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Instagram Parser
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The Instagram parser gives you an easy interface to parse all the Instagram's
data. Like an API, but without being it! You can get posts by a tag, all user posts 

## Setup
composer require mineur/instagram-parser:dev-master
Before run your parsers, you first need a **query hash**. Follow this 5 steps to 
get yours: [How to get a query hash](/docs/setup.md#how-to-get-your-query-hash-old-query-id).

## Start parsing!
Let's parse all data tagged with the string "github" for instance. You will get a scaled infinite 
loop of posts related to it until they are finished.
use Mineur\InstagramParser\Instagram;
use Mineur\InstagramParser\Model\InstagramPost;

$queryHash = '298b92c8d7cad703f7565aa892ede943';

    ->parse('github', function(InstagramPost $post) {
### The console dump will be like this:

## Motivation
Since Instagram has restricted its API only to registered and verified applications, 
you can't get all of its public data being an experimental user or a data science 
analyst who just wants to play with that, you only have access to the API sandbox mode.

So I decided to create an alternative parser on top of GuzzleHttp library to access 
to the entire data with a nice interface.

## Documentation
For more information about this library [see the docs](/docs/index.md).