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package javapns.notification;

import javapns.notification.exceptions.PayloadAlertAlreadyExistsException;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.List;

 * A payload compatible with the Apple Push Notification Service.
 * @author Maxime Peron
 * @author Sylvain Pedneault
public class PushNotificationPayload extends Payload {

  static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PushNotificationPayload.class);

  /* Maximum total length (serialized) of a payload */
  private static final int MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 256;
  public static final String ALERT = "alert";

  /* The application Dictionary */
  private JSONObject apsDictionary;

   * Create a default payload with a blank "aps" dictionary.
  PushNotificationPayload() {
    this.apsDictionary = new JSONObject();
    try {
      final JSONObject payload = getPayload();
      if (!payload.has("aps")) {
        payload.put("aps", this.apsDictionary);
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Construct a Payload object from a JSON-formatted string.
   * If an aps dictionary is not included, one will be created automatically.
   * @param rawJSON a JSON-formatted string (ex: {"aps":{"alert":"Hello World!"}} )
   * @throws JSONException thrown if a exception occurs while parsing the JSON string
  PushNotificationPayload(final String rawJSON) throws JSONException {
    try {
      final JSONObject payload = getPayload();
      this.apsDictionary = payload.getJSONObject("aps");
      if (this.apsDictionary == null) {
        this.apsDictionary = new JSONObject();
        payload.put("aps", this.apsDictionary);

    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Create a payload and immediately add an alert message, a badge and a sound.
   * @param alert the alert message
   * @param badge the badge
   * @param sound the name of the sound
   * @throws JSONException
  public PushNotificationPayload(final String alert, final int badge, final String sound) throws JSONException {
    if (alert != null) {
    if (sound != null) {

   * Create a pre-defined payload with a simple alert message.
   * @param message the alert's message
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
  public static PushNotificationPayload alert(final String message) {
    if (message == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alert cannot be null");
    final PushNotificationPayload payload = complex();
    try {
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      // empty
    return payload;

   * Create a pre-defined payload with a badge.
   * @param badge the badge
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
  public static PushNotificationPayload badge(final int badge) {
    final PushNotificationPayload payload = complex();
    try {
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      // empty
    return payload;

   * Create a pre-defined payload with a sound name.
   * @param sound the name of the sound
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
  public static PushNotificationPayload sound(final String sound) {
    if (sound == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Sound name cannot be null");
    final PushNotificationPayload payload = complex();
    try {
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return payload;

   * Create a pre-defined payload with a simple alert message, a badge and a sound.
   * @param message the alert message
   * @param badge   the badge
   * @param sound   the name of the sound
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
  public static PushNotificationPayload combined(final String message, final int badge, final String sound) {
    if (message == null && badge < 0 && sound == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide at least one non-null argument");
    final PushNotificationPayload payload = complex();
    try {
      if (message != null) {
      if (badge >= 0) {
      if (sound != null) {
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return payload;

   * Create a special payload with a useful debugging alert message.
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
  public static PushNotificationPayload test() {
    final PushNotificationPayload payload = complex();
    return payload;

   * Create an empty payload which you can configure later.
   * This method is usually used to create complex or custom payloads.
   * Note: the payload actually contains the default "aps"
   * dictionary required by APNS.
   * @return a blank payload that can be customized
  public static PushNotificationPayload complex() {
    return new PushNotificationPayload();

   * Create a PushNotificationPayload object from a preformatted JSON payload.
   * @param rawJSON a JSON-formatted string representing a payload (ex: {"aps":{"alert":"Hello World!"}} )
   * @return a ready-to-send payload
   * @throws JSONException if any exception occurs parsing the JSON string
  public static PushNotificationPayload fromJSON(final String rawJSON) throws JSONException {
    return new PushNotificationPayload(rawJSON);

   * Add a badge.
   * @param badge a badge number
   * @throws JSONException
  public void addBadge(final int badge) throws JSONException {
    logger.debug("Adding badge [" + badge + "]");
    put("badge", badge, this.apsDictionary, true);

   * Add a sound.
   * @param sound the name of a sound
   * @throws JSONException
  public void addSound(final String sound) throws JSONException {
    logger.debug("Adding sound [" + sound + "]");
    put("sound", sound, this.apsDictionary, true);

   * Add a simple alert message.
   * Note: you cannot add a simple and a custom alert in the same payload.
   * @param alertMessage the alert's message
   * @throws JSONException
  public void addAlert(final String alertMessage) throws JSONException {
    final String previousAlert = getCompatibleProperty(ALERT, String.class, "A custom alert (\"%s\") was already added to this payload");
    logger.debug("Adding alert [" + alertMessage + "]" + (previousAlert != null ? " replacing previous alert [" + previousAlert + "]" : ""));
    put(ALERT, alertMessage, this.apsDictionary, false);

