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package auth

import (


// ServerAttributes contains the fields needed to connect to the auth server
type ServerAttributes struct {
    Conn         Server
    BaseDN       string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_BASE,required"`
    BindDN       string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN"`
    BindPW       string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PW"`
    Host         string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_HOST" envDefault:"localhost"`
    Port         int      `env:"AUTH_LDAP_PORT" envDefault:"389"`
    UseTLS       bool     `env:"AUTH_LDAP_TLS" envDefault:"false"`
    StartTLS     bool     `env:"AUTH_LDAP_START_TLS" envDefault:"false"`
    UIDFieldName string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_UID_NAME" envDefault:"uid"`
    GIDFieldName string   `env:"AUTH_LDAP_GID_NAME" envDefault:"memberUid"`
    Timeout      int      `env:"AUTH_LDAP_TIMEOUT_SECS" envDefault:"3"`
    Fields       []string // Populated based on the mapstructure tags in User

// InitializeServer -
func InitializeServer(c *Configuration) {
    // Parse the config from the 'env' tags in ServerAttributes

    // Populate the fields from the 'mapstructure' tags
    c.Serv.Fields = populateFields("mapstructure", User{})

    // Set up the server connection
    c.Serv.Conn = &ldap.LDAPClient{
        Base:         Cfg.Serv.BaseDN,
        Host:         Cfg.Serv.Host,
        Port:         Cfg.Serv.Port,
        UseSSL:       Cfg.Serv.UseTLS,
        SkipTLS:      !Cfg.Serv.StartTLS,
        BindDN:       Cfg.Serv.BindDN,
        BindPassword: Cfg.Serv.BindPW,
        UserFilter:   "(" + Cfg.Serv.UIDFieldName + "=%s)",
        GroupFilter:  "(" + Cfg.Serv.GIDFieldName + "=%s)",
        Attributes:   Cfg.Serv.Fields,
        Timeout:      time.Duration(Cfg.Serv.Timeout) * time.Second,
    if err := c.Serv.Conn.Connect(); err != nil {

// populateFields returns a list of tag values on 'u', matching key 'f'
func populateFields(f string, u interface{}) (fieldList []string) {
    t := reflect.TypeOf(u)
    for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
        tag := t.Field(i).Tag.Get(f)
        if tag == "" {
        fieldList = append(fieldList, tag)
    return fieldList

// ValidateLogin validates the username and password against the LDAP server.
// Decodes User.Fields from LDAP into the User struct based on the
// 'mapstructure' tag
func ValidateLogin(username, password string) (ok bool, u User, err error) {
    ok, user, err := Cfg.Serv.Conn.Authenticate(username, password)
    // Authenticate returns an error on any invalid login
    if !ok && err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Invalid Credentials") {
        log.Infof("Authentication failed for user %s", username)
        return ok, User{}, nil
    } else if !ok || err != nil {
        log.Warnf("Authentication error for user %s:%s", username, err)
        return ok, User{}, err

    log.Infof("Authentication succeeded for user %s", username)

    // Turn the LDAP attributes into a User struct based on the
    // mapstructure tags
    mapstructure.Decode(user, &u)
    return ok, u, err