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package javapns.communication;

import javapns.communication.exceptions.InvalidKeystoreReferenceException;


 * Common interface of all classes representing a connection to any Apple server.
 * Use AppleNotificationServer and AppleFeedbackServer interfaces for specific connections.
 * @author Sylvain Pedneault
public interface AppleServer {

   * Returns a stream to a keystore.
   * @return an InputStream
  InputStream getKeystoreStream() throws InvalidKeystoreReferenceException;

   * Returns the keystore's password.
   * @return a password matching the keystore
  String getKeystorePassword();

   * Returns the format used to produce the keystore (typically PKCS12).
   * @return a valid keystore format identifier
  String getKeystoreType();

   * Get the proxy host address currently configured for this specific server.
   * A proxy might still be configured at the library or JVM levels.
   * Refer to {@link javapns.communication.ProxyManager} for more information.
   * @return a proxy host, or null if none is configured
  String getProxyHost();

   * Get the proxy port currently configured for this specific server.
   * A proxy might still be configured at the library or JVM levels.
   * Refer to {@link javapns.communication.ProxyManager} for more information.
   * @return a network port, or 0 if no proxy is configured
  int getProxyPort();

   * Configure a proxy to use for this specific server.
   * Use {@link javapns.communication.ProxyManager} to configure a proxy for the entire library instead.
   * @param proxyHost proxy host address
   * @param proxyPort proxy host port
  void setProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort);