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= render partial: 'layouts/header', locals: { page_heading: t('.page_heading') }

  Any development issues? Aside from our
  = govuk_link_to 'vendor support slack channel', ''
  you can raise
  = govuk_link_to 'GitHub issues', ''
  for bugs or other problems.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 16th November 2023
      New fee scheme - AGFS 16
      A new fee scheme has been created taking effect as of 16th November 2023. This fee scheme increases the payment for
      Section 28 fees from £670.00 to £1000.00.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 15th May 2023
      Add new Additional preparation fee
      In line with the
      %a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
      a new fee type has been added to use on AGFS claims. The fee will be eligible on AGFS final, supplementary and hardship claims for trial, retrial,
      cracked and cracked on retrial case types where the earliest representation order date is on or after 17th April 2023.

      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          New fee type
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Unique code'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Description'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Scheme'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Claim types'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Validations'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Additional preparation fee
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Scheme') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Claim types') do
              Final, supplementary and hardship
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Validations') do
              of one only

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 5th April 2023
      Add new fee for Section 28 Hearings
      In line with the
      %a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) Regulations 2023
      a new fee type has been added to use on AGFS claims. The fee will be eligible on AGFS final, supplementary and hardship claims for trial, retrial,
      cracked and cracked on retrial case types where the earliest representation order date is on or after 1 February 2023.

      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          New fee type
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Unique code'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Description'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Scheme'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Claim types'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Validations'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Section 28 hearing
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Scheme') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Claim types') do
              Final, supplementary and hardship
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Validations') do
              of one only

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 16th June 2021
      Removal of the advocate "final" claim endpoint
        Previously deprecated at 28/08/2019
      The endpoint
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaims', target: '_blank' } api/external_users/claims
      is removed in favour of
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesFinal', target: '_blank' } api/external_users/claims/advocates/final
      The endpoints are functionally identical, so you will just need to POST to the new endpoint or its'../validate'
      equivalent (if used). The change is for code organization and logical namespacing considerations following the addition of multiple other advocate endpoints. This will ensure all advocate endpoints are under'api/external_users/claims/advocates/[final|interim|supplementary|hardship]'

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 17th September 2020
      New miscellaneous fee types
      In line with the
      %a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } Criminal Legal Aid Review's (CLAR) Accelerated Measures package
      three new fee types have been added for use on AGFS claims and two for LGFS claims.
      These will be available for claims with representation orders issued on or after the implementation date for the
      %a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } Accelerated Measures
      on 17th September 2020.
      The fee types will be eligible on AGFS final, supplementary and hardship claims (Paper Heavy and Unused Materials) and LGFS Final, Transfer and Hardship claims (Unused Materials) where the earliest representation order date is on or after the CLAR accelerated measures release date.

      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          New fee types
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Unique code'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Description'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Scheme'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Claim types'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Validations'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Paper heavy case
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Scheme') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Claim types') do
              AGFS Final, Supplementary and Hardship claims
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Validations') do
              Not claimable on claims with offences in Bands 1, 6 and 9
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}

          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Unused material (up to 3 hours)
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Scheme') do
              AGFS, LGFS
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Claim types') do
              AGFS Final, Supplementary and Hardship claims.
              LGFS Final, Transfer and Hardship claims.
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Validations') do
              of one only (not required for LGFS)
              Only claimable on claims with a Graduated case type
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Unused material (over 3 hours)
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Scheme') do
              AGFS, LGFS
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Claim types') do
              AGFS Final, Supplementary and Hardship claims.
              LGFS Final, Transfer and Hardship claims.
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Validations') do
              of over 0 (not required for LGFS)
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
              Only claimable on claims with a Graduated case type
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
              Should be claimed together with Unused material (up to 3 hours), which covers the first 3 hours.
        = govuk_table_tfoot do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Notes', colspan: '5') do
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
              \. See
              %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/getApiOffences', target: '_blank' } api/offences
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
              graduated case types include Trial, Retrial, Cracked Trial and Cracked before retrial. See
              %a{ href: '/api/documentation#!/api/getApiCaseTypes', target: '_blank' } api/case_types
              %sup{ style: "font-size: 10px"}
              The number of hours in excess of the first 3 hours
      New AGFS offence codes
      As with the introduction of AGFS fee scheme 11 it has been necessary to add an entire set of new offences for the CLAR accelerated measures
      which we have named, for this app, AGFS fee scheme 12.
      When creating an AGFS final or hardship claim for AGFS fee scheme 12 via the API you should ensure you are attaching an AGFS scheme 12 offence - this is the only way to ensure the system is aware it is an AGFS fee scheme 12 claim (prior to attaching a defendant with a representation order).
      This, then, effects eligibility of fee types and validations.
      You can query the new offences on the
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/getApiOffences', target: '_blank' } api/offences
      endpoint - note that you will need to provide a'rep_order_date'
      parameter that falls on or after the AGFS fee scheme 12 start date - 2020-09-17

