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Test Coverage
= render partial: 'shared/header_message', :locals => {:title => "Start a property repossession case"}

        = link_to 'Personal details', action: 'edit', id:, page_id: 'personal_details'
        = link_to 'Case details', action: 'edit', id:, page_id: 'case_details'
        = link_to 'Check details', action: 'edit', id:, page_id: 'check_details'
        %span Pay court fee
        %span Confirmation

  %h2= @page_title
  %p The hearing date below is available if you pay the court fee in the next 30 minutes:

    Hearing date
        Hearing date
        Wednesday 21 November 2013 at 10:30
        Bristol Civil Justice Centre

    Payment details
      .key Court fee
      .value &pound;<span class="number">100</span>
      .key Account name
      .value BristolCC
      .key Sortcode
      .value 50-44
      .key Account number
      .value 80044936

= form_tag("/claims/#{}/pay_and_send_to_court", method: 'post')
    Agree to terms
      %input#agree-terms(type='checkbox' name='agree-terms')
        I agree to the #{link_to '-=TODO: terms and conditions=-', '#', :class => 'todo'} of this service.
      We will never share your details with anyone: see our #{link_to '-=TODO: privacy policy=-', '#', :class => 'todo'}.

    %button.button.primary.large.chevron.left Pay and send case to the court