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# typed: true

# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `toys-core` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem toys-core`.

# Toys is a configurable command line tool. Write commands in config files
# using a simple DSL, and Toys will provide the command line executable and
# take care of all the details such as argument parsing, online help, and error
# reporting. Toys is designed for software developers, IT professionals, and
# other power users who want to write and organize scripts to automate their
# workflows. It can also be used as a Rake replacement, providing a more
# natural command line interface for your project's build tasks.
# This module contains the command line framework underlying Toys. It can be
# used to create command line executables using the Toys DSL and classes.
# ## Common starting points
# Some of the most commonly needed class documentation is listed below:
# * For information on the DSL used to write tools, start with
#   {Toys::DSL::Tool}.
# * The base class for tool runtime (i.e. that defines the basic methods
#   available to a tool's implementation) is {Toys::Context}.
# * For information on writing mixins, see {Toys::Mixin}.
# * For information on writing templates, see {Toys::Template}.
# * For information on writing acceptors, see {Toys::Acceptor}.
# * For information on writing custom shell completions, see {Toys::Completion}.
# * Standard mixins are defined under the {Toys::StandardMixins} module.
# * Various utilities are defined under {Toys::Utils}. Some of these serve as
#   the implementations of corresponding mixins.
# * The main entrypoint for the command line framework is {Toys::CLI}.
# Other important internal classes are listed below.
# * The definition of a tool is represented by {Toys::ToolDefinition} along
#   the helpers {Toys::Flag}, {Toys::PositionalArg}, and {Toys::FlagGroup}.
# * Argument parsing is implemented by {Toys::ArgParser}.
# * The process of finding and loading a tool definition given a tool name, is
#   implemented by {Toys::Loader}.
# * Text wrapping is handled by {Toys::WrappableString}.
# * The settings system is implemented by {Toys::Settings}.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#42
module Toys
  class << self
    # Create a base class for defining a tool with a given name.
    # This method returns a base class for defining a tool with a given name.
    # This is useful if the naming behavior of {Toys::Tool} is not adequate for
    # your tool.
    # ### Example
    #     class FooBar < Toys.Tool("Foo_Bar")
    #       desc "This is a tool called Foo_Bar"
    #       def run
    #         puts "Foo_Bar called"
    #       end
    #     end
    # @param name [String] Name of the tool. Defaults to a name inferred from the
    #   class name. (See {Toys::Tool}.)
    # @param base [Class] Use this tool class as the base class, and inherit helper
    #   methods from it.
    # @param args [String, Class] Any string-valued positional argument is
    #   interpreted as the name. Any class-valued positional argument is
    #   interpreted as the base class.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/base.rb#28
    def Tool(*args, name: T.unsafe(nil), base: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Path to the executable. This can, for example, be invoked to run a subtool
    # in a clean environment.
    # @return [String] if there is an executable
    # @return [nil] if there is no such executable
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#114
    def executable_path; end

    # Path to the executable. This can, for example, be invoked to run a subtool
    # in a clean environment.
    # @return [String] if there is an executable
    # @return [nil] if there is no such executable
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#114
    def executable_path=(_arg0); end

