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Test Coverage
1,1.1,Murder,Common Law,
1,1.1,Manslaughter,"Common Law, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.5",1861 c. 100
1,1.1,Conspiracy to commit murder,"Criminal Law Act 1977, s.1",1977 c. 45
1,1.1,Corporate Manslaughter,"Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, s.1",2007 c. 19
1,1.1,Child destruction,"Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929, s.1",1929 c. 34
1,1.1,Infanticide,"Infanticide Act 1938, s.1",1938 c. 36
1,1.2,Murder,Common Law,
1,1.2,Manslaughter,"Common Law, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.5",1861 c. 100
1,1.2,Conspiracy to commit murder,"Criminal Law Act 1977, s.1",1977 c. 45
1,1.3,Murder,Common Law,
1,1.4,Manslaughter,"Common Law, Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.5",1861 c. 100
1,1.3,Conspiracy to commit murder,"Criminal Law Act 1977, s.1",1977 c. 45
1,1.3,Soliciting to commit murder,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.4   ",1861 c. 100
2,2.1,Causing explosion likely to endanger life or property,"Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.2",1883 c. 3
2,2.1,Attendance at a place used for terrorist training,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.8",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Use etc. of nuclear weapons,"Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.47",2001 c. 24
2,2.1,Hijacking,"Aviation Security Act 1982, s.1",1982 c. 36
2,2.1,"Hijacking, destroying or damaging Channel Tunnel train or system ","Channel Tunnel (Security) Order 1994, Part II",1994 No. 570
2,2.1,Use etc. of chemical weapons,"Chemical Weapons Act 1996, s.2",1996 c. 6
2,2.1,Premises or equipment for producing chemical weapons,"Chemical Weapons Act 1996, s.11",1996 c. 6
2,2.1,Conspiracy to commit offences outside the United Kingdom,"Criminal Justice (Terrorism & Conspiracy) Act 1998, s.5 ",1998 c. 40
2,2.1,Torture,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.134",1988 c. 33
2,2.1,"Attempt to cause explosion, or making or keeping explosive with intent to endanger life or property","Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.3",1883 c. 3
2,2.1,Punishment for making or possession of explosive under suspicious circumstances,"Explosive Substances Act 1883, s.4",1883 c. 3
2,2.1,"Placing gunpowder near a building, with intent to do bodily injury to any person","Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s.30",1861 c. 100
2,2.1,"Making or having gunpowder, &c., with intent to commit any felony against this Act",Offences Against the Person Act 1861 s.64                            ,1861 c. 100
2,2.1,Hostage-taking,"Taking of Hostages Act 1982, s.1",1982 c. 28
2,2.1,Encouragement of terrorism,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.1",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Dissemination of terrorist publications,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Preparation of terrorist acts,Terrorism Act 2006 s.5,2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Training for terrorism,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.6",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Making and possession of devices and materials,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Misuse of devices or material and misuse and damage of facilities,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.10",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,Terrorist make threat to use radioactive device/material,"Terrorism Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 11
2,2.1,"Terrorist threats relating to devices, materials or facilities","Terrorism Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 11
2,2.2,Knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements for purpose of obtaining or opposing the variation or withdrawal of authorisation for the purposes of Section 47 and 50,"Anti-terrorism, Crime & Security Act 2001, s.54",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Contravene prohibition on disclosure on information. ,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, s.6",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Contravene prohibition on dealing with funds/economic resources.,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, s.7",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Contravene prohibition on making available funds/economic resources.,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, s.8",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Knowingly & intentionally participate in activities to circumvent an Article 7 or 8 prohibition.,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, s.10",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Fail to comply with a condition attached to an Article 7 or 9 exemption licence ,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, s.11",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Knowingly/recklessly give any information/produce any document which is false in a material particular to Treasury.,"Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, Schedule 1, 4(b)",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,"With intent to evade provisions of Schedule 1, destroy/mutilate/deface/conceal /remove any document.","Al-Qaida and Taliban (UN Measures) Order 2006, Schedule 1, 4(d)",2006 No. 2952
2,2.2,Person discloses any information in contravention of direction made under Section 18,"Anti-terrorism, Crime & Security Act 2001, s.18",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Assisting or inducing certain weapons-related acts overseas,"Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.50",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Occupier fails to comply with any duty or direction imposed on him by or under Part 7; person knowingly or recklessly makes a statement which is false or misleading,"Anti-terrorism, Crime & Security Act 2001. s.67",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Prohibition of disclosures relating to nuclear security,"Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.79  ",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Prohibition of disclosures of uranium enrichment technology,"Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.80",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Use of noxious substances or things to cause harm and intimidate,"Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.113",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Hoaxes involving noxious substances or things,"Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.114 ",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Failure to comply with prohibition imposed by order; engages in an activity knowing or intending that it will enable or facilitate the commission by another person of an offence,"Anti-terrorism, Crime & Security Act 2001, Schedule 3, paragraph 2, 3 and 7 ",2001 c. 24
2,2.2,Offences in relation to notification requirements,"Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, s.54",2008 c. 28
2,2.2,Travel restriction,"Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, Schedule 5, Paragraph 15",2008 c. 28
2,2.2,Failure to Comply with a requirement imposed under Schedule 7,"Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, Schedule 7, Paragraph 30",2008 c. 28
2,2.2,Knowingly or recklessly providing false information or a document to obtain grant of an exemption license,"Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, Schedule 7, paragraph 31",2008 c. 28
2,2.2,Manufacture and supply of scheduled substance,"Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.12 ",1990 c. 5
2,2.2,Contravention or failure to comply with a license,"Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) Order 2000, s.5(4)",2000 No. 3241
2,2.2,Piracy with violence,"Piracy Act 1837, s.2",1837 c. 88
2,2.2,Public order offences in relation to terrorism,"Terrorism Act 2000, s.11, s.15, s.16, s.17, s.18, s.19, s.22, s.39, s.54, s.56, s.58 and s.59",2000 c. 11
2,2.2,Failure to disclose knowledge gained in the course of business,"Terrorism Act 2000, s.21A",
2,2.2,Tipping off: regulated sector,"Terrorism Act 2000, s.21D",
2,2.2,Failure to disclose information about acts of terrorism,"Terrorism Act 2000, s.38BA",
2,2.2,Eliciting publishing or communicating information about members of armed forces etc,"Terrorism Act 2000, s.58A",
2,2.2,Contravening Terrorism Prevention Measures,"Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011, s.23",2011 c. 23
2,2.2,TEW Offences,Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010,2010 c. 38
2,2.2,Disclose without lawful authority confidential information provided by the Treasury,"The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006, s.6(5)",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,Not under authority of a licence dealt with funds/economic resources belonging to/owned/held by an Art 7(2) person,"The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006, s.7(3)",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,Make funds/economic resources/financial services available directly to/indirectly to/for the benefit of Art 7(2) person,"The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006, s.8(3)",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,"Participate, knowingly and intentionally, in activities to circumvent Article 7(1) or 8(1) prohibition, or, to enable or facilitate an offence under Article 7 or 8","The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006, s.10",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,Make a statement or furnish a document or information which is false in a material to obtain a Treasury licence,"The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006, s.11(5)",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,"Gives false information or documents or destroys, mutilates, etc, documents. ","The Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2006,  Schedule 1, Paragraph 4",2006 No. 2657
2,2.2,"Attacks and threats of attack on United Nations workers, premises and vehicles","United Nations Personnel Act 1997, s.1, s.2, s.3",1997 c. 13
3,3.1,Attempted murder,Common Law and Criminal Attempts Act 1981,1981 c. 47
3,3.1,Causing or Allowing Death of Child or Vulnerable Person,"Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, s.5",2004 c. 28
3,3.2,Attempted murder,Common Law and Criminal Attempts Act 1981,1981 c. 47
3,3.2,"Maliciously administering poison, etc, so as to endanger life or inflict grevous bodily harm","Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.23",1861 c. 100
3,3.3,"Maliciously administering poison, etc, so as to endanger life or inflict grevous bodily harm","Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.23",1861 c. 100
3,3.3,Racially or Religiously Aggravated wounding or grievous bodily harm,"Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29(1)(a)",1998 c. 37
3,3.3,Offences relating to female genital mutilation,"Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003, s.1(1), s.2, s.3, s.5",2003 c. 31
3,3.3,"Causing explosions, sending explosive substance or throwing corrosive fluids with intent to do grievous bodily harm",Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.29,1861 c. 100
3,3.3,Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.18",1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Cruelty to and neglect of children,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.1",1933 c. 12
3,3.4,Exposing child to risk of burning,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.11",1933 c. 12
3,3.4,Racially or Religiously Aggravated Stalking with fear of violence,"Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.32(1)(b)",1998 c. 37
3,3.4,Owner or person in charge allowing dog to be dangerously out of control injuring any person,"Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, s.3",1991 c. 65
3,3.4,Ill treatment or neglect of a person lacking capacity by anyone responsible for that persons care,"Mental Capacity Act 2005, s.44",2005 c. 9
3,3.4,Ill treatment of patients,"Mental Health Act 1983, s.127",1983 c. 20
3,3.4,Impeding the saving of life from shipwreck,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.17,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Racially aggravated malicious wounding:- wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.20",1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Attempting to choke etc. in order to commit indictable offence,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.21,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Using chloroform etc. to commit indictable offence,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.22,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Administering poison with intent to injure or annoy,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.24,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Abandoning child under two years,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.27,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Causing bodily injury by explosion,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.28,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Setting spring guns etc with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.31,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Administering drugs or using instruments to procure abortion,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.58,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Make / manufacture / possess an explosive / a thing / machine / engine / instrument / with intent to commit an offence,Offences against the Person Act 1861 s.64,1861 c. 100
3,3.4,Causing bomb hoaxes,"Criminal Law Act 1977, s.51",1977 c.45
3,3.4,Possession of offensive weapon on school premises,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.139A",1996 c. 26
3,3.4,Threatening with an article with blade or point or offensive weapon,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.139AA",1988 c. 33
3,3.4,Putting people in fear of violence,"Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.4",1997 c. 40
3,3.4,Stalking involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress,"Protection from Harrassment Act 1997, s.4A(1)",1997 c. 40
3,3.4,Breach of a restraining order,"Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.5",1997 c. 40
3,3.4,Controlling or coercive behaviour,"Serious Crime Act 2015, s.76(1)",2015 c. 9
3,3.4,Intentionally doing an act capable of encouraging or assisting the suicide or attempted suicide of another ,"Suicide Act 1961, s.2(1)",1961 c. 60
3,3.4,"Inflicting bodily injury, with or without a weapon","Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.20",1861 c. 100
3,3.4,"Failure to comply with prohibition, restriction or condition in violent offender order or interim violent offender order","Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, s.113(1)",2008 c. 4 
3,3.5,Racially or Religiously Aggravated assault occasioning actual bodily harm,"Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29(1)(b)",1998 c. 37
3,3.5,Threats to Kill,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.16",1861 c. 100
3,3.5,Assault occasioning actual bodily harm,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.47",1861 c. 100
3,3.5,Racially or religiously aggravated common assault,"Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.29(1)(c ) and (3)",1998 c. 37
3,3.5,"Racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress","Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(a), s.31(1)(b) and s.31(4)",1998 c. 37
3,3.5,"Racially or religiously aggravated harassment, alarm or distress","Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.31(1)(c )",1998 c. 37
3,3.5,Racially or religiously aggravated harassment and stalking,"Crime and Disorder Act 1998, s.32(1)(a) and (4)",1998 c. 37
3,3.5,Having an article with a blade or point in a public place,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.139",1988 c. 33
3,3.5,Possession of an offensive weapon,"Prevention of Crime Act 1953, s.1",1953 c. 14
4,4.1,Intercourse with a girl under thirteen,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.5",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Intercourse with a girl between thirteen and sixteen,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.6",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Intercourse with a defective,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.7",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Buggery,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.12",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Assault with intent to commit buggery,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.16",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Rape,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.1",1956 c. 69
4,4.1,Rape,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.1",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Assault by penetration,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.2",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.8(2)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Sexual activity with a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.9(2)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.10(2)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Sexual activity with a child family member,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.25(6)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26(6)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.30(3)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,"Causing or inciting a person, with a mental disorder impeding choice, to engage in sexual activity","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.31(3)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,"Inducement, threat or deception to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.34(2)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,"Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by inducement, threat or deception","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.35(2)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Paying for the sexual services of a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.47(6)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Rape of a child under 13,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.5",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Assault of a child under 13 by penetration,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.6",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Care workers : Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.38(3)",2003 c. 42
4,4.1,Care workers : Causing or inciting sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.39(3)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Arranging or facilitating [sexual exploitation of a child] ,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.50",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Sexual assault of a child under 13,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.7",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.8(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Sexual activity with a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.9(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.10(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Arranging or facilitating commission of a child sex offence,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.14",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity with a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.16",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Abuse of position of trust: causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.17",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Sexual activity with a child family member,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.25(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Inciting a child family member to engage in sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.26(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.30(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,"Causing or inciting a person, with a mental disorder impeding choice, to engage in sexual activity","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.31(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,"Inducement, threat or deception to procure sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.34(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,"Causing a person with a mental disorder to engage in sexual activity by inducement, threat or deception","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.35(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Care workers : Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.38(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Care workers : Causing or inciting sexual activity,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.39(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Paying for the sexual services of a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.47(1)",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Causing or inciting [sexual exploitation of a child],"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.48",2003 c. 42
4,4.2,Controlling a child [in relation to sexual exploitation],"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.49",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Procurement of a defective,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.9",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Incest by a man,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.10",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Incest by a woman,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.11",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Abduction of unmarried girl under eighteen from parent or guardian,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.19",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Abduction of unmarried girl under sixteen from parent or guardian,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.20",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Abduction of defective from parent or guardian,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.21",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Permitting girl under thirteen to use premises for intercourse,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.25",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Permitting girl between thirteen and sixteen to use premises for intercourse,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.26",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Permitting defective to use premises for intercourse,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.27",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,"Causing or encouraging prostitution of, intercourse with, or indecent assault on, girl under sixteen","Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.28",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Causing or encouraging prostitution of defective,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.29",1956 c. 69
4,4.3,Possession of prohibited images of children,"Coroners and Justice Act 2009, s.62",2009 c. 25
4,4.3,Possession of indecent photograph of child,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.160",1988 c. 33
4,4.3,Indecent photographs of children,"Protection of Children Act 1978, s.1",1978 c. 37
4,4.3,Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.11",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Causing a child to watch a sexual act,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.12",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Child sex offences committed by children or young persons,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.13",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Meeting a child following sexual grooming etc.,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.15",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Abuse of position of trust: sexual activity in the presence of a child,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.18",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Abuse of position of trust: causing a child to watch a sexual act,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.19",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a person with a mental disorder impeding choice,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.32",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,"Causing a person, with a mental disorder impeding choice, to watch a sexual act","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.33",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,"Engaging in sexual activity in the presence, procured by inducement, threat or deception of a person with mental disorder","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.36",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,"Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act by inducement, threat or deception","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.37",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Care workers : Sexual activity in the presence of a person with a mental disorder ,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.40",2003 c. 42
4,4.3,Care workers : Causing a person with a mental disorder to watch a sexual act,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.41",2003 c. 42
5,5.1,Buggery,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.12",1956 c. 69
5,5.1,Assault with intent to commit buggery,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.16",1956 c. 69
5,5.1,Rape,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.1",1956 c. 69
5,5.1,Rape,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.1",2003 c. 42
5,5.1,Assault by penetration,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.2",2003 c. 42
5,5.1,Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.4(4)",2003 c. 42
5,5.2,Sexual assault,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.3",2003 c. 42
5,5.2,Administering drugs to obtain or facilitate intercourse,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.4",1956 c. 69
5,5.2,Indecent assault on a woman,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.14",1956 c. 69
5,5.2,Indecent assault on a man,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.15",1956 c. 69
5,5.2,Causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.4(1)",2003 c. 42
5,5.2,Administering a substance with intent,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.61",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Conspiracy to commit certain sexual acts outside the United Kingdom,"Sexual Offences (Conspiracy and Incitement) Act 1996, s.2",1996 c. 29
5,5.3,Procurement of woman by false pretences,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.2",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Incest by a man,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.10",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Incest by a woman,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.11",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Indecency between men,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.13",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Abduction of a woman by force or for the sake of her property,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.17",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Causing prostitution of a woman,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.22",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Procuration of girl under twenty-one,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.23",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Detention of woman in brothel or other premises,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.24",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Possession of extreme pornographic images,"Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, s.63",2008 c. 4
5,5.3,"To have protected material, or copy of it, in his possession otherwise than while inspecting it","Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Act 1997, s.8(1)(a) ",1997 c. 39
5,5.3,"Give that (protected) material or any copy of it, or otherwise reveal its contents, to any other person","Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Act 1997, s.8(1)(b)",1997 c. 39
5,5.3,Man living on earnings of prostitution,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.30",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Woman exercising control over prostitute,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.32",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Keeping a brothel,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.33",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Keeping a brothel used for prostitution,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.33A",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Landlord letting premises for use as a brothel,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.34",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Tenant permitting premises to be used as a brothel,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.35",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Tenant permitting premises to be used for prostitution,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.36",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Causing or inciting prostitution for gain,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.52",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Controlling prostitution for gain,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.53",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Paying for sexual services of a prostitute subjected to force etc.,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.53A",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Committing an offence with intent to commit a sexual offence,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.62",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Trespass with intent to commit a sexual offence,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.63",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Sex with an adult relative: penetration,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.64",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Sex with an adult relative: consenting to penetration,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.65",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Voyeurism,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.67",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Intercourse with an animal,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.69",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Sexual penetration of a corpse,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.70",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,"Failure to comply with, or notify police, under Notification Order, with false information","Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.91(1)",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Solicitation by men,"Sexual Offences Act 1956, s.32",1956 c. 69
5,5.3,Soliciting,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.51A",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Exposure,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.66",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Failure to comply with a Notification Order,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.91(1)(a)",2003 c. 42
5,5.3,Breach Sexual Harm Prevention Order,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.103I(1)(b)",2003 c. 42
6,6.1,Cheating the public revenue,Common Law,
6,6.1,Conspiracy to defraud,Common Law,
6,6.1,Dishonestly obtaining electronic communication services,"Communications Act 2003, s.125",2003 c. 21
6,6.1,Offence of fraudulent trading,"Companies Act 2006, s.993",2006 c. 46
6,6.1,Insider Dealing,"Criminal Justice Act 1993, s.52",1993 c. 36
6,6.1,Fraudulent evasion of duty,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(1)(b)",1979 c. 2
6,6.1,Fraudulently obtaining credit,"Debtors Act 1869, s.13",1969 c. 62
6,6.1,Cartel Offence,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.188",2002 c. 40
6,6.1,"Non-compliance, false, misleading or reckless statements","Enterprise Act 2002, s.201",2002 c. 40
6,6.1,Fraudulent evasion of tax,"Finance Act 2003, s.95",2003 c. 14
6,6.1,Falsification of documents,"Finance Act 2003, Schedule 13, Part 8",2003 c. 14
6,6.1,Acknowledging bail in false name,"Forgery Act 1861, s.34",1861 c. 98
6,6.1,"Destroying, injuring, forging or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials or certified copies","Forgery Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 98
6,6.1,"Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers","Forgery Act 1861, s.37",1861 c. 98
6,6.1,Forgery,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Copying a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Use or copy of a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.3, s.4",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Possess false instrument or materials to make false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.5",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Counterfeiting notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.14",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Passing etc counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.15",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.16",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials and implements,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.17",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Reproducing or making etc of British notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.18, s.19",1981 c. 45
6,6.1,Fraud by false representation,"Fraud Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,Fraud by failing to disclose information,"Fraud Act 2006, s.3 ",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,Fraud by abuse of position ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.4",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,Possession etc of articles for use in frauds,"Fraud Act 2006,  s.6",2006 c.35
6,6.1,Making or supplying articles for use in frauds ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,Participating in fraudulent business carried on by sole trader etc,"Fraud Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,Obtaining services dishonestly,"Fraud Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 35
6,6.1,"Breach of requirements, lack of qualification, falsification etc.","Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868, s.30, s.122, s.141",1868 c. cxiii
6,6.1,Counterfeiting etc. of dies or marks,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.6",1973 c. 43
6,6.1,"Fraud, etc in anticipation of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Privity to fraud in anticipation of winding up; fraud, or privity to fraud, after commencement of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Transactions in fraud of creditors,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.207",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Misconduct in course of winding up,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.208",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Falsification of company’s books,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.209",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt failing to disclose property or disposals to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.353(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Bankrupt failing to deliver property to, or concealing property from, official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt removing property which he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt failing to account for loss of substantial part of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Bankrupt failing to deliver books, papers or records to official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Bankrupt concealing destroying etc. books, papers or records or making  false entries in them","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Bankrupt disposing of, or altering, books, papers or records relating to his estate or affairs","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt making material omission in statement relating to his affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,"Bankrupt making false statement, or failing to inform trustee, where false debt proved","Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt fraudulently disposing of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.357",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt absconding with property he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.358",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt disposing of property obtained on credit and not paid for,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Bankrupt obtaining credit or engaging in business without disclosing his status or name in which he was made bankrupt,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.360(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Person made bankrupt in Scotland or Northern Ireland obtaining credit etc. in England and Wales,"Insolvency Act 1986, Sec.360(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.1,Frauds in connection with sale of land etc,"Law of Property Act 1925, s.183",1925 c. 20
6,6.1,Providing false or misleading information for allowance claims,"Parliamentary Standads Act 2009, s.10",2009 c. 13
6,6.1,Concealing etc. criminal property,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327",2002 c. 29
6,6.1,"Arrangements - concerned in arrangement, knows or suspects, facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by, or on behalf of another person","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328",2002 c. 29
6,6.1,"Acquisition, use, and possession of criminal property.","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329",2002 c. 29
6,6.1,Nominated officer; must not give consent to the doing of a prohibited act,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.336(5)",2002 c. 29
6,6.1,Dishonest representation for obtaining benefit etc.,"Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A",1992 c. 5
6,6.1,"Fraudulently printing, mutilating or re-issuing stamps etc.","Stamp Duties Management Act 1891, s.13 ",1891 c. 38
6,6.1,Fraudulent use of telecommunication system,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.42(1)",1984 c. 12
6,6.1,Theft,"Theft Act 1968, s.1",1968 c. 60
6,6.1,False Accounting,"Theft Act 1968, s.17",1968 c. 60
6,6.1,Handling stolen goods,"Theft Act 1968, s.22",1968 c. 60
6,6.1,Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit,"Theft Act 1968, s.24A",1968 c. 60
6,6.1,Subject of debt relief order fraudulently dispose of property,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251Q",2007 c. 15
6,6.1,Subject of debt relief order dispose of property not paid for by them or obtain property in respect of which money is owed.,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251R.",2007 c. 15
6,6.1,VAT Offences,"Value Added Tax Act 1994, s.72",1994 c. 23
6,6.2,Cheating the public revenue,Common Law,
6,6.2,Conspiracy to defraud,Common Law,
6,6.2,Dishonestly obtaining electronic communication services,"Communications Act 2003, s.125",2003 c. 21
6,6.2,Offence of fraudulent trading,"Companies Act 2006, s.993",2006 c. 46
6,6.2,Insider Dealing,"Criminal Justice Act 1993, s.52",1993 c. 36
6,6.2,Fraudulent evasion of duty,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(1)(b)",1979 c. 2
6,6.2,Fraudulently obtaining credit,"Debtors Act 1869, s.13",1969 c. 62
6,6.2,Cartel Offence,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.188",2002 c. 40
6,6.2,"Non-compliance, false, misleading or reckless statements","Enterprise Act 2002, s.201",2002 c. 40
6,6.2,Fraudulent evasion of tax,"Finance Act 2003, s.95",2003 c. 14
6,6.2,Falsification of documents,"Finance Act 2003, Schedule 13, Part 8",2003 c. 14
6,6.2,Acknowledging bail in false name,"Forgery Act 1861, s.34",1861 c. 98
6,6.2,"Destroying, injuring, forging or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials or certified copies","Forgery Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 98
6,6.2,"Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers","Forgery Act 1861, s.37",1861 c. 98
6,6.2,Forgery,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Copying a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Use or copy of a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.3, s.4",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Possess false instrument or materials to make false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.5",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Counterfeiting notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.14",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Passing etc counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.15",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.16",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials and implements,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.17",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Reproducing or making etc of British notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.18, s.19",1981 c. 45