  %h2.govuk-heading-m TBC
      Case Number modified to also accept URNs
      These are <= 20 characters and alphanumeric

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 12th May 2020
      Addition of Litigator and Advocate hardship type claim endpoints
      In line with the web application interface, new endpoints to facilitate the creation of Litigator and Advocate hardship claims has been added.
      The new endpoints are interactively documented at the links below:
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsLitigatorsHardship', target: '_blank' } litigator hardship claim creation
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?#!/api/documentation#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsLitigatorsHardship', target: '_blank' } litigator hardship claim validate
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesHardship', target: '_blank' } advocate hardship claim creation
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?#!/api/documentation#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesHardshipValidate', target: '_blank' } advocate hardship claim validate
      A list of valid Case Stages (to be used when creating a hardship claim) can be retrieved via:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Api") do
            = 'GET /api/case_stages'

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 15th July 2019
      Removed JSON document upload facility
      The ability to upload JSON documents representing claims has been removed from the Claim for Crown Court Defence website.
      This functionality is covered by the existing Claim for Crown Court Defence API.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 30th April 2019
      New miscellaneous fee types for AGFS supplementary claims
      Two new miscellaneous fee types have been added for use with Advocate supplementary claims. In addition, an existing type has been made available.
      The full list of fees eligible for supplementary claims has been
      %a{ href: '#supplementary-fee-types' } updated here
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          = 'New supplementary claim miscellaneous fee types.'
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Status'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Unique code'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Description'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Status') do
              new *
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Standard appearance fee
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Status') do
              new *
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Plea and trial preparation hearing
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Status') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Standard appearance fee uplift
        = govuk_table_tfoot do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Notes', colspan: '4') do
              * the new fee types are the only means to add these kind of fees
              to supplementary claims. The equivalent for "Final" claims remains the BASAF
              and BAPCM fee types, while for "Fixed" fee claims it is FXSAF.
              WARNING: fees of an ineligible fee type added to a claim will be removed.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 7th March 2019
      Expose offence'unique_code'
      and optional filter on the
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/getApiOffences', target: '_blank' } api/offences
      To facilitate the lookup of offences the unique identifiers that
      can be relied on not to change (i.e.'unique_code'
      ) have been exposed.
      = govuk_inset_text do
        Note that an offence's'id'
        should not be persisted in consumers and relied on to add a specific offence to a claim.
        The reason for this is that internal id's could change unexpectedly. We will, however,
        endeavour to not change these for historical reasons. Instead an offence should be queried
        on this endpoint using the'unique_code'
        identifier (or description, but this too is not ideal) to retrieve its id.
        retrieved by these means can be used to reliably create a claim with that offence.