# An Acceptor validates and converts arguments. It is designed to be
# compatible with the OptionParser accept mechanism.
# First, an acceptor validates the argument via its
# {Toys::Acceptor::Base#match} method. This method should determine whether
# the argument is valid, and return information that will help with
# conversion of the argument.
# Second, an acceptor converts the argument to its final form via the
# {Toys::Acceptor::Base#convert} method.
# Finally, an acceptor has a name that may appear in help text for flags and
# arguments that use it.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#19
module Toys::Acceptor
  class << self
    # Create an acceptor from a variety of specification formats. The
    # acceptor is constructed from the given specification object and/or the
    # given block. Additionally, some acceptors can take an optional type
    # description string used to describe the type of data in online help.
    # Recognized specs include:
    #  *  Any well-known acceptor recognized by OptionParser, such as
    #     `Integer`, `Array`, or `OptionParser::DecimalInteger`. Any block
    #     and type description you provide are ignored.
    #  *  Any **regular expression**. The returned acceptor validates only if
    #     the regex matches the *entire string parameter*.
    #     You can also provide an optional conversion function as a block. If
    #     provided, the block must take a variable number of arguments, the
    #     first being the matched string and the remainder being the captures
    #     from the regular expression. It should return the converted object
    #     that will be stored in the context data. If you do not provide a
    #     block, no conversion takes place, and the original string is used.
    #  *  An **array** of possible values. The acceptor validates if the
    #     string parameter matches the *string form* of one of the array
    #     elements (i.e. the results of calling `to_s` on the element.)
    #     An array acceptor automatically converts the string parameter to
    #     the actual array element that it matched. For example, if the
    #     symbol `:foo` is in the array, it will match the string `"foo"`,
    #     and then store the symbol `:foo` in the tool data. You may not
    #     further customize the conversion function; any block is ignored.
    #  *  A **range** of possible values. The acceptor validates if the
    #     string parameter, after conversion to the range type, lies within
    #     the range. The final value stored in context data is the converted
    #     value. For numeric ranges, conversion is provided, but if the range
    #     has a different type, you must provide the conversion function as
    #     a block.
    #  *  A **function** as a Proc (where the block is ignored) or a block
    #     (if the spec is nil). This function performs *both* validation and
    #     conversion. It should take the string parameter as its argument,
    #     and it must either return the object that should be stored in the
    #     tool data, or raise an exception (descended from `StandardError`)
    #     to indicate that the string parameter is invalid. You may also
    #     return the sentinel value {Toys::Acceptor::REJECT} to indicate that
    #     the string is invalid.
    #  *  The value `nil` or `:default` with no block, to indicate the
    #     default pass-through acceptor {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT}. Any type
    #     description you provide is ignored.
    # Additional options:
    #  *  `:type_desc` (String) The type description for interpolating into
    #     help text. Ignored if the spec indicates the default acceptor or a
    #     well-known acceptor.
    # @param spec [Object] See the description for recognized values.
    # @param options [Hash] Additional options to pass to the acceptor.
    # @param block [Proc] See the description for recognized forms.
    # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base, Proc]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#543
    def create(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Lookup a standard acceptor name recognized by OptionParser.
    # @param spec [Object] A well-known acceptor specification, such as
    #   `String`, `Integer`, `Array`, `OptionParser::DecimalInteger`, etc.
    # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base] The corresponding Acceptor object
    # @return [nil] if the given standard acceptor was not recognized.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#472
    def lookup_well_known(spec); end

    # Take the various ways to express an acceptor spec, and convert them to
    # a canonical form expressed as a single object. This is called from the
    # DSL to generate a spec object that can be stored.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#561
    def scalarize_spec(spec, options, block); end


    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#645
    def build_array; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#641
    def build_boolean(spec); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#665
    def build_decimal_integer; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#679
    def build_decimal_numeric; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#629
    def build_float; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#625
    def build_integer; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#617
    def build_nil; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#637
    def build_numeric; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#672
    def build_octal_integer; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#633
    def build_rational; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#651
    def build_regexp; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#621
    def build_string; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#574
    def internal_create(spec, options, block); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#609
    def optparse_well_knowns; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#593
    def standard_well_knowns; end

# A converter proc that handles boolean strings. Recognizes {TRUE_STRINGS}
# and {FALSE_STRINGS}. Useful for Simple acceptors.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#447
Toys::Acceptor::BOOLEAN_CONVERTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A base class for acceptors.
# The base acceptor does not do any validation (i.e. it accepts all
# arguments) or conversion (i.e. it returns the original string). You can
# subclass this base class and override the {#match} and {#convert} methods
# to implement an acceptor.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#41
class Toys::Acceptor::Base
  # Create a base acceptor.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC}.
  # @param well_known_spec [Object] The well-known acceptor spec associated
  #   with this acceptor, or `nil` for none.
  # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#50
  def initialize(type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), well_known_spec: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Convert the given input.
  # This method is passed the results of a successful match, including the
  # original input string and any other values returned from {#match}. It
  # must return the final converted value to use.
  # @param str [String] Original argument string.
  # @param extra [Object...] Zero or more additional arguments comprising
  #   additional elements returned from the match function.
  # @return [Object] The converted argument as it should be stored in the
  #   context data.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#118
  def convert(str, *extra); end

  # Validate the given input.
  # When given a valid input, return an array in which the first element is
  # the original input string, and the remaining elements (which may be
  # empty) comprise any additional information that may be useful during
  # conversion. If there is no additional information, you can return the
  # original input string by itself without wrapping in an array.
  # When given an invalid input, return a falsy value such as `nil`.
  # Note that a `MatchData` object is a legitimate return value because it
  # duck-types the appropriate array.
  # This default implementation simply returns the original input string,
  # as the only array element, indicating all inputs are valid. You can
  # override this method to provide a different validation function.
  # @param str [String] The input argument string.
  # @return [String, Array, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#101
  def match(str); end

