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# PO Query Builder

Query Builder for easing the SQL composing

## Important notice: Deprecated in favor of [Koine/QueryBuilder](https://github.com/koinephp/QueryBuilder)

This project was deprecated in favor of [Koine/QueryBuilder](https://github.com/koinephp/QueryBuilder)

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## Installing

### Installing via Composer
Append the lib to your requirements key in your composer.json.

    // composer.json
    // [..]
    require: {
        // append this line to your requirements
        "php-objects/query-builder": "dev-master"

### Alternative install
- Learn [composer](https://getcomposer.org). You should not be looking for an alternative install. It is worth the time. Trust me ;-)
- Follow [this set of instructions](#installing-via-composer)

## Usage


This is an example of select query. 

- Applies [limit](#limit)
- Applies [where](#where)
- Applies [orderBy](#order-by)
- Applies [groupBy](#group-by)
- Applies [placeholders](#using-placeholders)

$fields = array('u.name AS name', 'r.name AS role');

// Selecting via factory
$select = PO\QueryBuilder::factorySelect($fields);

// Selecting via the select method
$select = PO\QueryBuilder::factorySelect()

// or alternatively
$select = new PO\QueryBuilder\Statements\Select();

// From
$select->from('users u');

// Adding joins
$select->innerJoin('roles r', 'u.id = r.user_id');


// SELECT u.name AS name, r.name AS role 
// FROM users u INNER JOIN roles r ON u.idi = r.user_id

- Applies [placeholders](#using-placeholders)

// Using the factory
$insert = PO\QueryBuilder::insert();

// Or alternatively
$insert = new PO\QueryBuilder\Statements\Insert();

    'name'  => 'Jon Doe',
    'email' => 'jon@doe.com'


// INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('Jon Doe', 'jon@doe.com');

- Applies [limit](#limit)
- Applies [where](#where)
- Applies [orderBy](#order-by)
- Applies [groupBy](#group-by)
- Applies [placeholders](#using-placeholders)

$update = PO\QueryBuilder::update('users');

// or
$update = new PO\QueryBuilder\Statements\Update;

// setting values and conditions

        'enabled' => 1
    ))->where('email', ':email');

    'email' => 'admin@email.com'

// UPDATE users SET enabled = 1 WHERE email = 'admin@email.com'


TODO: Implement


Every time a ```where()``` method is called, the condition is added to the query.


// method signature
$query->where($field, $value, $operator);

// or

// or
    array($field, $value, $operator),

// Below some valid examples:

$query->where('email', 'admin@abc.com');
// WHERE email = 'admin@abc.com'

$query->where('email', 'admin@abc.com', '<>');
// WHERE email <> "admin@abc.com"

$query->where('email', '%@google.com', 'LIKE');
// WHERE email <> "LIKE@abc.com"

$query->where('age', 20);
// WHERE age = 20

$query->where('code', 001);
// WHERE code = 001

$query->where('code', array('value' => '001'));
// WHERE code = '001'

$query->where('(code = 1 OR code = 2)'));
// WHERE (code = 1 OR code = 2)

// multiple conditioins, one method call
    array('email', 'admin@abc.com', '<>'),
    array('email', '%@google.com', 'LIKE'),
    array('age', 20),
    array('(code = 1 OR code = 2)'),
    array('hash', array('value' => 'SOMEFUNCTION()')),

// WHERE condition 1 AND condition 2..

$query->orderBy('name DESC');
// or
$query->orderBy(array('name DESC', 'age ASC'));

$query->groupBy('a, b, c');
// or
$query->groupBy(array('a', 'b', 'b'));

$query->limit(2, 1);

### Using placeholders

Placeholders are a good way for building your queries when you don't know what values are going to be used (because they depend on the result of a query yet to be executed, for instance).

    'name'  => ':name',
    'email' => ':email'

    'name'  => 'Jon Doe',
    'email' => 'jon@doe.com'

// INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('Jon Doe', 'jon@doe.com');

## Issues/Features proposals

[Here](https://github.com/mjacobus/php-query-builder/issues) is the issue tracker.

## Contributing

Only TDD code will be accepted. Please follow the [PSR-2 code standard](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-2-coding-style-guide.md).

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

### How to run the tests:

phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml

### To check the code standard run:

phpcs --standard=PSR2 lib
phpcs --standard=PSR2 tests

# alternatively


## Lincense

## Authors

- [Marcelo Jacobus](https://github.com/mjacobus)