   * Get the custom alert object, creating it if it does not yet exist.
   * @return the JSON object defining the custom alert
   * @throws JSONException if a simple alert has already been added to this payload
  private JSONObject getOrAddCustomAlert() throws JSONException {
    JSONObject alert = getCompatibleProperty(ALERT, JSONObject.class, "A simple alert (\"%s\") was already added to this payload");
    if (alert == null) {
      alert = new JSONObject();
      put(ALERT, alert, this.apsDictionary, false);
    return alert;

   * Get the value of a given property, but only if it is of the expected class.
   * If the value exists but is of a different class than expected, an
   * exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * This method simply invokes the other getCompatibleProperty method with the root aps dictionary.
   * @param <T>              the property value's class
   * @param propertyName     the name of the property to get
   * @param expectedClass    the property value's expected (required) class
   * @param exceptionMessage the exception message to throw if the value is not of the expected class
   * @return the property's value
   * @throws JSONException
  private <T> T getCompatibleProperty(final String propertyName, final Class<T> expectedClass, final String exceptionMessage) throws JSONException {
    return getCompatibleProperty(propertyName, expectedClass, exceptionMessage, this.apsDictionary);

   * Get the value of a given property, but only if it is of the expected class.
   * If the value exists but is of a different class than expected, an
   * exception is thrown.
   * <p>
   * This method is useful for properly supporting properties that can have a simple
   * or complex value (such as "alert")
   * @param <T>              the property value's class
   * @param propertyName     the name of the property to get
   * @param expectedClass    the property value's expected (required) class
   * @param exceptionMessage the exception message to throw if the value is not of the expected class
   * @param dictionary       the dictionary where to get the property from
   * @return the property's value
   * @throws JSONException
  private <T> T getCompatibleProperty(final String propertyName, final Class<T> expectedClass, String exceptionMessage, final JSONObject dictionary) throws JSONException {
    Object propertyValue = null;
    try {
      propertyValue = dictionary.get(propertyName);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      // empty
    if (propertyValue == null) {
      return null;
    if (propertyValue.getClass().equals(expectedClass)) {
      return (T) propertyValue;
    try {
      throw new PayloadAlertAlreadyExistsException(String.format(exceptionMessage, propertyValue));
    } catch (final IllegalFormatException e) {
      throw new PayloadAlertAlreadyExistsException(exceptionMessage);


   * Create a custom alert (if none exist) and add a body to the custom alert.
   * @param body the body of the alert
   * @throws JSONException if the custom alert cannot be added because a simple alert already exists
  public void addCustomAlertBody(final String body) throws JSONException {
    put("body", body, getOrAddCustomAlert(), false);

   * Create a custom alert (if none exist) and add a custom text for the right button of the popup.
   * @param actionLocKey the title of the alert's right button, or null to remove the button
   * @throws JSONException if the custom alert cannot be added because a simple alert already exists
  public void addCustomAlertActionLocKey(final String actionLocKey) throws JSONException {
    final Object value = actionLocKey != null ? actionLocKey : JSONObject.NULL;
    put("action-loc-key", value, getOrAddCustomAlert(), false);

   * Create a custom alert (if none exist) and add a loc-key parameter.
   * @param locKey
   * @throws JSONException if the custom alert cannot be added because a simple alert already exists
  public void addCustomAlertLocKey(final String locKey) throws JSONException {
    put("loc-key", locKey, getOrAddCustomAlert(), false);

   * Create a custom alert (if none exist) and add sub-parameters for the loc-key parameter.
   * @param args
   * @throws JSONException if the custom alert cannot be added because a simple alert already exists
  public void addCustomAlertLocArgs(final List args) throws JSONException {
    put("loc-args", args, getOrAddCustomAlert(), false);

   * Sets the content available.
   * @param available
   * @throws JSONException
  public void setContentAvailable(final boolean available) throws JSONException {
    if (available) {
      put("content-available", 1, this.apsDictionary, false);
    } else {
      remove("content-available", this.apsDictionary);

   * Return the maximum payload size in bytes.
   * For APNS payloads, this method returns 256.
   * @return the maximum payload size in bytes (256)
  public int getMaximumPayloadSize() {

  void verifyPayloadIsNotEmpty() {
    if (getPreSendConfiguration() != 0) {

    if (toString().equals("{\"aps\":{}}")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payload cannot be empty");