  # Return suggestions for a given non-matching string.
  # This method may be called when a match fails. It should return a
  # (possibly empty) array of suggestions that could be displayed to the
  # user as "did you mean..."
  # The default implementation returns the empty list.
  # @param str [String] A string that failed matching.
  # @return [Array<String>] A possibly empty array of alternative
  #   suggestions that could be displayed with "did you mean..."
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#135
  def suggestions(str); end

  # Type description string, shown in help.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#76
  def to_s; end

  # Type description string, shown in help.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#59
  def type_desc; end

  # The well-known acceptor spec associated with this acceptor, if any.
  # This generally identifies an OptionParser-compatible acceptor spec. For
  # example, the acceptor object that corresponds to `Integer` will return
  # `Integer` from this attribute.
  # @return [Object] the well-known acceptor
  # @return [nil] if there is no corresponding well-known acceptor
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#70
  def well_known_spec; end

# The default acceptor. Corresponds to the well-known acceptor for
# `Object`.
# @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#145
Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Toys::Acceptor::Base)

# The default type description.
# @return [String]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#31
Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# An acceptor that recognizes a fixed set of values.
# You provide a list of valid values. The input argument string will be
# matched against the string forms of these valid values. If it matches,
# the converter will return the actual value from the valid list.
# For example, you could pass `[:one, :two, 3]` as the set of values. If
# an argument of `"two"` is passed in, the converter will yield a final
# value of the symbol `:two`. If an argument of "3" is passed in, the
# converter will yield the integer `3`. If an argument of "three" is
# passed in, the match will fail.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#267
class Toys::Acceptor::Enum < ::Toys::Acceptor::Base
  # Create an acceptor.
  # @param values [Array<Object>] Valid values.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC}.
  # @param well_known_spec [Object] The well-known acceptor spec associated
  #   with this acceptor, or `nil` for none.
  # @return [Enum] a new instance of Enum
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#277
  def initialize(values, type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), well_known_spec: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#convert} to return the actual enum
  # element.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#303
  def convert(_str, elem); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#match} to find the value.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#293
  def match(str); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#suggestions} to return close matches
  # from the enum.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#313
  def suggestions(str); end

  # The array of enum values.
  # @return [Array<Object>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#286
  def values; end

# A set of strings that are considered false for boolean acceptors.
# Currently set to `["-", "false", "no", "nil"]`.
# @return [Array<String>]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#440
Toys::Acceptor::FALSE_STRINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# A converter proc that handles floats. Useful in Simple and Range
# acceptors.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#403
Toys::Acceptor::FLOAT_CONVERTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A converter proc that handles integers. Useful in Simple and Range
# acceptors.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#396
Toys::Acceptor::INTEGER_CONVERTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A converter proc that handles any numeric value. Useful in Simple and
# Range acceptors.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#417
Toys::Acceptor::NUMERIC_CONVERTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# An acceptor that uses a regex to validate input. It also supports a
# custom conversion function that generates the final value from the match
# results.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#203
class Toys::Acceptor::Pattern < ::Toys::Acceptor::Base
  # Create a pattern acceptor.
  # You must provide a regular expression (or any object that duck-types
  # `Regexp#match`) as a validator.
  # You may also optionally provide a converter, either as a proc or a
  # block. A converter must take as its arguments the values in the
  # `MatchData` returned from a successful regex match. That is, the first
  # argument is the original input string, and the remaining arguments are
  # the captures. The converter must return the final converted value.
  # If no converter is provided, no conversion is done and the input string
  # is returned.
  # @param regex [Regexp] Regular expression defining value values.
  # @param converter [Proc] An optional converter function. May also be
  #   given as a block. Note that the converter will be passed all
  #   elements of the `MatchData`.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC}.
  # @param well_known_spec [Object] The well-known acceptor spec associated
  #   with this acceptor, or `nil` for none.
  # @param block [Proc] A converter function, if not provided as a normal
  #   parameter.
  # @return [Pattern] a new instance of Pattern
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#229
  def initialize(regex, converter = T.unsafe(nil), type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), well_known_spec: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#convert} to use the given converter.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#249
  def convert(str, *extra); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#match} to use the given regex.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#240
  def match(str); end

