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Test Coverage
              check_not_in_future: Certification date cannot be in the future
              blank: Enter an actual trial length
              invalid: Enter a whole number of days
              too_long: The actual trial length is too long
              blank: Choose an advocate category
              inclusion: Choose an eligible advocate category
              blank: Enter a date for case concluded
              check_not_in_future: Case concluded cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Case concluded cannot be too far in the past
              present: The case concluded date is not allowed
              blank: Enter a case number
              invalid_case_number_format: Enter a valid case number
              invalid_case_number_or_urn_format: Enter a valid case number or URN
              blank: Choose a case stage
              inclusion: Choose an eligible case stage
              present: Case stage not allowed
              blank: Choose a case type
              inclusion: Choose an eligible case type
              present: Case type not allowed
              blank: Choose a court
              blank: Enter the date of the PCMH
              check_not_in_future: Effective PCMH date cannot be in the future
              present: Date of the PCMH is not allowed
              blank: Enter an estimated trial length
              hardship_invalid: Enter a whole number of days for the estimated trial length
              interim_invalid: Enter a whole number of days (minimum of 10) for the estimated trial length
              invalid: Enter a whole number of days for the estimated trial length
              present: Enter an estimated trial length
              blank_advocate: Choose an advocate
              blank_litigator: Choose a litigator
              blank: Enter a date for the first day of trial
              check_not_earlier_than_rep_order: Check combination of representation order date and trial dates
              check_not_in_future: First day of trial cannot be in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: First day of trial cannot be too far in the past
              check_other_date: First day of trial cannot be after the trial has concluded
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for the first day of trial
              present: Date for trial start is not allowed
              blank: Enter the date legal aid was transferred to you
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Legal aid transfer date cannot be too far in the past
              invalid: Enter a valid legal aid transfer date
              invalid_date: Enter a valid legal aid transfer date
              present: The date legal aid was transferred is not allowed
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Main hearing date cannot be too far in the past
              blank: You must select at least one miscellaneous fee
              blank: Choose an offence
              blank: Enter an actual retrial length
              invalid: Enter a whole number of days for the actual retrial length
              too_long: The actual retrial length must not exceed days since first day of retrial
              blank: Enter the date on which the retrial concluded
              check_not_earlier_than_rep_order: Retrial conclusion cannot be before the rep order
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Retrial conclusion cannot be too far in the past
              check_other_date: Check the date for retrial concluded
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for retrial concluded
              blank: Enter an estimated retrial length
              interim_invalid: Enter a whole number of days (minimum of 10) for the estimated retrial length
              invalid: Enter a whole number of days for the estimated retrial length
              present: Enter an estimated retrial length
              blank: Enter a date for the first day of retrial
              check_not_earlier_than_rep_order: Check the date for First day of retrial
              check_not_earlier_than_trial_concluded: First day of retrial cannot be before Trial concluded
              check_not_in_future: First day of retrial cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: First day of retrial cannot be too far in the past
              check_other_date: Check the date for First day of retrial
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for the first day of retrialrspecspec
              present: Date for retrial start is not allowed
              blank: Choose a supplier number
              invalid: Supplier number is not valid
              unknown: Supplier number is unknown
              invalid: Invalid transfer case number
              invalid_case_number_or_urn: Invalid transfer case number or urn
              blank: Choose a transfer court
              same: Choose a different transfer court
              calculated_travel_increased: Provide details for increased travel distance
              higher_rate_travel_claimed: Provide details for private mileage rate
              blank: Enter the date on which the trial concluded
              check_not_in_future: Trial concluded date cannot be in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Trial concluded date cannot be too far in the past
              check_other_date: Trial concluded cannot be before the First day of trial
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for Trial concluded