      In addition a'unique_code'
      filter has been added to enable consumers to retrieve a single offence's data.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 6th March 2019
      Additional fee scheme 10 and 11 offence codes added
      The following additional specific offence has been added to both fee scheme 10 and 11:
      = govuk_inset_text do
        'Aiding, abetting, causing or permitting dangerous driving' in band 17.1
      The following additional catchall offences have been added to both fee scheme 10 and 11 in every band
      = govuk_inset_text do
        'Other offences' in bands 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.1, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1
      You can query all offences on the
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/getApiOffences', target: '_blank' } api/offences
      endpoint - note that you will need to provide a'rep_order_date'
      parameter that falls within the scheme 10/11 scheme start and end date - start dates are 2018-04-01 and 2018-12-31 respectively

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 28th February 2019
      Deprecation of the advocate "final" claim endpoint
        EoL 30/08/2019
      The endpoint
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaims', target: '_blank' } api/external_users/claims
      is deprecated in favour of
      %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesFinal', target: '_blank' } api/external_users/claims/advocates/final
      The endpoints are functionally identical, so you will just need to POST to the new endpoint or its'../validate'
      equivalent (if used). The change is for code organization and logical namespacing considerations following the addition of multiple other advocate endpoints. This will ensure all advocate endpoints are under'api/external_users/claims/advocates/[final|interim|supplementary]'
      To assist the deprecation we have introduced a pattern following the
      %a{ href: '', target: '_blank' } IETF Sunset header recommendations
      Responses from any deprecated endpoint will include a'Sunset'
      HEADER with a value of the http formatted date of the intended End of Life date. There will also be a related link in the header to point to the release notes. We will be providing 6 months grace period on deprecations so the old endpoint will be
      %em='removed on or after 30/08/2019 (this has been moved to 31/01/2020 due to poor uptake)'
      Addition of Advocate supplementary claim type endpoints
      In line with the web application interface, new endpoints to facilitate creation of "Advocate supplementary claims" have been added.

      The new endpoints are interactively documented at the links below:
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesSupplementary', target: '_blank' } advocate supplementary claim creation
          %a{ href: '/api/documentation?v=1#!/api/postApiExternalUsersClaimsAdvocatesSupplementaryValidate', target: '_blank' } advocate supplementary claim validate

      %a{ name: 'supplementary-fee-types'}
      Please note that only the following miscellaneous fees are claimable via this claim type currently:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Unique code'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Description'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Wasted preparation fee
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Special preparation fee
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Deferred sentence hearings uplift
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Deferred sentence hearings
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Confiscation hearings (whole day)
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Confiscation hearings (whole day uplift)
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Confiscation hearings (half day)
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Confiscation hearings (half day uplift)
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Standard appearance fee
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Description') do
              Plea and trial preparation hearing
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Unique code') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Standard appearance fee uplift
      Addition of a'unique_code'
      filter option to'api/fee_types'
      There is an additional filtering option on the fee types endpoint to facilitate
      finding a single fee type. Useful for testing.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 30th January 2019
      Validation of retrial and trial dates
      The `retrial_started_at` date attribute must now contain a date on or after the `trial_concluded_at` date. This impacts advocate final claims for retrials.
      This is neccessary to prevent "negative retrial intervals" as part of the implementation of fee calculation
      for AGFS retrial fees.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 20th December 2018
      Deprecation of the LGFS Miscellaneous defendant uplift fee type on all but fixed fee claims.
      The following fee type should only be used for LGFS final claim fixed fee
        &nbsp;"id": 90,
        &nbsp;"type": "Fee::MiscFeeType",
        &nbsp;"description: "Defendant uplift",
        &nbsp;"code": "XUPL",
        &nbsp;"unique_code": "MIUPL",
        &nbsp;"max_amount": null,
        &nbsp;"calculated": false,
        &nbsp;"roles": [
        &nbsp; "lgfs"
        &nbsp;"quantity_is_decimal": false,
        &nbsp;"case_numbers_required": false
      You can get the whole list of LGFS miscellaneous fee types using this query:
        curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' &&
      This is being done as part of fee calculation integration into the CCCD web application. We are applying defendant uplifts to LGFS graduated, transfer and interim
      fees based on the number of defendants supplied on the claim.
      As a result the Miscellaneous fee type of Defendant uplift is no longer
      required and is being removed from the web interface for these fees. It
      is solely available for use in respect of LGFS final fixed fee claims.
      API submitted fees of this type will continue to be created, even for inapplicable/ineligible claim types, but could result in double claiming of defendant uplifts and rejection by case workers.
      API consuming software should apply defendant uplifts as part of the graduated
      fee amount, transfer fee amount or interim fee amount as applicable.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 3rd December 2018
      Adding new travel expense additional information field to claim endpoints
      An additional field,
      , has been added to all of the claim endpoints in the
      API.  It is currently optional, but at a future date we will start to enforce validation in line with the web
      The validation rule that will come into effect on the API in the future is:
      If any of the travel expenses have their
      values set to
      then the associated claim must have been created with