# A converter proc that handles rationals. Useful in Simple and Range
# acceptors.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#410
Toys::Acceptor::RATIONAL_CONVERTER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A sentinel that may be returned from a function-based acceptor to
# indicate invalid input.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#25
Toys::Acceptor::REJECT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# An acceptor that recognizes a range of values.
# The input argument is matched against the given range. For example, you
# can match against the integers from 1 to 10 by passing the range
# `(1..10)`.
# You can also provide a conversion function that takes the input string
# and converts it an object that can be compared by the range. If you do
# not provide a converter, a default converter will be provided depending
# on the types of objects serving as the range limits. Specifically:
#  *  If the range beginning and end are both `Integer`, then input strings
#     are likewise converted to `Integer` when matched against the range.
#     Accepted values are returned as integers.
#  *  If the range beginning and end are both `Float`, then input strings
#     are likewise converted to `Float`.
#  *  If the range beginning and end are both `Rational`, then input
#     strings are likewise converted to `Rational`.
#  *  If the range beginning and end are both `Numeric` types but different
#     subtypes (e.g. an `Integer` and a `Float`), then any type of numeric
#     input (integer, float, rational) is accepted and matched against the
#     range.
#  *  If the range beginning and/or end are not numeric types, then no
#     conversion is done by default.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#344
class Toys::Acceptor::Range < ::Toys::Acceptor::Simple
  # Create an acceptor.
  # @param range [Range] The range of acceptable values
  # @param converter [Proc] A converter proc that takes an input string and
  #   attempts to convert it to a type comparable by the range. For
  #   numeric ranges, this can be omitted because one is provided by
  #   default. You should provide a converter for other types of ranges.
  #   You can also pass the converter as a block.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC}.
  # @param well_known_spec [Object] The well-known acceptor spec associated
  #   with this acceptor, or `nil` for none.
  # @param block [Proc] Converter function, if not provided as a normal
  #   parameter.
  # @return [Range] a new instance of Range
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#361
  def initialize(range, converter = T.unsafe(nil), type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), well_known_spec: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # The range being checked.
  # @return [Range]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#374
  def range; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#378
  def make_converter(val1, val2); end

# An acceptor that uses a simple function to validate and convert input.
# The function must take the input string as its argument, and either
# return the converted object to indicate success, or raise an exception or
# return the sentinel {Toys::Acceptor::REJECT} to indicate invalid input.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#153
class Toys::Acceptor::Simple < ::Toys::Acceptor::Base
  # Create a simple acceptor.
  # You should provide an acceptor function, either as a proc in the
  # `function` argument, or as a block. The function must take as its one
  # argument the input string. If the string is valid, the function must
  # return the value to store in the tool's data. If the string is invalid,
  # the function may either raise an exception (which must descend from
  # `StandardError`) or return {Toys::Acceptor::REJECT}.
  # @param function [Proc] The acceptor function
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT_TYPE_DESC}.
  # @param well_known_spec [Object] The well-known acceptor spec associated
  #   with this acceptor, or `nil` for none.
  # @param block [Proc] The acceptor function, if not provided as a normal
  #   parameter.
  # @return [Simple] a new instance of Simple
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#172
  def initialize(function = T.unsafe(nil), type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), well_known_spec: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#convert} to use the given function's
  # result.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#193
  def convert(_str, result); end

  # Overrides {Toys::Acceptor::Base#match} to use the given function.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#182
  def match(str); end

# A set of strings that are considered true for boolean acceptors.
# Currently set to `["+", "true", "yes"]`.
# @return [Array<String>]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/acceptor.rb#433
Toys::Acceptor::TRUE_STRINGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)

# An internal class that parses command line arguments for a tool.
# Generally, you should not need to use this class directly. It is called
# from {Toys::CLI}.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#10
class Toys::ArgParser
  # Create an argument parser for a particular tool.
  # @param cli [Toys::CLI] The CLI in effect.
  # @param tool [Toys::ToolDefinition] The tool defining the argument format.
  # @param default_data [Hash] Additional initial data (such as verbosity).
  # @param require_exact_flag_match [Boolean] Whether to require flag matches
  #   be exact (not partial). Default is false.
  # @return [ArgParser] a new instance of ArgParser
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#277
  def initialize(cli, tool, default_data: T.unsafe(nil), require_exact_flag_match: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The current flag definition whose value is still pending
  # @return [Toys::Flag] The pending flag definition
  # @return [nil] if there is no pending flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#344
  def active_flag_def; end

  # The collected tool data from parsed arguments.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#330
  def data; end

  # An array of parse error messages.
  # @return [Array<Toys::ArgParser::UsageError>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#336
  def errors; end

  # Complete parsing. This should be called after all arguments have been
  # processed. It does a final check for any errors, including:
  #  *  The arguments ended with a flag that was expecting a value but wasn't
  #     provided.
  #  *  One or more required arguments were never given a value.
  #  *  One or more extra arguments were provided.
  #  *  Restrictions defined in one or more flag groups were not fulfilled.
  # Any errors are added to the errors array. It also fills in final values
  # for `Context::Key::USAGE_ERRORS` and `Context::Key::ARGS`.
  # After this method is called, this object is locked down, and no
  # additional arguments may be parsed.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#407
  def finish; end

