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package auth

import (


// Server is the interface that the auth server client library satisfies
type Server interface {
    Connect() error
    Authenticate(string, string) (bool, map[string]string, error)
    GetGroupsOfUser(string) ([]string, error)

// Configuration defines the main authentication configuration parameters.
// This should contain a connection to your authentication server, plus
// configuration for JWT and the auth server's connection parameters.
type Configuration struct {
    // JWT configuration
    JWTMethod       string        `env:"AUTH_JWT_METHOD" envDefault:"HS512"`
    JWTSecret       string        `env:"AUTH_JWT_SECRET,required"`
    JWTValidMinutes time.Duration `env:"AUTH_JWT_VALID_MIN" envDefault:"30m"`

    // Server attributes defined in
    Serv ServerAttributes

// Cfg is the instance of Configuration.
var Cfg Configuration

// User contains data about the user that we care about.
// The 'mapstructure' tag maps to LDAP fields, and 'structs' maps to JWT
// claims e.g. Email is stored in ldap as "mail", and in the JWT claims
// as "email". There must be a mapstructure tag for the field to be pulled
// from LDAP and similarly there must be a structs tag for the field to be
// put into the JWT claims
type User struct {
    Email    string `mapstructure:"mail"  structs:"email"`
    Realname string `mapstructure:"gecos" structs:"fullname"`
    Username string `mapstructure:"uid"   structs:"name"`
    // Groups isn't directly pulled from a single LDAP field, nor is it
    // stored in the JWT claims
    Groups []string `structs:",omitempty"`

// Initialize the Cfg instance and server config
func Initialize() {
    Cfg = Configuration{}