              present: Date for trial concluded at is not allowed
              blank: Enter a date for Case cracked
              check_after_trial_fixed_notice_at: Case cracked date cannot be before Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued
              check_not_in_future: Case cracked date cannot be in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Case cracked date cannot be too far in the past
              invalid: Enter a valid date for Case cracked
              blank: Choose which third Case cracked in
              invalid: Choose a valid option for Case cracked in
              invalid_case_type_third_combination: Case cracked in can only be Final Third for trials that cracked before retrial
              blank: Enter a date for 1st fixed/warned trial
              check_after_trial_fixed_notice_at: Date must be 2+ days after Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued
              check_not_too_far_in_past: 1st fixed/warned trial cannot be too far in the past
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for 1st fixed/warned trial
              blank: Enter a date for Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued
              check_before_trial_cracked_at: Date must be before Case cracked
              check_before_trial_fixed_at: Date must be 2+ days before the Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued
              check_not_in_future: Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued cannot be in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued cannot be too far in the past
              invalid_date: Enter a valid date for Notice of 1st fixed/warned issued
              blank: Warrant fee cannot be empty
              blank: Enter the date attended
              check_not_in_future: Enter a date that is not in the future
              not_before_earliest_permitted_date: Enter a date later than two years before the earliest representation order date
              too_long_before_earliest_reporder: The fee date cannot be more than two years before the earliest representation order date
              blank: Choose a type for the disbursement
              blank: Enter a net amount for the disbursement
              item_max_amount: The net amount exceeds the limit for the disbursement
              numericality: Enter a valid net amount for the disbursement
              blank: Enter a VAT amount for the disbursement
              greater_than: Check the VAT amount is less than the net amount for the disbursement
              invalid: VAT amount does not apply for the disbursement
              item_max_amount: VAT amount exceeds the limit for the disbursement
              max_vat_amount: VAT amount for the expense exceeds current VAT rate
              numericality: Enter a valid VAT amount for the disbursement
              blank: Enter an amount for the expense
              item_max_amount: The amount for the expense exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the expense
              blank: Enter the distance for the expense
              item_max_amount: Distance for the expense exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid distance for the expense
              blank: Enter a date for the expense
              check_not_earlier_than_rep_order: Check the date for the expense
              check_not_in_future: Date for the expense cannot be in the future
              blank: Enter the distance for the expense
              invalid: Enter a valid distance
              numericality: Enter a valid distance for the expense
              blank: Choose an expense type
              blank: Enter the hours
              decimal: Max 2 decimals
              invalid: Enter valid hours
              numericality: Enter valid hours for the expense
              blank: Enter a location
              invalid: Enter a valid location
              invalid: Enter a valid location
              blank: Select a mileage rate
              invalid: Select a valid mileage rate
              blank: Enter a reason for the expense
              invalid: Enter a valid reason for the expense
              blank_for_other: Enter a reason
              invalid: Enter a valid reason
              greater_than: Check VAT amount is less than the net amount for the expense
              invalid: VAT amount doesn't apply
              item_max_amount: VAT amount for the expense exceeds the limit
              max_vat_amount: VAT amount for the expense exceeds current VAT rate
              numericality: Enter a valid VAT amount for the expense
              baf_invalid: Enter a valid amount for the basic fee
              daf_invalid: Enter a valid amount for daily attendance fees (3-40 days)
              npw_invalid: Enter a valid amount for number of prosecution witnesses fees
              ppe_invalid: Enter a valid amount for pages of prosecution evidence fees
              blank: Enter case numbers for the Number of cases uplift
              eqls_claim_case_number: The additional case number must be different to the main case number
              invalid: Enter valid case numbers for the Number of cases uplift
              noc_qty_mismatch: The number of case uplifts does not match the additional case numbers
              present: Enter case numbers for the Number of cases uplift
              baf_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for the basic fee
              baf_qty_numericality: Enter a quantity of 0 to 1 for basic fee
              cav_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for conference and views fees
              daf_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for daily attendance fees (3-40 days)
              daf_qty_mismatch: The number of daily attendance fees (3-40 days) does not fit the actual (re)trial length
              dah_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for daily attendance fees (41-50 days)
              dah_qty_mismatch: The number of daily attendance fees (41-50 days) does not fit the actual (re)trial length
              daj_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for daily attendance fees (51+ days)
              daj_qty_mismatch: The number of daily attendance fees (51+ days) does not fit the actual (re)trial length
              dat_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for daily attendance fees (2+ days)
              dat_qty_mismatch: The number of daily attendance fees (2+ days) does not fit the actual (re)trial length
              integer: You must specify a whole number for this type of fee
              invalid: Enter a valid quantity for the initial fee
              ndr_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for number of defendants uplift fees
              noc_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for number of cases uplift fees
              npw_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for number of prosecution witnesses fees
              pcm_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for plea and trial preparation hearing
              pcm_not_applicable: Plea and case management hearing fee not applicable to case type
              pcm_numericality: Enter a valid quantity (1 to 3) for plea and case management hearing fees
              ppe_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for pages of prosecution evidence fees
              saf_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for standard appearance fees
              baf_invalid: Enter a valid rate for the basic fee
              cav_invalid: Enter a valid rate for conference and views fees
              daf_invalid: Enter a valid rate for daily attendance fees (3-40 days)
              dah_invalid: Enter a valid rate for daily attendance fees (41-50 days)
              daj_invalid: Enter a valid rate for daily attendance fees (51+ days)
              dat_invalid: Enter a valid rate for daily attendance fees (2+ days)
              invalid: Enter a valid rate for the initial fee
              ndr_invalid: Enter a valid rate for number of defendants uplift fees
              noc_invalid: Enter a valid rate for number of cases uplift fees
              npw_invalid: Enter a valid rate for number of prosecution witnesses fees
              npw_must_be_blank: Number of prosecution witnesses fees must not have a rate
              pcm_invalid: Enter a valid rate for plea and trial preparation hearing
              ppe_invalid: Enter a valid rate for pages of prosecution evidence fees
              ppe_must_be_blank: Pages of prosecution evidence fees must not have a rate
              saf_invalid: Enter a valid rate for standard appearance fees
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the fixed fee
              uneditable_state: You cannot edit a claim that is not in draft state
              blank: Enter case numbers for the Number of cases uplift
              eqls_claim_case_number: The additional case number must be different to the main case number
              invalid: Enter valid case numbers for the Number of cases uplift
              noc_qty_mismatch: The number of case uplifts does not match the additional case numbers
              blank: Enter the fixed fee date
              check_not_in_future: Fixed fee date cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Fixed fee date cannot be too far in the past
              invalid_date: Enter a valid fixed fee date
              too_long_before_earliest_reporder: The fixed fee date cannot be no earlier than two years before the earliest representation order date
              blank: 'Choose a type for the #{fixed_fee}'
              adj_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Adjourned appeals, committals and breaches
              baf_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Basic fee
              cse_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Committal for sentence hearings
              defendant_uplifts_fixed_fees_mismatch: The quantity of fixed fees defendant uplifts exceeds the number of additional defendants
              integer: You must specify a whole number for this type of fee
              invalid: Enter a valid quantity
              ndr_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Number of defendants uplift
              noc_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Number of cases uplift
              saf_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for Standard appearance fee
              invalid: Enter a valid rate for the fixed fee
              ndr_invalid: Enter a valid rate for Number of defendants uplift fees
              noc_invalid: Enter a valid rate for Number of cases uplift fees
              saf_invalid: Enter a valid rate for Standard appearance fees
              blank: Choose a fee sub type
              invalid: Choose a valid fee sub type
              present: Do not choose a fee sub type
              item_max_amount: The amount for the graduated fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the graduated fee
