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Test Coverage
Feature: Edit CA info
    Background: there is a CA
        Given "housingnotificationsystem@gmail.com" is admin
        And I sign in as an Admin
        Given the following CAs exist:
        | name                   | email             | phone number |
        | Someone                | someone@test.com  | 111          |
        | Sometwo                | sometwo@test.com  | 222          |
    Scenario: Get to Add CA page
        Given I am on the "CA page"
        And I click "ADD CA"
        Then I should be on the "Add CA page"
# was click changed to press
    Scenario: Get to CA Details page
        Given I am on the "CA page"
        And I go to "Details" for the CA "Someone"
        Then I should be on the CA page for "Someone"
    Scenario: Get to CA Edit page
        Given I am on the "Details" page for the CA "Someone"
        And I click "Edit CA Info"
        Then I should be on the "edit" page for "Someone"
    Scenario: Add CA
        Given I am on the "Add CA page"
        And I fill in "Name" with "Somethree"
        And I fill in "Email" with "somethree@test.com"
        And I fill in "Phone Number" with "333"
        And I press "Add"
        Then I should be on the "CA page"
        And I should see "Somethree"
    Scenario: Edit a CA
        #should have editable text boxes already filled with current info
        Given I am on the "edit" page for "Someone"
        And I fill in "Name" with "Noone"
        And I fill in "Phone Number" with "000"
        And I press "Save"
        Then I should be on the CA page for "Noone"
        And I should see "Noone"
        And I should not see "Someone"
    Scenario: Delete CA
        Given I am on the "edit" page for "Someone"
        And I press "Delete"
        Then I should be on the "CA page"
        And I should not see "Someone"
        But I should see "Sometwo"