# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `thor` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem thor`.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/lcs_diff.rb#1
module LCSDiff
# Overwrite show_diff to show diff with colors if Diff::LCS is
# available.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/lcs_diff.rb#6
def show_diff(destination, content); end
# Check if Diff::LCS is loaded. If it is, use it to create pretty output
# for diff.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/lcs_diff.rb#37
def diff_lcs_loaded?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/lcs_diff.rb#21
def output_diff_line(diff); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#1
class Thor
include ::Thor::Base
include ::Thor::Invocation
include ::Thor::Shell
extend ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
extend ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#663
def help(command = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# Adds and declares option group for required at least one of options in the
# block of arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# If :for is given as option, it allows you to change the options from
# a previous defined command.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[]
# options<Hash>:: :for is applied for previous defined command.
# ==== Examples
# at_least_one do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# Or
# option :one
# option :two
# at_least_one :one, :two
# If you do not give "--one" and "--two" AtLeastOneRequiredArgumentError
# will be raised.
# You can use at_least_one and exclusive at the same time.
# exclusive do
# at_least_one do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# end
# Then it is required either only one of "--one" or "--two".
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#246
def at_least_one(*args, &block); end
# Extend check unknown options to accept a hash of conditions.
# === Parameters
# options<Hash>: A hash containing :only and/or :except keys
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#350
def check_unknown_options!(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Overwrite check_unknown_options? to take subcommands and options into account.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#363
def check_unknown_options?(config); end
# Checks if a specified command exists.
# ==== Parameters
# command_name<String>:: The name of the command to check for existence.
# ==== Returns
# Boolean:: +true+ if the command exists, +false+ otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#449
def command_exists?(command_name); end
# Prints help information for the given command.
# ==== Parameters
# shell<Thor::Shell>
# command_name<String>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#258
def command_help(shell, command_name); end
# Sets the default command when thor is executed without an explicit command to be called.
# ==== Parameters
# meth<Symbol>:: name of the default command
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#21
def default_command(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sets the default command when thor is executed without an explicit command to be called.
# ==== Parameters
# meth<Symbol>:: name of the default command
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#21
def default_task(meth = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#26
def deprecation_warning(message); end
# Defines the usage and the description of the next command.
# ==== Parameters
# usage<String>
# description<String>
# options<String>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#54
def desc(usage, description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Disable the check for required options for the given commands.
# This is useful if you have a command that does not need the required options
# to work, like help.
# ==== Parameters
# Symbol ...:: A list of commands that should be affected.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#434
def disable_required_check!(*command_names); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#438
def disable_required_check?(command); end
# Adds and declares option group for exclusive options in the
# block and arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# If :for is given as option, it allows you to change the options from
# a previous defined command.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[]
# options<Hash>:: :for is applied for previous defined command.
# ==== Examples
# exclusive do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# Or
# option :one
# option :two
# exclusive :one, :two
# If you give "--one" and "--two" at the same time ExclusiveArgumentsError
# will be raised.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#203
def exclusive(*args, &block); end
# Prints help information for this class.
# ==== Parameters
# shell<Thor::Shell>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#288
def help(shell, subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Defines the long description of the next command.
# Long description is by default indented, line-wrapped and repeated whitespace merged.
# In order to print long description verbatim, with indentation and spacing exactly
# as found in the code, use the +wrap+ option
# long_desc 'your very long description', wrap: false
# ==== Parameters
# long description<String>
# options<Hash>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#78
def long_desc(long_description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Maps an input to a command. If you define:
# map "-T" => "list"
# Running:
# thor -T
# Will invoke the list command.
# ==== Parameters
# Hash[String|Array => Symbol]:: Maps the string or the strings in the array to the given command.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#101
def map(mappings = T.unsafe(nil), **kw); end
# Adds and declares option group for required at least one of options in the
# block of arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# If :for is given as option, it allows you to change the options from
# a previous defined command.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[]
# options<Hash>:: :for is applied for previous defined command.
# ==== Examples
# at_least_one do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# Or
# option :one
# option :two
# at_least_one :one, :two
# If you do not give "--one" and "--two" AtLeastOneRequiredArgumentError
# will be raised.
# You can use at_least_one and exclusive at the same time.
# exclusive do
# at_least_one do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# end
# Then it is required either only one of "--one" or "--two".
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#246
def method_at_least_one(*args, &block); end
# Adds and declares option group for exclusive options in the
# block and arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# If :for is given as option, it allows you to change the options from
# a previous defined command.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[]
# options<Hash>:: :for is applied for previous defined command.
# ==== Examples
# exclusive do
# option :one
# option :two
# end
# Or
# option :one
# option :two
# exclusive :one, :two
# If you give "--one" and "--two" at the same time ExclusiveArgumentsError
# will be raised.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#203
def method_exclusive(*args, &block); end
# Adds an option to the set of method options. If :for is given as option,
# it allows you to change the options from a previous defined command.
# def previous_command
# # magic
# end
# method_option :foo, :for => :previous_command
# def next_command
# # magic
# end
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the argument.
# options<Hash>:: Described below.
# ==== Options
# :desc - Description for the argument.
# :required - If the argument is required or not.
# :default - Default value for this argument. It cannot be required and have default values.
# :aliases - Aliases for this option.
# :type - The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric or :boolean.
# :banner - String to show on usage notes.
# :hide - If you want to hide this option from the help.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#163
def method_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declares the options for the next command to be declared.
# ==== Parameters
# Hash[Symbol => Object]:: The hash key is the name of the option and the value
# is the type of the option. Can be :string, :array, :hash, :boolean, :numeric
# or :required (string). If you give a value, the type of the value is used.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#129
def method_options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds an option to the set of method options. If :for is given as option,
# it allows you to change the options from a previous defined command.
# def previous_command
# # magic
# end
# method_option :foo, :for => :previous_command
# def next_command
# # magic
# end
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the argument.
# options<Hash>:: Described below.
# ==== Options
# :desc - Description for the argument.
# :required - If the argument is required or not.
# :default - Default value for this argument. It cannot be required and have default values.
# :aliases - Aliases for this option.
# :type - The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric or :boolean.
# :banner - String to show on usage notes.
# :hide - If you want to hide this option from the help.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#163
def option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Declares the options for the next command to be declared.
# ==== Parameters
# Hash[Symbol => Object]:: The hash key is the name of the option and the value
# is the type of the option. Can be :string, :array, :hash, :boolean, :numeric
# or :required (string). If you give a value, the type of the value is used.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#129
def options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Allows for custom "Command" package naming.
# === Parameters
# name<String>
# options<Hash>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#12
def package_name(name, _ = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns commands ready to be printed.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#309
def printable_commands(all = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns commands ready to be printed.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#309
def printable_tasks(all = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Registers another Thor subclass as a command.
# ==== Parameters
# klass<Class>:: Thor subclass to register
# command<String>:: Subcommand name to use
# usage<String>:: Short usage for the subcommand
# description<String>:: Description for the subcommand
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#37
def register(klass, subcommand_name, usage, description, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Stop parsing of options as soon as an unknown option or a regular
# argument is encountered. All remaining arguments are passed to the command.
# This is useful if you have a command that can receive arbitrary additional
# options, and where those additional options should not be handled by
# Thor.
# ==== Example
# To better understand how this is useful, let's consider a command that calls
# an external command. A user may want to pass arbitrary options and
# arguments to that command. The command itself also accepts some options,
# which should be handled by Thor.
# class_option "verbose", :type => :boolean
# stop_on_unknown_option! :exec
# check_unknown_options! :except => :exec
# desc "exec", "Run a shell command"
# def exec(*args)
# puts "diagnostic output" if options[:verbose]
# Kernel.exec(*args)
# end
# Here +exec+ can be called with +--verbose+ to get diagnostic output,
# e.g.:
# $ thor exec --verbose echo foo
# diagnostic output
# foo
# But if +--verbose+ is given after +echo+, it is passed to +echo+ instead:
# $ thor exec echo --verbose foo
# --verbose foo
# ==== Parameters
# Symbol ...:: A list of commands that should be affected.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#420
def stop_on_unknown_option!(*command_names); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#424
def stop_on_unknown_option?(command); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#329
def subcommand(subcommand, subcommand_class); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#325
def subcommand_classes; end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#320
def subcommands; end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#329
def subtask(subcommand, subcommand_class); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#320
def subtasks; end
# Prints help information for the given command.
# ==== Parameters
# shell<Thor::Shell>
# command_name<String>
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#258
def task_help(shell, command_name); end
# The banner for this class. You can customize it if you are invoking the
# thor class by another ways which is not the Thor::Runner. It receives
# the command that is going to be invoked and a boolean which indicates if
# the namespace should be displayed as arguments.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#546
def banner(command, namespace = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#552
def baseclass; end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#560
def create_command(meth); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#560
