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Test Coverage
# Feature: Check schedules on a calendar view and timeslot view
#     To allow CAs to view details of their appointments
#     As a CA
#     I should be able to open a timeslot showing the details

#     Background:
#         Given I am logged in
#         And I am on the "calendar" page
#     Scenario: View calendar page
#         Then I see "November" on the top of the page

#     Scenario: CA can check his/her name on certain date
#         Given "Julia" put her availabilty on "11/5" at "08:00"
#         And "Olga" put her availabilty on "11/5" at "09:00"
#         Then "Julia" can see her name on "11/5" with "08:00" on a calendar
#         And "Olga" put her availabilty on "11/5" with "09:00" on a calendar
#     Scenario: Redirects the timeslots view if CA clicks any date
#         Given "Julia" put her availabilty on "11/10" at "08:00"
#         And I click "11/10" on a calendar
#         Then I am on the "timeslot" page
#         And I can see "11/10" on the page
#         And I can see "Julia" at the slot of "08:00"