# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `mixlib-cli` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem mixlib-cli`.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli/formatter.rb#2
module Mixlib; end
# == Mixlib::CLI
# Adds a DSL for defining command line options and methods for parsing those
# options to the including class.
# Mixlib::CLI does some setup in #initialize, so the including class must
# call `super()` if it defines a custom initializer.
# === DSL
# When included, Mixlib::CLI also extends the including class with its
# ClassMethods, which define the DSL. The primary methods of the DSL are
# ClassMethods#option, which defines a command line option;
# ClassMethods#banner, which defines the "usage" banner;
# and ClassMethods#deprecated_option, which defines a deprecated command-line option.
# === Parsing
# Command line options are parsed by calling the instance method
# #parse_options. After calling this method, the attribute #config will
# contain a hash of `:option_name => value` pairs.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli/formatter.rb#3
module Mixlib::CLI
mixes_in_class_methods ::Mixlib::CLI::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::Mixlib::CLI::InheritMethods
# Create a new Mixlib::CLI class. If you override this, make sure you call super!
# === Parameters
# *args<Array>:: The array of arguments passed to the initializer
# === Returns
# object<Mixlib::Config>:: Returns an instance of whatever you wanted :)
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#260
def initialize(*args); end
# Banner for the option parser. If the option parser is printed, e.g., by
# `puts opt_parser`, this string will be used as the first line.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#251
def banner; end
# Banner for the option parser. If the option parser is printed, e.g., by
# `puts opt_parser`, this string will be used as the first line.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#251
def banner=(_arg0); end
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#432
def build_option_arguments(opt_setting); end
# Any arguments which were not parsed and placed in "config"--the leftovers.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#247
def cli_arguments; end
# Any arguments which were not parsed and placed in "config"--the leftovers.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#247
def cli_arguments=(_arg0); end
# A Hash containing the values supplied by command line options.
# The behavior and contents of this Hash vary depending on whether
# ClassMethods#use_separate_default_options is enabled.
# ==== use_separate_default_options *disabled*
# After initialization, +config+ will contain any default values defined
# via the mixlib-config DSL. When #parse_options is called, user-supplied
# values (from ARGV) will be merged in.
# ==== use_separate_default_options *enabled*
# After initialization, this will be an empty hash. When #parse_options is
# called, +config+ is populated *only* with user-supplied values.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#236
def config; end
# A Hash containing the values supplied by command line options.
# The behavior and contents of this Hash vary depending on whether
# ClassMethods#use_separate_default_options is enabled.
# ==== use_separate_default_options *disabled*
# After initialization, +config+ will contain any default values defined
# via the mixlib-config DSL. When #parse_options is called, user-supplied
# values (from ARGV) will be merged in.
# ==== use_separate_default_options *enabled*
# After initialization, this will be an empty hash. When #parse_options is
# called, +config+ is populated *only* with user-supplied values.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#236
