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Test Coverage
= render partial: 'shared/header_message', :locals => {:title => "Start a property repossession case"}

        = link_to 'Personal details', action: 'edit', id:, page_id: 'personal_details'
        %span Case details
        %span Check details
        %span Pay court fee
        %span Confirmation

= render 'partials/flash', title: 'There was a problem submitting the form', subtitle: 'Because of the following problems:'

  %h2= @page_title
  %p Give details of the tenancy and why you’re taking court action.

= form_for @claim do |claim_form|
  = claim_form.fields_for @claim.case_detail do |f|
      %h3.section-header About the tenancy
            Tenancy type
            %span.error Error text here
              = f.radio_button :tenancy_type, "secure tenancy"
              = f.label :tenancy_type_secure_tenancy, "Secure tenancy"
              = f.radio_button :tenancy_type, "introductory tenancy"
              = f.label :tenancy_type_introductory_tenancy, "Introductory tenancy"
            Tenancy start date
            %span.error Error text here
            - options = { prompt: { day: 'day', month: 'month', year: 'year' }, order: [:day, :month, :year], with_css_classes: true, start_year:, end_year: - 87 }
            - options[:selected] = Date.parse(@claim.case_detail.tenancy_start_date) if @claim.case_detail.tenancy_start_date
            = f.date_select :tenancy_start_date, options
          = f.label :rental_amount, "Rent amount <span class='error'>Error text here</span>".html_safe
          = f.text_field :rental_amount, {class: 'pound'}

          - options = options_for_select([['per week', 'weekly'], ['per month', 'monthly']], selected: @claim.case_detail.payment_frequency)
          = :payment_frequency, options, {}, {id: 'rent-amount-frequency', class: 'small rent_payment_frequency'}
          = f.label :daily_rent_amount, "Daily rent amount <span class='error'>Error text here</span>".html_safe
          = f.text_field :daily_rent_amount, {class: 'pound'}

        About the case
        %span.error Error text here
          %legend Notice served
              = f.radio_button :type_of_notice_served, "notice seeking possession"
              = f.label :type_of_notice_served_notice_seeking_possession, "Notice seeking possession"
              = f.radio_button :type_of_notice_served, "notice of possession proceedings"
              = f.label :type_of_notice_served_notice_of_possession_proceedings, "Notice of possession proceedings"
          %legend Date notice served
            - options = { prompt: { day: 'day', month: 'month', year: 'year' }, order: [:day, :month, :year], with_css_classes: true, start_year:, end_year: - 10 }
            - options[:selected] = Date.parse(@claim.case_detail.notice_served_date) if @claim.case_detail.notice_served_date
            = f.date_select :notice_served_date, options
          = f.label :total_unpaid_rent, "Total unpaid rent"
          = f.text_field :total_unpaid_rent, {class: 'pound'}

      %h3.section-header Further information
          = f.label :other_information, "Please give any other information that may be useful for the court."
          = f.text_area :other_information, id: 'further-info'
          = f.check_box :includes_human_rights_issues
          = f.label :includes_human_rights_issues, 'The case includes issues under the Human Rights Act 1998'

      %h3.section-header Recovery steps already taken
          = f.label :recovery_steps, "Recovery steps already taken", :class => 'hidden'
          = f.text_area :recovery_steps, id: 'recovery-steps'

      %h3.section-header About the defendant
          = f.label :about_defendant, "About the defendant", :class => 'hidden'
          = f.text_area :about_defendant, id: 'about-defendant'

      %h3.section-header About the claimant
          = f.label :about_claimant, "About the claimant", :class => 'hidden'
          = f.text_area :about_claimant, id: 'about-claimant'

        %button.button.primary.large.chevron.left{name: 'next_page', value: 'check_details'} Continue to next step