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= render partial: 'layouts/header', locals: {page_heading: t('.page_heading')}


      An Application Program Interface (API) enables one computer system to talk to another. The "Claim for crown court defence" system has an API that allows external applications to create claims.

      The API’s typical users are commercial case management systems.  This page is mainly for software vendors of these systems, to help them provide the functionality to submit claims to the "Claim for crown court defence" system automatically.
      The API only submits draft claims. The end user then logs on to the "Claim for crown court defence" system to review the claim, upload documentary evidence, and submit the claim to the Legal Aid Agency.

      Release notes

      When changes occur to the API we will endeavour to
      = govuk_link_to "publish release notes", api_release_notes_path


      The API exposes a number of HTTP endpoints which accept JSON formatted input to create a claim. We’ve provided #{link_to 'detailed interactive documentation', grape_swagger_rails_path}, allowing developers to try out the API from a browser.

      A note on authentication
      To authenticate a request to any endpoint you will need to provide an API key.  To get an API key, you’ll need to #{link_to "sign up", new_registration_path('user')}.

    = govuk_inset_text do
          The claim endpoint also requires the following:
          an advocate account's email address for the provider - to be used as the creator of the claim
          an advocate account's email address for the advocate for whom the claim is being created

      Submitting a claim

        Perform a GET operation to retrieve the current set of various object types from their respective endpoints.

        = govuk_inset_text do
              These GET endpoints are:
              case types
              advocate categories
              trial cracked at thirds
              offence classes
              expense types
              fee categories
              fee types
              disbursement types
                Each endpoint returns a set of JSON formatted objects, each with an id, which you can use when submitting a claim and associated fees and expenses.

        Perform a POST operation to upload the basic details of a claim
        Perform one or more POST operations to add defendants to the claim
        Perform one or more POST operations to add representation order details to a defendant
        Perform one or more POST operations to add fees to a claim
        Perform zero or more POST operations to add expenses to a claim
        Perform zero or more POST operations to add dates attended to a fee
      The responses of endpoints 2, 3, 5 and 6 above include a universally unique identifier (UUID) as an id attribute that must be used in subsequent calls to create or validate its sub-components (child relations).

    = govuk_inset_text do
          To summarise:
            claim id required for defendants, fees, expenses
            defendant id required for representation orders
            fee or expense id required for dates attended

      API versioning

      We may make changes and improvements to the API from time to time. We’re working on putting in place and publishing a versioning strategy but we’re not going to increment the version number before going live.

      We plan to require a version parameter with every request and apply #{link_to 'semantic versioning','', rel: 'external'}.

      Once our versioning strategy has been finalised, we’ll inform all software vendors and update this page and the documentation.
      We will always signal non-backwards-compatible versions by changing the first digit of the version number, for example moving from 1.5.8 to 2.0.0.  When this happens, we will run the two versions at the same time and always give 6 months’ notice before we stop supporting an old deprecated version.

      Sign up as a software vendor

      To access our software vendor API development environment (our API sandbox), you must #{link_to "complete a short registration form", new_registration_path('user')} and agree to our API users’ terms and conditions. You will then get advocate administrator credentials so you can access the web application.

      You can retrieve the API key assigned to your chamber/firm from the "Manage provider" page.  You can use the key, along with your admin account's email address and another advocate account, to submit claims through the interactive API documentation in the sandbox environment. You can create new advocates from the "Manage users" page.

      = govuk_link_to "Sign up as a software vendor", new_registration_path('user')

      Example Desktop Application

      We’ve provided a basic example of a desktop application written in .NET (C#) that uses the "Claim for crown court defence" API to help you write your own CMS extension. You can #{link_to 'download the source code from github', '', rel: 'external'}.
      We’ll try to keep this application up to date with any changes to the API so it can submit basic claims

      API Sandbox - Testing Environment

      The Interactive API button below will take you to our interactive API testing page where you can create claims and their sub-components, retrieve lookup data needed to create components, and view responses from the various API endpoints.

      = govuk_link_to 'Go to the interactive API', grape_swagger_rails_path

            = "Table of contents"

          %nav{ 'aria-labelledby': 'parent-subsection' }
                = govuk_link_to 'Overview', '#overview'

                = govuk_link_to 'Release Notes', '#release-notes'

                = govuk_link_to 'Documentation', '#documentation'

                = govuk_link_to 'Authentication', '#authentication'

                = govuk_link_to 'Submitting a claim', '#submit-a-claim'

                = govuk_link_to 'API versioning', '#api-versioning'

                = govuk_link_to 'Sign up as a software vendor', '#vendor-signup'

                = govuk_link_to 'Example Desktop Application', '#desktop-app'

                = govuk_link_to 'API Sandbox - Testing Environment', '#api-sandbox'
          = govuk_link_to 'Return to top ↑', '#content', class: 'return-to-top'