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Test Coverage
  %h1 Your case has been sent to the court
  %p We've sent you an email with all the details of your case.
    Case number:
    %strong= @claim.case_number
    %a.right(href='#') Print receipt
      .key Court fee
      .value &pound;<span class="number">100</span>
      .key Payment date
      .value 10 October 2013 at 13:30
      .key Account name
      .value BristolCC
      .key Sortcode
      .value 50-44
      .key Account number
      .value 80044936
    .row.full The charge will appear on your account as GOV-UK-REPOSSESSION
  %h3.section-header Case summary
      .key Property
      .key Council
      .value= @claim.landlords.first.organisation_name
      .key Tenant
      .value= @claim.tenants.first.display_name
    Case status
      .key Current status
      .value There will be a court hearing
      .key Hearing date
      .value Wednesday 21 November 2013 at 10:30
      .key Court
      .value Bristol Civil Justice Centre
        %a(href='' rel='external' target='_blank') View full court details
  %h2 What happens next
    %li We'll send the tenant details of the court case against them.
    %li The tenant has until <strong class="todo">-=TODO: RESPOND BY DATE=-</strong> to enter details of their defence.
    %li A judge will decide on the case at a court hearing on <strong class="todo">-=TODO: HEARING DATE=-</strong>.