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Test Coverage
  "camera": {
    "description": "The camera component defines from which perspective the user views the scene.",
    "properties": {
      "active": "true",
      "far": "10000",
      "fov": "80",
      "near": "0.005",
      "userHeight": "0",
      "zoom": "1"
  "collada-model": {
    "description": "The collada-model component loads a 3D model using a COLLADA (.DAE) file.",
    "properties": {
      "src": null
  "cursor": {
    "description": "The  cursor component provides hover and click states for interaction on top of the raycaster component.",
    "properties": {
      "downEvents": "[]",
      "fuse": "false",
      "fuseTimeout": "1500",
      "rayOrigin": "entity",
      "upEvents": "[]"
  "daydream-controls": {
    "description": "The daydream-controls component interfaces with the Google Daydream controllers. ",
    "properties": {
      "armModel": "true",
      "buttonColor": "#000000",
      "buttonTouchedColor": "#777777",
      "buttonHighlightColor": "#FFFFFF",
      "hand": "",
      "model": "true",
      "rotationOffset": "0"
  "debug": {
    "type": "flag",
    "description": "The debug component enables component-to-DOM serialization.",
    "sceneOnly": true
  "embedded": {
    "type": "flag",
    "description": "Remove fullscreen styles from the canvas.",
    "sceneOnly": true
  "fog": {
    "description": "Add fog.",
    "value": "type: linear; color: #000",
    "sceneOnly": true
  "gearvr-controls": {
    "description": "The gearvr-controls component interfaces with the Samsung/Oculus Gear VR controllers.",
    "properties": {
      "armModel": "true",
      "buttonColor": "#000000",
      "buttonTouchedColor": "#777777",
      "buttonHighlightColor": "#FFFFFF",
      "hand": "",
      "model": "true",
      "rotationOffset": "0"
  "geometry": {
    "description": "The geometry component provides a basic shape for an entity.",
    "properties": {
      "buffer": "true",
      "mergeTo": "",
      "primitive": "box",
      "skipCache": "false",
      "width": "1",
      "height": "1",
      "depth": "1"
  "gltf-model": {
    "description": "glTF (GL Transmission Format) is an open project by Khronos providing a common, extensible format for 3D assets that is both efficient and highly interoperable with modern web technologies.",
    "properties": {
      "src": null
  "hand-controls": {
    "description": "The hand-controls component provides tracked hands (using a prescribed model) with animated gestures. hand-controls wraps the vive-controls and oculus-touch-controls which in turn wrap the tracked-controls component. By specifying just hand-controls, we have something that works well with both Vive and Rift. The component gives extra events and handles hand animations and poses.",
    "valOption": [
  "keyboard-shortcuts": {
    "description": "Toggle keyboard shortcuts.",
    "properties": {
      "enterVR": "true"
    "sceneOnly": true
  "laser-controls": {
    "description": "The  laser-controls component provides tracked controls with a laser or ray cursor shooting out to be used for input and interactions.",
    "valOption": [
  "light": {
    "description": "The light component defines the entity as a source of light.",
    "properties": {
      "type": "directional",
      "color": "#fff",
      "intensity": "1.0"
  "line": {
    "description": "The line component draws a line given a start coordinate and end coordinate using THREE.Line.",
    "properties": {
      "start": "0 0 0",
      "end": "0 0 0",
      "color": "#74BEC1",
      "opacity": "1",
      "visible": "true"
  "link": {
    "description": "The link component connects between experiences and allows for traversing between VR web pages.",
    "value": "",
    "properties": {
      "color": "#fff",
      "highlighted": "false",
      "highlightedColor": "#24CAFF",
      "href": "",
      "on": "",
      "image": "",
      "peekMode": "false",
      "title": "",
      "visualAspectEnabled": ""
  "look-controls": {
    "description": "The look-controls component.",
    "properties": {
      "enabled": "true",
      "hmdEnabled": "true",
      "reverseMouseDrag": "false",
      "standing": "true",
      "touchEnabled": "true"
  "material": {
    "description": "The material component gives appearance to an entity.",
    "properties": {
      "alphaTest": "0",
      "depthTest": "true",
      "flatShading": "false",
      "npot": "false",
      "offset": "0 0",
      "opacity": "1.0",
      "repeat": "1 1",
      "shader": "standard",
      "side": "front",
      "transparent": "false",
      "vertexColors": "none",
      "visible": "true"
  "obj-model": {
    "description": "The obj-model component loads a 3D model and material using a Wavefront (.OBJ) file and a .MTL file.",
    "properties": {
      "obj": "",
      "mtl": ""
  "oculus-touch-controls": {