              blank: Enter the graduated fee date
              check_not_in_future: Graduated fee date cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Graduated fee date cannot be too far in the past
              invalid_date: Enter a valid graduated fee date
              too_long_before_earliest_reporder: The graduated fee date cannot be no earlier than two years before the earliest representation order date
              numericality: Enter a valid quantity for the graduated fee
              item_max_amount: The amount for the hardship fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the hardship fee
              present: Do not enter an amount for the hardship fee
              uneditable_state: You cannot edit a claim that is not in draft state
            blank: Add a hardship fee
              blank: Choose a type for the hardship fee
              blank: Enter a PPE quantity for the hardship fee
              item_max_amount: The quantity for the hardship fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid PPE quantity for the hardship fee
              blank: Enter an amount for the interim fee
              item_max_amount: The amount for the interim fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the interim fee
              present: Do not enter an amount for the interim fee
              blank: Choose a type for the interim fee
              blank: Enter a PPE quantity for the interim fee
              item_max_amount: The amount for PPE quantity exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid PPE quantity for the interim fee
              present: Do not enter a PPE quantity for the interim fee
              check_not_in_future: Warrant executed date cannot be too far in the future
              warrant_executed_before_issued: The warrant executed date is before the issued date
              blank: Enter a warrant issued date
              check_not_in_future: Warrant issued date cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Warrant issued date cannot be too far in the past
              incorrect_epf: Evidence provision fee can only be £45 or £90
              item_max_amount: The amount for the miscellaneous fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the miscellaneous fee
              blank: Enter at least one case number for the miscellaneous fee
              invalid: Enter valid case numbers for the miscellaneous fee
              present: Case numbers for the miscellaneous fee are not allowed
              blank: Choose a type for the miscellaneous fee
              case_type_inclusion: Fee type is not applicable to this case type
              fee_scheme_applicability: Fee type is not applicable to the fee scheme
              offence_category_exclusion: Fee type is not applicable to this offence category
              integer: You must specify a whole number for this type of fee
              invalid: Enter a valid quantity for the miscellaneous fee
              item_max_amount: The amount for the miscellaneous fee exceeds the limit
              miapf_numericality: Enter a valid quantity (1) for additional preparation fee
              miste_numericality: Enter a valid quantity (1) for section 28 hearing
              miumu_numericality: Enter a valid quantity (1) for unused material (up to 3 hours)
              pcm_invalid: Enter a valid quantity for plea and trial preparation hearing
              pcm_numericality: Enter a valid quantity (1 to 3) for plea and case management hearing fees
              invalid: Enter a valid rate for the miscellaneous fee
              pcm_invalid: Enter a valid rate for the Plea and trial preparation hearing
              saf_invalid: Enter a valid rate for the Standard appearance fee
              blank: Enter an amount for the transfer
              item_max_amount: The amount for the transfer fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the transfer fee
              blank: Enter claim
              blank: Choose a type for the fee
              blank: Enter a PPE quantity for the transfer fee
              item_max_amount: The PPE quantity for the transfer fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid PPE quantity for the transfer fee
        fee/warrant_fee: &warrant_fee_errors
              blank: Enter an amount for the warrant fee
              item_max_amount: The amount for the warrant fee exceeds the limit
              numericality: Enter a valid amount for the warrant fee
              present: Do not enter an amount for the warrant fee
              blank: Enter a warrant executed date
              check_not_in_future: Warrant executed date cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Warrant executed date cannot be too far in the past
              warrant_executed_before_issued: The warrant executed date is before the issued date
              blank: Enter a warrant issued date
              check_not_in_future: Warrant issued date cannot be too far in the future
              check_not_too_far_in_past: Warrant issued date cannot be too far in the past
              check_on_or_after_earliest_representation_order: Warrant issued date needs to be on or after the earliest representation order date
              on_or_before: Warrant fee cannot be claimed until at least 3 months have passed since warrant was issued
        interim_claim_info: *warrant_fee_errors
              check_not_in_future: Representation order date can not be too far in the future
    enter_valid_quantity: Enter a valid quantity