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# wax_tasks 🐝
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__wax_tasks__ is gem-packaged set of [Rake]( tasks for creating minimal exhibition sites with [Wax](

It can be used to:
- generate collection markdown pages from a metadata file ([wax:pages](#waxpages))
- generate a client-side search index ([wax:search](#waxsearch))
- generate either IIIF-compliant derivatives ([wax:derivatives:iiif](#waxderivativesiiif)) or simple image derivatives ([wax:derivatives:simple](#waxderivativessimple)) from local image and pdf files

<img src=""/>

# Getting Started

## Prerequisites

You'll need `Ruby >= 3.2` with `bundler` installed. Check your versions with:
$ ruby -v
  ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [arm64-darwin22]

$ bundler -v
  Bundler version 2.4.16

To use the image derivative tasks, you will also need to have ImageMagick and Ghostscript installed and functional. You can check to see if you have ImageMagick by running:
$ convert -version
  Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-12 Q16-HDRI aarch64 21239
  Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC
  Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP(5.0)
  Delegates (built-in): bzlib fontconfig freetype gslib heic jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr png ps raw tiff webp xml zlib
  Compiler: gcc (4.2)

... and check Ghostscript with:
$ gs -version
  GPL Ghostscript 10.01.2 (2023-06-21)
  Copyright (C) 2023 Artifex Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Next, you'll need a Jekyll site. You can clone the [minicomp/wax demo site]( or start a site from scratch with:

$ gem install jekyll
$ jekyll new wax && cd wax

## Installation

Add `wax_tasks` to your Jekyll site's `Gemfile`:

gem 'wax_tasks'

... and install with bundler:

$ bundle install

Create a `Rakefile` with the following:
spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name 'wax_tasks'
Dir.glob("#{spec.gem_dir}/lib/tasks/*.rake").each { |r| load r }

# Usage

After following the installation instructions above, you will have access to the Rake tasks in your shell by running `$ bundle exec rake wax:taskname` in the root directory of your Jekyll site.
To see the available tasks, run

$ bundle exec rake --tasks

## Sample site `_config.yml` file:

# basic settings
title: Wax.
description: a jekyll theme for minimal exhibitions
url: ''
baseurl: '/wax'

# build settings
permalink: pretty # optional, creates `/page/` link instead of `page.html` links

# wax collection settings
  objects: # the collection name
    layout: 'iiif-image-page'
    output: true # this must be true for your .md pages to be built to html!
      source: 'objects.csv' # path to the metadata file, must be within '_data'
      source 'source_images/objects' # path to the directory of source images, must be within '_data'

# wax search index settings
    index: 'js/lunr-index.json' # where the index will be generated
    collections: # the collections to index
        content: false # whether or not to index the markdown page content (below the YAML)
        fields: # the metadata fields to index
          - 'label'
          - 'artist'
          - 'location'
          - 'object_type'

The above example includes a single collection `objects` that comprises:
1. a CSV `metadata:source` file (`objects.csv`), and
2. a `images:source` directory of image and pdf files.

For more information on configuring Jekyll collections for __wax_tasks__, check out the [minicomp/wax wiki]( and <>.

## Running the tasks

### wax:pages

Takes a CSV, JSON, or YAML file of collection metadata and generates a [markdown]( page for each record to a directory using a specified layout. [Read More](#TODO).

`$ bundle exec rake wax:pages collection-name`

### wax:search

Generates a client-side JSON search index of your site for use with [ElasticLunr.js]( [Read More](#TODO).

`$ bundle exec rake wax:search search-name`

### wax:derivatives:simple

Takes a local directory of images and pdf files and generates a few image derivatives (i.e., 'thumbnail' 250w and 'full' 1140w) for Jekyll layouts and includes to use. [Read More](#TODO).

`$ bundle exec rake wax:derivatives:iiif collection-name`

### wax:derivatives:iiif

Takes a local directory of images and pdf files and generates tiles and data that work with a IIIF compliant image viewer like [OpenSeaDragon](, [Mirador](, or [Leaflet IIIF]( [Read More](#TODO).

`$ bundle exec rake wax:derivatives:iiif collection-name`

### wax:clobber

Destroys (or "clobbers") wax-generated files, i.e., pages generated from `wax:pagemaster`, derivatives generated from `wax:derivatives`, and search indexes generated with `wax:search` so you can start from scratch.

This task does *not* touch your source metadata or source image files! Instead, it simply clears a path for you to regenerate your collection materials in case you add/edit source materials.

`$ bundle exec rake wax:clobber collection-name`

# Contributing

Fork/clone the repository. After making code changes, run the tests (`$ bundle exec rubocop` and `$ bundle exec rspec`) before submitting a pull request. You can enable verbose tests with `$ DEBUG=true bundle exec rspec`.

# License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](LICENSE).