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package javapns.notification;

import javapns.communication.AppleServerBasicImpl;
import javapns.communication.ConnectionToAppleServer;
import javapns.communication.exceptions.KeystoreException;

 * Basic implementation of the AppleNotificationServer interface,
 * intended to facilitate rapid deployment.
 * @author Sylvain Pedneault
public class AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl extends AppleServerBasicImpl implements AppleNotificationServer {
  private final String host;
  private final int port;

   * Communication settings for interacting with Apple's default production or sandbox notification server.
   * This constructor uses the recommended keystore type "PCKS12".
   * @param keystore   a keystore containing your private key and the certificate signed by Apple (File, InputStream, byte[], KeyStore or String for a file path)
   * @param password   the keystore's password
   * @param production true to use Apple's production servers, false to use the sandbox
   * @throws KeystoreException thrown if an error occurs when loading the keystore
  public AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(final Object keystore, final String password, final boolean production) throws KeystoreException {
    this(keystore, password, ConnectionToAppleServer.KEYSTORE_TYPE_PKCS12, production);

   * Communication settings for interacting with Apple's default production or sandbox notification server.
   * @param keystore   a keystore containing your private key and the certificate signed by Apple (File, InputStream, byte[], KeyStore or String for a file path)
   * @param password   the keystore's password
   * @param type       the keystore's type
   * @param production true to use Apple's production servers, false to use the sandbox
   * @throws KeystoreException thrown if an error occurs when loading the keystore
  private AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(final Object keystore, final String password, final String type, final boolean production) throws KeystoreException {
    this(keystore, password, type, production ? PRODUCTION_HOST : DEVELOPMENT_HOST, production ? PRODUCTION_PORT : DEVELOPMENT_PORT);

   * Communication settings for interacting with a specific Apple Push Notification Server.
   * @param keystore a keystore containing your private key and the certificate signed by Apple (File, InputStream, byte[], KeyStore or String for a file path)
   * @param password the keystore's password
   * @param type     the keystore's type
   * @param host     a specific APNS host
   * @param port     a specific APNS port
   * @throws KeystoreException thrown if an error occurs when loading the keystore
  private AppleNotificationServerBasicImpl(final Object keystore, final String password, final String type, final String host, final int port) throws KeystoreException {
    super(keystore, password, type); = host;
    this.port = port;

  public String getNotificationServerHost() {
    return host;

  public int getNotificationServerPort() {
    return port;