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 05 November 2018
      Implementation of LGFS fixed fee calculation.
      The CCCD web interface has been amended to calculate LGFS fixed fees. As part of this work the interface
      has (re)introduced the
      attributes for all
        LGFS Fee::FixedFeeType
      fee objects. The
      attribute will be calculated on a simple quantity x rate basis.
      The interface will populate the
      attribute by querying the
      %a{:href => '', target: '_blank'}
        LAA fee calculation API
      \. The
      is required.
      Any API consumers (applications) that POST LGFS fixed fees with an amount, but no rate and
      quantity will default the quantity to 1 and rate to the amount provided.
      For example:
        &nbsp;api_key: you-provider-api-key,
        &nbsp;claim_id: claim-uuid,
        &nbsp;fee_type_id: fixed-fee-type-id,
        &nbsp;date: "2018-04-19",
        &nbsp;amount: 349.47
      will result in a fixed fee with the following attributes:
        &ensp;claim_id: claim-uuid,
        &ensp;fee_type_id: fixed-fee-type-id,
        &ensp;date: "2018-04-19",
        &ensp;quantity: 1
        &ensp;rate: 349.47
        &ensp;amount: 349.47}
      Long term, API consumers should look to provide quantity and rate separately where quantity represents the number of days (in court) typically.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 10 September 2018
      The miscellaneous fee type "Adjourned appeals" has been repurposed as a fixed fee type. The
      remains the same but the
      have been modified as below.

      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Field'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'Old value'
            = govuk_table_th do
              = 'New value'
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Field') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Old value') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'New value') do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Field') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Old value') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'New value') do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Field') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Old value') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'New value') do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Field') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Old value') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'New value') do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Field') do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'Old value') do
              Adjourned appeals
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': 'New value') do
              Adjourned appeals, committals and breaches
      This change relates to business logic and user research findings that show that claims for remuneration in relation to Adjournments of appeals against conviction or sentence, committal for sentence and breach of crown court order hearings are typically claimed for in isolation and users are having to work around the current system to submit such claims.
      All existing fees of this type will be updated in line with these changes, but will not affect their value.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 3 September 2018
      AGFS fixed fee eligiblity logic has been applied to web interface.
      It was previously possible to add a fixed fee of any type to any
      fixed fee case type. However, certain combinations are not applicable and can result in claims be rejected in full or in part. The web interface has been modifed to ensure that only applicable fixed fees can be claimed, based on the case type selected. The table below summarizes the change.
  = govuk_table do
    = govuk_table_caption do
      Eligible fixed fee types
    = govuk_table_thead do
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_th do
          = 'Case type'
        = govuk_table_th do
          = 'Eligible fixed fees'
    = govuk_table_tbody do
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
          Appeal against conviction
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Appeals to the crown court against conviction; Standard appearance fee; Number of cases uplift; Number of defendants uplift
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
          Appeal against sentence
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Appeals to the crown court against sentence;Standard appearance fee; Number of cases uplift; Number of defendants uplift
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
          Breach of Crown Court order
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Breach of a crown court order; Standard appearance fee; Number of cases uplift; Number of defendants uplift
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
          Committal for Sentence
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Committal for sentence hearings; Standard appearance fee; Number of cases uplift; Number of defendants uplift
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Contempt; Standard appearance fee
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Case type") do
          Elected cases not proceeded
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Eligible fixed fees") do
          Elected case not proceeded; Number of cases uplift; Number of defendants uplift
    = govuk_table_tfoot do
      = govuk_table_row do
        = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Notes", colspan: '4') do
            ** see not below
      Case type-specific fixed fee case uplifts have been deprecated.
      The following case uplifts are no longer considered eligible for any case type and are to be considered deprecated.
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          Deprecated case uplift fixed fee types
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
            = govuk_table_th do
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Appeals to the crown court against conviction uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Appeals to the crown court against sentence uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Breach of a crown court order uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Committal for sentence hearings uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Elected case not proceeded uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
        = govuk_table_tfoot do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Notes", colspan: '4') do
                ** see not below
      "Cracked case discontinued" fixed fee type and its uplift has been deprecated.
      The following fixed fee type has been deprecated and should not be used.
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_caption do
          Deprecated fixed fee types
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
            = govuk_table_th do
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Cracked case discontinued
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Cracked case discontinued uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique Code") do
        = govuk_table_tfoot do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Notes", colspan: '4') do
                ** see not below

