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Test Coverage
Unreleased Changes

* Issue - `e.preventDefault()` on dragging handle - Call `e.preventDefault()`
  when user is dragging handle to prevent the entire screen from scrolling around

v0.1.1 (2017-03-14)

* Upgrading - UglifyJS - Now output js will be compressed

* Upgrading - README badges

v0.1.0 (2017-03-13)

* Feature - Travis-CI - Introduced Travis-CI integration, and made dependencies
  more tidy and clear

* Issue - Double-`define` - Fixed double-`define` bug, in which somehow
  `customElements.define` has been called two or more times when the library is
  used on Safari

* Issue - Initial value synchronization - Let the initial property values be
  applied to UI appearance

* Feature - Exposing version - Now we can get the module version by executing

v0.1.0-rc.2 (2017-03-10)

* Feature - `step` property - Elable to specify value updating granularity

* Issue - ShadyCSS styles - Now style rules with `:host` selector is applied
  to host elements on those browsers which lack ShadowDOM feature (e.g. Firefox
  and IE 11) as well. Shadow DOM elements / styles are adapted to those
  browsers by `ShadyCSS.prepareTemplate()`

* Upgrading - Docs / LICENSE - Inserted docs and license statements to top-level

* Upgrading - Tests - A minimum test with web-component-tester

* Upgrading - npm publishing - Prepared to publish as a npm package

* Issue - Type assertion - `value` property is set after the given value is
  asserted to be number

v0.1.0-rc.1 (2017-03-08)

* No changelog entries.