6,6.2,Fraud by false representation,"Fraud Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,Fraud by failing to disclose information,"Fraud Act 2006, s.3 ",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,Fraud by abuse of position ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.4",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,Possession etc of articles for use in frauds,"Fraud Act 2006,  s.6",2006 c.35
6,6.2,Making or supplying articles for use in frauds ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,Participating in fraudulent business carried on by sole trader etc,"Fraud Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,Obtaining services dishonestly,"Fraud Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 35
6,6.2,"Breach of requirements, lack of qualification, falsification etc.","Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868, s.30, s.122, s.141",1868 c. cxiii
6,6.2,Counterfeiting etc. of dies or marks,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.6",1973 c. 43
6,6.2,"Fraud, etc in anticipation of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Privity to fraud in anticipation of winding up; fraud, or privity to fraud, after commencement of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Transactions in fraud of creditors,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.207",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Misconduct in course of winding up,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.208",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Falsification of company’s books,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.209",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt failing to disclose property or disposals to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.353(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Bankrupt failing to deliver property to, or concealing property from, official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt removing property which he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt failing to account for loss of substantial part of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Bankrupt failing to deliver books, papers or records to official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Bankrupt concealing destroying etc. books, papers or records or making  false entries in them","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Bankrupt disposing of, or altering, books, papers or records relating to his estate or affairs","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt making material omission in statement relating to his affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,"Bankrupt making false statement, or failing to inform trustee, where false debt proved","Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt fraudulently disposing of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.357",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt absconding with property he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.358",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt disposing of property obtained on credit and not paid for,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Bankrupt obtaining credit or engaging in business without disclosing his status or name in which he was made bankrupt,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.360(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Person made bankrupt in Scotland or Northern Ireland obtaining credit etc. in England and Wales,"Insolvency Act 1986, Sec.360(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.2,Frauds in connection with sale of land etc,"Law of Property Act 1925, s.183",1925 c. 20
6,6.2,Providing false or misleading information for allowance claims,"Parliamentary Standads Act 2009, s.10",2009 c. 13
6,6.2,Concealing etc. criminal property,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327",2002 c. 29
6,6.2,"Arrangements - concerned in arrangement, knows or suspects, facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by, or on behalf of another person","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328",2002 c. 29
6,6.2,"Acquisition, use, and possession of criminal property.","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329",2002 c. 29
6,6.2,Nominated officer; must not give consent to the doing of a prohibited act,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.336(5)",2002 c. 29
6,6.2,Dishonest representation for obtaining benefit etc.,"Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A",1992 c. 5
6,6.2,"Fraudulently printing, mutilating or re-issuing stamps etc.","Stamp Duties Management Act 1891, s.13 ",1891 c. 38
6,6.2,Fraudulent use of telecommunication system,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.42(1)",1984 c. 12
6,6.2,Theft,"Theft Act 1968, s.1",1968 c. 60
6,6.2,False Accounting,"Theft Act 1968, s.17",1968 c. 60
6,6.2,Handling stolen goods,"Theft Act 1968, s.22",1968 c. 60
6,6.2,Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit,"Theft Act 1968, s.24A",1968 c. 60
6,6.2,Subject of debt relief order fraudulently dispose of property,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251Q",2007 c. 15
6,6.2,Subject of debt relief order dispose of property not paid for by them or obtain property in respect of which money is owed.,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251R.",2007 c. 15
6,6.2,VAT Offences,"Value Added Tax Act 1994, s.72",1994 c. 23
6,6.3,Cheating the public revenue,Common Law,
6,6.3,Conspiracy to defraud,Common Law,
6,6.3,Dishonestly obtaining electronic communication services,"Communications Act 2003, s.125",2003 c. 21
6,6.3,Offence of fraudulent trading,"Companies Act 2006, s.993",2006 c. 46
6,6.3,Insider Dealing,"Criminal Justice Act 1993, s.52",1993 c. 36
6,6.3,Fraudulent evasion of duty,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(1)(b)",1979 c. 2
6,6.3,Fraudulently obtaining credit,"Debtors Act 1869, s.13",1969 c. 62
6,6.3,Cartel Offence,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.188",2002 c. 40
6,6.3,"Non-compliance, false, misleading or reckless statements","Enterprise Act 2002, s.201",2002 c. 40
6,6.3,Fraudulent evasion of tax,"Finance Act 2003, s.95",2003 c. 14
6,6.3,Falsification of documents,"Finance Act 2003, Schedule 13, Part 8",2003 c. 14
6,6.3,Acknowledging bail in false name,"Forgery Act 1861, s.34",1861 c. 98
6,6.3,"Destroying, injuring, forging or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials or certified copies","Forgery Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 98
6,6.3,"Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers","Forgery Act 1861, s.37",1861 c. 98
6,6.3,Forgery,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Copying a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Use or copy of a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.3, s.4",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Possess false instrument or materials to make false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.5",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Counterfeiting notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.14",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Passing etc counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.15",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.16",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials and implements,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.17",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Reproducing or making etc of British notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.18, s.19",1981 c. 45
6,6.3,Fraud by false representation,"Fraud Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,Fraud by failing to disclose information,"Fraud Act 2006, s.3 ",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,Fraud by abuse of position ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.4",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,Possession etc of articles for use in frauds,"Fraud Act 2006,  s.6",2006 c.35
6,6.3,Making or supplying articles for use in frauds ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,Participating in fraudulent business carried on by sole trader etc,"Fraud Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,Obtaining services dishonestly,"Fraud Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 35
6,6.3,"Breach of requirements, lack of qualification, falsification etc.","Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868, s.30, s.122, s.141",1868 c. cxiii
6,6.3,Counterfeiting etc. of dies or marks,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.6",1973 c. 43
6,6.3,"Fraud, etc in anticipation of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Privity to fraud in anticipation of winding up; fraud, or privity to fraud, after commencement of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Transactions in fraud of creditors,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.207",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Misconduct in course of winding up,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.208",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Falsification of company’s books,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.209",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt failing to disclose property or disposals to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.353(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Bankrupt failing to deliver property to, or concealing property from, official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt removing property which he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt failing to account for loss of substantial part of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Bankrupt failing to deliver books, papers or records to official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Bankrupt concealing destroying etc. books, papers or records or making  false entries in them","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Bankrupt disposing of, or altering, books, papers or records relating to his estate or affairs","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt making material omission in statement relating to his affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,"Bankrupt making false statement, or failing to inform trustee, where false debt proved","Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt fraudulently disposing of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.357",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt absconding with property he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.358",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt disposing of property obtained on credit and not paid for,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Bankrupt obtaining credit or engaging in business without disclosing his status or name in which he was made bankrupt,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.360(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Person made bankrupt in Scotland or Northern Ireland obtaining credit etc. in England and Wales,"Insolvency Act 1986, Sec.360(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.3,Frauds in connection with sale of land etc,"Law of Property Act 1925, s.183",1925 c. 20
6,6.3,Providing false or misleading information for allowance claims,"Parliamentary Standads Act 2009, s.10",2009 c. 13
6,6.3,Concealing etc. criminal property,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327",2002 c. 29
6,6.3,"Arrangements - concerned in arrangement, knows or suspects, facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by, or on behalf of another person","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328",2002 c. 29
6,6.3,"Acquisition, use, and possession of criminal property.","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329",2002 c. 29
6,6.3,Nominated officer; must not give consent to the doing of a prohibited act,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.336(5)",2002 c. 29
6,6.3,Dishonest representation for obtaining benefit etc.,"Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A",1992 c. 5
6,6.3,"Fraudulently printing, mutilating or re-issuing stamps etc.","Stamp Duties Management Act 1891, s.13 ",1891 c. 38
6,6.3,Fraudulent use of telecommunication system,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.42(1)",1984 c. 12
6,6.3,Theft,"Theft Act 1968, s.1",1968 c. 60
6,6.3,False Accounting,"Theft Act 1968, s.17",1968 c. 60
6,6.3,Handling stolen goods,"Theft Act 1968, s.22",1968 c. 60
6,6.3,Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit,"Theft Act 1968, s.24A",1968 c. 60
6,6.3,Subject of debt relief order fraudulently dispose of property,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251Q",2007 c. 15
6,6.3,Subject of debt relief order dispose of property not paid for by them or obtain property in respect of which money is owed.,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251R.",2007 c. 15
6,6.3,VAT Offences,"Value Added Tax Act 1994, s.72",1994 c. 23
6,6.4,Cheating the public revenue,Common Law,
6,6.4,Conspiracy to defraud,Common Law,
6,6.4,Dishonestly obtaining electronic communication services,"Communications Act 2003, s.125",2003 c. 21
6,6.4,Offence of fraudulent trading,"Companies Act 2006, s.993",2006 c. 46
6,6.4,Insider Dealing,"Criminal Justice Act 1993, s.52",1993 c. 36
6,6.4,Fraudulent evasion of duty,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(1)(b)",1979 c. 2
6,6.4,Fraudulently obtaining credit,"Debtors Act 1869, s.13",1969 c. 62
6,6.4,Cartel Offence,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.188",2002 c. 40
6,6.4,"Non-compliance, false, misleading or reckless statements","Enterprise Act 2002, s.201",2002 c. 40
6,6.4,Fraudulent evasion of tax,"Finance Act 2003, s.95",2003 c. 14
6,6.4,Falsification of documents,"Finance Act 2003, Schedule 13, Part 8",2003 c. 14
6,6.4,Acknowledging bail in false name,"Forgery Act 1861, s.34",1861 c. 98
6,6.4,"Destroying, injuring, forging or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials or certified copies","Forgery Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 98
6,6.4,"Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers","Forgery Act 1861, s.37",1861 c. 98
6,6.4,Forgery,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Copying a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Use or copy of a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.3, s.4",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Possess false instrument or materials to make false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.5",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Counterfeiting notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.14",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Passing etc counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.15",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.16",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials and implements,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.17",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Reproducing or making etc of British notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.18, s.19",1981 c. 45
6,6.4,Fraud by false representation,"Fraud Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,Fraud by failing to disclose information,"Fraud Act 2006, s.3 ",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,Fraud by abuse of position ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.4",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,Possession etc of articles for use in frauds,"Fraud Act 2006,  s.6",2006 c.35
6,6.4,Making or supplying articles for use in frauds ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,Participating in fraudulent business carried on by sole trader etc,"Fraud Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,Obtaining services dishonestly,"Fraud Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 35
6,6.4,"Breach of requirements, lack of qualification, falsification etc.","Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868, s.30, s.122, s.141",1868 c. cxiii
6,6.4,Counterfeiting etc. of dies or marks,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.6",1973 c. 43
6,6.4,"Fraud, etc in anticipation of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Privity to fraud in anticipation of winding up; fraud, or privity to fraud, after commencement of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Transactions in fraud of creditors,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.207",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Misconduct in course of winding up,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.208",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Falsification of company’s books,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.209",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt failing to disclose property or disposals to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.353(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Bankrupt failing to deliver property to, or concealing property from, official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt removing property which he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt failing to account for loss of substantial part of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Bankrupt failing to deliver books, papers or records to official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Bankrupt concealing destroying etc. books, papers or records or making  false entries in them","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Bankrupt disposing of, or altering, books, papers or records relating to his estate or affairs","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt making material omission in statement relating to his affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,"Bankrupt making false statement, or failing to inform trustee, where false debt proved","Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt fraudulently disposing of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.357",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt absconding with property he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.358",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt disposing of property obtained on credit and not paid for,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Bankrupt obtaining credit or engaging in business without disclosing his status or name in which he was made bankrupt,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.360(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Person made bankrupt in Scotland or Northern Ireland obtaining credit etc. in England and Wales,"Insolvency Act 1986, Sec.360(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.4,Frauds in connection with sale of land etc,"Law of Property Act 1925, s.183",1925 c. 20
6,6.4,Providing false or misleading information for allowance claims,"Parliamentary Standads Act 2009, s.10",2009 c. 13
6,6.4,Concealing etc. criminal property,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327",2002 c. 29
6,6.4,"Arrangements - concerned in arrangement, knows or suspects, facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by, or on behalf of another person","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328",2002 c. 29
6,6.4,"Acquisition, use, and possession of criminal property.","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329",2002 c. 29
6,6.4,Nominated officer; must not give consent to the doing of a prohibited act,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.336(5)",2002 c. 29
6,6.4,Dishonest representation for obtaining benefit etc.,"Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A",1992 c. 5
6,6.4,"Fraudulently printing, mutilating or re-issuing stamps etc.","Stamp Duties Management Act 1891, s.13 ",1891 c. 38
6,6.4,Fraudulent use of telecommunication system,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.42(1)",1984 c. 12
6,6.4,Theft,"Theft Act 1968, s.1",1968 c. 60
6,6.4,False Accounting,"Theft Act 1968, s.17",1968 c. 60
6,6.4,Handling stolen goods,"Theft Act 1968, s.22",1968 c. 60
6,6.4,Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit,"Theft Act 1968, s.24A",1968 c. 60