  # Determine if this parser is finished
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#358
  def finished?; end

  # Whether flags are currently allowed. Returns false after `--` is received.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#350
  def flags_allowed?; end

  # The argument definition that will be applied to the next argument.
  # @return [Toys::PositionalArg] The next argument definition.
  # @return [nil] if all arguments have been filled.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#368
  def next_arg_def; end

  # Incrementally parse a single string or an array of strings
  # @param args [String, Array<String>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#378
  def parse(args); end

  # All command line arguments that have been parsed.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#306
  def parsed_args; end

  # The tool definition governing this parser.
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#300
  def tool; end

  # All args that were not matched.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#324
  def unmatched_args; end

  # Flags that were not matched.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#318
  def unmatched_flags; end

  # Extra positional args that were not matched.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#312
  def unmatched_positional; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#542
  def add_data(key, handler, accept, value, type_name, display_name); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#449
  def check_flag(arg); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#438
  def check_flag_value(arg); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#522
  def find_flag(name); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#559
  def finish_active_flag; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#570
  def finish_arg_defs; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#589
  def finish_flag_groups; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#595
  def finish_special_data; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#472
  def handle_plain_flag(name, following = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#507
  def handle_positional(arg); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#466
  def handle_single_flags(str); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#493
  def handle_valued_flag(name, value); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#422
  def initial_data(cli, tool, default_data); end

# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#419
Toys::ArgParser::ARG_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A UsageError indicating a required positional argument was not fulfilled.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#202
class Toys::ArgParser::ArgMissingError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create an ArgMissingError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param name [String] The name of the argument. Normally required.
  # @return [ArgMissingError] a new instance of ArgMissingError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#210
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a positional argument did not accept the value
# given it.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#182
class Toys::ArgParser::ArgValueUnacceptableError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create an ArgValueUnacceptableError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param name [String] The name of the argument. Normally required.
  # @param value [String] The value given. Normally required.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>] An array of suggestions to present
  #   to the user. Optional.
  # @return [ArgValueUnacceptableError] a new instance of ArgValueUnacceptableError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#193
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating extra arguments were supplied.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#218
class Toys::ArgParser::ExtraArgumentsError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create an ExtraArgumentsError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param value [String] The first extra argument. Normally required.
  # @param values [Array<String>] All extra arguments. Normally required.
  # @return [ExtraArgumentsError] a new instance of ExtraArgumentsError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#227
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), values: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a flag name prefix was given that matched
# multiple flags.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#142
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagAmbiguousError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagAmbiguousError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param value [String] The requested flag name. Normally required.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>] An array of suggestions to present
  #   to the user. Optional.
  # @return [FlagAmbiguousError] a new instance of FlagAmbiguousError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#152
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a flag group constraint was not fulfilled.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#257
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagGroupConstraintError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagGroupConstraintError.
  # @param message [String] The message. Required.
  # @return [FlagGroupConstraintError] a new instance of FlagGroupConstraintError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#263
  def initialize(message); end

# A UsageError indicating a flag name was not recognized.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#122
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagUnrecognizedError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagUnrecognizedError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param value [String] The requested flag name. Normally required.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>] An array of suggestions to present
  #   to the user. Optional.
  # @return [FlagUnrecognizedError] a new instance of FlagUnrecognizedError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#132
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a value was not provided for a flag that requires
# a value.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#106
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagValueMissingError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagValueMissingError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param name [String] The name of the flag. Normally required.
  # @return [FlagValueMissingError] a new instance of FlagValueMissingError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#114
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a value was provided for a flag that does not
# take a value.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#89
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagValueNotAllowedError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagValueNotAllowedError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param name [String] The name of the flag. Normally required.
  # @return [FlagValueNotAllowedError] a new instance of FlagValueNotAllowedError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#97
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A UsageError indicating a flag did not accept the value given it.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#161
class Toys::ArgParser::FlagValueUnacceptableError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a FlagValueUnacceptableError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param name [String] The name of the flag. Normally required.
  # @param value [String] The value given. Normally required.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>] An array of suggestions to present
  #   to the user. Optional.
  # @return [FlagValueUnacceptableError] a new instance of FlagValueUnacceptableError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#172
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#418
Toys::ArgParser::REMAINING_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A UsageError indicating the given subtool name does not exist.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#235
class Toys::ArgParser::ToolUnrecognizedError < ::Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a ToolUnrecognizedError.
  # @param message [String, nil] A custom message. Normally omitted, in
  #   which case an appropriate default is supplied.
  # @param value [String] The requested subtool. Normally required.
  # @param values [Array<String>] The full path of the requested tool.
  #   Normally required.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>] An array of suggestions to present
  #   to the user. Optional.
  # @return [ToolUnrecognizedError] a new instance of ToolUnrecognizedError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#247
  def initialize(message = T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), values: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Base representation of a usage error reported by the ArgParser.
# This functions similarly to an exception, but is not raised. Rather, it
# is returned in the {Toys::ArgParser#errors} array.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#17
class Toys::ArgParser::UsageError
  # Create a UsageError given a message and common data
  # @param message [String] The basic error message.
  # @param name [String, nil] The name of the element (normally flag or
  #   positional argument) that reported the error, or nil if there is
  #   no definite element.
  # @param value [String, nil] The value that was rejected, or nil if not
  #   applicable.
  # @param suggestions [Array<String>, nil] An array of suggestions from
  #   DidYouMean, or nil if not applicable.
  # @return [UsageError] a new instance of UsageError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#30
  def initialize(message, name: T.unsafe(nil), value: T.unsafe(nil), suggestions: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # A fully formatted error message including suggestions.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#74
  def full_message; end