def create_task(meth); end
# help command has the required check disabled by default.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#478
def disable_required_check; end
# The method responsible for dispatching given the args.
# @yield [instance]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#505
def dispatch(meth, given_args, given_opts, config); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#556
def dynamic_command_class; end
# this is the logic that takes the command name passed in by the user
# and determines whether it is an unambiguous substrings of a command or
# alias name.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#626
def find_command_possibilities(meth); end
# this is the logic that takes the command name passed in by the user
# and determines whether it is an unambiguous substrings of a command or
# alias name.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#626
def find_task_possibilities(meth); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#586
def initialize_added; end
# Returns this class at least one of required options array set.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Array[]]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#469
def method_at_least_one_option_names; end
# Returns this class exclusive options array set.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Array[]]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#460
def method_exclusive_option_names; end
# receives a (possibly nil) command name and returns a name that is in
# the commands hash. In addition to normalizing aliases, this logic
# will determine if a shortened command is an unambiguous substring of
# a command or alias.
# +normalize_command_name+ also converts names like +animal-prison+
# into +animal_prison+.
# @raise [AmbiguousTaskError]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#605
def normalize_command_name(meth); end
# receives a (possibly nil) command name and returns a name that is in
# the commands hash. In addition to normalizing aliases, this logic
# will determine if a shortened command is an unambiguous substring of
# a command or alias.
# +normalize_command_name+ also converts names like +animal-prison+
# into +animal_prison+.
# @raise [AmbiguousTaskError]
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#605
def normalize_task_name(meth); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#493
def print_at_least_one_required_options(shell, command = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#482
def print_exclusive_options(shell, command = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Retrieve the command name from given args.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#592
def retrieve_command_name(args); end
# Retrieve the command name from given args.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#592
def retrieve_task_name(args); end
# Sort the commands, lexicographically by default.
# Can be overridden in the subclass to change the display order of the
# commands.
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#653
def sort_commands!(list); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#473
def stop_on_unknown_option; end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#641
def subcommand_help(cmd); end
# source://thor//lib/thor.rb#641
def subtask_help(cmd); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#2
module Thor::Actions
mixes_in_class_methods ::Thor::Actions::ClassMethods
# Extends initializer to add more configuration options.
# ==== Configuration
# behavior<Symbol>:: The actions default behavior. Can be :invoke or :revoke.
# It also accepts :force, :skip and :pretend to set the behavior
# and the respective option.
# destination_root<String>:: The root directory needed for some actions.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#72
def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Wraps an action object and call it accordingly to the thor class behavior.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#89
def action(instance); end
# Create a new file relative to the destination root with the given data,
# which is the return value of a block or a data string.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# data<String|NilClass>:: the data to append to the file.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# create_file "lib/fun_party.rb" do
# hostname = ask("What is the virtual hostname I should use?")
# " = #{hostname}"
# end
# create_file "config/apache.conf", "your apache config"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#22
def add_file(destination, *args, &block); end
# Create a new file relative to the destination root from the given source.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# source<String|NilClass>:: the relative path to the source root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# :: give :symbolic => false for hard link.
# ==== Examples
# create_link "config/apache.conf", "/etc/apache.conf"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#17
def add_link(destination, *args); end
# Append text to a file. Since it depends on insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# data<String>:: the data to append to the file, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# append_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb', 'config.gem "rspec"'
# append_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb' do
# 'config.gem "rspec"'
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#192
def append_file(path, *args, &block); end
# Append text to a file. Since it depends on insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# data<String>:: the data to append to the file, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# append_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb', 'config.gem "rspec"'
# append_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb' do
# 'config.gem "rspec"'
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#192
def append_to_file(path, *args, &block); end
# Loads an external file and execute it in the instance binding.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: The path to the file to execute. Can be a web address or
# a relative path from the source root.
# ==== Examples
# apply ""
# apply "recipes/jquery.rb"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#216
def apply(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute behavior.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#10
def behavior; end
# Sets the attribute behavior
# @param value the value to set the attribute behavior to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#10
def behavior=(_arg0); end
# Changes the mode of the given file or directory.
# ==== Parameters
# mode<Integer>:: the file mode
# path<String>:: the name of the file to change mode
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# chmod "script/server", 0755
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#145
def chmod(path, mode, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Comment all lines matching a given regex. It will leave the space
# which existed before the beginning of the line in tact and will insert
# a single space after the comment hash.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# flag<Regexp|String>:: the regexp or string used to decide which lines to comment
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# comment_lines 'config/initializers/session_store.rb', /cookie_store/
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#308
def comment_lines(path, flag, *args); end
# Copies the file from the relative source to the relative destination. If
# the destination is not given it's assumed to be equal to the source.
# ==== Parameters
# source<String>:: the relative path to the source root.
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status, and
# :mode => :preserve, to preserve the file mode from the source.
# ==== Examples
# copy_file "README", "doc/README"
# copy_file "doc/README"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#20
def copy_file(source, *args, &block); end
# Create a new file relative to the destination root with the given data,
# which is the return value of a block or a data string.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# data<String|NilClass>:: the data to append to the file.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# create_file "lib/fun_party.rb" do
# hostname = ask("What is the virtual hostname I should use?")
# " = #{hostname}"
# end
# create_file "config/apache.conf", "your apache config"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#22
def create_file(destination, *args, &block); end
# Create a new file relative to the destination root from the given source.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# source<String|NilClass>:: the relative path to the source root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# :: give :symbolic => false for hard link.
# ==== Examples
# create_link "config/apache.conf", "/etc/apache.conf"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#17
def create_link(destination, *args); end
# Returns the root for this thor class (also aliased as destination root).
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#99
def destination_root; end
# Sets the root for this thor class. Relatives path are added to the
# directory where the script was invoked and expanded.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#106
def destination_root=(root); end
# Copies recursively the files from source directory to root directory.
# If any of the files finishes with .tt, it's considered to be a template
# and is placed in the destination without the extension .tt. If any
# empty directory is found, it's copied and all .empty_directory files are
# ignored. If any file name is wrapped within % signs, the text within
# the % signs will be executed as a method and replaced with the returned
# value. Let's suppose a doc directory with the following files:
# doc/
# components/.empty_directory
# %app_name%.rb
# When invoked as:
# directory "doc"
# It will create a doc directory in the destination with the following
# files (assuming that the `app_name` method returns the value "blog"):
# doc/
# components/
# rdoc.rb
# blog.rb
# <b>Encoded path note:</b> Since Thor internals use Object#respond_to? to check if it can
# expand %something%, this `something` should be a public method in the class calling
# #directory. If a method is private, Thor stack raises PrivateMethodEncodedError.
# ==== Parameters
# source<String>:: the relative path to the source root.
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# If :recursive => false, does not look for paths recursively.
# If :mode => :preserve, preserve the file mode from the source.
# If :exclude_pattern => /regexp/, prevents copying files that match that regexp.
# ==== Examples
# directory "doc"
# directory "doc", "docs", :recursive => false
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#49
def directory(source, *args, &block); end
# Creates an empty directory.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# empty_directory "doc"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#13
def empty_directory(destination, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Receives a file or directory and search for it in the source paths.
# @raise [Error]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#133
def find_in_source_paths(file); end
# Gets the content at the given address and places it at the given relative
# destination. If a block is given instead of destination, the content of
# the url is yielded and used as location.
# +get+ relies on open-uri, so passing application user input would provide
# a command injection attack vector.
# ==== Parameters
# source<String>:: the address of the given content.
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status, and
# :http_headers => <Hash> to add headers to an http request.
# ==== Examples
# get "", "doc/README"
# get "", "doc/README", :http_headers => {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
# get "" do |content|
# content.split("\n").first
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#81
def get(source, *args, &block); end
# Run a regular expression replacement on a file.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# flag<Regexp|String>:: the regexp or string to be replaced
# replacement<String>:: the replacement, can be also given as a block
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status, and
# :force => true, to force the replacement regardless of runner behavior.
# ==== Example
# gsub_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', /#\s*(filter_parameter_logging :password)/, '\1'
# gsub_file 'README', /rake/, :green do |match|
# match << " no more. Use thor!"
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#262
def gsub_file(path, flag, *args, &block); end
# Goes to the root and execute the given block.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#200
def in_root; end
# Injects text right after the class definition. Since it depends on
# insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# klass<String|Class>:: the class to be manipulated
# data<String>:: the data to append to the class, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# inject_into_class "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", "ApplicationController", " filter_parameter :password\n"
# inject_into_class "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", "ApplicationController" do
# " filter_parameter :password\n"
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#216
def inject_into_class(path, klass, *args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#26
def inject_into_file(destination, *args, &block); end
# Injects text right after the module definition. Since it depends on
# insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# module_name<String|Class>:: the module to be manipulated
# data<String>:: the data to append to the class, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# inject_into_module "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", "ApplicationHelper", " def help; 'help'; end\n"
# inject_into_module "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", "ApplicationHelper" do
# " def help; 'help'; end\n"
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#239
def inject_into_module(path, module_name, *args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#26
def insert_into_file(destination, *args, &block); end
# Do something in the root or on a provided subfolder. If a relative path
# is given it's referenced from the current root. The full path is yielded
# to the block you provide. The path is set back to the previous path when
# the method exits.
# Returns the value yielded by the block.
# ==== Parameters
# dir<String>:: the directory to move to.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => true to log and use padding.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#170
def inside(dir = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Links the file from the relative source to the relative destination. If
# the destination is not given it's assumed to be equal to the source.
# ==== Parameters
# source<String>:: the relative path to the source root.
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# link_file "README", "doc/README"
# link_file "doc/README"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#50
def link_file(source, *args); end
# Prepend text to a file. Since it depends on insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# data<String>:: the data to prepend to the file, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# prepend_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb', 'config.gem "rspec"'
# prepend_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb' do
# 'config.gem "rspec"'
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#170
def prepend_file(path, *args, &block); end
# Prepend text to a file. Since it depends on insert_into_file, it's reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# data<String>:: the data to prepend to the file, can be also given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# prepend_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb', 'config.gem "rspec"'
# prepend_to_file 'config/environments/test.rb' do
# 'config.gem "rspec"'
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#170
def prepend_to_file(path, *args, &block); end
# Returns the given path relative to the absolute root (ie, root where
# the script started).
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#114
def relative_to_original_destination_root(path, remove_dot = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Removes a file at the given location.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# remove_file 'README'
# remove_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb'
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#325
def remove_dir(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Removes a file at the given location.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# remove_file 'README'
# remove_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb'
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#325
def remove_file(path, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Executes a command returning the contents of the command.
