        ContainerInterface | null $container = null,
        string | null $ulClass = null,
        string | null $liClass = null,
        int | string | null $indent = null,
        string | null $liActiveClass = null,
    ): string {

        return $this->renderMenu(
                'indent' => $indent,
                'ulClass' => $ulClass,
                'liClass' => $liClass,
                'onlyActiveBranch' => true,
                'escapeLabels' => true,
                'liActiveClass' => $liActiveClass,

     * Renders the deepest active menu within [$minDepth, $maxDepth], (called from {@link renderMenu()}).
     * @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface> $container          container to render
     * @param string                            $ulClass            CSS class for first UL
     * @param string                            $liCssClass         CSS class for all LI
     * @param string                            $indent             initial indentation
     * @param int                               $minDepth           minimum depth
     * @param int|null                          $maxDepth           maximum depth
     * @param bool                              $escapeLabels       Whether or not to escape the labels
     * @param bool                              $addClassToListItem Whether or not page class applied to <li> element
     * @param string                            $liActiveClass      CSS class for active LI
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * @throws \Laminas\View\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    private function renderDeepestMenu(
        ContainerInterface $container,
        string $ulClass,
        string $liCssClass,
        string $indent,
        int $minDepth,
        int | null $maxDepth,
        bool $escapeLabels,
        bool $addClassToListItem,
        string $liActiveClass,
    ): string {
        $active = $this->findActive($container, $minDepth - 1, $maxDepth);

        if (!array_key_exists('page', $active) || !($active['page'] instanceof PageInterface)) {
            return '';

        $activePage = $active['page'];

        // special case if active page is one below minDepth
        if (!array_key_exists('depth', $active) || $active['depth'] < $minDepth) {
            if (!$activePage->hasPages(!$this->renderInvisible)) {
                return '';
        } elseif (!$active['page']->hasPages(!$this->renderInvisible)) {
            // found pages has no children; render siblings
            $activePage = $active['page']->getParent();
        } elseif (is_int($maxDepth) && $active['depth'] + 1 > $maxDepth) {
            // children are below max depth; render siblings
            $activePage = $active['page']->getParent();

        $ulClass = $ulClass ? ' class="' . ($this->escaper)($ulClass) . '"' : '';
        $html    = $indent . '<ul' . $ulClass . '>' . PHP_EOL;

            $activePage instanceof ContainerInterface,
                '$activePage should be an Instance of %s, but was %s',

        foreach ($activePage as $subPage) {
            if (!$this->accept($subPage)) {

            // render li tag and page
            $liClasses = [];

            // Is page active?
            if ($subPage->isActive(true)) {
                $liClasses[] = $liActiveClass;

            if ($liCssClass) {
                $liClasses[] = $liCssClass;

            if ($subPage->getLiClass()) {
                $liClasses[] = $subPage->getLiClass();

            // Add CSS class from page to <li>
            if ($addClassToListItem && $subPage->getClass()) {
                $liClasses[] = $subPage->getClass();

            $liClass = $liClasses === []
                ? ''
                : ' class="' . ($this->escaper)(implode(' ', $liClasses)) . '"';
            $html   .= $indent . '    <li' . $liClass . '>' . PHP_EOL;
            $html   .= $indent . '        ' . $this->htmlify->toHtml(
            ) . PHP_EOL;
            $html   .= $indent . '    </li>' . PHP_EOL;

        return $html . $indent . '</ul>';

     * Renders a normal menu (called from {@link renderMenu()}).
     * @param ContainerInterface<PageInterface> $container          container to render
     * @param string                            $ulClass            CSS class for first UL
     * @param string                            $liCssClass         CSS class for all LI
     * @param string                            $indent             initial indentation
     * @param int|null                          $minDepth           minimum depth
     * @param int|null                          $maxDepth           maximum depth
     * @param bool                              $onlyActive         render only active branch?
     * @param bool                              $escapeLabels       Whether or not to escape the labels
     * @param bool                              $addClassToListItem Whether or not page class applied to <li> element
     * @param string                            $liActiveClass      CSS class for active LI
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws RuntimeException
     * @throws \Laminas\View\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
    private function renderNormalMenu(
        ContainerInterface $container,
        string $ulClass,
        string $liCssClass,
        string $indent,
        int | null $minDepth,
        int | null $maxDepth,
        bool $onlyActive,
        bool $escapeLabels,
        bool $addClassToListItem,
        string $liActiveClass,
    ): string {
        $html = '';

        // find deepest active
        $found = $this->findActive($container, $minDepth, $maxDepth);

        // create iterator
        $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($container, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

        if (is_int($maxDepth)) {

        // iterate container
        $prevDepth = -1;

        foreach ($iterator as $page) {
                $page instanceof PageInterface,
                    '$page should be an Instance of %s, but was %s',

            $depth = $iterator->getDepth();

            if ($depth < $minDepth || !$this->accept($page)) {
                // page is below minDepth or not accepted by acl/visibility

            $isActive = $page->isActive(true);

            if ($onlyActive && !$isActive) {
                // page is not active itself, but might be in the active branch
                $accept = $this->isActiveBranch($found, $page, $maxDepth);

                if (!$accept) {

            // make sure indentation is correct
            $depth   -= $minDepth;
            $myIndent = $indent . str_repeat('        ', $depth);

            if ($depth > $prevDepth) {
                // start new ul tag
                $ulClass = $ulClass && $depth === 0 ? ' class="' . ($this->escaper)($ulClass) . '"' : '';

                $html .= $myIndent . '<ul' . $ulClass . '>' . PHP_EOL;
            } elseif ($prevDepth > $depth) {
                // close li/ul tags until we're at current depth
                for ($i = $prevDepth; $i > $depth; --$i) {
                    $ind   = $indent . str_repeat('        ', $i);
                    $html .= $ind . '    </li>' . PHP_EOL;
                    $html .= $ind . '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;

                // close previous li tag
                $html .= $myIndent . '    </li>' . PHP_EOL;
            } else {
                // close previous li tag
                $html .= $myIndent . '    </li>' . PHP_EOL;

            // render li tag and page
            $liClasses = [];

            // Is page active?
            if ($isActive) {
                $liClasses[] = $liActiveClass;

            if ($liCssClass) {
                $liClasses[] = $liCssClass;

            if ($page->getLiClass()) {
                $liClasses[] = $page->getLiClass();

            // Add CSS class from page to <li>
            if ($addClassToListItem && $page->getClass()) {
                $liClasses[] = $page->getClass();

            $liClass = $liClasses === []
                ? ''
                : ' class="' . ($this->escaper)(implode(' ', $liClasses)) . '"';
            $html   .= $myIndent . '    <li' . $liClass . '>' . PHP_EOL
                . $myIndent . '        ' . $this->htmlify->toHtml(
                ) . PHP_EOL;

            // store as previous depth for next iteration
            $prevDepth = $depth;

        if ($html) {
            // done iterating container; close open ul/li tags
            for ($i = $prevDepth + 1; 0 < $i; --$i) {
                $myIndent = $indent . str_repeat('        ', $i - 1);
                $html    .= $myIndent . '    </li>' . PHP_EOL
                    . $myIndent . '</ul>' . PHP_EOL;

            $html = rtrim($html, PHP_EOL);

        return $html;