  # The basic error message. Does not include suggestions, if any.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#42
  def message; end

  # The name of the element (normally a flag or positional argument) that
  # reported the error.
  # @return [String] The element name.
  # @return [nil] if there is no definite element source.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#51
  def name; end

  # An array of suggestions from DidYouMean.
  # @return [Array<String>] array of suggestions.
  # @return [nil] if suggestions are not applicable to this error.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#67
  def suggestions; end

  # A fully formatted error message including suggestions.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#74
  def to_s; end

  # The value that was rejected.
  # @return [String] the value string
  # @return [nil] if a value is not applicable to this error.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/arg_parser.rb#59
  def value; end

# An exception indicating problems parsing arguments.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#19
class Toys::ArgParsingError < ::StandardError
  # Create an ArgParsingError given a set of error messages
  # @param errors [Array<Toys::ArgParser::UsageError>]
  # @return [ArgParsingError] a new instance of ArgParsingError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#24
  def initialize(errors); end

  # The individual usage error messages.
  # @return [Array<Toys::ArgParser::UsageError>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#33
  def usage_errors; end

# A Toys-based CLI.
# This is the entry point for command line execution. It includes the set of
# tool definitions (and/or information on how to load them from the file
# system), configuration parameters such as logging and error handling, and a
# method to call to invoke a command.
# This is the class to instantiate to create a Toys-based command line
# executable. For example:
#     #!/usr/bin/env ruby
#     require "toys-core"
#     cli =
#     cli.add_config_block do
#       def run
#         puts "Hello, world!"
#       end
#     end
#     exit(*ARGV))
# The currently running CLI is also available at runtime, and can be used by
# tools that want to invoke other tools. For example:
#     # My .toys.rb
#     tool "foo" do
#       def run
#         puts "in foo"
#       end
#     end
#     tool "bar" do
#       def run
#         puts "in bar"
# "foo"
#       end
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#41
class Toys::CLI
  # Create a CLI.
  # Most configuration parameters (besides tool definitions and tool lookup
  # paths) are set as options passed to the constructor. These options fall
  # roughly into four categories:
  #  *  Options affecting output behavior:
  #      *  `logger`: A global logger for all tools to use
  #      *  `logger_factory`: A proc that returns a logger to use
  #      *  `base_level`: The default log level
  #      *  `error_handler`: Callback for handling exceptions
  #      *  `executable_name`: The name of the executable
  #  *  Options affecting tool specification
  #      *  `extra_delimibers`: Tool name delimiters besides space
  #      *  `completion`: Tab completion handler
  #  *  Options affecting tool definition
  #      *  `middleware_stack`: The middleware applied to all tools
  #      *  `mixin_lookup`: Where to find well-known mixins
  #      *  `middleware_lookup`: Where to find well-known middleware
  #      *  `template_lookup`: Where to find well-known templates
  #  *  Options affecting tool files and directories
  #      *  `config_dir_name`: Directory name containing tool files
  #      *  `config_file_name`: File name for tools
  #      *  `index_file_name`: Name of index files in tool directories
  #      *  `preload_file_name`: Name of preload files in tool directories
  #      *  `preload_dir_name`: Name of preload directories in tool directories
  #      *  `data_dir_name`: Name of data directories in tool directories
  # @param logger [Logger] A global logger to use for all tools. This can be
  #   set if the CLI will call at most one tool at a time. However, it will
  #   behave incorrectly if CLI might run multiple tools at the same time
  #   with different verbosity settings (since the logger cannot have
  #   multiple level settings simultaneously). In that case, do not set a
  #   global logger, but use the `logger_factory` parameter instead.
  # @param logger_factory [Proc] A proc that takes a {Toys::ToolDefinition}
  #   as an argument, and returns a `Logger` to use when running that tool.
  #   Optional. If not provided (and no global logger is set),
  #   {Toys::CLI.default_logger_factory} is called to get a basic default.
  # @param base_level [Integer] The logger level that should correspond
  #   to zero verbosity.
  #   Optional. If not provided, defaults to the current level of the
  #   logger (which is often `Logger::WARN`).
  # @param error_handler [Proc, nil] A proc that is called when an unhandled
  #   exception (a normal exception subclassing `StandardError`, an error
  #   loading a toys config file subclassing `SyntaxError`, or an unhandled
  #   signal subclassing `SignalException`) is detected. The proc should
  #   take a {Toys::ContextualError}, whose cause is the unhandled
  #   exception, as the sole argument, and report the error. It should
  #   return an exit code (normally nonzero) appropriate to the error.
  #   Optional. If not provided, {Toys::CLI.default_error_handler} is
  #   called to get a basic default handler.
  # @param executable_name [String] The executable name displayed in help
  #   text. Optional. Defaults to the ruby program name.
  # @param extra_delimiters [String] A string containing characters that can
  #   function as delimiters in a tool name. Defaults to empty. Allowed
  #   characters are period, colon, and slash.
  # @param completion [Toys::Completion::Base] A specifier for shell tab
  #   completion for the CLI as a whole.
  #   Optional. If not provided, {Toys::CLI.default_completion} is called
  #   to get a default completion that delegates to the tool.
  # @param middleware_stack [Array<Toys::Middleware::Spec>] An array of
  #   middleware that will be used by default for all tools.
  #   Optional. If not provided, uses a default set of middleware defined
  #   in {Toys::CLI.default_middleware_stack}. To include no middleware,
  #   pass the empty array explicitly.
  # @param mixin_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for well-known mixin
  #   modules (i.e. with symbol names).
  #   Optional. If not provided, defaults to the set of standard mixins
  #   provided by toys-core, as defined by
  #   {Toys::CLI.default_mixin_lookup}. If you explicitly want no standard
  #   mixins, pass an empty instance of {Toys::ModuleLookup}.
  # @param middleware_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for well-known
  #   middleware classes.
  #   Optional. If not provided, defaults to the set of standard middleware
  #   classes provided by toys-core, as defined by
  #   {Toys::CLI.default_middleware_lookup}. If you explicitly want no
  #   standard middleware, pass an empty instance of
  #   {Toys::ModuleLookup}.
  # @param template_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for well-known
  #   template classes.
  #   Optional. If not provided, defaults to the set of standard template
  #   classes provided by toys core, as defined by
  #   {Toys::CLI.default_template_lookup}. If you explicitly want no
  #   standard tenokates, pass an empty instance of {Toys::ModuleLookup}.
  # @param config_dir_name [String] A directory with this name that appears
  #   in the loader path, is treated as a configuration directory whose
  #   contents are loaded into the toys configuration.
  #   Optional. If not provided, toplevel configuration directories are
  #   disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".toys"`.
  # @param config_file_name [String] A file with this name that appears in
  #   the loader path, is treated as a toplevel configuration file whose
  #   contents are loaded into the toys configuration. This does not
  #   include "index" configuration files located within a configuration
  #   directory.
  #   Optional. If not provided, toplevel configuration files are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".toys.rb"`.
  # @param index_file_name [String] A file with this name that appears in any
  #   configuration directory is loaded first as a standalone configuration
  #   file. This does not include "toplevel" configuration files outside
  #   configuration directories.
  #   Optional. If not provided, index configuration files are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".toys.rb"`.
  # @param preload_file_name [String] A file with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory is preloaded using `require` before
  #   any tools in that configuration directory are defined. A preload file
  #   includes normal Ruby code, rather than Toys DSL definitions. The
  #   preload file is loaded before any files in a preload directory.
  #   Optional. If not provided, preload files are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".preload.rb"`.
  # @param preload_dir_name [String] A directory with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory is searched for Ruby files, which are
  #   preloaded using `require` before any tools in that configuration
  #   directory are defined. Files in a preload directory include normal
  #   Ruby code, rather than Toys DSL definitions. Files in a preload
  #   directory are loaded after any standalone preload file.
  #   Optional. If not provided, preload directories are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".preload"`.
  # @param data_dir_name [String] A directory with this name that appears in
  #   any configuration directory is added to the data directory search
  #   path for any tool file in that directory.
  #   Optional. If not provided, data directories are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".data"`.
  # @param lib_dir_name [String] A directory with this name that appears in
  #   any configuration directory is added to the Ruby load path when
  #   executing any tool file in that directory.
  #   Optional. If not provided, lib directories are disabled.
  #   Note: the standard toys executable sets this to `".lib"`.
  # @return [CLI] a new instance of CLI
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#175
  def initialize(executable_name: T.unsafe(nil), middleware_stack: T.unsafe(nil), extra_delimiters: T.unsafe(nil), config_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), config_file_name: T.unsafe(nil), index_file_name: T.unsafe(nil), preload_file_name: T.unsafe(nil), preload_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), data_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), mixin_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), middleware_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), template_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), logger_factory: T.unsafe(nil), logger: T.unsafe(nil), base_level: T.unsafe(nil), error_handler: T.unsafe(nil), completion: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a configuration block to the loader.