# ==== Parameters
# command<String>:: the command to be executed.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status, :capture => true to hide to output. Specify :with
# to append an executable to command execution.
# ==== Example
# inside('vendor') do
# run('ln -s ~/edge rails')
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#248
def run(command, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Executes a ruby script (taking into account WIN32 platform quirks).
# ==== Parameters
# command<String>:: the command to be executed.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#285
def run_ruby_script(command, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Holds source paths in instance so they can be manipulated.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#127
def source_paths; end
# Gets an ERB template at the relative source, executes it and makes a copy
# at the relative destination. If the destination is not given it's assumed
# to be equal to the source removing .tt from the filename.
# ==== Parameters
# source<String>:: the relative path to the source root.
# destination<String>:: the relative path to the destination root.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Examples
# template "README", "doc/README"
# template "doc/README"
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#117
def template(source, *args, &block); end
# Run a thor command. A hash of options can be given and it's converted to
# switches.
# ==== Parameters
# command<String>:: the command to be invoked
# args<Array>:: arguments to the command
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status, :capture => true to hide to output.
# Other options are given as parameter to Thor.
# ==== Examples
# thor :install, ""
# #=> thor install
# thor :list, :all => true, :substring => 'rails'
# #=> thor list --all --substring=rails
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#308
def thor(command, *args); end
# Uncomment all lines matching a given regex. Preserves indentation before
# the comment hash and removes the hash and any immediate following space.
# ==== Parameters
# path<String>:: path of the file to be changed
# flag<Regexp|String>:: the regexp or string used to decide which lines to uncomment
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# ==== Example
# uncomment_lines 'config/initializers/session_store.rb', /active_record/
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#289
def uncomment_lines(path, flag, *args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#329
def _cleanup_options_and_set(options, key); end
# Allow current root to be shared between invocations.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#325
def _shared_configuration; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#346
def capture(*args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#342
def concat(string); end
# Returns the value of attribute output_buffer.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#337
def output_buffer; end
# Sets the attribute output_buffer
# @param value the value to set the attribute output_buffer to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#337
def output_buffer=(_arg0); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#350
def with_output_buffer(buf = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#12
def included(base); end
# Thor::Actions#capture depends on what kind of buffer is used in ERB.
# Thus CapturableERB fixes ERB to use String buffer.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#362
class Thor::Actions::CapturableERB < ::ERB
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/file_manipulation.rb#363
def set_eoutvar(compiler, eoutvar = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#17
module Thor::Actions::ClassMethods
# Add runtime options that help actions execution.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#48
def add_runtime_options!; end
# Hold source paths for one Thor instance. source_paths_for_search is the
# method responsible to gather source_paths from this current class,
# inherited paths and the source root.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#22
def source_paths; end
# Returns the source paths in the following order:
# 1) This class source paths
# 2) Source root
# 3) Parents source paths
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#38
def source_paths_for_search; end
# Stores and return the source root for this class
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions.rb#27
def source_root(path = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# CreateFile is a subset of Template, which instead of rendering a file with
# ERB, it gets the content from the user.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#32
class Thor::Actions::CreateFile < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory
# @return [CreateFile] a new instance of CreateFile
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#35
def initialize(base, destination, data, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#33
def data; end
# Checks if the content of the file at the destination is identical to the rendered result.
# ==== Returns
# Boolean:: true if it is identical, false otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#45
def identical?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#60
def invoke!; end
# Holds the content to be added to the file.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#52
def render; end
# Shows the file collision menu to the user and gets the result.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#100
def force_on_collision?; end
# If force is true, run the action, otherwise check if it's not being
# skipped. If both are false, show the file_collision menu, if the menu
# returns true, force it, otherwise skip.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#86
def force_or_skip_or_conflict(force, skip, &block); end
# Now on conflict we check if the file is identical or not.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_file.rb#73
def on_conflict_behavior(&block); end
# CreateLink is a subset of CreateFile, which instead of taking a block of
# data, just takes a source string from the user.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#27
class Thor::Actions::CreateLink < ::Thor::Actions::CreateFile
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#28
def data; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#56
def exists?; end
# Checks if the content of the file at the destination is identical to the rendered result.
# ==== Returns
# Boolean:: true if it is identical, false otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#35
def identical?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/create_link.rb#40
def invoke!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#55
class Thor::Actions::Directory < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory
# @return [Directory] a new instance of Directory
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#58
def initialize(base, source, destination = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#64
def invoke!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#69
def revoke!; end
# Returns the value of attribute source.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#56
def source; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#75
def execute!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#99
def file_level_lookup(previous_lookup); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/directory.rb#103
def files(lookup); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#23
class Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory
# Initializes given the source and destination.
# ==== Parameters
# base<Thor::Base>:: A Thor::Base instance
# source<String>:: Relative path to the source of this file
# destination<String>:: Relative path to the destination of this file
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status.
# @return [EmptyDirectory] a new instance of EmptyDirectory
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#34
def initialize(base, destination, config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#24
def base; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#24
def config; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#24
def destination; end
# Checks if the destination file already exists.
# ==== Returns
# Boolean:: true if the file exists, false otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#45
def exists?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#24
def given_destination; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#49
def invoke!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#24
def relative_destination; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#56
def revoke!; end
# Filenames in the encoded form are converted. If you have a file:
# %file_name%.rb
# It calls #file_name from the base and replaces %-string with the
# return value (should be String) of #file_name:
# user.rb
# The method referenced can be either public or private.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#103
def convert_encoded_instructions(filename); end
# Sets the absolute destination value from a relative destination value.
# It also stores the given and relative destination. Let's suppose our
# script is being executed on "dest", it sets the destination root to
# "dest". The destination, given_destination and relative_destination
# are related in the following way:
# inside "bar" do
# empty_directory "baz"
# end
# destination #=> dest/bar/baz
# relative_destination #=> bar/baz
# given_destination #=> baz
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#85
def destination=(destination); end
# Receives a hash of options and just execute the block if some
# conditions are met.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#113
def invoke_with_conflict_check(&block); end
# What to do when the destination file already exists.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#132
def on_conflict_behavior; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#126
def on_file_clash_behavior; end
# Shortcut for pretend.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#67
def pretend?; end
# Shortcut to say_status shell method.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/empty_directory.rb#138
def say_status(status, color); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#36
class Thor::Actions::InjectIntoFile < ::Thor::Actions::EmptyDirectory
# @return [InjectIntoFile] a new instance of InjectIntoFile
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#39
def initialize(base, destination, data, config); end
# Returns the value of attribute behavior.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#37
def behavior; end
# Returns the value of attribute flag.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#37
def flag; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#52
def invoke!; end
# Returns the value of attribute replacement.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#37
def replacement; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#74
def revoke!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#110
def content; end
# Adds the content to the file.
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#120
def replace!(regexp, string, force); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#114
def replacement_present?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#90
def say_status(behavior, warning: T.unsafe(nil), color: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Injects the given content into a file. Different from gsub_file, this
# method is reversible.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: Relative path to the destination root
# data<String>:: Data to add to the file. Can be given as a block.
# config<Hash>:: give :verbose => false to not log the status and the flag
# for injection (:after or :before) or :force => true for
# insert two or more times the same content.
# ==== Examples
# insert_into_file "config/environment.rb", "config.gem :thor", :after => " do |config|\n"
# insert_into_file "config/environment.rb", :after => " do |config|\n" do
# gems = ask "Which gems would you like to add?"
# gems.split(" ").map{ |gem| " config.gem :#{gem}" }.join("\n")
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/actions/inject_into_file.rb#24
Thor::Actions::WARNINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#57
class Thor::AmbiguousCommandError < ::Thor::Error; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#59
Thor::AmbiguousTaskError = Thor::AmbiguousCommandError
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#2
class Thor::Argument
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @return [Argument] a new instance of Argument
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#8
def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute banner.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def banner; end
# Returns the value of attribute default.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def default; end
# Returns the value of attribute description.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def description; end
# Returns the value of attribute enum.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def enum; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#52
def enum_to_s; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def human_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute name.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def name; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#27
def print_default; end
# Returns the value of attribute required.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def required; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#39
def required?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#43
def show_default?; end
# Returns the value of attribute type.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#5
def type; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#35
def usage; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#71
def default_banner; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#67
def valid_type?(type); end
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#62
def validate!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/argument.rb#3
Thor::Argument::VALID_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#2
class Thor::Arguments
# Takes an array of Thor::Argument objects.
# @return [Arguments] a new instance of Arguments
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#26
def initialize(arguments = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#40
