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0.3.0   2013-06-25

    Move Sinatra web application to meme_captain_web_v1 repo.

0.2.0    2013-06-10

    Blur stroke.

0.1.3    2013-06-06

        Default super_sample to 1.0.

        Add sample generator rake task.

        Add travis ci and code climate.

        Fix rubygems source.

0.1.1    2012-04-26

        Update jQuery and fabric.js to latest versions.

    Disable border on image links for IE.

    Disable text positioning for browsers that don't support canvas.

    Add new source images to the site: annoying Facebook girl and you're
    gonna have a bad time.

    Add new source images to the site: bad luck Brian, laundry room viking,
    paranoid parrot, conspiracy Keanu, socially awesome awkward penguin
    and you should feel bad.

    Increase default stroke width to 8 pixels.

    Add new source images to the site: condescending Wonka and first world

    Add unsharp mask step to make text sharper.

    Scale stroke width by supersample.

    Make search result thumbnail size relative to image size.

    Add share on Reddit link.

    Add templateUrl to JSON response and template link to page.

    Add favicon.ico to site.

    Fix 404 error on empty u parameter.

    Add new source images to the site: Ron Swanson and the more you know.

    Add setup document.

    Follow redirects when fetching source images.

    Highlight form fields when they are populated or preloaded.

    Add source image upload support to site.

    Generalize and document thumb sprites script.

    Add docs for setting up lightweight third-party sites.

    Add JSONP support for lightweight third-party sites to use.

    Use Magick::Image.destroy! to reduce memory leaking.

    Handle odd image formats like BMP.

    Add debug logging.

    Write more rspecs.

    Add new source images to the site: bad joke eel, Neil DeGrasse Tyson,
    Obama not bad and impaired duck.

0.1.0    2012-02-07

    Redesign web interface.

    Avoid repeated failures fetching the same source image from the web
    interface / API.

    ruby interface now supports adding any number of text strings to
    an image.

    Add custom text positioning and sizing to web interface, API and
    ruby interface. Web interface has text positioning widget using
    fabric.js and canvas.

0.0.9    2012-01-19

    Design and markup improvements on the site.

    Allow use of all type metrics when comparing caption choices.

    Add ability to use the ids in the URLs of generated images to make
    new images from the same source by using the id as the source image
    URL (an example id is abcdef.jpg).

    Add a 404 page to the site.

    Deprecate concept of temporary URLs and permanent URLs for images
    generated from the site.

    Use MongoDB for the site datastore.

    Add "memecaptain" executable for creating memes using the gem from the
    command line.

    Add a watermark to images created on the site.

    Shrink large source images to a maximum of 800 pixels per side for
    images created on the site.

    Define local source images in JSON instead of in the template and load
    them with Ajax.

    Add Google Image Search to the site.

    Add new source images to the site: all the things 2, cool story bro,
    aw yeah, Boromir, Ned Stark.

0.0.8   2011-11-23

    Start change log.

        Expose internal parameters of meme method as optional arguments.