    = "** API consumer applications that send ineligible fixed fees will NOT error. However, when reviewing the claim's fixed fees in the web interface any ineligible fees will no longer have a type and will need to be amended to apply an eligible type."

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 20 April 2018
      The endpoints for
      have been updated.
      options have been updated on
      and added to
      you can now send
      to get the appropriate returns.
      will return the
      Sending no
      filter to either will return all data, regardless of fee scheme.
  %h2.govuk-heading-m 12 April 2018
      The LGFS Miscellaneous fee "Case uplift" is being repurposed as a "Defendant uplift"
      This release changes the LGFS only miscellaneous fee type "Case uplift" with a unique code of
      to be a Defendant uplift. This means the fee no longer requires case numbers to be supplied.
      This change encapsulates two distinct changes, namely, Case uplifts are not applicable to LGFS
      claims and Defendant uplifts can be claimed.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 6 April 2018
      A new claim type was introduced as part of the AGFS fee scheme changes on 1st April 2018. This has been implemented on the API as
      and enables a submission of a warrant fee.
      See the
      = govuk_link_to 'Crown Court Fee Guidance', ''
      for details.
      This has a reduced set of fields as the claim will never require a case type value or trial dates.  We have also taken the opportunity to remove the deprecated
      There is the usual
      endpoint to test your submissions against.  This will return any validation errors that will prevent the record being created on the creation endpoint.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 23 March 2018
      Due to the implementation of AGFS fee scheme 10 in April 2018 significant changes to the offence list are needed.
      This release adds the new 1244 AGFS offences to the existing offences list, but starting from 1000.  Therefore the
      endpoint has an additional, optional, parameter;
      When left empty or submitted with a date prior to the start of scheme 10, this will return the current offences from AGFS scheme 9.
      When submitted with a date on or after the start of scheme 10 this will return the new, scheme 10, offences.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 24 February 2018
      The Evidence provision fee is now locked to two values, £45 and £90 as described in the
      = govuk_link_to 'guidance', ''
      These values have always been the only valid values but, prior to this release, the validation had not been enforced.
      From now on submitting data to the
      endpoint with either of the following states will result in a
        Evidence provision fee can only be £45 or £90
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
            = govuk_table_th do
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Field") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Field") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 01 November 2017
      The Fee type GET endpoint
      will return an additional boolean attribute
        "case_numbers_required": [true|false]
      This denotes whether fees of that type require additional case numbers to be provided. This validation is enforced for claims submitted in the web application but not currently when POSTed via the API. See below for more.
      Case uplift fees require additional case numbers.
      The posting of data to the
      endpoint should include a matching number of comma delimited case numbers for certain fee types.
      For example, if the
      is set to
      and the quantity to 2 then the
      value should contain two valid case numbers, such as
        The following fees will be invalid when
          submitting a claim in the web application
        unless their quantity value is matched by an equal number of comma separated, valid format of case numbers.
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_thead do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_th do
              Fee Type
            = govuk_table_th do
            = govuk_table_th do
              Unique code
            = govuk_table_th do
        = govuk_table_tbody do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Number of cases uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Number of cases uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Appeals to the crown court against conviction uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Appeals to the crown court against sentence uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Committal for sentence hearings uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Cracked case discontinued uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Elected case not proceeded uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Breach of a crown court order uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Fee Type") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Description") do
              Case uplift
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Unique code") do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Scheme") do
        = govuk_table_tfoot do
          = govuk_table_row do
            = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Notes", colspan: '4') do
                * For the time being, such fees will not enforce the presence of case numbers if created via the API. This is to give vendors time to amend and release their respective client applications. The requirement will be fully enforced on or after 1st April 2018.
                ** You can determine these fee types from the
                endpoint using the
                boolean attribute
        This is required as part of work to inject claim data from CCCD into the Case workers internal application (Crown Court Remuneration - CCR), to reduce rekeying and speed up claim processing.