def parse(args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#53
def remaining; end
# Raises an error if @non_assigned_required array is not empty.
# @raise [RequiredArgumentMissingError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#186
def check_requirement!; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#84
def current_is_value?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#64
def last?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#59
def no_or_skip?(arg); end
# Runs through the argument array getting all strings until no string is
# found or a switch is found.
# ["a", "b", "c"]
# And returns it as an array:
# ["a", "b", "c"]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#118
def parse_array(name); end
# Runs through the argument array getting strings that contains ":" and
# mark it as a hash:
# [ "name:string", "age:integer" ]
# Becomes:
# { "name" => "string", "age" => "integer" }
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#97
def parse_hash(name); end
# Check if the peek is numeric format and return a Float or Integer.
# Check if the peek is included in enum if enum is provided.
# Otherwise raises an error.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#139
def parse_numeric(name); end
# Parse string:
# for --string-arg, just return the current value in the pile
# for --no-string-arg, nil
# Check if the peek is included in enum if enum is provided. Otherwise raises an error.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#158
def parse_string(name); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#68
def peek; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#72
def shift; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#76
def unshift(arg); end
# Raises an error if the switch is an enum and the values aren't included on it.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#172
def validate_enum_value!(name, value, message); end
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#19
def parse(*args); end
# Receives an array of args and returns two arrays, one with arguments
# and one with switches.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#8
def split(args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/arguments.rb#3
Thor::Arguments::NUMERIC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#104
class Thor::AtLeastOneRequiredArgumentError < ::Thor::InvocationError; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#4
module Thor::Base
include ::Thor::Invocation
include ::Thor::Shell
mixes_in_class_methods ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
mixes_in_class_methods ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
# It receives arguments in an Array and two hashes, one for options and
# other for configuration.
# Notice that it does not check if all required arguments were supplied.
# It should be done by the parser.
# ==== Parameters
# args<Array[Object]>:: An array of objects. The objects are applied to their
# respective accessors declared with <tt>argument</tt>.
# options<Hash>:: An options hash that will be available as self.options.
# The hash given is converted to a hash with indifferent
# access, magic predicates (options.skip?) and then frozen.
# config<Hash>:: Configuration for this Thor class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#53
def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), local_options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute args.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def args; end
# Sets the attribute args
# @param value the value to set the attribute args to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def args=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute options.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def options; end
# Sets the attribute options
# @param value the value to set the attribute options to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def options=(_arg0); end
# Returns the value of attribute parent_options.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def parent_options; end
# Sets the attribute parent_options
# @param value the value to set the attribute parent_options to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#35
def parent_options=(_arg0); end
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#116
def included(base); end
# Whenever a class inherits from Thor or Thor::Group, we should track the
# class and the file on Thor::Base. This is the method responsible for it.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#144
def register_klass_file(klass); end
# Returns the shell used in all Thor classes. If you are in a Unix platform
# it will use a colored log, otherwise it will use a basic one without color.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#11
def shell; end
# Sets the attribute shell
# @param value the value to set the attribute shell to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#6
def shell=(_arg0); end
# Returns the files where the subclasses are kept.
# ==== Returns
# Hash[path<String> => Class]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#137
def subclass_files; end
# Returns the classes that inherits from Thor or Thor::Group.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Class]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#128
def subclasses; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#153
module Thor::Base::ClassMethods
# Returns the commands for this Thor class and all subclasses.
# ==== Returns
# Hash:: An ordered hash with commands names as keys and Thor::Command
# objects as values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#482
def all_commands; end
# Returns the commands for this Thor class and all subclasses.
# ==== Returns
# Hash:: An ordered hash with commands names as keys and Thor::Command
# objects as values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#482
def all_tasks; end
# If you want to use defaults that don't match the type of an option,
# either specify `check_default_type: false` or call `allow_incompatible_default_type!`
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#189
def allow_incompatible_default_type!; end
# Adds an argument to the class and creates an attr_accessor for it.
# Arguments are different from options in several aspects. The first one
# is how they are parsed from the command line, arguments are retrieved
# from position:
# thor command NAME
# Instead of:
# thor command --name=NAME
# Besides, arguments are used inside your code as an accessor (self.argument),
# while options are all kept in a hash (self.options).
# Finally, arguments cannot have type :default or :boolean but can be
# optional (supplying :optional => :true or :required => false), although
# you cannot have a required argument after a non-required argument. If you
# try it, an error is raised.
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the argument.
# options<Hash>:: Described below.
# ==== Options
# :desc - Description for the argument.
# :required - If the argument is required or not.
# :optional - If the argument is optional or not.
# :type - The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric.
# :default - Default value for this argument. It cannot be required and have default values.
# :banner - String to show on usage notes.
# ==== Errors
# ArgumentError:: Raised if you supply a required argument after a non required one.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#261
def argument(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns this class arguments, looking up in the ancestors chain.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Thor::Argument]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#293
def arguments; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#162
def attr_accessor(*_arg0); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#154
def attr_reader(*_arg0); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#158
def attr_writer(*_arg0); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#193
def check_default_type; end
# If you want to raise an error when the default value of an option does not match
# the type call check_default_type!
# This will be the default; for compatibility a deprecation warning is issued if necessary.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#183
def check_default_type!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#172
def check_unknown_options; end
# If you want to raise an error for unknown options, call check_unknown_options!
# This is disabled by default to allow dynamic invocations.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#168
def check_unknown_options!; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#176
def check_unknown_options?(config); end
# Adds and declares option group for required at least one of options in the
# block and arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# ==== Examples
# class_at_least_one do
# class_option :one
# class_option :two
# end
# Or
# class_option :one
# class_option :two
# class_at_least_one :one, :two
# If you do not give "--one" and "--two" AtLeastOneRequiredArgumentError
# will be raised.
# You can use class_at_least_one and class_exclusive at the same time.
# class_exclusive do
# class_at_least_one do
# class_option :one
# class_option :two
# end
# end
# Then it is required either only one of "--one" or "--two".
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#392
def class_at_least_one(*args, &block); end
# Returns this class at least one of required options array set, looking up in the ancestors chain.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Array[]]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#411
def class_at_least_one_option_names; end
# Adds and declares option group for exclusive options in the
# block and arguments. You can declare options as the outside of the block.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[]
# ==== Examples
# class_exclusive do
# class_option :one
# class_option :two
# end
# Or
# class_option :one
# class_option :two
# class_exclusive :one, :two
# If you give "--one" and "--two" at the same time ExclusiveArgumentsError
# will be raised.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#357
def class_exclusive(*args, &block); end
# Returns this class exclusive options array set, looking up in the ancestors chain.
# ==== Returns
# Array[Array[]]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#402
def class_exclusive_option_names; end
# Adds an option to the set of class options
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the argument.
# options<Hash>:: Described below.
# ==== Options
# :desc:: -- Description for the argument.
# :required:: -- If the argument is required or not.
# :default:: -- Default value for this argument.
# :group:: -- The group for this options. Use by class options to output options in different levels.
# :aliases:: -- Aliases for this option. <b>Note:</b> Thor follows a convention of one-dash-one-letter options. Thus aliases like "-something" wouldn't be parsed; use either "\--something" or "-s" instead.
# :type:: -- The type of the argument, can be :string, :hash, :array, :numeric or :boolean.
# :banner:: -- String to show on usage notes.
# :hide:: -- If you want to hide this option from the help.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#328
def class_option(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Adds a bunch of options to the set of class options.
# class_options :foo => false, :bar => :required, :baz => :string
# If you prefer more detailed declaration, check class_option.
# ==== Parameters
# Hash[Symbol => Object]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#306
def class_options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the commands for this Thor class.
# ==== Returns
# Hash:: An ordered hash with commands names as keys and Thor::Command
# objects as values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#471
def commands; end
# If true, option set will not suspend the execution of the command when
# a required option is not provided.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#207
def disable_required_check?(command_name); end
# A flag that makes the process exit with status 1 if any error happens.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#628
def exit_on_failure?; end
# Defines the group. This is used when thor list is invoked so you can specify
# that only commands from a pre-defined group will be shown. Defaults to standard.
# ==== Parameters
# name<String|Symbol>
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#457
def group(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @raise [InvocationError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#618
def handle_argument_error(command, error, args, arity); end
# @raise [UndefinedCommandError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#613
def handle_no_command_error(command, has_namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @raise [UndefinedCommandError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#613
def handle_no_task_error(command, has_namespace = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sets the namespace for the Thor or Thor::Group class. By default the
# namespace is retrieved from the class name. If your Thor class is named
# Scripts::MyScript, the help method, for example, will be called as:
# thor scripts:my_script -h
# If you change the namespace:
# namespace :my_scripts
# You change how your commands are invoked:
# thor my_scripts -h
# Finally, if you change your namespace to default:
# namespace :default
# Your commands can be invoked with a shortcut. Instead of:
# thor :my_command
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#566
def namespace(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# All methods defined inside the given block are not added as commands.
