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Test Coverage
# And /^current month is "(.*)"$/ do |month|
#     #time = Time.new
#     #month = time.strftime("%B")
#     #expect(page).to have_content month
# end
# # Given /^I am on the  page
# And /^I put "(.*)" on Month section$/ do |month|
#     pending
# end
# And /^I put "(.*)" on Year section$/ do |year|
#     pending
# end

# And /^I select "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)", and "(.*)" for "(.*)" time$/ do |year, month, date, hour, min, start|
#     pending
# end
# And /^I select "(.*)" for repeats$/ do |repeat|
#     pending
# end

# And /^I can see new link to the spreadsheet$/ do
#     pending
# end

# Then /^on the new spreadsheet for december I can see the new schedule$/ do
#     pending
# end

# Then /^I see the message "(.*)"$/ do |message|
#     pending
# end

# And /^I select "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)", "(.*)", and "(.*)" schedule$/ do |year, month, date, hour, min|
#     pending
# end
# And /^I press edit link$/ do
#     pending
# end
# Then /^on the new spreadsheet for december I can see the "(.*)" schedule$/ do |new_or_updated|
#     pending
# end

# Then /^on the new spreadsheet for december I cannot see the new schedule$/ do
#     pending
# end