    "description": "The oculus-touch-controls component interfaces with the Oculus Touch controllers.",
    "properties": {
      "hand": "left",
      "model": "true",
      "rotationOffset": "0"
  "pool": {
    "description": "The pool component allows for object pooling. This gives us a reusable pool of entities to avoid creating and destroying the same kind of entities in dynamic scenes. Object pooling helps reduce GC pauses.",
    "properties": {
      "dynamic": "false",
      "mixin": "",
      "size": "0"
  "position": {
    "description": "The position component places entities at certain spots in 3D space. Position takes a coordinate value as three space-delimited numbers.",
    "value": "0 0 0"
  "raycaster": {
    "description": "The raycaster component provides line-based intersection testing with a raycaster.",
    "properties": {
      "direction": "0 0 0",
      "far": "Infinity",
      "interval": "100",
      "near": "0",
      "objects": "",
      "origin": "0 0 0",
      "recursive": "true",
      "showLine": "false",
      "useWorldXoordinates": "false"
  "rotation": {
    "description": "The rotation component defines the orientation of an entity. It takes the pitch (x), yaw (y), and roll (z) as three space-delimited numbers indicating degrees of rotation. ",
    "value": "0 0 0"
  "scale": {
    "description": "The scale component defines a shrinking, stretching, or skewing transformation of an entity. It takes three scaling factors for the X, Y, and Z axes.",
    "value": "0 0 0"
  "screenshot": {
    "description": "The screenshot component lets us take different types of screenshots with keyboard shortcuts. A-Frame attaches this component to the scene by default so we don’t have to do anything to use the component.",
    "properties": {
      "width": "4096",
      "height": "2048"
    "sceneOnly": true
  "shadow": {
    "description": "The shadow component enables shadows for an entity and its children. Receiving shadows from surrounding objects and casting shadows onto other objects may (and often should) be enabled independently.",
    "properties": {
      "cast": "true",
      "receive": "true"
  "sound": {
    "description": "The sound component defines the entity as a source of sound or audio. The sound component is positional and is thus affected by the components-position.",
    "properties": {
      "autoplay": "false",
      "distanceModel": "inverse",
      "loop": "false",
      "maxDistance": "10000",
      "on": "",
      "poolSize": "1",
      "refDistance": "1",
      "rolloffFactor": "1",
      "src": "",
  "stats": {
    "type": "flag",
    "description": "Toggle performance stats.",
    "sceneOnly": true
  "text": {
    "description": "The text component renders signed distance field (SDF) font text.",
    "properties": {
      "align": "left",
      "alphaTest": "0.5",
      "anchor": "center",
      "baseline": "center",
      "color": "#fff",
      "font": "default",
      "fontImage": "",
      "height": "",
      "letterSpacing": "0",
      "lineHeight": "",
      "opacity": "1.0",
      "shader": "sdf",
      "side": "front",
      "tabSize": "4",
      "transparent": "true",
      "value": "",
      "whitespace": "normal",
      "width": "",
      "wrapCount": "40",
      "wrapPixels": "",
      "zOffset": "0.001"
  "tracked-controls": {
    "description": "The tracked-controls component interfaces with tracked controllers.",
    "properties": {
      "armModel": "true",
      "controller": "0",
      "id": "",
      "idPrefix": "",
      "rotationOffset": "0",
      "headElement": "",
      "hand": "right"
  "visible": {
    "description": "The visible component determines whether to render an entity.",
    "valOption": [
  "vive-controls": {
    "description": "The vive-controls component interfaces with the HTC Vive controllers/wands.",
    "properties": {
      "buttonColor": "#FAFAFA",
      "buttonHighlightColor": "#22D1EE",
      "hand": "right",
      "model": "true",
      "rotationOffset": "0"
  "vr-mode-ui": {
    "type": "flag",
    "description": "Toggle UI for entering and exiting VR.",
    "value": "enabled: true",
    "sceneOnly": true
  "wasd-controls": {
    "description": "The wasd-controls component controls an entity with the WASD or arrow keyboard keys.",
    "properties": {
      "acceleration": "65",
      "adAxis": "x",
      "adInverted": "false",
      "easing": "20",
      "enabled": "true",
      "fly": "false",
      "wsAxis": "z",
      "wsInverted": "false"
  "windows-motion-controls": {
    "description": "The windows-motion-controls component interfaces with any spatial controllers exposed through Windows Mixed Reality as Spatial Input Sources (such as Motion Controllers). ",
    "properties": {
      "hand": "right",
      "pair": "0",
      "model": "true",
      "hideDisconnected": "true"
  "inspector": {
    "type": "flag",
    "description": "Inject the A-Frame Inspector.",
    "sceneOnly": true