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package javapns.notification.transmission;

import javapns.devices.Device;
import javapns.devices.exceptions.InvalidDeviceTokenFormatException;
import javapns.notification.Payload;
import javapns.notification.PayloadPerDevice;
import javapns.notification.PushedNotifications;

import java.util.List;

 * A queue backed by an asynchronous notification thread or threads.
 * @author Sylvain Pedneault
public interface PushQueue {
   * Queue a message for delivery.  A thread will pick it up and push it asynchroneously.
   * This method has no effect if the underlying notification thread is not in QUEUE mode.
   * @param payload a payload
   * @param token   a device token
   * @return the actual queue to which the message was added, which could be a different one if the request was delegated to a sub-queue
   * @throws InvalidDeviceTokenFormatException
  PushQueue add(Payload payload, String token) throws InvalidDeviceTokenFormatException;

   * Queue a message for delivery.  A thread will pick it up and push it asynchroneously.
   * This method has no effect if the underlying notification thread is not in QUEUE mode.
   * @param payload a payload
   * @param device  a device
   * @return the actual queue to which the message was added, which could be a different one if the request was delegated to a sub-queue
  PushQueue add(Payload payload, Device device);

   * Queue a message for delivery.  A thread will pick it up and push it asynchroneously.
   * This method has no effect if the underlying notification thread is not in QUEUE mode.
   * @param message a payload/device pair
   * @return the actual queue to which the message was added, which could be a different one if the request was delegated to a sub-queue
  PushQueue add(PayloadPerDevice message);

   * Start the transmission thread(s) working for the queue.
   * @return the queue itself, as a handy shortcut to create and start a queue in a single line of code
  PushQueue start();

   * Get a list of critical exceptions that underlying threads experienced.
   * Critical exceptions include CommunicationException and KeystoreException.
   * Exceptions related to tokens, payloads and such are *not* included here,
   * as they are noted in individual PushedNotification objects.
   * If critical exceptions are present, the underlying thread(s) is most
   * likely not working at all and you should solve the problem before
   * trying to go any further.
   * @return a list of critical exceptions

  List<Exception> getCriticalExceptions();

   * Get a list of all notifications pushed through this queue.
   * @return a list of pushed notifications
  PushedNotifications getPushedNotifications();

   * Clear the internal lists of PushedNotification objects maintained by this queue.
   * You should invoke this method once you no longer need the list of PushedNotification objects so that memory can be reclaimed.
  void clearPushedNotifications();