def config=(_arg0); end
# If ClassMethods#use_separate_default_options is enabled, this will be a
# Hash containing key value pairs of `:option_name => default_value`
# (populated during object initialization).
# If use_separate_default_options is disabled, it will always be an empty
# hash.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#244
def default_config; end
# If ClassMethods#use_separate_default_options is enabled, this will be a
# Hash containing key value pairs of `:option_name => default_value`
# (populated during object initialization).
# If use_separate_default_options is disabled, it will always be an empty
# hash.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#244
def default_config=(_arg0); end
# Iterates through options declared as deprecated,
# maps values to their replacement options,
# and prints deprecation warnings.
# @return NilClass
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#394
def handle_deprecated_options(show_deprecations); end
# The option parser generated from the mixlib-cli DSL. +opt_parser+ can be
# used to print a help message including the banner and any CLI options via
# `puts opt_parser`.
# === Returns
# opt_parser<OptionParser>:: The option parser object.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#344
def opt_parser; end
# Gives the command line options definition as configured in the DSL. These
# are used by #parse_options to generate the option parsing code. To get
# the values supplied by the user, see #config.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#223
def options; end
# Gives the command line options definition as configured in the DSL. These
# are used by #parse_options to generate the option parsing code. To get
# the values supplied by the user, see #config.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#223
def options=(_arg0); end
# Parses an array, by default ARGV, for command line options (as configured at
# the class level).
# === Parameters
# argv<Array>:: The array of arguments to parse; defaults to ARGV
# === Returns
# argv<Array>:: Returns any un-parsed elements.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#304
def parse_options(argv = T.unsafe(nil), show_deprecations: T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# @private
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#448
def included(receiver); end
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#81
module Mixlib::CLI::ClassMethods
# Change the banner. Defaults to:
# Usage: #{0} (options)
# === Parameters
# bstring<String>:: The string to set the banner to
# === Returns
# @banner<String>:: The current banner
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#210
def banner(bstring = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declare a deprecated option
# Add a deprecated command line option.
# name<Symbol> :: The name of the deprecated option
# replacement<Symbol> :: The name of the option that replaces this option.
# long<String> :: The original long flag name, or flag name with argument, eg "--user USER"
# short<String> :: The original short-form flag name, eg "-u USER"
# boolean<String> :: true if this is a boolean flag, eg "--[no-]option".
# value_mapper<Proc/1> :: a block that accepts the original value from the deprecated option,
# and converts it to a value suitable for the new option.
# If not provided, the value provided to the deprecated option will be
# assigned directly to the converted option.
# keep<Boolean> :: Defaults to true, this ensures that `options[:deprecated_flag]` is
# populated when the deprecated flag is used. If set to false,
# only the value in `replacement` will be set. Results undefined
# if no replacement is provided. You can use this to enforce the transition
# to non-deprecated keys in your code.
# === Returns
# <Hash> :: The config hash for the created option.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#151
def deprecated_option(name, replacement: T.unsafe(nil), long: T.unsafe(nil), short: T.unsafe(nil), boolean: T.unsafe(nil), value_mapper: T.unsafe(nil), keep: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Add a command line option.
# === Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the option to add
# args<Hash>:: A hash of arguments for the option, specifying how it should be parsed.
# Supported arguments:
# :short - The short option, just like from optparse. Example: "-l LEVEL"
# :long - The long option, just like from optparse. Example: "--level LEVEL"
# :description - The description for this item, just like from optparse.
# :default - A default value for this option. Default values will be populated
# on parse into `config` or `default_default`, depending `use_separate_defaults`
# :boolean - indicates the flag is a boolean. You can use this if the flag takes no arguments
# The config value will be set to 'true' if the flag is provided on the CLI and this
# argument is set to true. The config value will be set to false only
# if it has a default value of false
# :required - When set, the option is required. If the command is run without this option,
# it will print a message informing the user of the missing requirement, and exit. Default is false.
# :proc - Proc that will be invoked if the human has specified this option.
# Two forms are supported:
# Proc/1 - provided value is passed in.
# Proc/2 - first argument is provided value. Second is the cli flag option hash.
# Both versions return the value to be assigned to the option.
# :show_options - this option is designated as one that shows all supported options/help when invoked.
# :exit - exit your program with the exit code when this option is given. Example: 0
# :in - array containing a list of valid values. The value provided at run-time for the option is
# validated against this. If it is not in the list, it will print a message and exit.
# :on :head OR :tail - force this option to display at the beginning or end of the
# option list, respectively
# =
# i
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @return [Hash] :: the config hash for the created option
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#123
def option(name, args); end
# Get the hash of current options.
# === Returns
# @options<Hash>:: The current options hash.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#184
def options; end
# Set the current options hash
# === Parameters
# val<Hash>:: The hash to set the options to
# === Returns
# @options<Hash>:: The current options hash.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#196
def options=(val); end
# When this setting is set to +true+, default values supplied to the
# mixlib-cli DSL will be stored in a separate Hash
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#84
def use_separate_default_options(true_or_false); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#88
def use_separate_defaults?; end
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli/formatter.rb#4
class Mixlib::CLI::Formatter
class << self
# Create a string that includes both versions (short/long) of a flag name
# based on on whether short/long/both/neither are provided
# @param short [String] the short name of the option. Can be nil.
# @param long [String] the long name of the option. Can be nil.
# @return [String] the formatted flag name as described above
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli/formatter.rb#11
def combined_option_display_name(short, long); end
# @param opt_array [Array]
# @return [String] a friendly quoted list of items complete with "or"
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli/formatter.rb#25
def friendly_opt_list(opt_array); end
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#43
module Mixlib::CLI::InheritMethods
# object:: Instance to clone
# This method will return a "deep clone" of the provided
# `object`. If the provided `object` is an enumerable type the
# contents will be iterated and cloned as well.
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#53
def deep_dup(object); end
# source://mixlib-cli//lib/mixlib/cli.rb#44
def inherited(receiver); end