# So you can do:
# class MyScript < Thor
# no_commands do
# def this_is_not_a_command
# end
# end
# end
# You can also add the method and remove it from the command list:
# class MyScript < Thor
# def this_is_not_a_command
# end
# remove_command :this_is_not_a_command
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#530
def no_commands(&block); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#540
def no_commands?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#536
def no_commands_context; end
# All methods defined inside the given block are not added as commands.
# So you can do:
# class MyScript < Thor
# no_commands do
# def this_is_not_a_command
# end
# end
# end
# You can also add the method and remove it from the command list:
# class MyScript < Thor
# def this_is_not_a_command
# end
# remove_command :this_is_not_a_command
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#530
def no_tasks(&block); end
# Allows to use private methods from parent in child classes as commands.
# ==== Parameters
# names<Array>:: Method names to be used as commands
# ==== Examples
# public_command :foo
# public_command :foo, :bar, :baz
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#606
def public_command(*names); end
# Allows to use private methods from parent in child classes as commands.
# ==== Parameters
# names<Array>:: Method names to be used as commands
# ==== Examples
# public_command :foo
# public_command :foo, :bar, :baz
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#606
def public_task(*names); end
# Removes a previous defined argument. If :undefine is given, undefine
# accessors as well.
# ==== Parameters
# names<Array>:: Arguments to be removed
# ==== Examples
# remove_argument :foo
# remove_argument :foo, :bar, :baz, :undefine => true
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#426
def remove_argument(*names); end
# Removes a previous defined class option.
# ==== Parameters
# names<Array>:: Class options to be removed
# ==== Examples
# remove_class_option :foo
# remove_class_option :foo, :bar, :baz
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#445
def remove_class_option(*names); end
# Removes a given command from this Thor class. This is usually done if you
# are inheriting from another class and don't want it to be available
# anymore.
# By default it only remove the mapping to the command. But you can supply
# :undefine => true to undefine the method from the class as well.
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol|String>:: The name of the command to be removed
# options<Hash>:: You can give :undefine => true if you want commands the method
# to be undefined from the class as well.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#500
def remove_command(*names); end
# Removes a given command from this Thor class. This is usually done if you
# are inheriting from another class and don't want it to be available
# anymore.
# By default it only remove the mapping to the command. But you can supply
# :undefine => true to undefine the method from the class as well.
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol|String>:: The name of the command to be removed
# options<Hash>:: You can give :undefine => true if you want commands the method
# to be undefined from the class as well.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#500
def remove_task(*names); end
# Parses the command and options from the given args, instantiate the class
# and invoke the command. This method is used when the arguments must be parsed
# from an array. If you are inside Ruby and want to use a Thor class, you
# can simply initialize it:
# script =, options, config)
# script.invoke(:command, first_arg, second_arg, third_arg)
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#582
def start(given_args = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# If true, option parsing is suspended as soon as an unknown option or a
# regular argument is encountered. All remaining arguments are passed to
# the command as regular arguments.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#201
def stop_on_unknown_option?(command_name); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#218
def strict_args_position; end
# If you want only strict string args (useful when cascading thor classes),
# call strict_args_position! This is disabled by default to allow dynamic
# invocations.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#214
def strict_args_position!; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#222
def strict_args_position?(config); end
# Returns the commands for this Thor class.
# ==== Returns
# Hash:: An ordered hash with commands names as keys and Thor::Command
# objects as values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#471
def tasks; end
# SIGNATURE: Sets the baseclass. This is where the superclass lookup
# finishes.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#777
def baseclass; end
# The basename of the program invoking the thor class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#771
def basename; end
# Build an option and adds it to the given scope.
# ==== Parameters
# name<Symbol>:: The name of the argument.
# options<Hash>:: Described in both class_option and method_option.
# scope<Hash>:: Options hash that is being built up
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#688
def build_option(name, options, scope); end
# Receives a hash of options, parse them and add to the scope. This is a
# fast way to set a bunch of options:
# build_options :foo => true, :bar => :required, :baz => :string
# ==== Parameters
# Hash[Symbol => Object]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#699
def build_options(options, scope); end
# Get target(method_options or class_options) options
# of before and after by block evaluation.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#808
def built_option_names(target, opt = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Prints the class options per group. If an option does not belong to
# any group, it's printed as Class option.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#638
def class_options_help(shell, groups = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Get command scope member by name.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#816
def command_scope_member(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# SIGNATURE: Creates a new command if valid_command? is true. This method is
# called when a new method is added to the class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#782
def create_command(meth); end
# SIGNATURE: Creates a new command if valid_command? is true. This method is
# called when a new method is added to the class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#782
def create_task(meth); end
# SIGNATURE: The hook invoked by start.
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#792
def dispatch(command, given_args, given_opts, config); end
# Finds a command with the given name. If the command belongs to the current
# class, just return it, otherwise dup it and add the fresh copy to the
# current command hash.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#708
def find_and_refresh_command(name); end
# Finds a command with the given name. If the command belongs to the current
# class, just return it, otherwise dup it and add the fresh copy to the
# current command hash.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#708
def find_and_refresh_task(name); end
# Retrieves a value from superclass. If it reaches the baseclass,
# returns default.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#749
def from_superclass(method, default = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Every time someone inherits from a Thor class, register the klass
# and file into baseclass.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#721
def inherited(klass); end
# SIGNATURE: Defines behavior when the initialize method is added to the
# class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#788
def initialize_added; end
# Raises an error if the word given is a Thor reserved word.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#677
def is_thor_reserved_word?(word, type); end
# Fire this callback whenever a method is added. Added methods are
# tracked as commands by invoking the create_command method.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#729
def method_added(meth); end
# Receives a set of options and print them.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#656
def print_options(shell, options, group_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Register a relation of options for target(method_option/class_option)
# by args and block.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#798
def register_options_relation_for(target, relation, *args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#2
class Thor::Command < ::Struct
# @return [Command] a new instance of Command
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#5
def initialize(name, description, long_description, wrap_long_description, usage, options = T.unsafe(nil), options_relation = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the formatted usage by injecting given required arguments
# and required options into the given usage.
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#42
def formatted_usage(klass, namespace = T.unsafe(nil), subcommand = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#15
def hidden?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#70
def method_at_least_one_option_names; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#66
def method_exclusive_option_names; end
# By default, a command invokes a method in the thor class. You can change this
# implementation to create custom commands.
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#21
def run(instance, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#114
def handle_argument_error?(instance, error, caller); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#121
def handle_no_method_error?(instance, error, caller); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#104
def local_method?(instance, name); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#87
def not_debugging?(instance); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#100
def private_method?(instance); end
# Given a target, checks if this class name is a public method.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#96
def public_method?(instance); end
# Add usage with required arguments
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#77
def required_arguments_for(klass, usage); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#91
def required_options; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#109
def sans_backtrace(backtrace, caller); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#9
def initialize_copy(other); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#3
Thor::Command::FILE_REGEXP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#2
module Thor::CoreExt; end
# A hash with indifferent access and magic predicates.
# hash = 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bee', 'force' => true
# hash[:foo] #=> 'bar'
# hash['foo'] #=> 'bar'
# #=> true
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#11
class Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess < ::Hash
# @return [HashWithIndifferentAccess] a new instance of HashWithIndifferentAccess
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#12
def initialize(hash = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#19
def [](key); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#23
def []=(key, value); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#27
def delete(key); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#31
def except(*keys); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#37
def fetch(key, *args); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#45
def key?(key); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#53
def merge(other); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#57
def merge!(other); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#72
def replace(other_hash); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#64
def reverse_merge(other); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#68
def reverse_merge!(other_hash); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#41
def slice(*keys); end
# Convert to a Hash with String keys.
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#77
def to_hash; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#49
def values_at(*indices); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#83
def convert_key(key); end
# Magic predicates. For instance:
# options.force? # => !!options['force']
# options.shebang # => "/usr/lib/local/ruby"
# options.test_framework?(:rspec) # => options[:test_framework] == :rspec
# source://thor//lib/thor/core_ext/hash_with_indifferent_access.rb#93
def method_missing(method, *args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#3
module Thor::Correctable
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#8
def corrections; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#4
def to_s; end
# A dynamic command that handles method missing scenarios.
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#137
class Thor::DynamicCommand < ::Thor::Command
# @return [DynamicCommand] a new instance of DynamicCommand
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#138
def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#142
def run(instance, args = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#150
Thor::DynamicTask = Thor::DynamicCommand
# Thor::Error is raised when it's caused by wrong usage of thor classes. Those
# errors have their backtrace suppressed and are nicely shown to the user.
# Errors that are caused by the developer, like declaring a method which
# overwrites a thor keyword, SHOULD NOT raise a Thor::Error. This way, we
# ensure that developer errors are shown with full backtrace.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#20
class Thor::Error < ::StandardError; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#101
class Thor::ExclusiveArgumentError < ::Thor::InvocationError; end
# Thor has a special class called Thor::Group. The main difference to Thor class
# is that it invokes all commands at once. It also include some methods that allows
# invocations to be done at the class method, which are not available to Thor
# commands.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#7
class Thor::Group
include ::Thor::Base
include ::Thor::Invocation
include ::Thor::Shell
extend ::Thor::Base::ClassMethods
extend ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
# Shortcut to invoke with padding and block handling. Use internally by
# invoke and invoke_from_option class methods.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#276
def _invoke_for_class_method(klass, command = T.unsafe(nil), *args, &block); end
class << self
# Overwrite class options help to allow invoked generators options to be
# shown recursively when invoking a generator.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#161
def class_options_help(shell, groups = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Checks if a specified command exists.
