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import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';

import { Circuits } from '../circuits/circuits.js';
import { Symbols } from '../symbols/symbols.js';
import { Components } from '../components/components.js';

class ElementsCollection extends Mongo.Collection {
  insert(doc, callback) {
    const ourDoc = doc;
    ourDoc.added = ourDoc.added || new Date();

    if (! {
      const componentKey = Components.findOne({'key': ourDoc.component }).key;
      let nextNumber = this.find({
        'cid': ourDoc.cid,
        'component': ourDoc.component,
      nextNumber = nextNumber ? nextNumber + 1 : 1; = `${componentKey}${nextNumber}`;

      while (!!this.findOne({ 'name':, 'cid': ourDoc.cid })) {
        // not going to be too smart here, can go past Z
        nextNumber += 1; = `${componentKey}${nextNumber}`;

    return super.insert(ourDoc, callback);
  update(selector, modifier) {
    const result = super.update(selector, modifier);
    return result;
  remove(selector) {
//    const elements = this.find(selector).fetch();
    const result = super.remove(selector);
    return result;

export const Elements = new ElementsCollection('Elements');

// Deny all client-side updates since we will be using methods to manage this collection
  insert() { return true; },
  update() { return true; },
  remove() { return true; },

Elements.schema = new SimpleSchema({
  'name': { type: String },
  'value': { type: String, optional: true }, //DODAJ REGEX!!! T, G, M, k, m, u, n, p, f
  'component': { type: String },
  'type': { type: String, optional: true },
  'symbol': { type: String },
  'cid': {
    type: String,
    regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id,
    denyUpdate: true,
  'pins': { type: [Object], optional: true  }, //pin names
  'pins.$.id': { type: String },
  'pins.$.x': { type: Number },
  'pins.$.y': { type: Number },
  'pins.$.net': { type: String, optional: true  }, //net names to what pin is connected
  'transform': { type: Object },
  'transform.x': { type: Number },
  'transform.y': { type: Number },
  'transform.rot': { type: Number },
  'model': { type: Object, optional: true  },
  '': { type: String },
  'model.options': { type: [String], optional: true  },
  'mentions': { type: [String], optional: true  },
  'added': { type: Date, denyUpdate: true },
  'modified': { type: Date, optional: true },


Elements.publicFields = {
  'name': 1,
  'value': 1,
  'component': 1,
  'type': 1,
  'symbol': 1,
  'cid': 1,
//  'pins': 1,
  '': 1,
  'pins.x': 1,
  'pins.y': 1,
  '': 1,
//  'transform': 1,
  'transform.x': 1,
  'transform.y': 1,
  'transform.rot': 1,
  'model': 1,
  'mentions': 1,
  'added': 1,
  'modified': 1,

  circuit() {
    return Circuits.findOne(this.cid);
  symbol() {
    return Symbols.findOne(this.symbol);
  editableBy(userId) {
    return this.circuit().editableBy(userId);