          Note: The API will implement the validation fully on or after 1st April 2018.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m 30 November 2016
      Transfer Stages result set updated

      The result set returned from /api/transfer_stages now includes an additional field, 'requires_case_conclusion'
      which will be either true or false.  If true, a Litigator Transfer Claim submitted with that transfer_stage_id
      MUST also specify a case_conclusion_id.  If false, the case_conclusion_id MUST NOT be specified.

      There is no change to the validation of transfer claims; the addition of this field is to make it clear to API
      developers when a case conclusion id is or is not required.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m November 2016
      The case number validation rules have been changed to match XYYYYNNNN, where:
        X is B, A, S, T or U.
        Y is 4-digit year number
        NNNN is numeric 0001 to 9999

      A new alpha-numeric field 'unique_code' has been added to the result hash for the disbursement_types endpoint. This value is
      unique to each record.

      The Disbursements endpoint now accepts the above unique code as a parameter called 'disbursement_type_unique_code', which internally will be
      translated to the corresponding 'disbursement_type_id'.
      disbursement_type_id and disbursement_type_unique_code are mutually exclusive.

      A new alpha-numeric field 'unique_code' has been added to the result hash for the expense_types endpoint. This value
      is unique to each record.

      The Expenses endpoint now accepts the above unique code as a parameter called 'expense_type_unique_code', which internally will be
      translated to the corresponding 'expense_type_id'.
      expense_type_id and expense_type_unique_code are mutually exclusive.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m October 2016
      Users of the api-sandbox were having difficulties because the ids of the static data records (expense types, fee types etc) were
      liable to change every time we regenerated the database.  Over the weekend of 8th-9th October, the database was recreated and the ids
      of these records fixed to match those on the live database.  These ids are now static and will not change in future.

      An extra field "type" has been added to the result hash for fee types.  This will be one of the following values:
        %li Fee::MiscFeeType
        %li Fee::GraduatedFeeType
        %li Fee::BasicFeeType
        %li Fee::FixedFeeType
        %li Fee::InterimFeeType
        %li Fee::TransferFeeType
        %li Fee::WarrantFeeType

      A new alpha-numeric field 'unique_code' has been added to the result hash for the fee_types endpoint.  This value
      is unique to each record (the 'code' field is not unique; it is the code that was printed on the AF1 form and certain codes
      are shared by several fee types).

      The Fees endpoint now accepts the above unique code as a parameter called 'fee_type_unique_code', which internally will be
      translated to the corresponding 'fee_type_id'.
      fee_type_id and fee_type_unique_code are mutually exclusive so you can only provide one or the other.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m August 2016

      Offence Ids on LGFS claims (Litigator Final Claim, Litigator Transfer Claim, Litigator Interim Claim) are no longer limited to those ids derived from the Offence Class.  Previously,
      the only offence ids that were considered valid on an LGFS claim were those that were derived from the litigator_offence_id on the relevant Offence Class.  This is no longer that case,
      any offence id may be used.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m July 2016