# ==== Parameters
# command_name<String>:: The name of the command to check for existence.
# ==== Returns
# Boolean:: +true+ if the command exists, +false+ otherwise.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#221
def command_exists?(command_name); end
# The description for this Thor::Group. If none is provided, but a source root
# exists, tries to find the USAGE one folder above it, otherwise searches
# in the superclass.
# ==== Parameters
# description<String>:: The description for this Thor::Group.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#16
def desc(description = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Get invocations array and merge options from invocations. Those
# options are added to group_options hash. Options that already exists
# in base_options are not added twice.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#172
def get_options_from_invocations(group_options, base_options); end
# @raise [error]
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#207
def handle_argument_error(command, error, _args, arity); end
# Prints help information.
# ==== Options
# short:: When true, shows only usage.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#29
def help(shell); end
# Stores invocation blocks used on invoke_from_option.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#45
def invocation_blocks; end
# Stores invocations for this class merging with superclass values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#39
def invocations; end
# Invoke the given namespace or class given. It adds an instance
# method that will invoke the klass and command. You can give a block to
# configure how it will be invoked.
# The namespace/class given will have its options showed on the help
# usage. Check invoke_from_option for more information.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#56
def invoke(*names, &block); end
# Invoke a thor class based on the value supplied by the user to the
# given option named "name". A class option must be created before this
# method is invoked for each name given.
# ==== Examples
# class GemGenerator < Thor::Group
# class_option :test_framework, :type => :string
# invoke_from_option :test_framework
# end
# ==== Boolean options
# In some cases, you want to invoke a thor class if some option is true or
# false. This is automatically handled by invoke_from_option. Then the
# option name is used to invoke the generator.
# ==== Preparing for invocation
# In some cases you want to customize how a specified hook is going to be
# invoked. You can do that by overwriting the class method
# prepare_for_invocation. The class method must necessarily return a klass
# and an optional command.
# ==== Custom invocations
# You can also supply a block to customize how the option is going to be
# invoked. The block receives two parameters, an instance of the current
# class and the klass to be invoked.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#110
def invoke_from_option(*names, &block); end
# Returns commands ready to be printed.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#199
def printable_commands(*_arg0); end
# Returns commands ready to be printed.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#199
def printable_tasks(*_arg0); end
# Remove a previously added invocation.
# ==== Examples
# remove_invocation :test_framework
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#149
def remove_invocation(*names); end
# The banner for this class. You can customize it if you are invoking the
# thor class by another ways which is not the Thor::Runner.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#249
def banner; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#259
def baseclass; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#263
def create_command(meth); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#263
def create_task(meth); end
# The method responsible for dispatching given the args.
# @yield [instance]
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#228
def dispatch(command, given_args, given_opts, config); end
# Represents the whole class as a command.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#254
def self_command; end
# Represents the whole class as a command.
# source://thor//lib/thor/group.rb#254
def self_task; end
# Shortcuts for help.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#17
Thor::HELP_MAPPINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# A command that is hidden in help messages but still invocable.
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#129
class Thor::HiddenCommand < ::Thor::Command
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#130
def hidden?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#134
Thor::HiddenTask = Thor::HiddenCommand
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#2
module Thor::Invocation
mixes_in_class_methods ::Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
# Make initializer aware of invocations and the initialization args.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#23
def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Make the current command chain accessible with in a Thor-(sub)command
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#30
def current_command_chain; end
# Receives a name and invokes it. The name can be a string (either "command" or
# "namespace:command"), a Thor::Command, a Class or a Thor instance. If the
# command cannot be guessed by name, it can also be supplied as second argument.
# You can also supply the arguments, options and configuration values for
# the command to be invoked, if none is given, the same values used to
# initialize the invoker are used to initialize the invoked.
# When no name is given, it will invoke the default command of the current class.
# ==== Examples
# class A < Thor
# def foo
# invoke :bar
# invoke "b:hello", ["Erik"]
# end
# def bar
# invoke "b:hello", ["Erik"]
# end
# end
# class B < Thor
# def hello(name)
# puts "hello #{name}"
# end
# end
# You can notice that the method "foo" above invokes two commands: "bar",
# which belongs to the same class and "hello" which belongs to the class B.
# By using an invocation system you ensure that a command is invoked only once.
# In the example above, invoking "foo" will invoke "b:hello" just once, even
# if it's invoked later by "bar" method.
# When class A invokes class B, all arguments used on A initialization are
# supplied to B. This allows lazy parse of options. Let's suppose you have
# some rspec commands:
# class Rspec < Thor::Group
# class_option :mock_framework, :type => :string, :default => :rr
# def invoke_mock_framework
# invoke "rspec:#{options[:mock_framework]}"
# end
# end
# As you noticed, it invokes the given mock framework, which might have its
# own options:
# class Rspec::RR < Thor::Group
# class_option :style, :type => :string, :default => :mock
# end
# Since it's not rspec concern to parse mock framework options, when RR
# is invoked all options are parsed again, so RR can extract only the options
# that it's going to use.
# If you want Rspec::RR to be initialized with its own set of options, you
# have to do that explicitly:
# invoke "rspec:rr", [], :style => :foo
# Besides giving an instance, you can also give a class to invoke:
# invoke Rspec::RR, [], :style => :foo
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#102
def invoke(name = T.unsafe(nil), *args); end
# Invoke all commands for the current instance.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#133
def invoke_all; end
# Invoke the given command if the given args.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#122
def invoke_command(command, *args); end
# Invoke the given command if the given args.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#122
def invoke_task(command, *args); end
# Invokes using shell padding.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#138
def invoke_with_padding(*args); end
# Initialize klass using values stored in the @_initializer.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#166
def _parse_initialization_options(args, opts, config); end
# This method simply retrieves the class and command to be invoked.
# If the name is nil or the given name is a command in the current class,
# use the given name and return self as class. Otherwise, call
# prepare_for_invocation in the current class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#153
def _retrieve_class_and_command(name, sent_command = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# This method simply retrieves the class and command to be invoked.
# If the name is nil or the given name is a command in the current class,
# use the given name and return self as class. Otherwise, call
# prepare_for_invocation in the current class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#153
def _retrieve_class_and_task(name, sent_command = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Configuration values that are shared between invocations.
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#145
def _shared_configuration; end
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#3
def included(base); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#8
module Thor::Invocation::ClassMethods
# This method is responsible for receiving a name and find the proper
# class and command for it. The key is an optional parameter which is
# available only in class methods invocations (i.e. in Thor::Group).
# source://thor//lib/thor/invocation.rb#12
def prepare_for_invocation(key, name); end
# Raised when a command was found, but not invoked properly.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#62
class Thor::InvocationError < ::Thor::Error; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#2
module Thor::LineEditor
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor.rb#10
def best_available; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor.rb#6
def readline(prompt, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#3
class Thor::LineEditor::Basic
# @return [Basic] a new instance of Basic
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#10
def initialize(prompt, options); end
# Returns the value of attribute options.
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#4
def options; end
# Returns the value of attribute prompt.
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#4
def prompt; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#15
def readline; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#32
def echo?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#22
def get_input; end
class << self
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/basic.rb#6
def available?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#3
class Thor::LineEditor::Readline < ::Thor::LineEditor::Basic
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#13
def readline; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#28
def add_to_history?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#42
def completion_options; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#32
def completion_proc; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#46
def use_path_completion?; end
class << self
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#4
def available?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#50
class Thor::LineEditor::Readline::PathCompletion
# @return [PathCompletion] a new instance of PathCompletion
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#54
def initialize(text); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#58
def matches; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#68
def absolute_matches; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#82
def base_path; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#78
def glob_pattern; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#64
def relative_matches; end
# Returns the value of attribute text.
# source://thor//lib/thor/line_editor/readline.rb#51
def text; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#98
class Thor::MalformattedArgumentError < ::Thor::InvocationError; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#2
class Thor::NestedContext
# @return [NestedContext] a new instance of NestedContext
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#3
def initialize; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#7
def enter; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#15
def entered?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#25
def pop; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/nested_context.rb#21
def push; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#2
class Thor::Option < ::Thor::Argument
# @return [Option] a new instance of Option
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#7
def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute aliases.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#3
def aliases; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#99
def aliases_for_usage; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#118
def array?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#118
def boolean?; end
# Returns the value of attribute group.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#3
def group; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#118
def hash?; end
# Returns the value of attribute hide.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#3
def hide; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#79
def human_name; end
# Returns the value of attribute lazy_default.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#3
def lazy_default; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#118
def numeric?; end
# Returns the value of attribute repeatable.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#3
def repeatable; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#107
def show_default?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#118
def string?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#75
def switch_name; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#83
def usage(padding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#168
def dasherize(str); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#160
def dasherized?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#164
def undasherize(str); end
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#126
def validate!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#131
def validate_default_type!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#174
def normalize_aliases(aliases); end
class << self
# This parse quick options given as method_options. It makes several
# assumptions, but you can be more specific using the option method.
# parse :foo => "bar"
# #=> Option foo with default value bar
# parse [:foo, :baz] => "bar"
# #=> Option foo with default value bar and alias :baz
# parse :foo => :required
# #=> Required option foo without default value
# parse :foo => 2
# #=> Option foo with default value 2 and type numeric
# parse :foo => :numeric
# #=> Option foo without default value and type numeric
# parse :foo => true
# #=> Option foo with default value true and type boolean
# The valid types are :boolean, :numeric, :hash, :array and :string. If none
# is given a default type is assumed. This default type accepts arguments as
# string (--foo=value) or booleans (just --foo).
# By default all options are optional, unless :required is given.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#45
def parse(key, value); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/option.rb#5