6,6.4,Subject of debt relief order fraudulently dispose of property,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251Q",2007 c. 15
6,6.4,Subject of debt relief order dispose of property not paid for by them or obtain property in respect of which money is owed.,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251R.",2007 c. 15
6,6.4,VAT Offences,"Value Added Tax Act 1994, s.72",1994 c. 23
6,6.5,Cheating the public revenue,Common Law,
6,6.5,Conspiracy to defraud,Common Law,
6,6.5,Dishonestly obtaining electronic communication services,"Communications Act 2003, s.125",2003 c. 21
6,6.5,Offence of fraudulent trading,"Companies Act 2006, s.993",2006 c. 46
6,6.5,Insider Dealing,"Criminal Justice Act 1993, s.52",1993 c. 36
6,6.5,Fraudulent evasion of duty,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.170(1)(b)",1979 c. 2
6,6.5,Fraudulently obtaining credit,"Debtors Act 1869, s.13",1969 c. 62
6,6.5,Cartel Offence,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.188",2002 c. 40
6,6.5,"Non-compliance, false, misleading or reckless statements","Enterprise Act 2002, s.201",2002 c. 40
6,6.5,Fraudulent evasion of tax,"Finance Act 2003, s.95",2003 c. 14
6,6.5,Falsification of documents,"Finance Act 2003, Schedule 13, Part 8",2003 c. 14
6,6.5,Acknowledging bail in false name,"Forgery Act 1861, s.34",1861 c. 98
6,6.5,"Destroying, injuring, forging or falsifying registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths or burials or certified copies","Forgery Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 98
6,6.5,"Making false entries in copies of registers of baptisms, marriages, or burials, directed to be sent to any registrar, or destroying or concealing copies of registers","Forgery Act 1861, s.37",1861 c. 98
6,6.5,Forgery,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Copying a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.2",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Use or copy of a false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.3, s.4",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Possess false instrument or materials to make false instrument,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.5",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Counterfeiting notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.14",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Passing etc counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.15",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Custody or control of counterfeit notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.16",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Making or custody or control of counterfeiting materials and implements,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.17",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Reproducing or making etc of British notes and coins,"Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981, s.18, s.19",1981 c. 45
6,6.5,Fraud by false representation,"Fraud Act 2006, s.2",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,Fraud by failing to disclose information,"Fraud Act 2006, s.3 ",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,Fraud by abuse of position ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.4",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,Possession etc of articles for use in frauds,"Fraud Act 2006,  s.6",2006 c.35
6,6.5,Making or supplying articles for use in frauds ,"Fraud Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,Participating in fraudulent business carried on by sole trader etc,"Fraud Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,Obtaining services dishonestly,"Fraud Act 2006, s.11",2006 c. 35
6,6.5,"Breach of requirements, lack of qualification, falsification etc.","Gun Barrel Proof Act 1868, s.30, s.122, s.141",1868 c. cxiii
6,6.5,Counterfeiting etc. of dies or marks,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.6",1973 c. 43
6,6.5,"Fraud, etc in anticipation of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Privity to fraud in anticipation of winding up; fraud, or privity to fraud, after commencement of winding up","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Transactions in fraud of creditors,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.207",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Misconduct in course of winding up,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.208",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Falsification of company’s books,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.209",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt failing to disclose property or disposals to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.353(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Bankrupt failing to deliver property to, or concealing property from, official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt removing property which he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt failing to account for loss of substantial part of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.354(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Bankrupt failing to deliver books, papers or records to official receiver or trustee","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Bankrupt concealing destroying etc. books, papers or records or making  false entries in them","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Bankrupt disposing of, or altering, books, papers or records relating to his estate or affairs","Insolvency Act 1986, s.355(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt making material omission in statement relating to his affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,"Bankrupt making false statement, or failing to inform trustee, where false debt proved","Insolvency Act 1986, s.356(2)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt fraudulently disposing of property,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.357",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt absconding with property he is required to deliver to official receiver or trustee,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.358",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Fraudulent dealing with property obtained on credit,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt disposing of property obtained on credit and not paid for,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.359(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Bankrupt obtaining credit or engaging in business without disclosing his status or name in which he was made bankrupt,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.360(1)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Person made bankrupt in Scotland or Northern Ireland obtaining credit etc. in England and Wales,"Insolvency Act 1986, Sec.360(3)",1986 c. 45
6,6.5,Frauds in connection with sale of land etc,"Law of Property Act 1925, s.183",1925 c. 20
6,6.5,Providing false or misleading information for allowance claims,"Parliamentary Standads Act 2009, s.10",2009 c. 13
6,6.5,Concealing etc. criminal property,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.327",2002 c. 29
6,6.5,"Arrangements - concerned in arrangement, knows or suspects, facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by, or on behalf of another person","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.328",2002 c. 29
6,6.5,"Acquisition, use, and possession of criminal property.","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.329",2002 c. 29
6,6.5,Nominated officer; must not give consent to the doing of a prohibited act,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.336(5)",2002 c. 29
6,6.5,Dishonest representation for obtaining benefit etc.,"Social Security Administration Act 1992, s.111A",1992 c. 5
6,6.5,"Fraudulently printing, mutilating or re-issuing stamps etc.","Stamp Duties Management Act 1891, s.13 ",1891 c. 38
6,6.5,Fraudulent use of telecommunication system,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.42(1)",1984 c. 12
6,6.5,Theft,"Theft Act 1968, s.1",1968 c. 60
6,6.5,False Accounting,"Theft Act 1968, s.17",1968 c. 60
6,6.5,Handling stolen goods,"Theft Act 1968, s.22",1968 c. 60
6,6.5,Dishonestly retaining a wrongful credit,"Theft Act 1968, s.24A",1968 c. 60
6,6.5,Subject of debt relief order fraudulently dispose of property,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251Q",2007 c. 15
6,6.5,Subject of debt relief order dispose of property not paid for by them or obtain property in respect of which money is owed.,"Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 17, Part 7A, Paragraph 251R.",2007 c. 15
6,6.5,VAT Offences,"Value Added Tax Act 1994, s.72",1994 c. 23
7,7.1,Aggravated criminal damage,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(2)",1971 c. 48
7,7.1,Acts endangering or likely to endanger safe navigation,"Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990, s.12",1990 c. 31
7,7.1,"Destroying, damaging etc. a Channel Tunnel train or the Tunnel system or committing acts of violence likely to endanger safety of operation ","Channel Tunnel (Security) Order 1994, Article 6",1994 No. 570
7,7.1,Arson intending or being reckless as to endanger life,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(2),(3)",1971 c. 48
7,7.2,Aggravated criminal damage,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(2)",1971 c. 48
7,7.2,Arson,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1),(3)",1971 c. 48
7,7.2,Criminal damage,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1) ",1971 c. 48
7,7.2,Criminal damage to ancient monuments,"Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, s.28(1)",1979 c. 46
7,7.2,Racially or Religiously Aggravated Criminal Damage (not endangering life),"Crime & Disorder Act 1998, s.30",1998 c. 37
7,7.2,Criminal damage and obstructing railways etc.,"Malicious Damage Act 1861, s.35, s.36, s.47, s.48",1861 c. 97
7,7.2,"Prohibition of use of explosives, poisons, electrical devices, and the destruction of Dams","Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, s.5                    ",1975 c. 51
7,7.3,Aggravated criminal damage,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(2)",1971 c. 48
7,7.3,Criminal damage,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.1(1) ",1971 c. 48
7,7.3,Criminal damage to ancient monuments,"Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, s.28(1)",1979 c. 46
7,7.3,Racially or Religiously Aggravated Criminal Damage (not endangering life),"Crime & Disorder Act 1998, s.30",1998 c. 37
7,7.3,Criminal damage and obstructing railways etc.,"Malicious Damage Act 1861, s.35, s.36, s.47, s.48",1861 c. 97
7,7.3,"Prohibition of use of explosives, poisons, electrical devices, and the destruction of Dams","Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, s.5                    ",1975 c. 51
7,7.3,Endangering safety of aircraft,"Air Navigation Order 2016, Article 240",2016 No. 765
7,7.3,Endangering safety of any person or property,"Air Navigation Order 2016, Article 241",2016 No. 765
7,7.3,Endangering safety at aerodromes,"Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990, s.1",1990 c. 31
7,7.3,"Destroying, damaging or endangering safety or aircraft","Aviation Security Act 1982, s.2, s.3, s. 6",1982 c. 36
7,7.3,Endangering the safety of railway passengers,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.32, s.33, s.34",1861 c. 100
7,7.3,"Endangering ship, life or limb on shipboard by breach of duty","Pilotage Act 1987, s.21",1987 c. 21
7,7.3,Aggravated vehicle taking where injury or damage was caused,"Theft Act 1968, s.12A",1968 c. 60
8,8.1,Incitement to sedition etc.,"Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act 1919, s.3(1)",1919 c. 92
8,8.1,"Offences relating to offering, promising or giving bribes","Bribery Act 2010, s.1",2010 c. 23
8,8.1,"Offences relating to requesting, agreeing to receive and accepting bribes","Bribery Act 2010, s.2",2010 c. 23
8,8.1,Bribery of foreign public officials,"Bribery Act 2010, s.6",2010 c. 23
8,8.1,Attempting to Pervert the Course of Public Justice,Common Law,
8,8.1,"Committing or conspiring to commit, an act outraging public decency",Common Law,
8,8.1,Common Law offences not listed separately,Common Law,
8,8.1,Conspiracy to corrupt public morals,Common Law,
8,8.1,Misconduct in a public offence by act or commission,Common Law,
8,8.1,Obstructing coroner in the execution of his duty ,Common Law,
8,8.1,Offence of disclosure,"Crime (International co-operation) Act 2003, s. 42",2003 c. 32
8,8.1,Harming or threatening to harm a witness,"Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, s.40",2001 c. 16
8,8.1,Assist offender,"Criminal Law Act 1967, s. 4",1967 c. 58
8,8.1,Seduction of members of HM Forces from their duty or allegiance,"Incitement to Disaffection Act 1934, s.1",1934 c. 56
8,8.1,Prohibition on publication of obscene article or possession of obscene article for gain,"Obscene Publications Act 1959, s.2  ",1959 c. 66
8,8.1,Commit act prejudicial to safety or interest of the State,"Official Secrets Act 1911, s.1",1911 c. 28
8,8.1,"Unauthorised use of uniforms; falsification of reports, forgery, personation and false documents.  Interfering with officers of the police or members of His Majesty's forces. Duty of giving information as to commission of offences.","Official Secrets Act 1920, s.1, s.3, s.6",1920 c. 75
8,8.1,Serving member/former member of Security or intelligence services disclosing information relating to security or intelligence. Person notified as subject to security or intelligence provisions unlawfully disclosing information relating to security or intelligence,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.1(1)(a), s.1(1)(b)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Former or currrent Crown Servant/Government Contractor making damaging disclosure relating to secuirty or intelligence.,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.1(3)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Former or currrent Crown Servant/Government Contractor making damaging disclosure relating to defence matter.,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.2",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Former or current Crown Servant/Government Contractor making damaging disclosure or confidential matter from Foreign State or relating to international relations.,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.3(1)(a), s.3(1)(b)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,"Former or current Crown Servant/Government Contractor disclosing information resulting in commission of offence/facilitating escape from custody/ facilitating act predudicial to safekeeping of person in custody / impending prevention / detection of offence, apprehension / prosecution of suspected offender etc","Official Secrets Act 1989, s.4(1)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Making damaging disclosure of protected information or information or disclosing information gained in contravention of s.1 of Official Secrets Act 1911,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.5(2), s.5(6)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Making damaging disclosure of information entrusted to other State of organisation,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.6(2)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Disclosing information which can be used to gain access to protected information ,"Official Secrets Act 1989, s.8(6)",1989 c. 6
8,8.1,Perjury,"Perjury Act 1911, s.1",1911 c. 6
8,8.1,Use of words or behaviour or display of written material (Acts intended to stir up religious hatred). ,"Public Order Act 1986, s29B",1986 c. 64
8,8.1,Public performance of a play (Acts intended to stir up religious hatred). ,Public Order Act 1986 s.29D,1986 c. 64
8,8.1,"Producer, Director, Provider or user of programme or broadcasting (acts intended to stir up hatred on religious or sexual orientation grounds). ","Public Order Act 1986, s.29F",1986 c. 64
8,8.1,"Contamination of or interference with goods with intention of causing public alarm, anxiety, economic loss, etc.","Public Order Act 1986, s.38(1)",1986 c. 64
8,8.1,"Bribery, Treating and undue influence","Representation of the People Act 1983, s.113, s. 114, s.115",1983 c. 2
8,8.1,Offences in connection with disclosure notices or search warrants,"Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, s.67",2005 c. 15
8,8.1,Prohibition of presentation of obscene performances of plays,"Theatres Act 1968, s.2",1968 c. 54
8,8.1,Attempting to injure or alarm the sovereign etc,"Treason Act 1842, s.2",1842 c. 51
8,8.1,Declared felonies against the Crown,"Treason Felony Act 1848, s.3",1848 c. 12
8,8.1,Harbouring escaped prisoner,"Criminal Justice Act 1961, s.22(2)",1961 c. 39
8,8.1,Intimidation of witnesses,"Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, s.39",2001 c. 16
8,8.1,"Intimidation of witnesses, jurors and others","Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.51(1)",1994 c. 33
8,8.1,Assisting offenders,"Criminal Law Act 1967, s.5(1)",1967 c.58
8,8.1,"Harming witnesses, jurors and others","Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.51(2)",1994 c. 33
8,8.1,Public nuisance,Common Law,
8,8.1,False statement to obtain passport,"Criminal Justice Act 1925, s.36",1925 c. 86
8,8.1,Have in possession or  control identity documents with improper intent,"Identity Documents Act 2010, s.4",2010 c. 40
8,8.1,Make or have in possession or control apparatus / article / material designed / adapted for making false identity documents,"Identity Documents Act 2010, s.5",2010 c. 40
8,8.1,Have in possess or control a false / improperly obtained / another person's identity document or apparatus for making false identity documents,"Identity Documents Act 2010, s.6",2010 c. 40
8,8.1,"Makes/uses or attempts to use a false registration card, alters a registration card, makes article designed to be used in making false registration card or altering card etc.; has in possession a false registration card or article as above","Immigration Act 1971, s.26A (3)(a) to (h)",1971 c. 77
8,8.1,Conveyance etc. of List A articles into or out of prison,"Prison Act 1952, s.40",1952 c. 52
9,9.1,Improper importation of goods and evasion of duty - Class A,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.50, s.170",1979 c. 2
9,9.1,Restriction of importation or exportation of controlled drugs - Class A,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.3",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class A","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class A,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Offences relating to opium,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.1,Carrying or concealing on a ship a controlled drug for import or export - Class A,"Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.19 ",1990 c. 5
9,9.1,Exportation of prohibited or restricted goods - Class A,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.68, s.170 ",1979 c. 2
9,9.2,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class B","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class B,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Restrictions of cultivation of cannabis plant,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Carrying or concealing on a ship a controlled drug for import or export - Class B,"Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.19 ",1990 c. 5
9,9.2,Improper importation of goods and evasion of duty - Class B,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.50, s.170",1979 c. 2
9,9.2,Exportation of prohibited or restricted goods - Class B,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.68, s.170 ",1979 c. 2
9,9.2,Restriction of importation or exportation of controlled drugs - Class B,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.3",1971 c. 38
9,9.2,Supply Psychoactive Substances,"Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7",2016 c. 2
9,9.3,Carrying or concealing on a ship a controlled drug for import or export - Class C,"Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.19 ",1990 c. 5
9,9.3,Improper importation of goods and evasion of duty - Class C,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.50, s.170",1979 c. 2
9,9.3,Exportation of prohibited or restricted goods - Class C,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.68, s.170 ",1979 c. 2
9,9.3,Restriction of importation or exportation of controlled drugs - Class C,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.3",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class C","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class C,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.3,Supply Psychoactive Substances,"Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7",2016 c. 2