      Litigator Claims can now be submitted via the API. Consult the
      = govuk_link_to "interactive documentation", grape_swagger_rails_path
      for further deatils.
      An overview of which endpoints to use for claim submission is as follows:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Action'
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Endpoint URL'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Validate advocate claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/validate'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Create advocate claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Validate litigator final claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/final/validate'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Create litigator interim claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/final'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Validate litigator interim claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/interim/validate'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Create litigator interim claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/interim'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Validate litigator transfer claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/transfer/validate'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Action") do
            = 'Create litigator transfer claim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/claims/transfer'

      Disbursements can now be validated and added to a claim via the API via:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/disbursements/validate'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'POST /api/external_users/disbursements'

      A list of valid Disbursement Types can be retrieved via:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'GET /api/disbursement_types'

      A list of valid Transfer Stages (to be used when creating a litigator transfer claim) can be retrieved via:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'GET /api/transfer_stages'

      A list of valid Transfer Case Conclusions (to be used when creating a litigator transfer claim) can be retrieved via:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Endpoint URL") do
            = 'GET /api/transfer_case_conclusions'

      An attribute 'roles' has been added to the returned structure for the expense types to indicate their validity:

      The roles attribute is an array and of one or both of the following values:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Value'
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Meaning'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
            = 'agfs'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Meaning") do
            = 'The expense type is valid for advocate claims'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
            = 'lgfs'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Meaning") do
            = 'The expense type is valid for litigator final, litigater interim, and litigator transfer claims.'

      An attribute 'roles' has been added to the returned structure for the case types to indicate their validity:

      The roles attribute is an array and of one or many of the following values:
      = govuk_table do
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Value'
          = govuk_table_th do
            = 'Meaning'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
            = 'agfs'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Meaning") do
            = 'The case type is valid for advocate claims'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
            = 'lgfs'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Meaning") do
            = 'The case type is valid for litigator final and litigator transfer claims.'
        = govuk_table_row do
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Value") do
            = 'interim'
          = govuk_table_td('data-label': "Meaning") do
            = 'The case type is valid for litigator interim claims'

      An attribute 'lgfs_offence_id' has been added to the returned structure for offence classes.  For litigator final, litigator
      interim and litigator transfer claims, the offence id specified in the claim
      %strong MUST
      be one of the lgfs_offence_ids returned in the offence_classes list. You should still use the offence ids returned from the /api/offences
      endpoint for advocate claims.

  %h2.govuk-heading-m June 2016

      Expense Types: The list of valid expense types has changed completely, and now matches those that
      you will see on the website.  A GET request to 'api/expense_types' will return a a JSON response
      detailing all the expense types, including:

        %li id: the expense_type_id to specify when creating an expense
        %li role: whether this is a valid expense type for AGFS claims, LGFS claims or both
        %li reason set: What valid reason_ids can be applied to expenses of this type

      Expense: A number of new fields have been introduced, - see the API documentation for which ones
      are necessary for which types of expense.

      Fee quantities: Quantities on fees of the following types now accept decimal numbers; all others accept only integers

        %li SPF - Special Preparation Fee
        %li WPF - Wasted Preparation Fee
        %li RNF - Research of very unusual or novel factual issue
        %li CAV - Conferences and views
        %li WOA - Written / oral advice

      API to submit litigator claims: Work on this is starting now and expected to be available for beta testing
      by the end of June. We will release documentation for litigator claims within the next two weeks.

      Submitted dates must conform to ISO 8601, being the time information and time zone offset optional.
      Examples: 2016-12-31, 2016-12-31T11:45, 2016-12-31T11:45:30Z

    February 2016

    %li case number validation - restricted to A20161234
    %li indictment removed from claim
    %li expense quantities allow decimals
    %li rate added to fees, amount removed except for PPE and NPW
    %li api key not required by claim importer
    %li creator does not have to be an admin
    %li advocates endpoint names renamed to external_users
    %li granting body removed from representation orders
    %li PPE and NPW fee types require quantity and amount - rate must be blank
    %li retrial fields added - required for Retrial case type claims
    %li claim importer - reports specific errors for valid JSON files that contain model validation errors

    October 2015

      first significant release

    July 2015
