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# ievms-ruby

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Ruby interface for managing and provisioning IE/Windows Machines from https://modern.ie.

## WinBoxes supported


## Call for maintainer

I've stopped working on this project. If you find this project useful and want to take over please reply [to issue #29](https://github.com/mipmip/ievms-ruby/issues/29)

## Features

* Upload and download files from guest machine
* Execute cmd.exe and powershell commands on guest machine
* Execute commands on guest machine as admin
* CLI with shortcut commands for Windows guests like `cat`, `ps`, `reboot` and `shutdown`
* Integrated Chocolatey commands to easily install packages

## Requirements

* Host Machine: OSX or Linux (only tested on OSX 10.9 & 10.10)
* [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) >= 5.0.6
* VirtualBox Extension Pack and Guest Additions >= 5.0.6
* Windows Machines created by [ievms](https://github.com/xdissent/ievms)

## Usage

### As library
Use Ievms-ruby in provisioning scripts for windows E.g. for Gitlab CI
or Jenkins integration. There are provisioning example's located in the
[ievms-ruby library documentation](http://mipmip.github.io/ievms-ruby/library/).

### From CLI
Install the Gem on your system:

    $ gem install ievms-ruby

After installation you can use the `ievmsrb` cli program.

Here's the output of `ievmsrb help`

$ ievmsrb help

  ievmsrb cat [vbox name] [file path]                             # cat file from path in Win vbox
  ievmsrb choco_inst [vbox name] [package]                        # Install package in win box with Chocolatey
  ievmsrb choco_uninst [vbox name] [package]                      # Uninstall package in win box with Chocolatey
  ievmsrb cmd [vbox name] [command to execute]                    # Run command with cmd.exe in Win vbox
  ievmsrb cmd_adm [vbox name] [command to execute]                # Run command as Administrator with cmd.exe in Win vbox
  ievmsrb copy_from [vbox name] [path in vbox] [local file]       # Copy file from Win vbox to local path
  ievmsrb copy_to [vbox name] [local file] [path in vbox]         # Copy local file to Win vbox
  ievmsrb copy_to_as_adm [vbox name] [local file] [path in vbox]  # Copy local file to Win vbox as Administrator
  ievmsrb help [COMMAND]                                          # Describe available commands or one specific command
  ievmsrb ps [vbox name]                                          # Show running tasks in Win vbox
  ievmsrb pwrsh_as_adm [vbox name] [command to execute]           # Run command as Administrator with PowerShell in Win vbox
  ievmsrb reboot [vbox name]                                      # Reboot Win box
  ievmsrb reset_ievms_taskmgr [vbox name]                         # Reset ievms task manager
  ievmsrb restore_clean [vbox name]                               # Restore clean snapshot
  ievmsrb shutdown [vbox name]                                    # Shutdown Win vbox
  ievmsrb start [vbox name]                                       # Start Win box
  ievmsrb version                                                 # display version

  -v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]  # Be more verbose
      [--timeout=N]                # Timeout in seconds

Read the docs for more info about [ievms-ruby CLI usage](http://mipmip.github.io/ievms-ruby/cli/).

## Contributing
Please submit a new ticket if you want to report an issue.
Merge requests are welcome. See issues with `Help  Wanted` label.

### Testing
To run the tests you need to fullfil the testing requirements first:

* Install VirtualBox >= 5.0.4 at time of writing 5.0.6

* "IE9 - Win7" installed by ievms.sh and make sure its running

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdissent/ievms/master/ievms.sh | env IEVMS_VERSIONS="9" bash

* Create an new virtual machine called `standbymachine`. Keep the disk size as
  small as possible. It should be turned off.

VBoxManage createvm --name standbymachine --register

* clone ievms-ruby
git clone https://github.com/mipmip/ievms-ruby.git
cd ievms-ruby
bundle install
bundle exec rake

### Merge Requests
1. Fork it ( https://github.com/mipmip/ievms-ruby/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request

## Troubleshooting
- If tests fail check if virtualbox guest additions 5.0.6 or higher are

## Acknowledgements
- ievms - Provider of a platform and methology
- modern.IE - Provider of IE VM images.
- virtualbox - Software for running Virtual Machines
- shields.io - Creates the beautiful Windows Badges