9,9.4,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class A","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class A,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Offences relating to opium,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.4,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class B","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class B,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Restrictions of cultivation of cannabis plant,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.5,Supply Psychoactive Substances,"Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7",2016 c. 2
9,9.6,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class C","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class C,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.6,Supply Psychoactive Substances,"Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7",2016 c. 2
9,9.7,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class A","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class A,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Offences relating to opium,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Supply etc. of articles for administering or preparing controlled drugs ,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.9A ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Incite another to supply a controlled drug ,"Misue of Drugs Act 1971, s.19",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Offences against Misuse of Drugs Regulations etc,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.18",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Assisting in or inducing commission of drug offence outside United Kingdom,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.20 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class B","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class B,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Restrictions of cultivation of cannabis plant,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.6 ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Supply Psychoactive Substances,"Psychoactive Substances Act 2016, s.7",2016 c. 2
9,9.7,"Production, supply or offer to supply, or being concerned in the production - Class C","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.4",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply - Class C,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(3) ",1971 c. 38
9,9.7,Permitting premises to be used for unlawful purposes,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.8",1971 c. 38
10,10.1,Causing injury by wanton or furious driving or racing,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.35",1861 c. 100
10,10.1,Causing death by dangerous driving ,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.1",1988 c. 52
10,10.1,Serious injury by dangerous driving,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.1A",1988 c. 52
10,10.1,"Causing death by careless, or inconsiderate, driving","Road Traffic Act 1988, s.2B",1988 c. 52
10,10.1,Causing death by careless driving  when under the influence of drink or drugs ,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3A",1988 c. 52
10,10.1,"Causing death by driving: unlicensed, uninsured, or disqualified drivers ","Road Traffic Act 1988, s.3ZB, s.3ZC",1988 c. 52
10,10.1,Causing death by aggravated vehicle taking,"Theft Act 1968, s.12A(4)",1968 c. 60
11,11.1,Armed Robbery,"Theft Act 1968, s.8(1)",1968 c. 60
11,11.1,Burglary with intent to inflict grevious bodily harm,"Theft Act 1968, s.9",1968 c. 60
11,11.1,Aggravated burglary,"Theft Act 1968, s.10",1968 c. 60
11,11.2,Robbery (other than armed robbery),"Theft Act 1968, s.8(1)",1968 c. 60
11,11.2,Burglary (domestic),"Theft Act 1968, s.9(3)(a)",1968 c. 60
11,11.2,Burglary (non-domestic),"Theft Act 1968, s.9(3)(b)",1968 c. 60
11,11.2,Assault with intent to rob,"Theft Act 1968, s.8(2)",1968 c. 60
12,12.1,"Offence in connection with a prohibition or restriction on the importation of any weapon or ammunition of a kind mentioned in section 5(1)(a), (ab), (aba), (ac), (ad), (ae), (af) or (c) or (1A)(a) of the Firearms Act 1968","Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.50(1), s.50(2), s.50(3), s.50(4), s.50(5A)",1979 c. 2
12,12.1,"Offence in connection with a prohibition or restriction on the exportation of any weapon or ammunition of a kind mentioned in section 5(1)(a), (ab), (aba), (ac), (ad), (ae), (af) or (c) or (1A)(a) of the Firearms Act 1968","Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.68(2), s.68(3), s.68(4A)",1979 c. 2
12,12.1,"Firing upon a vessel, aircraft or vehicle while it is engaged in the prevention of smuggling","Customs & Excise Management Act 1979, s.85(2)",1979 c. 2
12,12.1,Trading in firearms without being registered as a firearms dealer ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.3(1)",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Conversion of firearms ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.4(3)",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Possession of firearm with intent to endanger life,"Firearms Act 1968, s.16",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Possessing firearm or imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.16A",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Use of firearm to resist arrest ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.17(1)",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Possessing firearm or imitation firearm while committing or being arrested for specified offence,"Firearms Act 1968, s.17(2)",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Carrying firearm with criminal intent,"Firearms Act 1968, s.18(1)",1968 c. 27
12,12.1,Supplying firearms or ammunition to person prohibited from possession,"Firearms Act 1968, s.21(5)",1968 c. 27
12,12.2,Using someone to mind a weapon,"Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, s.28",2006 c. 38
12,12.2,Shortening the barrel of a shot gun,"Firearms Act 1968, s.4(1)",1968 c. 27
12,12.2,Possessing or acquiring prohibited weapons or ammunition,"Firearms Act 1968, s.5(1)",1968 c. 27
12,12.2,Possessing or acquiring firearm disguised as another object; or other prohibited weapons,"Firearms Act 1968, s.5(1A)",1968 c. 27
12,12.2,"Possessing, manufacturing or distributing prohibited weapons","Firearms Act 1968, s.5(2A)",1968 c. 27
12,12.2,Trespassing with firearm or imitation firearm in a building  ,Firearms Act 1968 s.20(1),1968 c. 27
12,12.2,Possession of firearms by persons previously convicted of crime,"Firearms Act 1968, s.21(4)",1968 c. 27
12,12.3,"Producing a false certificate or making a false statement with a view to acquisition, testing or repair of firearm or ammunition","Firearms Act 1968, s.3(5)",1968 c. 27
12,12.3,"Carrying firearm, imitation firearm or air weapon in a public place","Firearms Act 1968, s.19",1968 c. 27
13,13.1,"Abduction of a child by parent, etc","Child Abduction Act 1984, s.1",1984 c. 37
13,13.1,Abduction of child by other persons,"Child Abduction Act 1984, s.2",1984 c. 37
13,13.1,False imprisonment,Common Law,
13,13.1,Kidnapping,Common Law,
13,13.1,Blackmail,"Theft Act 1968, s.21",1968 c. 60
14,14.1,Bring or cause another to bring a child into the UK in breach of specified conditions,"Children and Adoption Act 2006, s.12",2006 c. 20
14,14.1,Training a child aged 12 or under to take part in dangerous performances,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.24",1933 c. 12
14,14.1,Procuring a child to go abroad to perform by means of false pretence or representation,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.25",1933 c. 12
14,14.1,Acting as a gangmaster in contravention of Section 6 (prohibition of unlicensed activities),"Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004, s.6, s.12",2004 c. 11
14,14.1,Assisting unlawful immigration to member state,"Immigration Act 1971, s.25",1971 c. 77
14,14.1,Assisting entry to UK in breach of deportation or exclusion order,"Immigration Act 1971, s.25A",1971 c. 77
14,14.1,"Employing a person knowing that they are an adult subject to immigration control who has not been granted leave to enter or remain, or whose leave to remain is invalid etc.","Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, s.21",2006 c. 13
14,14.1,"Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour","Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.1",2015 c. 30
14,14.1,Human trafficking,"Modern Slavery Act 2015, s.2",2015 c. 30
14,14.1,Trafficking into the UK for sexual exploitation,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.57",2003 c. 42
14,14.1,Trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.58",2003 c. 42
14,14.1,Trafficking out of the UK for sexual exploitation,"Sexual Offences Act 2003, s.59",2003 c. 42
15,15.1,Prison mutiny,"Prison Security Act 1992, s.1",1992 c. 25
15,15.1,Riot,"Public Order Act 1986, s.1",1986 c. 64
15,15.2,"Interfering or failing to comply with requirements, directions, notices or restrictions in connection with the Channel Tunnel","Channel Tunnel (Security) Order 1994, s.11(6), s.13(8), s.14(8), s.15(8), s.16(7), s.23(1), s.28(6), s.32(1)",1994 No. 570
15,15.2,Violent disorder,"Public Order Act 1986, s.2",1986 c. 64
15,15.2,"Threaten or claim contamination of or interference with goods with intention of causing public alarm or anxiety, etc","Public Order Act 1986, s.38(2)",1986 c. 64
15,15.3,Affray,"Public Order Act 1986, s.3",1986 c. 64
16,16.1,Contravening health and safety requirements or failing to comply with regulations,"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33",1974 c. 37
16,16.2,Contravening health and safety requirements or failing to comply with regulations,"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33",1974 c. 37
16,16.2,Discharge of oil from ships into certain UK waters,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.131",1995 c. 21
16,16.2,Discharge of certain oils from pipe-lines or as the result of exploration etc. in designated areas,"Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971, s.3",1971 c. 60
16,16.3,"Provision of false or misleading information, disclosing confidential information","Financial Services & Markets Act 2000, s.346, s.352, s.398",2000 c. 8
16,16.3,Contravening health and safety requirements or failing to comply with regulations,"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33",1974 c. 37
16,16.3,TEW offences,"Adoption & Children Act 2002, s.59, s.93, s.124",2002 c. 38
16,16.3,Importation of animals and carcasses,"Animal Health Act 1981, s.10(1)",1981 c. 22
16,16.3,"Failure to comply with requirements, restrictions, directions and notices in connection with air and sea travel","Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990, s.19, s.21, s.22, s.23, s.24, s.31(1), s.31(3), s.36, s.40(1)(a), s.40(2), s.42(1), s.42(3)(a), s.48",1990 c. 31
16,16.3,Failure of commercial organisations to prevent bribery,"Bribery Act 2010, s.7",2010 c. 23
16,16.3,"Operator failing to comply with obligations impost by Articles 5 (documentation), Article 7 (labelling) and Article 8 (notification of the Community Regulation",Controlled Drugs (Drug Precursers (Intra-community Trade) Regulations 2008,2008 No. 295
16,16.3,"Making false or misleading statements; and falsifying, concealing or destruction etc. of documents","Criminal Justice Act 1987, s.2(14), s.2(15), s.2(16), s.2(17)",1987 c. 38
16,16.3,Dealing in tainted cultural objects,"Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003, s.1",2003 c. 27
16,16.3,Use of site in absence of approved programme,"Energy Act 2008, s.47",2008 c. 23
16,16.3,Failing to comply approved programme,"Energy Act 2008, s.57",2008 c. 23
16,16.3,Disclosing information without permission,"Energy Act 2008, s.59",2008 c. 23
16,16.3,Supplying false or misleading information,"Energy Act 2008, s.60",2008 c. 23
16,16.3,Contravention of disclosure requirements,"Enterprise Act 2002, s.245",2002 c. 40
16,16.3,Carrying on a process without authority or not complying with conditions of granted authority,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.23(1)(a)",1990 c. 43
16,16.3,Failing to comply with requirements imposed in connection with suspension of a licence otherwise than in relation to special waste,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.38(10)",1990 c. 43
16,16.3,Failing to comply with requirements imposed in connection with suspension of a licence in relation to special waste,Environmental Protection Act 1990 Sec 38(11),1990 c. 43
16,16.3,Contravening s.6(1) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.23(1)(a)",1990 c. 43
16,16.3,Prohibition of commercial dealings in human material for transplantation,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.32",2004 c. 30
16,16.3,Prohibition of activities without consent etc.,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.5",2004 c. 30
16,16.3,Use or store donated material not for a qualifying purpose,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.8",2004 c. 30
16,16.3,Material omissions from statement relating to company’s affairs,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.210",1986 c. 45
16,16.3,Failure of owner of ship to take all reasonable steps to secure that the ship is operated in a safe manner,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.100",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,"Conduct endangering ships, structures or individuals","Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.58",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,Failing to assist another ship in case of collision,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.92",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,Failing to assist aircraft in distress,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.93",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,Dangerously unsafe ships,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.98",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,"Using unsafe lighter, barge or like vessel","Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.99",1995 c. 21
16,16.3,"Contravening directions prohibiting prescribing, supply etc of controlled drugs by practitioners etc","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.12(6), s.13(3) ",1971 c. 38
16,16.3,"Giving false information by doctors, pharmacists, etc","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.17(4)",1971 c. 38
16,16.3,Prohibition of sale of medical practices.,"National Health Service Act 2006, s.259, Schedule 21",2006 c. 41
16,16.3,"Obstructing, interfering or failing to comply with request in connection to rights of access, search etc by Agency inspectors","Nuclear Safeguards Act 2000, s.3, s.5, s.8, s.9",2000 c. 5
16,16.3,Being unfit for duty,"Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, s.92",2003 c. 20
16,16.3,Making false statement,"Statistics of Trade Act 1947, s.4(3)",1947 c. 39
16,16.3,Drunkenness in aircraft,"Air Navigation Order 2016, Article 242",2016 No. 765
16,16.3,Unlicensed or unauthorised air traffic controllers,Air Navigation Order 2016,2016 No. 765
16,16.3,Unauthorised access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of further offences,"Computer Misuse Act 1990, s.2 ",1990 c. 18
16,16.3,"Unauthorised acts with intent to impair, or recklessness as to impairing, operation of computer, etc","Computer Misuse Act 1990, s.3",1990 c. 18
16,16.3,"Making, supplying or obtaining articles for use in offence under sections 1 or 3","Computer Misuse Act 1990, s.3A (as added by Police and Justice Act 2006)",1990 c. 18
16,16.3,Unauthorised access to computer material,"Computer Misuse Act 1990, s.1 (as amended by Police and Justice Act 2006)",1990 c. 18
16,16.3,Engaging in a commercial practice contravening requirements of professional diligence etc,"Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, Regulation 8 (1) and 13",2008 No. 1277
16,16.3,Engaging in a commercial practice which is a misleading action,"Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, Regulation 9 and 13",2008 No. 1277
16,16.3,Engaging in a commercial practice which is a misleading omission,"Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, Regulation 10 and 13",2008 No. 1277
16,16.3,Engaging in a commercial practice which is aggressive,"Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, Regulation 11 and 13",2008 No. 1277
16,16.3,"Engage in commercial practice set out in any of paragraphs 1 to 10, 12 to 27 and 29 to 31 of Schedule 1","Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, Regulation 12 and 13",2008 No. 1277
17,17.1,Failing to conduct risk assessments or comply with notification requirements in connection with genetically modified organisms ,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(a)(b)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Failing to comply with consent requirements in connection with genetically modified organisms,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(c)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1, Contravening byelaws or orders under the Act,"Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, s.139, s.163, s.190",2009 c. 23
17,17.1,Obstructing or assaulting an enforcement officer in the performance of the officer's functions ,"Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, s.292(4), s.292(5)",2009 c. 23
17,17.1,Possession of controlled drugs,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.5(2)",1971 c.38
17,17.1,Disclosure of information for enforcing warrants,"Access to Justice Act 1999, s.94",1999 c. 22
17,17.1,Failing to hold a licence as required or failing to  act in accordance with a licence,"Activity Centres (Young Persons) Act 1995, s.2(1)(a) (against regulations made under the above Section)",1995 c. 15
17,17.1,Making a false statement for the purposes of obtaining or holding a licence,"Activity Centres (Young Persons) Act 1995, s.2(1)(b) (against regulations made under the above Section)",1995 c. 15
17,17.1,Frauds by farmers in connection with agricultural charges,"Agricultural Credits Act 1928, s.11",1928 c. 43
17,17.1,Contravening provisions of a scheme for sale of regulated products or disclosing information,"Agricultural Marketing Act 1958, s.6(6) and 47(3)",1958 c. 47
17,17.1,Disclosing information otherwise than in accordance with s.55(4),"Agriculture Act 1967, s.55(4)",1967 c. 22
17,17.1,Offences in connection with farm capital grants and animal diseases,"Agriculture Act 1970, other than s.66-87 (part IV)",1970 c. 40
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to certificate of airworthiness,"Air Navigation Order 2016, Article 33, Article 37",2016 No. 765
17,17.1,Removing object of archaeological or historical interest discovered by use of a metal detector in a protected place,"Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, s.42 (3).",1979 c. 46
17,17.1,Control of works affecting scheduled monuments,"Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979, s.2",1979 c. 46
17,17.1,Failing to comply with license requirements in respect of regulated procedures concerning animals ,"Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, s.22(1), 22(2) and 24",1986 c. 14
17,17.1,"Obstructing an officer in the exercise of powers of entry, search or seizure","Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.52",2001 c. 24
17,17.1,Aiding or abetting etc desertion or absence without leave,"Armed Forces Act 2006, s.344",2006 c. 52
17,17.1,Aiding or abetting etc malingering,"Armed Forces Act 2006, s.345",2007 c. 52
17,17.1,Failing to produce an immigration document at a leave or asylum interview,"Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004, s.2(1)(9)","2004, c. 19"
17,17.1,Failing to produce an immigration document in respect of a dependent child at a leave or asylum interview,"Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004, s.2(2)(9)","2004, c. 19"
17,17.1,Failing to take action specified by the Secretary of State,"Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004, s.35(1)(3)&(4)","2004, c. 19"
17,17.1,Disclosing debtor information without authority,"Attachment of Earnings Act 1971, s.15(B),  (inserted by S.92 Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007)",1971 c. 32
17,17.1,Threats likely to endanger safe navigation or ship or safety of fixed platform,"Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990,  s.13",1990 c.31
17,17.1,Failing to provide information or making false statement relating to ship or harbour area,"Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990, s.19",1991 c.31
17,17.1,"Assisting commission of offence relating to safety of ship, cargo or sea platform outside UK ","Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990, s.14(4)",1990 c. 31