Thor::Option::VALID_TYPES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#2
class Thor::Options < ::Thor::Arguments
# Takes a hash of Thor::Option and a hash with defaults.
# If +stop_on_unknown+ is true, #parse will stop as soon as it encounters
# an unknown option or a regular argument.
# @return [Options] a new instance of Options
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#32
def initialize(hash_options = T.unsafe(nil), defaults = T.unsafe(nil), stop_on_unknown = T.unsafe(nil), disable_required_check = T.unsafe(nil), relations = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#156
def check_at_least_one!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#144
def check_exclusive!; end
# @raise [UnknownArgumentError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#168
def check_unknown!; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#89
def parse(args); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#65
def peek; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#61
def remaining; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#79
def shift; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#84
def unshift(arg, is_value: T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#189
def assign_result!(option, result); end
# Check if the current value in peek is a registered switch.
# Two booleans are returned. The first is true if the current value
# starts with a hyphen; the second is true if it is a registered switch.
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#203
def current_is_switch?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#215
def current_is_switch_formatted?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#225
def current_is_value?; end
# Option names changes to swith name or human name
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#179
def names_to_switch_names(names = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Check if the given argument is actually a shortcut.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#244
def normalize_switch(arg); end
# Parse boolean values which can be given as --foo=true or --foo for true values, or
# --foo=false, --no-foo or --skip-foo for false values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#256
def parse_boolean(switch); end
# Parse the value at the peek analyzing if it requires an input or not.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#274
def parse_peek(switch, option); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#248
def parsing_options?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#230
def switch?(arg); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#234
def switch_option(arg); end
class << self
# Receives a hash and makes it switches.
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#11
def to_switches(options); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#5
Thor::Options::EQ_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#3
Thor::Options::LONG_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#8
Thor::Options::OPTS_END = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#7
Thor::Options::SHORT_NUM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#4
Thor::Options::SHORT_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Allow either -x -v or -xv style for single char args
# source://thor//lib/thor/parser/options.rb#6
Thor::Options::SHORT_SQ_RE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# Adds a compatibility layer to your Thor classes which allows you to use
# rake package tasks. For example, to use rspec rake tasks, one can do:
# require 'thor/rake_compat'
# require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
# class Default < Thor
# include Thor::RakeCompat
# do |t|
# t.spec_opts = ['--options', './.rspec']
# t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb']
# end
# end
# source://thor//lib/thor/rake_compat.rb#20
module Thor::RakeCompat
include ::FileUtils::StreamUtils_
include ::FileUtils
include ::Rake::FileUtilsExt
include ::Rake::DSL
class << self
# @private
# source://thor//lib/thor/rake_compat.rb#27
def included(base); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/rake_compat.rb#23
def rake_classes; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#95
class Thor::RequiredArgumentMissingError < ::Thor::InvocationError; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#4
module Thor::Sandbox; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#23
module Thor::Shell
# Add shell to initialize config values.
# ==== Configuration
# shell<Object>:: An instance of the shell to be used.
# ==== Examples
# class MyScript < Thor
# argument :first, :type => :numeric
# end
# [1.0], { :foo => :bar }, :shell =>
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#44
def initialize(args = T.unsafe(nil), options = T.unsafe(nil), config = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def ask(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def error(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def file_collision(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def no?(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def print_in_columns(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def print_table(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def print_wrapped(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def say(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def say_error(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def say_status(*args, &block); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def set_color(*args, &block); end
# Holds the shell for the given Thor instance. If no shell is given,
# it gets a default shell from
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#52
def shell; end
# Sets the attribute shell
# @param value the value to set the attribute shell to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#25
def shell=(_arg0); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def terminal_width(*args, &block); end
# Yields the given block with padding.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#66
def with_padding; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#59
def yes?(*args, &block); end
# Allow shell to be shared between invocations.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#77
def _shared_configuration; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#7
class Thor::Shell::Basic
# Initialize base, mute and padding to nil.
# @return [Basic] a new instance of Basic
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#13
def initialize; end
# Asks something to the user and receives a response.
# If a default value is specified it will be presented to the user
# and allows them to select that value with an empty response. This
# option is ignored when limited answers are supplied.
# If asked to limit the correct responses, you can pass in an
# array of acceptable answers. If one of those is not supplied,
# they will be shown a message stating that one of those answers
# must be given and re-asked the question.
# If asking for sensitive information, the :echo option can be set
# to false to mask user input from $stdin.
# If the required input is a path, then set the path option to
# true. This will enable tab completion for file paths relative
# to the current working directory on systems that support
# Readline.
# ==== Example
# ask("What is your name?")
# ask("What is the planet furthest from the sun?", :default => "Neptune")
# ask("What is your favorite Neopolitan flavor?", :limited_to => ["strawberry", "chocolate", "vanilla"])
# ask("What is your password?", :echo => false)
# ask("Where should the file be saved?", :path => true)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#80
def ask(statement, *args); end
# Returns the value of attribute base.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#8
def base; end
# Sets the attribute base
# @param value the value to set the attribute base to.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#8
def base=(_arg0); end
# Called if something goes wrong during the execution. This is used by Thor
# internally and should not be used inside your scripts. If something went
# wrong, you can always raise an exception. If you raise a Thor::Error, it
# will be rescued and wrapped in the method below.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#251
def error(statement); end
# Deals with file collision and returns true if the file should be
# overwritten and false otherwise. If a block is given, it uses the block
# response as the content for the diff.
# ==== Parameters
# destination<String>:: the destination file to solve conflicts
# block<Proc>:: an optional block that returns the value to be used in diff and merge
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#207
def file_collision(destination); end
# Sets the output padding while executing a block and resets it.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#43
def indent(count = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Mute everything that's inside given block
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#22
def mute; end
# Check if base is muted
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#31
def mute?; end
# Asks the user a question and returns true if the user replies "n" or
# "no".
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#156
def no?(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute padding.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#9
def padding; end
# Sets the output padding, not allowing less than zero values.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#37
def padding=(value); end
# Prints values in columns
# ==== Parameters
# Array[String, String, ...]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#165
def print_in_columns(array); end
# Prints a table.
# ==== Parameters
# Array[Array[String, String, ...]]
# ==== Options
# indent<Integer>:: Indent the first column by indent value.
# colwidth<Integer>:: Force the first column to colwidth spaces wide.
# borders<Boolean>:: Adds ascii borders.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#180
def print_table(array, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Prints a long string, word-wrapping the text to the current width of the
# terminal display. Ideal for printing heredocs.
# ==== Parameters
# String
# ==== Options
# indent<Integer>:: Indent each line of the printed paragraph by indent value.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#194
def print_wrapped(message, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Say (print) something to the user. If the sentence ends with a whitespace
# or tab character, a new line is not appended (print + flush). Otherwise
# are passed straight to puts (behavior got from Highline).
# ==== Example
# say("I know you knew that.")
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#98
def say(message = T.unsafe(nil), color = T.unsafe(nil), force_new_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Say (print) an error to the user. If the sentence ends with a whitespace
# or tab character, a new line is not appended (print + flush). Otherwise
# are passed straight to puts (behavior got from Highline).
# ==== Example
# say_error("error: something went wrong")
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#115
def say_error(message = T.unsafe(nil), color = T.unsafe(nil), force_new_line = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Say a status with the given color and appends the message. Since this
# method is used frequently by actions, it allows nil or false to be given
# in log_status, avoiding the message from being shown. If a Symbol is
# given in log_status, it's used as the color.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#130
def say_status(status, message, log_status = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Apply color to the given string with optional bold. Disabled in the
# Thor::Shell::Basic class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#258
def set_color(string, *_arg1); end
# Asks the user a question and returns true if the user replies "y" or
# "yes".
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#149
def yes?(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#362
def answer_match(possibilities, answer, case_insensitive); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#349
def ask_filtered(statement, color, options); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#332
def ask_simply(statement, color, options); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#269
def can_display_colors?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#296
def file_collision_help(block_given); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#383
def git_merge_tool; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#286
def is?(value); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#273
def lookup_color(color); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#370
def merge(destination, content); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#379
def merge_tool; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#264
def prepare_message(message, *color); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#324
def quiet?; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#313
def show_diff(destination, content); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#282
