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import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { parse as parseURL } from 'url'
import RedisCommands from 'redis-commands'
import redis from 'redis'
import {
} from './RedisUtils'

const ClientProperties = [
  // redis properties, forwarded read-only.

const ConnectionEvents = [

const MonitorEvents = [

const PubSubEvents = [

const AllEvents = [

const DefaultPort = 6379
const DefaultHost = ''

const DefaultConfig = {
  port: DefaultPort,
  host: DefaultHost

 * A Redis client that returns promises for all operations.
class Client extends EventEmitter {

   * Supported options are:
   * - port             The TCP port to use (defaults to 6379)
   * - host             The hostname of the Redis host (defaults to
   * - database         The database # to use (defaults to 0)
   * - password         The password to use for AUTH
   * - returnBuffers    True to return buffers (defaults to false)
  constructor(options) {

    let config = options || process.env.REDIS_URL || DefaultConfig

    if (typeof config === 'string') {
      const url = parseURL(config)

      config = {
        port: url.port,
        host: url.hostname

      if (url.auth) {
        const split = url.auth.split(':')

        if (split[0] && !isNaN(split[0]))
          config.database = split[0]

        if (split[1])
          config.password = split[1]

    this.port = parseInt(config.port, 10) || 6379
    this.host = config.host || ''

    if (config.password)
      config.auth_pass = config.password

    if (config.returnBuffers)
      config.return_buffers = true

    const redisClient = redis.createClient(this.port, this.host, config)

    AllEvents.forEach((eventName) => {
      redisClient.on(eventName, this.emit.bind(this, eventName))
    }, this)

    this._redisClient = redisClient

    if (config.database)

  unref() {

  send(command, args = []) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this._redisClient.send_command(command, args, (error, value) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {

  // Update the selected_db property of the client on SELECT.
  select(db) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Need to use this so selected_db updates properly.
      this._redisClient.select(db, (error, value) => {
        if (error) {
        } else {

  // Parse the result of INFO.
  info() {
    return this.send('info').then(parseInfo)

  // Optionally accept an array as the first argument to LPUSH after the key.
  lpush(key, ...values) {
    const args = [ key ].concat(Array.isArray(values[0]) ? values[0] : values)
    return this.send('lpush', args)

  // Optionally accept an array as the first argument to RPUSH after the key.
  rpush(key, ...values) {
    const args = [ key ].concat(Array.isArray(values[0]) ? values[0] : values)
    return this.send('rpush', args)

  // Optionally accept an array as the only argument to DEL.
  del(...keys) {
    const args = Array.isArray(keys[0]) ? keys[0] : keys
    return this.send('del', args)

  // Optionally accept an array as the only argument to MGET.
  mget(...keys) {
    const args = Array.isArray(keys[0]) ? keys[0] : keys
    return this.send('mget', args)

  // Optionally accept a hash as the only argument to MSET.
  mset(...keysAndValues) {
    const args = (typeof keysAndValues[0] === 'object')
      ? appendHashToArray(keysAndValues[0], [])
      : keysAndValues

    return this.send('mset', args)

  // Optionally accept a hash as the only argument to MSETNX.
  msetnx(...keysAndValues) {
    const args = (typeof keysAndValues[0] === 'object')
      ? appendHashToArray(keysAndValues[0], [])
      : keysAndValues

    return this.send('msetnx', args)

  // Optionally accept a hash as the first argument to HMSET after the key.
  hmset(key, ...keysAndValues) {
    const args = (typeof keysAndValues[0] === 'object')
      ? appendHashToArray(keysAndValues[0], [ key ])
      : [ key ].concat(keysAndValues)

    return this.send('hmset', args)


ClientProperties.forEach((propertyName) => {
  Object.defineProperty(Client.prototype, propertyName, {
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    get() {
      return this._redisClient[propertyName]

RedisCommands.list.forEach((command) => {
  // Some commands have spaces in them, like CONFIG SET.
  const methodName = command.split(' ')[0]

  if (methodName in Client.prototype)

  Object.defineProperty(Client.prototype, methodName, {
    configurable: true,
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true,
    value(...args) {
      return this.send(command, args)

module.exports = Client