17,17.1,Offences in relation to certain dangerous articles,"Aviation Security Act 1982, s.4",1982 c. 36
17,17.1,Offences in relation to the exercise of powers,"Aviation Security Act 1982, s.7, s.11, s.12, s.13, s.14 and 20",1982 c. 36
17,17.1,Failing to comply with enforcement notice,"Aviation Security Act 1982, s.18C(1)",1982 c. 36
17,17.1,"Interfering with any building, works, or thing installed on land in compliance with an enforcement notice","Aviation Security Act 1982, s.18C(3)",1982 c. 36
17,17.1,Failing to comply with a detention direction or obstructing an authorised person,"Aviation Security Act 1982, s.20B(7)(8) (as added by the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001, s.86)",1982 c. 36
17,17.1,Agreeing to indemnify sureties in criminal proceedings,"Bail Act 1976, s.9",1976 c. 63
17,17.1,"Taking steps with a view to the fraudulent evasion of bingo duty, promoting bingo without being on the register, failing to comply with relevant provisions of Sch.3","Betting and Gaming Duties Act 1981, Schedule 3, Paragraph 16",1981 c. 63
17,17.1,Disclosing customs information,"Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009, s.15(1), s.15(2) or s.17(1) and s.18",2009 c. 11
17,17.1,False/misleading statement,"Building Act 1984, s.57",1984 c. 55
17,17.1,Misleading advertising,"Business Protection from Misleading marketing regulations 2008, Regulation 6 and 7",2008 No. 1276
17,17.1,"Protection of occupiers against eviction and harassment, false information etc.","Caravan Sites Act 1968, s.3 (as amended by Housing Act 2004)",1968 c. 52
17,17.1,Obstruction etc,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 13(1)(a) to (d) and 13(2) and 15",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to ear tags,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 4, 15 and schedule 1",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to register animal in accordance with requirements,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 5 ,15 and schedule 2",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to cattle passports,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 6, 15 and schedule 3 (part 1)",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to movement of cattle using passports,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 6, 15 and schedule 3 (part 2)",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to notification of movement or death,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, Regulation 7, 15 and schedule 4",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements in relation to records,"Cattle Identification Regulations 2007, regulation 8, 15 and 5",2007 No. 529
17,17.1,Disclosing census information,"Census Act 1920, s.8(2)",1920 c. 41
17,17.1,Failing to provide for safety of children at entertainments,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.12",1933 c.12
17,17.1,Allowing persons under 16 to take part in performances endangering life or limb,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.23",1933 c.12
17,17.1,Allowing persons under sixteen to be in brothels,"Children and Young Persons Act 1933, s.3",1933 c.12
17,17.1,"Failing to comply with directions, insurance obligations, providing false information, obstructing officers","Civil Aviation (Insurance) Regulations 2005, Regulations 4(1), 9, 10(2), 11, 12(1)",SI 2005/1089
17,17.1,Disclosing information,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.23 (5)",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Contravening provisions restricting use of land for purpose of securing safety at aerodromes,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.45",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Using aircraft for carriage for reward of passengers or cargo without a licence or failing to comply with terms of licence,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.64(5)(a) and (b), 64(7)",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Air transport licensing,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.67",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Contravening provisions relating to provision of accommodation in aircraft,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.71",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Refusing to furnish information or furnishing false information for the CAA and Secretary of State,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.84(4)",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Certifying copies of records and documentary evidence,"Civil Aviation Act 1982, s.96",1982 c. 16
17,17.1,Making false statements,"Civil Partnership Act 2004, s.80",2004 c. 33
17,17.1,Offences relating to civil partnership schedule,"Civil Partnership Act 2004, s.31(1)(2)",2004 c. 33
17,17.1,Offences relating to Registrar Generals licence & recording of civil partnerships  ,"Civil Partnership Act 2004, s.32, s.33",2004 c. 33
17,17.1,Melting or breaking of metal coins without a licence,"Coinage Act 1971, s.10(1)",1971 c. 24
17,17.1,Assaulting an officer of Revenue and Customs,"Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005, s.32",2005 c. 11
17,17.1,Absconding from lawful custody,Common Law,
17,17.1,Duty to aid constables,Common Law,
17,17.1,Embracery,Common Law,
17,17.1,Preventing the burial of a corpse,Common Law,
17,17.1,Removing corpse from grave,Common Law,
17,17.1,Rescuing a prisoner in custody,Common Law,
17,17.1,"Possession or supply of apparatus etc for contravening s.125","Communications Act 2003, s.126",2003 c. 21
17,17.1,Offences in connection with information requirements,"Communications Act 2003, s.144, 393 and Paragraph 12 and 13 of Schedule 11",2003 c. 21
17,17.1,Failing to comply with provisions in connection with requests for or disclosure of information from the register of members,"Companies Act 2006, s.119",2006 c. 46
17,17.1,Failing to comply with provisions in relation to duty to keep accounting records,"Companies Act 2006, s.387",2006 c. 46
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements as to keeping of accounting records,"Companies Act 2006, s.389",2006 c. 46
17,17.1,Failing to comply with requirements as to approval and signing of accounts,"Companies Act 2006, s.414",2006 c. 46
17,17.1,"Acting in contravention of a disqualification order or undertaking or in contravention of s.12(2), 12A or 12B","Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, s.13.",1986 c. 46
17,17.1,"Undischarged bankrupt acting as a director or taking part in the promotion, formation or management of a company","Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, s.11(1)",1986 c. 46
17,17.1,"Providing regulated claims management services otherwise than in accordance with s.4, pretending to be authorised etc.","Compensation Act 2006, s.7, s.11",2006 c. 29
17,17.1,"Furnishing false information in response to notice, or to enforcement officer","Consumer Protection Act 1987, s.18(3)(b) and s.32(2)",1987 c. 43
17,17.1,"Offences by person with custody or control of oil where there is a contravention of requirements in Regulations 3 to 5, or, a notice under Regulation 7","Control of Pollution (Oil Storage) (England) Regulations 2001, Regulations 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9",2001 No. 2954
17,17.1,Failing to comply with a notice or making a false statement,"Control of Pollution Act 1974, s.93",1974 c. 40
17,17.1,Offences relating to the purchase and sale of specimans listed in Annex A to Council Regulations (EC) No 338/97,Control of Trade in Endangered Species (Enforcement) Regulations 1997,1997 No. 1372
17,17.1,Wildlife Offences,Control of Trade in Endangered Species (Enforcement) Regulations 1997,1997 No. 1372
17,17.1,Making or dealing with infringing articles etc,"Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, s.107",1988 c. 48
17,17.1,"Making, dealing with or using illicit recordings","Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, s.198",1988 c. 48
17,17.1,"Failing to comply with a remedial order","Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, s.9",2007 c. 19
17,17.1,Failing to comply with a publicity order,"Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, s.10",2007 c. 19
17,17.1,Giving a false certificate of summons or other process,"County Courts Act 1984, s.133",1984 c. 28
17,17.1,Assaulting an officer of the county court,"County Courts Act 1984, s.14",1984 c. 28
17,17.1,Assaulting a court security officer,"Courts Act 2003, s.57(1)",2003 c. 39
17,17.1,Contravening provisions in relation to tying-in arrangements,"Courts and Legal Services Act 1990, s.106",1993 c. 41
17,17.1,Making a false representation or false certificate with a view to the burning of any human remains,"Cremation Act 1902, s.8(2)",1902 c. 8
17,17.1,Making false or misleading statements in relation to interim possession orders,"Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994,  s.75 ",1994 c. 33
17,17.1,Making a false statement in purported compliance with a customer information order,"Crime (International co-operation) Act 2003, s.34",2003 c. 32
17,17.1,Disclosing information specified in s.42(3),"Crime (International co-operation) Act 2003, s.42",2003 c. 32
17,17.1,Interference with a motor vehicle,"Criminal Attempts Act 1981, s.9",1981 c. 47
17,17.1,Threats to destroy or damage property,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.2 ",1971 c. 48
17,17.1,Possessing anything with intent to destroy or damage property,"Criminal Damage Act 1971, s.3 ",1971 c. 48
17,17.1,Common assault and battery,"Criminal Justice Act 1988, s.39",1988 c. 33
17,17.1,Resisting or wilfully obstructing court security officer,"Criminal Justice Act 1991, s.78(2)",1991 c. 53
17,17.1,Assault on prisoner custody officer,"Criminal Justice Act 1991, s.90(1)",1991 c. 53
17,17.1,Resisting or wilfully obstructing a prisoner custody officer ,"Criminal Justice Act 1991, s.90(3)",1991 c. 53
17,17.1,"Fail to comply with notification requirements of s.108(1), 109(1), s.110(1) and 112(4)","Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, s.113(2)",2008 c. 4 
17,17.1,"Notify false information to police in purported compliance with s.108(1), 109(1), 110(1) or regulations under s.111(1)","Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, s.113(3)",2008 c. 4 
17,17.1,Leaving UK when prohibited to do so by travel restriction order,"Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, s.36(1)",2001 c. 16
17,17.1,Failure to be in UK when  prohibition in travel restriction order suspended,"Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, s.36(2)",2001 c. 16
17,17.1,Harassment etc. of a person in his home,"Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, s.42A",2001 c. 16
17,17.1,Assault on custody officer,"Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.13(1)",1994 c. 33
17,17.1,Resisting or wilfully obstructing a custody officer,"Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.13(2)",1994 c. 33
17,17.1,"Failure to comply with regulations made by the Secretary of State as regards documentation, record keeping, labelling etc","Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.13(5)",1990 c. 5
17,17.1,Having in possession or concerned in carrying or concealing a controlled drug on a ship,"Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990, s.19",1990 c. 5
17,17.1,Concealment of offences,"Criminal Law Act 1967, s.5(1)",1967 c. 58
17,17.1,Wrongful disclosure of information relating to persons detained in youth detention accommodation,"Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, s.14",1994 c.33
17,17.1,Untrue declarations etc to Customs and Excise,"Customs and Excise Management Act 1979, s.167(1) ",1979 c. 2
17,17.1,Obstructing the Information Commissioner in inspection of overseas information systems,"Data Protection Act 1998, s.54A",1998 c. 29
17,17.1,"Using data for unauthorised purpose; disclosing data to unauthorised person etc.","Data Protection Act 1998.  All sections other than s.54A and schedule 9, paragraph 12",1998 c. 29
17,17.1,Breach of non-molestation order,"Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, s.1",2004 c. 28
17,17.1,"Breach of requirements relating to conformity assessments, declarations of conformity etc.","Ecodesign for Energy-related Products Regulations 2010, s.14",2010 No. 2617
17,17.1,Neglecting the cleanliness of a pupil by parent,"Education Act 1996, s.525",1996 c. 56
17,17.1,"TEW offences relating to inspection of schools, childminding, nusery education, training of persons working in education etc.",Education Act 2005,2005 c. 18
17,17.1,Unauthorised disclosure of information in relation to education,"Education Act 2005, s.109 and 111.",2005 c. 18
17,17.1,Using false documents and making false statements,"Emergency Laws (Re-enactments and Repeals) Act 1964, s.10",1964 c. 60
17,17.1,Providing false information or making a false statement,"Employment Rights Act 1996, s.169(3)",1996 c. 18
17,17.1,"Contravention of the requirements in regulation 6, that vehicle components do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, or hexavalent chromium (unless permitted).","End-of-Life Vehicles Regulations 2003, regulation 6",2003 No. 2635
17,17.1,Failure to comply with direction under s.10 - importation and storage of combustible gas,"Energy Act 2008, s.11",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Carrying on unlicensed activities - storage of carbon dioxide,"Energy Act 2008, s.22",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Breach of licence conditions - storage of carbon dioxide,"Energy Act 2008, s.23(1)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Making a statement known to be false or recklessly making statement which is false to obtain license or consent or licensing authority - storage of carbon dioxide,"Energy Act 2008, s.23(5)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Failure to disclose information which is known or ought to be known to be relevant to an application for license or consent of licensing authority - storage of carbon dioxide,"Energy Act 2008, s.23(6)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Failure to comply with a direction under S.24 - storage of carbon dioxide,"Energy Act 2008, s.25",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Carrying on unlicensed activities - importation and storage of combustible gas,"Energy Act 2008, s.8",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Breach of licence conditions - importation and storage of combustible gas,"Energy Act 2008, s.9(1)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Making a statement which the person knows to be false or recklessly making statement which is false to obtain license or consent of relevant authority - importation and storage of combustible gas ,"Energy Act 2008, s.9(3)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Failure to disclose information which is known or ought to be known to be relevant to an application for licence or consent of relevant authority - importation and storage of combustible gas,"Energy Act 2008, s.9(4)",2008 c. 32
17,17.1,Assaulting or obstructing an authorised person in the execution of his powers under s.109,"Environment Act 1995, s.110(1) with (4)(a)",1995 c. 25
17,17.1,"Failing to identify risks of importing or acquiring genetically modified organisms, importing or acquiring modified organisms despite the risks, not taking all reasonable steps to prevent risk of damage to the environment as a result of keeping modified organisms. Releasing or marketing modified organisms without regard to the risks of damage to the environment","Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(d)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Failing to keep a record of a risk assessment or failing to give the  Secretary of State further information,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(e)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Contravening a prohibition notice,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(f)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Obstructing an inspector where he believes imminent danger is involved,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(j)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Failing to comply with any requirement to provide relevant information,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(k)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Making a false statement,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(l)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Making a false entry in any required record,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(m)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,"Forging or using a document issued under s.111 with intention to deceive, to make or possess a document so closely resembling it as to be likely to deceive","Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.118(1)(n)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,"Depositing, causing the deposition or permitting the deposition, treating, keeping or disposing of controlled (but not special) waste in or on land without a licence","Environmental Protection Act 1990, s. 33(1) with (8)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,"Depositing, causing the deposition or permitting the deposition of controlled special waste in or on land without a licence","Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.33(1) with (9)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Failure to take such measures as available to secure transfer of household waste to authorised person or persons authorised for transport purposes,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.34(2A)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Making a false statement in purported compliance with a requirement under the Act or an application concerning a licence,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.44",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Failing without reasonable excuse to provide any information required by a waste regulation or waste collection authority or the Secretary of State,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.71",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,"Unauthorised or harmful depositing, treatment or disposal of waste","Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.33(6)",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,Depositing waste (not controlled waste) in an area that is not authorised for the purpose,"Environmental Protection Act 1990, s.63",1990 c. 43
17,17.1,"Forgery, alteration or use etc. of a relevant document","Equality Act 2010, s.188",2010 c.15
17,17.1,"Knowingly being concerned in activity prohibited by parts 2, 3, or 4 of the Order with intent to evade the relevant prohibition","Export Control Order 2008, article 34(5)",2008 No. 3231
17,17.1,TEW offences,"Export of Goods, Transfer of Technology and Provision of Technical Assistance (Control) Order 2003 SI 2764/2003 A16 (2)(7)((17)(18).",2003 No. 2764
17,17.1,Being concerned with provision of technical assistance with intent to avoid a prohibition or restriction,"Export of Goods, Transfer of Technology &  Provision of Technical Assistance (Control) Order 2003 SI 2003/2764 A16(5) & (5A)",2003 No. 2764
17,17.1,Makes a false statement or furnishes a false document for the purpose of obtaining a licence,"Export of Objects of Cultural Interest (Control) Order 2003, Article 4",2003 No. 2759
17,17.1,Failure to comply with licence conditions,"Export of Objects of Cultural Interest (Control) Order 2003, Article 5",2003 No. 2759
17,17.1,"Issues circulates or distributes an advertisement, prospectus, circular or notice in contravention of regulations made under s.119(1)","Fair Trading Act 1973, s.120(1) as added by Trading Schemes Act 1996 Sec 2(2)",1973 c. 41
17,17.1,Contravenes any regulations under sub-section (2) of section 119(2),"Fair Trading Act 1973, s.120(2)",1973 c. 41
17,17.1,Participant in trading scheme makes payment for the benefit of the promoter(s) or a participant in the trading scheme,"Fair Trading Act 1973, s.120(3)",1973 c. 41
17,17.1,Promoter in trading scheme makes payment for benefit of participant in scheme,"Fair Trading Act 1973, s.120(4)",1973 c. 41
17,17.1,Disclosing information held in the exercise of tax or other function by authorised person,"Finance Act 1989, s.182 and 182(A)",1989 c. 26
17,17.1,All TEW offences except those under classification 95/08,Financial Services and Markets Act 2000,2000 c. 8
17,17.1,Obtaining an award or a sum by deliberately committing an act or making an omission,"Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004, s.34(6)",2004 c. 21
17,17.1,Failure to transfer firearms or ammunition in person,"Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997, s.32",1997 c. 5