def stderr; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#278
def stdout; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/basic.rb#328
def unix?; end
# Inherit from Thor::Shell::Basic and add set_color behavior. Check
# Thor::Shell::Basic to see all available methods.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#9
class Thor::Shell::Color < ::Thor::Shell::Basic
include ::LCSDiff
# Set color by using a string or one of the defined constants. If a third
# option is set to true, it also adds bold to the string. This is based
# on Highline implementation and it automatically appends CLEAR to the end
# of the returned String.
# Pass foreground, background and bold options to this method as
# symbols.
# Example:
# set_color "Hi!", :red, :on_white, :bold
# The available colors are:
# :bold
# :black
# :red
# :green
# :yellow
# :blue
# :magenta
# :cyan
# :white
# :on_black
# :on_red
# :on_green
# :on_yellow
# :on_blue
# :on_magenta
# :on_cyan
# :on_white
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#82
def set_color(string, *colors); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#110
def are_colors_disabled?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#106
def are_colors_supported?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#102
def can_display_colors?; end
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to black.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#18
Thor::Shell::Color::BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to blue.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#26
Thor::Shell::Color::BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# The start of an ANSI bold sequence.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#15
Thor::Shell::Color::BOLD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Embed in a String to clear all previous ANSI sequences.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#13
Thor::Shell::Color::CLEAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to cyan.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#30
Thor::Shell::Color::CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to green.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#22
Thor::Shell::Color::GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to magenta.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#28
Thor::Shell::Color::MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to black.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#35
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to blue.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#43
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to cyan.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#47
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to green.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#39
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to magenta.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#45
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to red.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#37
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to white.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#49
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background ANSI color to yellow.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#41
Thor::Shell::Color::ON_YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to red.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#20
Thor::Shell::Color::RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to white.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#32
Thor::Shell::Color::WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground ANSI color to yellow.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/color.rb#24
Thor::Shell::Color::YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/column_printer.rb#5
class Thor::Shell::ColumnPrinter
# @return [ColumnPrinter] a new instance of ColumnPrinter
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/column_printer.rb#8
def initialize(stdout, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute options.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/column_printer.rb#6
def options; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/column_printer.rb#14
def print(array); end
# Returns the value of attribute stdout.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/column_printer.rb#6
def stdout; end
# Inherit from Thor::Shell::Basic and add set_color behavior. Check
# Thor::Shell::Basic to see all available methods.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#9
class Thor::Shell::HTML < ::Thor::Shell::Basic
include ::LCSDiff
# Ask something to the user and receives a response.
# ==== Example
# ask("What is your name?")
# TODO: Implement #ask for Thor::Shell::HTML
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#73
def ask(statement, color = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Set color by using a string or one of the defined constants. If a third
# option is set to true, it also adds bold to the string. This is based
# on Highline implementation and it automatically appends CLEAR to the end
# of the returned String.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#54
def set_color(string, *colors); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#79
def can_display_colors?; end
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to black.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#16
Thor::Shell::HTML::BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to blue.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#24
Thor::Shell::HTML::BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# The start of an HTML bold sequence.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#13
Thor::Shell::HTML::BOLD = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to cyan.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#28
Thor::Shell::HTML::CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to green.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#20
Thor::Shell::HTML::GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to magenta.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#26
Thor::Shell::HTML::MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to black.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#33
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_BLACK = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to blue.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#41
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_BLUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to cyan.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#45
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_CYAN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to green.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#37
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_GREEN = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to magenta.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#43
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_MAGENTA = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to red.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#35
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to white.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#47
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's background HTML color to yellow.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#39
Thor::Shell::HTML::ON_YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to red.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#18
Thor::Shell::HTML::RED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to white.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#30
Thor::Shell::HTML::WHITE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Set the terminal's foreground HTML color to yellow.
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/html.rb#22
Thor::Shell::HTML::YELLOW = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell.rb#24
Thor::Shell::SHELL_DELEGATED_METHODS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#6
class Thor::Shell::TablePrinter < ::Thor::Shell::ColumnPrinter
# @return [TablePrinter] a new instance of TablePrinter
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#9
def initialize(stdout, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#18
def print(array); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#72
def format_cell(column, row_size, index); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#113
def indentation; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#47
def prepare(array); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#96
def print_border_separator; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#103
def truncate(string); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/table_printer.rb#7
Thor::Shell::TablePrinter::BORDER_SEPARATOR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#3
module Thor::Shell::Terminal
class << self
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#9
def terminal_width; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#20
def unix?; end
# Calculate the dynamic width of the terminal
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#27
def dynamic_width; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#31
def dynamic_width_stty; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#35
def dynamic_width_tput; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/terminal.rb#4
Thor::Shell::Terminal::DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Integer)
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/wrapped_printer.rb#6
class Thor::Shell::WrappedPrinter < ::Thor::Shell::ColumnPrinter
# source://thor//lib/thor/shell/wrapped_printer.rb#7
def print(message); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#23
Thor::TEMPLATE_EXTNAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# Thor methods that should not be overwritten by the user.
# source://thor//lib/thor/base.rb#20
Thor::THOR_RESERVED_WORDS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://thor//lib/thor/command.rb#126
Thor::Task = Thor::Command
# Raised when a command was not found.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#24
class Thor::UndefinedCommandError < ::Thor::Error
include ::Thor::Correctable
# @return [UndefinedCommandError] a new instance of UndefinedCommandError
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#43
def initialize(command, all_commands, namespace); end
# Returns the value of attribute all_commands.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#41
def all_commands; end
# Returns the value of attribute command.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#41
def command; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#25
class Thor::UndefinedCommandError::SpellChecker
# @return [SpellChecker] a new instance of SpellChecker
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#28
def initialize(error); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#32
def corrections; end
# Returns the value of attribute error.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#26
def error; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#36
def spell_checker; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#55
Thor::UndefinedTaskError = Thor::UndefinedCommandError
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#65
class Thor::UnknownArgumentError < ::Thor::Error
include ::Thor::Correctable
# @return [UnknownArgumentError] a new instance of UnknownArgumentError
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#85
def initialize(switches, unknown); end
# Returns the value of attribute switches.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#83
def switches; end
# Returns the value of attribute unknown.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#83
def unknown; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#66
class Thor::UnknownArgumentError::SpellChecker
# @return [SpellChecker] a new instance of SpellChecker
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#69
def initialize(error); end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#73
def corrections; end
# Returns the value of attribute error.
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#67
def error; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/error.rb#78
def spell_checker; end
# This module holds several utilities:
# 1) Methods to convert thor namespaces to constants and vice-versa.
# Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class(Foo::Bar::Baz) #=> "foo:bar:baz"
# 2) Loading thor files and sandboxing:
# Thor::Util.load_thorfile("~/.thor/foo")
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#17
module Thor::Util
class << self
# Receives a string and convert it to camel case. camel_case returns CamelCase.
# ==== Parameters
# String
# ==== Returns
# String
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#104
def camel_case(str); end
# Returns a string that has had any glob characters escaped.
# The glob characters are `* ? { } [ ]`.
# ==== Examples
# Thor::Util.escape_globs('[apps]') # => '\[apps\]'
# ==== Parameters
# String
# ==== Returns
# String
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#264
def escape_globs(path); end
# Returns a string that has had any HTML characters escaped.
# ==== Examples
# Thor::Util.escape_html('<div>') # => "<div>"
# ==== Parameters
# String
# ==== Returns
# String
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#280
def escape_html(string); end
# Receives a namespace and search for it in the Thor::Base subclasses.
# ==== Parameters
# namespace<String>:: The namespace to search for.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#24
def find_by_namespace(namespace); end
# Receives a namespace and tries to retrieve a Thor or Thor::Group class
# from it. It first searches for a class using the all the given namespace,
# if it's not found, removes the highest entry and searches for the class
# again. If found, returns the highest entry as the class name.
# ==== Examples
# class Foo::Bar < Thor
# def baz
# end
# end
# class Baz::Foo < Thor::Group
# end
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar") #=> Foo::Bar, nil # will invoke default command
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("baz:foo") #=> Baz::Foo, nil
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar:baz") #=> Foo::Bar, "baz"
# ==== Parameters
# namespace<String>
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#131
def find_class_and_command_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Receives a namespace and tries to retrieve a Thor or Thor::Group class
# from it. It first searches for a class using the all the given namespace,
# if it's not found, removes the highest entry and searches for the class
# again. If found, returns the highest entry as the class name.
# ==== Examples
# class Foo::Bar < Thor
# def baz
# end
# end
# class Baz::Foo < Thor::Group
# end
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar") #=> Foo::Bar, nil # will invoke default command
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("baz:foo") #=> Baz::Foo, nil
# Thor::Util.namespace_to_thor_class("foo:bar:baz") #=> Foo::Bar, "baz"
# ==== Parameters
# namespace<String>
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#131
def find_class_and_task_by_namespace(namespace, fallback = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Where to look for Thor files.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#213
def globs_for(path); end
# Receives a path and load the thor file in the path. The file is evaluated
# inside the sandbox to avoid namespacing conflicts.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#153
def load_thorfile(path, content = T.unsafe(nil), debug = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Receives a constant and converts it to a Thor namespace. Since Thor
# commands can be added to a sandbox, this method is also responsible for
# removing the sandbox namespace.
# This method should not be used in general because it's used to deal with
# older versions of Thor. On current versions, if you need to get the
# namespace from a class, just call namespace on it.
# ==== Parameters
# constant<Object>:: The constant to be converted to the thor path.
# ==== Returns
# String:: If we receive Foo::Bar::Baz it returns "foo:bar:baz"
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#43
def namespace_from_thor_class(constant); end
# Given the contents, evaluate it inside the sandbox and returns the
# namespaces defined in the sandbox.
# ==== Parameters
# contents<String>
# ==== Returns
# Array[Object]
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#58
def namespaces_in_content(contents, file = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Return the path to the ruby interpreter taking into account multiple
# installations and windows extensions.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#221
def ruby_command; end
# Receives a string and convert it to snake case. SnakeCase returns snake_case.
# ==== Parameters
# String
# ==== Returns
# String
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#90
def snake_case(str); end
# Returns the thor classes declared inside the given class.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#74
def thor_classes_in(klass); end
# Returns the root where thor files are located, depending on the OS.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#192
def thor_root; end
# Returns the files in the thor root. On Windows thor_root will be something
# like this:
# C:\Documents and Settings\james\.thor
# If we don't #gsub the \ character, Dir.glob will fail.
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#203
def thor_root_glob; end
# source://thor//lib/thor/util.rb#168
def user_home; end