17,17.1,Failure to give notice in writing to the Chief Officer of Police of transfers involving firearms,"Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997, s.33",1997 c. 5
17,17.1,"Failure by certificate holder to notify in writing Chief Officer of Police of deactivation, destruction or loss of firearms or ammunition","Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997, s.34",1997 c. 5
17,17.1,"Failure by certificate holder to notify in writing Chief Officer of Police of events taking place outside Great Britain involving firearms and ammunition (sold or otherwise disposed of, lost etc).","Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997, s.35",1997 c. 5
17,17.1,Possessing etc. firearms or ammunition without firearm certificate     ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.1(1)",1968 c. 27
17,17.1,Possessing etc. shotgun without certificate ,"Firearms Act 1968, s.2(1)",1968 c. 27
17,17.1,"Selling etc., firearm, ammunition or shotgun to person without a certificate. ","Firearms Act 1968, s.3(2)",1968 c. 27
17,17.1,"Repairing, testing etc. firearm for person without a certificate","Firearms Act 1968, s.3(3)",1968 c. 27
17,17.1,Unauthorised disclosure of information,"Fisheries Act 1981, s.12",1981 c. 29
17,17.1,Contravention of order regulating access to British fisheries,Fishery Limits Act 1976,1976 c. 86
17,17.1,Rendering food injurious to health,"Food Safety Act 1990, s.7",1990 c. 16
17,17.1,Selling food not of the nature or substance or quality demanded,"Food Safety Act 1990, s.14",1990 c. 16
17,17.1,Falsely describing or presenting food,"Food Safety Act 1990, s.15",1990 c. 16
17,17.1,Obstruction etc. of officers; furnishing false information,"Food Safety Act 1990, s.33(1) and s.33(2)",1990 c. 16
17,17.1,Admitting football spectators to unlicensed premises,"Football Spectators Act 1989, s.9",1989 c. 37
17,17.1,Cheating at gambling or enabling or assisting person to cheat,"Gambling Act 2005, s.42",2005 c. 19
17,17.1,"Carrying out controlled operations without required consent, failure to comply with an order or notice","Gas Act 1965, s.5 and 21",1965 c. 36
17,17.1,"Conveying gas without a licence; altering, suppressing or destroying a document; making a false statement; impersonating an officer of gas transporter, supplier or shipper ","Gas Act 1986, s.5, 38(3), s.43",1986 c. 44
17,17.1,"TEW offences: General Product Safety Regulations 2005",General Product Safety Regulations 2005,2005 No. 1803
17,17.1,"Forgery, false statements, falsification of consignment notes and records; forgery of documents; forgery of licence","Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995, s.38, paragraph 4, schedule 5.                                                                Road Traffic Act 1988, s.173(1).                                                                                                 Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981, s.65(1)(a) and (2)",1995 c. 23; 1988 c.52; 1981 c.14
17,17.1,Applying prohibited descriptions to unhallmarked article;,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.1",1973 c. 43
17,17.1,Unauthorised striking of sponsor’s mark;  ,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.3(8)",1973 c. 43
17,17.1,Making unauthorised alterations to hallmarked article,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.5(1), s.5(2)",1973 c. 43
17,17.1,Supplying article with unauthorised mark,"Hallmarking Act 1973, s.7(6)",1973 c. 43
17,17.1,Making a false or misleading statement in purported compliance with requirement under the regulations,"Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005, Regulation 68(1)",2005 No. 894
17,17.1,Making a false entry on a record or register required to be kept by the regulations,"Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005, Regulation 68(2)",2005 No. 894
17,17.1,Failure by employees to take reasonable care for health and safety at work,"Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, s.33(1)(a) with s.7",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,Failure by employers and manufacturers to take reasonable care for health and safety at work,"Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, s.33(1)(a) with s.2, s.3, s.4, s.6",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,Charging employees for things done to meet statutory requirements,"Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, s.33(1)(b) with s.9",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,"Interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare","Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, s.33(1)(b) with s.8",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,Contravene improvement or prohibition notice,"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33(1)(g) with 21 to 24",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,Contravene requirement of inspector under s.20 or  under s.25,"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33(1)(e) with s20 and 25",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,"Make false statements, false entries in records and use of a document with intent to deceive","Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.33(1)(k), 33(1)(l), 33(1)(m)",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,Contravene order under s.42 (cause of offence to be remedied),"Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, s.42, 33(1)(o)",1974 c. 37
17,17.1,"Intentionally/recklessly remove, cause or permit the removal of a hedgeow in contravention of regulation 5(1) or (9)",Hedgerows Regulations 1997. regulation 7(1),1997 No. 1160
17,17.1,Disclosing manufacturing process or trade secrets,"Highways Act 1980, s.292(4)",1980 c. 66
17,17.1,Obtain/give gift/money as inducement/reward for procuring/assisting in the grant of an honour.,"Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925, s.1",1925 c. 72
17,17.1,TEW Offences,Horse Passports Regulations 2009,2009 No. 1611
17,17.1,Failure to do anything required by a notice under s.235 (requirement to produce documents); intentionally alter/suppress/destroy document required to be produced under s.235 notice,"Housing Act 2004, s.236.",2004 c. 34
17,17.1,Supply unauthorised medicines,"Human Medicines Regulations 2012, Regulations 46(1), 47, 214(1), 255(1)(a)",2012 No. 1916
17,17.1,Breach of licence requirement,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.25",2004 c. 30
17,17.1,Possession of anatomical specimens away from licensed premises,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.30(1)",2004 c. 30
17,17.1,Possession of former anatomical specimens away from licensed premises,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.31",2004 c. 30
17,17.1,Non-consensual analysis of DNA,"Human Tissue Act 2004, s.45",2004 c. 30
17,17.1,Use or supply of duty-free oil in contravention of restrictions,"Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979, s.10(5),(6)",1979 c. 5
17,17.1,Misuse of rebated heavy oil,"Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979, s.13(3),(4)",1979 c. 5
17,17.1,Misuse of rebated light oil,"Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979, s.14(6),(7)",1979 c. 5
17,17.1,"Non British Citizen, by means including deception, obtains or seeks to obtain leave to enter or remain in the UK or, postponement, avoidance or revocation of enforcement action against him","Immigration Act 1971, s.24A",1971 c. 77
17,17.1,Helping asylum seeker to enter UK,"Immigration Act 1971, s.25A",1971 c. 77
17,17.1,Possession of Immigration Stamp,"Immigration Act 1971, s.26B",1971 c. 77
17,17.1,Assaulting a detainee custody officer,"Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,  paragraph 4, schedule 11",1999 c. 33
17,17.1,Providing immigration advice (unqualified),"Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s.91(1)",1999 c. 33
17,17.1,Obtain benefits or advantage for self or anyone else by making dishonest representations,"Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s.106",1999 c. 33
17,17.1,"Disclosure by certain persons employed at detention centres or in accordance with escort arrangement, of information relating to detained persons","Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, s.158",1999 c. 33
17,17.1,Publicly displaying indecent matter,"Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981, s.1",1981 c. 42
17,17.1,Knowingly or recklessly furnishes return etc. which is false; wilfully makes false entry in any record; discloses information without required consent,"Industrial Training Act 1982, s.6(6)",1982 c. 10
17,17.1,"Fraud etc. in anticipation of company winding up [Knowingly taking in pawn or pledge, or otherwise receiving, company  property]","Insolvency Act 1986, s.206(1)",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,False representations or fraud for purpose of obtaining creditors’ consent to an agreement in connection with winding up ,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.211",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Contravening restrictions on re-use of name of company in insolvent liquidation,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.216(4)",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Making false representations or omissions in connection with (application for) debt relief order,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.251O (1),(2)(b),(4b)",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Failure to comply with duty in connection with (application for) debt relief order ,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.251O(2)(a), s.251O(4)(a)",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,"Failure to provide, concealing, destroying, falsification etc. of documents ","Insolvency Act 1986, S.251P",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Obtaining credit/engaging in business without disclosing status/name while being subject to debt relief order,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.251S",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,"Make a false representation, fraudulently do / omit to do a thing for the purpose of obtaining approval of creditors. ","Insolvency Act 1986, s.262A",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Acting as insolvency practitioner when not qualified,"Insolvency Act 1986, s.389",1986 c. 45
17,17.1,Disclosure of information obtained under the Act without consent,"Iron and Steel Act 1982, s.33",1982 c. 25
17,17.1,Marketing of knives in a way likely to encourage violent behaviour,"Knives Act 1997, s.1(1)",1997 c. 21
17,17.1,Publishing material in connection with a knife which is likely to encourage violent behaviour,"Knives Act 1997, s.2(1)",1997 c. 21
17,17.1,Improper alteration of registers,"Land Registration Act 2002, s.124 ",2002 c. 9
17,17.1,TEW Offences ,Legal Services Act 2007,2007 c. 29
17,17.1,Making a false written statement tendered in evidence,"Magistrates’ Court Act 1980, s.106 and Criminal Justice Act 1967, s.89","1980 c. 43,1967, c.80"
17,17.1,Sending letters etc with intent to cause distress or anxiety,"Malicious Communications Act 1988, s.1",1988 c. 27
17,17.1,Obstructing engine or carriage on railway,"Malicious Damage Act 1861, s.36",1861 c. 97
17,17.1,Failure to comply with a requirement or direction by an enforcement officer,"Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, s.292(1)",2009 c. 23
17,17.1,TEW offences,"Medicines (Homoeopathic Medicinal Products For Human Use) Amendment Regulations 2005, Schedule 6",2005 No. 2753
17,17.1,Adulterating or selling sub-standard medicinal products,"Medicines Act 1968, s.67(2), s.67(3)",1968 c. 67
17,17.1,Making a false statement to a person authorised to enter premises under the Act,"Medicines Act 1968, s.114(3)",1968 c. 67
17,17.1,Disclosure of information obtained under the Act,"Medicines Act 1968, s.118",1968 c. 67
17,17.1,Giving false warranties,"Medicines Act 1968, s.123",1968 c. 67
17,17.1,TEW  Offences,Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004,2004 No. 1031
17,17.1,Make a false statement in an application for registration of document for lasting power of attorney or for registration of enduring power of attorney at actual/impending incapacity of donor,"Mental Capacity Act 2005, Schedule 1, Part 2, Paragraph 4(4), and Schedule 4, Part 2, Paragraph 4(7)",2005 c. 9
17,17.1,"Having a false document, making or having a forged document, making or using a false entry or statement in any document to be made for the purposes of the Act","Mental Health Act 1983, s.126(1), s.126(2), s.126(4)",1983 c. 20
17,17.1,"Inducing or assisting a person liable to be detained in a hospital to absent himself without leave or to escape from custody, harbouring a patient who is absent without leave or preventing such person being taken to custody hopsital          ","Mental Health Act 1983, s.128",1983 c. 20
17,17.1,Navigating a ship in contravention of Regulations,"Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2002, Schedule 4, Paragraphs 2-6, 9-11, 15 and 17-19",2002 No. 1473
17,17.1,Operating a vessel in contravention of Regulations,"Merchant Shipping (Technical Requirements for Inland Waterway Vessels) Regulations 2010, Regulation 13(1)",2010 No. 1075
17,17.1,"Fishing in unregistered vessel, making or procuring false or fraudulent fishing vessel certificate","Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.15, s.124(5)",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,"Concerted disobedience, neglect of duty, impeding navigation of ship","Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.59",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Ship entering or remaining in a temporary exclusion zone without necessary authorisation,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.100B(6)",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Failure to comply with prescribed standards in respect of ship in respect of which trans-shipment licence is in force,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.100G",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Making a false entry in an oil record book,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.142(8)",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Selling abroad wreck found in British waters,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, s.245",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Failure to comply with direction under Schedule 3A,"Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Schedule 3A",1995 c. 21
17,17.1,Failure to produce information or providing false information relating to disused tips ,"Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969, s.12",1969 c. 10
17,17.1,Contravention of directions relating to safe custody of controlled drugs,"Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.11(2)",1971 c. 38
17,17.1,"Failure to comply with notice requiring information relating to  prescribing, supply etc. of drugs  ","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.17(3)",1971 c. 38
17,17.1,"Obstructing an authorised person in exercise of powers of search in relation to controlled drugs, or concealing material relating to such drugs etc","Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, s.23(4)",1971 c. 38
17,17.1,Changing or interfering with operation of unique device identifier,"Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Act 2002, s.1",2002 c. 31
17,17.1,Possession or supply of anything which may be used for the purpose of changing or interfering with the operation of a unique device identifier,"Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Act 2002, s.2",2002 c. 31
17,17.1,Making false statement following notice to produce documents,"National Health Service Act 2006, s.204(4)",2006 c. 41
17,17.1,"Disclosure of information other than for a lawful purpose, failure to protect personal information disclosed for purpose of proceedings","National Health Service Act 2006, s.205",2006 c. 41
17,17.1,Wrongful Disclosure of information received from HMRC relating to an identifiable person,"National Lottery Act 1993, s.4c",1993 c. 39
17,17.1,False representations as to the National Lottery,"National Lottery etc. Act 1993, s.16",1993 c. 39
17,17.1,Restriction on disclosure,"Nuclear Safeguards Act 2000, s.6",2000 c. 5
17,17.1,Giving false or misleading information,"Nuclear Safeguards Act 2000, s.7",2000 c. 5
17,17.1,Neglecting to provide for apprentice or servant,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.26",1861 c. 100
17,17.1,"Obstructing, assaulting or arresting upon civil process, clergyman performing services","Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.36",1867 c. 100
17,17.1,Assault on person preserving wreck,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.37",1864 c. 100
17,17.1,Assault with intent to resist apprehension,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.38",1865 c. 100
17,17.1,Bigamy,"Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s.57",1862 c. 100
17,17.1,Procuring drugs etc. to cause abortion,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.59",1866 c. 100
17,17.1,Concealment of birth,"Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.60",1863 c. 100
17,17.1,Infringement of the Olympic Association right,"Olympic Symbol etc. (Protection) Act 1995, s.8",1995 c. 32
17,17.1,"Offences arising from breach of Regulations 20 and 21","Package Holildays and Package Tours Regulations 1992, Regulation 22",1992 No. 3288
17,17.1,Providing false or misleading information,"Pensions Act 2004, s.80",2004 c. 35
17,17.1,False unsworn statements,"Perjury Act 1911, s.1A",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,False statements on oath not in judicial proceeding,"Perjury Act 1911, s.2",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,False statements etc. - marriage,"Perjury Act 1911, s.3",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,False statements etc. - births or deaths,"Perjury Act 1911, s.4",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,False statutory statements etc. without oath,"Perjury Act 1911, s.5",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,False declarations etc. to obtain registration,"Perjury Act 1911, s.6",1911 c. 6
17,17.1,Contravention of hazardous substances control,"Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990, s.23",1990 c. 10
17,17.1,Failure to comply with Listed Building enforcement notice.,"Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, s.43",1990 c. 9
17,17.1,Failure to comply with conditions of Listed Building consent,"Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, s.9",1990 c. 9
17,17.1,Assault on a constable,"Police Act 1996, s.89(1)",1996 c. 16
17,17.1,Assault on person assisting a constable,"Police Act 1996, s89(1)",1996 c. 16
17,17.1,Causing disaffection among the police,"Police Act 1996, s.91",1996 c. 16
17,17.1,Assaulting a designated or accredited person in the execution of their duty,"Police Reform Act 2002, s.46(1)",2002 c. 30
17,17.1,Resisting or wilfully obstructing a designated or accredited person in the execution of their duty,"Police Reform Act 2002, s.46(2)",2002 c. 30
17,17.1,Prohibition on the importation of false identity documents,"Policing and Crime Act 2009, s.101",2009 c. 26
17,17.1,TEW offences,"Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000",2000 c. 41
17,17.1,"Refuses or neglects to furnish information giving false statement, information obtained for the Act should not be disclosed","Population (Statistics) Act 1938, s.4",1938 c. 12
17,17.1,Interfering with the mail: postal operators,"Postal Services Act 2000, s.83",2000 c. 26
17,17.1,Prohibition on sending certain articles by post,"Postal Services Act 2000, s.85",2000 c. 26
17,17.1,Assisting a prisoner to escape,"Prison Act 1952, s.39",1952 c. 52
17,17.1,Conveyance etc. of List B articles into or out of prison,"Prison Act 1952, s.41",1952 c. 52
17,17.1,Using unlicensed security operative,"Private Security Industry Act 2001, s.5(1)",2001 c. 12
17,17.1,Right to use approved status,"Private Security Industry Act 2001, s.16(2)(a)(b)",2001 c. 12
17,17.1,Imposition of requirements for approval,"Private Security Industry Act 2001, s.17",2001 c. 12
17,17.1,Failure to disclose; another person involved in money laundering - regulated sector,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.330",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,Failure to disclose; another person involved in money laundering - nominated officer in the regulated field,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.331",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,Failure to disclose; another person involved in money laundering - other nominated officer in the regulated field,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.332",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,"Offences of prejudicing an investigation disclosures likely to prejudice investigation; Falsifies, conceals, destroys or otherwise disposes of etc. documents relevant to investigation","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.342",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,"If in purported compliance with requirement imposed under a disclosure order, makes or recklessly makes a false or misleading statement","Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.359(3)",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,Financial institution fails to comply with the requirement imposed under customer information order,"Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, s.366(3)",2002 c. 29
17,17.1,Unlawful eviction and harassment of occupier,"Protection from Eviction Act 1977, s.1",1977 c. 43
17,17.1,Harassment,"Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.2",1997 c. 40
17,17.1,Breach of conditions of injunction against harassment ,"Protection from Harassment Act 1997, s.3",1997 c. 40
17,17.1,Failure to hand over a Euro note or coin believing it to be counterfeit,"Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting Regulations 2001, s.3",2001 No. 3948
17,17.1,Failure to withdraw from circulation a Euro note or coin which is believed to be counterfeit,"Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting Regulations 2001, regulation 2 (SI 3948/2001)",2001 No. 3948
17,17.1,TEW offences,Protection of Wrecks Act 1973,1973 c. 33
17,17.1,Fear or provocation of violence,"Public Order Act 1986, s.4",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,"Causing intentional harassment, alarm or distress","Public Order Act 1986, s.4A",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,"Harassment, alarm or distress","Public Order Act 1986, s.5",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Use of words or behaviour or display or written material ,"Public Order Act 1986,  s.18",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Publishing or distributing written material,"Public Order Act 1986, s.19",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Public performance of play ,"Public Order Act 1986, s.20",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,"Distributing, showing or playing a recording ","Public Order Act 1986, s.21",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Broadcasting including programme in programme service,"Public Order Act 1986, s.22",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Possession of racially inflammatory material ,"Public Order Act 1986, s.23",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Publishing or distributing written material,"Public Order Act 1986, s.29C",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,"Distributing, showing or playing a recording","Public Order Act 1986, s.29E",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Possession of inflammatory material,"Public Order Act 1986, s.29G",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Possession of materials to be used for contaminating goods or possession of contaminated goods,"Public Order Act 1986, s.38(3)",1986 c. 64
17,17.1,Forgery and misuse of documents etc,"Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981, s.65",1981 c. 14
17,17.1,Taking marks from public stores,"Public Stores Act 1875, s.5",1875 c. 25
17,17.1,Failure to assist a railway investigation branch inspector when required to do so,"Railways (Accident Investigation and Reporting Regulations 2005), Regulation 6(7)",2005 No. 1992
17,17.1,Failure to comply with a direction given by Chief Inspector of Rail Accidents,"Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, s.10",2003 c. 20
17,17.1,"Master, Pilot or Seamans ability to carry out duties impaired because of drink or drugs","Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003, s.78-80",2003 c. 20
17,17.1,Fail to disclose key to protected information,"Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, s.53",2000 c. 23
17,17.1,Disclose details of s.49 notice,Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 S.54,2000 c. 23
17,17.1,Impersonation,"Representation of the People Act 1983, s.60",1983 c. 2
17,17.1,"Tampering with nomination papers, ballot papers etc","Representation of the People Act 1983, s.65(3)",1983 c. 2
17,17.1,False statements in nomination papers,"Representation of the People Act 1983, s.65A",1983 c. 2
17,17.1,Make false declaration with a view to securing release of a vehicle from an immobilization device,"Road Safety (Immobilisation, Removal and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations 2009, Regulation 8",2009 No. 493
17,17.1,Contravention of regulations in connection with immobilisation device,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.22, s.160, Schedule 2A, Paragraph 2(1)(2)(4) ",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,Contravention of regulations in connection with securing possession of vehicles,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.22, s.160, Schedule 2A, Paragraph 4",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,Causing danger to road-users,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.22A",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,Tampering with motor vehicles,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.25",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,"Forgery of documents, etc","Road Traffic Act 1988, s.173",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,False statements and withholding material information,"Road Traffic Act 1988, s.174",1988 c. 52
17,17.1,Mishandling or faking parking documents ,"Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.115",1984 c. 27
17,17.1,"Barred person seeking, offering to engage or engaging in regulated activity","Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, s.7",2006 c. 47
17,17.1,Permitting barred person to engage in regulated activity,"Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, s.9",2006 c. 47
17,17.1,Knowingly supply a barred individual to engage in regulated activity while acting/appearing to act for personnel supplier,"Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, s.19(2)",2006 c. 47
17,17.1,"Fishing with, or possessing, prohibited implements","Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975, s.1",1975 c. 51
17,17.1,Publication or disclosure of information,"Sea Fish Industry Act 1970, s.14, s.42",1970 c. 11
17,17.1,Failure to comply with a Serious Crime Prevention Order ,"Serious Crime Act 2007, s.25",2007 c. 27
17,17.1,Disclosure of protected information,"Serious Crime Act 2007, s.69",2007 c. 27
17,17.1,Disclosure of information about protection arrangements,"Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, s.86",2005 c. 15
17,17.1,Disclosure of information relating to persons assuming new identity,"Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, s.88",2005 c. 15
17,17.1,Interference with contractual relationships so as to harm animal research organisations,"Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, s.145",2005 c. 15
17,17.1,Intimidation of persons connected with animal research organisations,"Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, s.146",2005 c. 15
17,17.1,"Person who has been given, or shown protected material, gives a copy or otherwise to any person other than the defendant","Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Act 1997, s.8(2)(a)",1997 c. 39
17,17.1,"Person who has been given, or shown, protected material, gives a copy or otherwise to the defendant when not supposed to","Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Act 1997, s. 8(2)(b)",1997 c. 39
17,17.1,Resisting a Sheriff in the execution of a writ,"Sheriffs Act 1887, s.8(2)",1887 c. 55
17,17.1,Fraudulent evasion of contributions,"Social Security Act 1998, s.61",1998 c. 14
17,17.1,Administration of oath by person without jurisdiction,"Statutory Declaration Act 1835, s.13",1835 c. 62
17,17.1,Fraudulent activity with a view to obtaining payments of tax credit,"Tax Credits Act 2002, s.35(1)",2002 c. 21
17,17.1,Disclosure of information,"Tax Credits Act 2002, s.59 and schedule 5",2002 c. 21
17,17.1,Disclosure of information,"Telecommunications Act 1984, s.101",1984 c. 12
17,17.1,Contravention of Regulation 5 - Small vessels complying with Code of Practice,"The Merchant Shipping (Small Workboats and Pilot Boats) Regulations 1998, Regulation 9(1)",SI 1998/1609
17,17.1,Knowingly harbouring spies,"The Official Secrets Act 1911, s.7",1911 c. 28
17,17.1,Making off without payment,"Theft Act 1978, s.3 ",1978 c. 31
17,17.1,Removal of articles from places open to the public,"Theft Act 1968, s.11",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,Taking of a motor vehicle or other conveyance without authority,"Theft Act 1968, s.12 ",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,Abstracting of electricity,"Theft Act 1968, s.13",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,"False statements by company directors, etc.","Theft Act 1968, s.19",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,"Suppression, etc of documents","Theft Act 1968, s.20(1)",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,"Going equipped for stealing, etc","Theft Act 1968, s.25",1968 c. 60
17,17.1,Prohibition of any sponsorship promoting a tobacco product,"Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.10, 16(2)",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,"Publishes, or causes to be published, a tobacco advertisement","Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.2(1)",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,"Prints, devises or distributes in UK a tobacco advertisement","Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.2(2)",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,Advertising of tobacco in newspapers and periodicals,"Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.3",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,"Gives, or causes or permits, any product or coupon away to the public in the UK which promotes a tobacco product","Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.9",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,Contravention of prohibition of restriction,"Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002, s.11",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,Failure to comply or make false statement,"Tobacco Advertising and Promotions Act 2002, s.15",2002 c. 36
17,17.1,Non-compliance with enforcement notice,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.179",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Contravention of stop notice,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.187",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Contravention of discontinuance of use etc. order,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.189",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Make false statement or withhold information to procure a particular decision on application,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.194",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Discloses information obtained while on land as to manufacturing process or trade secrets,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.196C(5)",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Contravening tree preservation order,"Town and Country Planning Act 1990, s.210(1)",1990 c. 8
17,17.1,Unauthorised use of Trade Mark etc. in relation to goods and falsification of Register etc,"Trade Marks Act 1994, s.92 and 94.",1994 c. 26
17,17.1,Assault on a traffic officer,"Traffic Management Act 2004, s.10(1)",2004 c. 18
17,17.1,Resisting or wilfully obstructing a traffic officer in the execution of their duties,"Traffic Management Act 2004, s.10(2)",2004 c. 18
17,17.1,"Fraud, forgery etc. associated with work records","Transport Act 1968, s.99(5)",1968 c. 73
17,17.1,Prohibition on disclosure of information gained under this part of the Act,"Transport Act 2000, s.102, Schedule 9(6)",2000 c. 38
17,17.1,"Contravenes or fails to comply with direction, or makes a disclosure in contravention of a direction, made in the interests of national security etc.","Transport Act 2000, s.38(11)",2000 c. 38
17,17.1,"Provides particulars, or recklessly provides particulars, which he knows are false in a material particular","Transport Act 2000, s.82(3)",2000 c. 38
17,17.1,"Contravenes or fails to comply with a Direction, given in times of severe international tension, great national emergency or actual or imminent hostilities.","Transport Act 2000, s.93(7)",2000 c. 38
17,17.1,Obstructing a person exercising any power conferred on him (enforcement of licensing scheme),"Transport Act 2000, s.190(4)",2000 c. 38
17,17.1,Assaulting an immigration officer exercising S2 detention powers,"UK Borders Act 2007, s.3(1)(b)",2007 c. 30
17,17.1,Assaulting an immigration officer ,"UK Borders Act 2007, s.22(1)",2007 c. 30
17,17.1,Disclosing information relating to identity of persons which is specified in the disclosure or can be deducted from that disclosure,"UK Borders Act 2007, s.42",2007 c. 30
17,17.1,Directory entries,"Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971, s.3(2)",1971 c. 30
17,17.1,Vagrant violently resisting a constable,"Vagrancy Act 1824, s.4",1824 c. 83
17,17.1,"Forge/alter/use/lend/make document/authority to drive/card/licence/certificate with intent to deceive","Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) Regulations 2007, s.13(1)",2007 No. 605
17,17.1,Knowingly make a false statement to obtain issue of a driver qualification card,"Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) Regulations 2007, s.13(3)",2007 No. 605
17,17.1,"Fraud, forgery etc. and false or misleading information associated with registration and licensing documents","Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994, s. 44 and s.45",1994 c. 22
17,17.1,Restriction of practice of veterinary surgery by unqualified persons,"Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, s.19(1)",1966 c. 36
17,17.1,Prohibition of use of practitioners’ titles by unqualified persons,"Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, s.20",1966 c. 36
17,17.1,Supplying video recording of unclassified work,"Video Recordings Act 1984, s.9",1984 c. 39
17,17.1,Possession of video recording of unclassified work for the purposes of supply,"Video Recordings Act 1984, s.10",1984 c. 39
17,17.1,Offences under regulations under s.6 and s.7,"Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003, s.8",2003 c. 33
17,17.1,Prohibition on unauthorised use of supply system or unauthorised introduction of water,"Water  Industry Act 1991, s.66I and 66J",1991 c. 56
17,17.1,Failure to give assistance/information to an inspector,"Water Industry Act 1991, s.86(6)",1991 c. 56
17,17.1,Prohibition of catching or treating whales within United Kingdom waters,"Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act 1934, s.2",1934 c. 49
17,17.1,Release or allow to escape into the wild any animal which is of a kind which is not ordinarily resident in and is not a regular visitor to Great Britain in a wild state,"Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, s.14(1)",1981 c. 69
17,17.1,"Falsely pretending , with intent to deceive, to be a wildlife inspector.","Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, s.14XB(4) s 19.XB(4)",1981 c. 69
17,17.1,Carrying out any operation likely to damage a site of special scientific interest,"Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, s.28P",1981 c. 69
17,17.1,Remove or disturb limestone on designated land,"Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, s.34",1981 c. 69
17,17.1,Establish/install/use a wireless telegraphy station/apparatus without a S.8 licence.,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.8 and 35(1)",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Possess/control wireless telegraphy station/apparatus with intent for self/another to use it to contravene s.8 and s.35(2). ,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.36(1)",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Having charge of premises knowingly cause/permit/fail to prevent use of premises for unlawful broadcasting.,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.37",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Facilitate unauthorised broadcasting.,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.38(2)",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Send/attempt to send false/misleading message by wireless telegraphy likely to endanger personal safety/ship/aircraft/vehicle.,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.47",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Use apparatus for the purpose of interfering with wireless telegraphy.,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.68",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,"Broadcast, etc from a ship/aircraft while it is in /over the UK/external waters, or from a British registered ship/aircraft while it is not in/over the UK/external waters.","Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.77",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Broadcasting from structure/non-ship object affixed to/supported b y a bed of waters.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.78",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Ship owner/master make/procure broadcast capable of receipt in UK or cause wireless telegraphy interference in UK from non-British registered ship in prescribed area of high seas.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.79",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,British person broadcast from non-British ship/aircraft/structure/object while on high seas.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.80",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,"Manage/finance/operate/run a broadcasting station by which broadcasts are made contravening S.77,78,79 or 80.","Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.81",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Facilitating broadcasting from ships or aircraft.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.82",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Facilitating broadcasting from structures or objects.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.83",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,"Repair/maintain wireless apparatus knowing that broadcasts are to be made contrary to S.77,78,79 or 80.","Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.84",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Offences relating to unlawful broadcasts.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.85",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Procure person in UK to commit a s.82-85 offence abroad.,"Wireless Telegraph Act 2006, s.87",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Assault/obstruct enforcement officer acting under s.89/90 or fail/refuse to comply with s.89(4e-f) requirement,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.92",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Disclose information in contravention of s.111,"Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, s.111(9)",2006 c. 36
17,17.1,Contravening a requirement or prohibition imposed by an improvement or prohibitive notice,"Working Time Regulations 1998, Regulation 29(1)",1998 No. 1833
17,17.1,"Aiding, abetting, causing or permitting dangerous driving","Road Traffic Act 1988, s.2",1988 c. 52
1,1.1,Other offences,,
1,1.2,Other offences,,
1,1.3,Other offences,,
1,1.4,Other offences,,
2,2.1,Other offences,,
2,2.2,Other offences,,
3,3.1,Other offences,,
3,3.2,Other offences,,
3,3.3,Other offences,,
3,3.4,Other offences,,
3,3.5,Other offences,,
4,4.1,Other offences,,
4,4.2,Other offences,,
4,4.3,Other offences,,
5,5.1,Other offences,,
5,5.2,Other offences,,
5,5.3,Other offences,,
6,6.1,Other offences,,
6,6.2,Other offences,,
6,6.3,Other offences,,
6,6.4,Other offences,,
6,6.5,Other offences,,
7,7.1,Other offences,,
7,7.2,Other offences,,
7,7.3,Other offences,,
8,8.1,Other offences,,
9,9.1,Other offences,,
9,9.2,Other offences,,
9,9.3,Other offences,,
9,9.4,Other offences,,
9,9.5,Other offences,,
9,9.6,Other offences,,
9,9.7,Other offences,,
10,10.1,Other offences,,
11,11.1,Other offences,,
11,11.2,Other offences,,
12,12.1,Other offences,,
12,12.2,Other offences,,
12,12.3,Other offences,,
13,13.1,Other offences,,
14,14.1,Other offences,,
15,15.1,Other offences,,
15,15.2,Other offences,,
15,15.3,Other offences,,
16,16.1,Other offences,,
16,16.2,Other offences,,
16,16.3,Other offences,,
17,17.1,Other offences,,