  # This is used to create tools "inline", and is useful for simple command
  # line executables based on Toys.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] Add the config at the head of the priority
  #   list rather than the tail.
  # @param source_name [String] The source name that will be shown in
  #   documentation for tools defined in this block. If omitted, a default
  #   unique string will be generated.
  # @param block [Proc] The block of configuration, executed in the context
  #   of the tool DSL {Toys::DSL::Tool}.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil] The context directory for tools
  #   loaded from this block. You can pass a directory path as a string, or
  #   `nil` to denote no context. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#356
  def add_config_block(high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add a specific configuration file or directory to the loader.
  # This is generally used to load a static or "built-in" set of tools,
  # either for a standalone command line executable based on Toys, or to
  # provide a "default" set of tools for a dynamic executable. For example,
  # the main Toys executable uses this to load the builtin tools from its
  # "builtins" directory.
  # @param path [String] A path to add. May reference a single Toys file or
  #   a Toys directory.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] Add the config at the head of the priority
  #   list rather than the tail.
  # @param source_name [String] A custom name for the root source. Optional.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil, :path, :parent] The context directory
  #   for tools loaded from this path. You can pass a directory path as a
  #   string, `:path` to denote the given path, `:parent` to denote the
  #   given path's parent directory, or `nil` to denote no context.
  #   Defaults to `:parent`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#327
  def add_config_path(path, high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Checks the given directory path. If it contains a config file and/or
  # config directory, those are added to the loader.
  # The main Toys executable uses this method to load tools from directories
  # in the `TOYS_PATH`.
  # @param search_path [String] A path to search for configs.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] Add the configs at the head of the
  #   priority list rather than the tail.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil, :path, :parent] The context directory
  #   for tools loaded from this path. You can pass a directory path as a
  #   string, `:path` to denote the given path, `:parent` to denote the
  #   given path's parent directory, or `nil` to denote no context.
  #   Defaults to `:path`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#384
  def add_search_path(search_path, high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Walk up the directory hierarchy from the given start location, and add to
  # the loader any config files and directories found.
  # The main Toys executable uses this method to load tools from the current
  # directory and its ancestors.
  # @param start [String] The first directory to add. Defaults to the current
  #   working directory.
  # @param terminate [Array<String>] Optional list of directories that should
  #   terminate the search. If the walk up the directory tree encounters
  #   one of these directories, the search is halted without checking the
  #   terminating directory.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] Add the configs at the head of the
  #   priority list rather than the tail.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#419
  def add_search_path_hierarchy(start: T.unsafe(nil), terminate: T.unsafe(nil), high_priority: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The initial logger level in this CLI, used as the level for verbosity 0.
  # May be `nil`, indicating it will use the initial logger setting.
  # @return [Integer, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#298
  def base_level; end

  # Make a clone with the same settings but no config blocks and no paths in
  # the loader. This is sometimes useful for calling another tool that has to
  # be loaded from a different configuration.
  # @param opts [keywords] Any configuration arguments that should be
  #   modified from the original. See {#initialize} for a list of
  #   recognized keywords.
  # @return [Toys::CLI]
  # @yieldparam cli [Toys::CLI] If you pass a block, the new CLI is yielded
  #   to it so you can add paths and make other modifications.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#237
  def child(**opts); end

  # The overall completion strategy for this CLI.
  # @return [Toys::Completion::Base, Proc]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#304
  def completion; end

  # The effective executable name used for usage text in this CLI.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#273
  def executable_name; end

  # The string of tool name delimiter characters (besides space).
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#279
  def extra_delimiters; end

  # Prepare a tool to be run, but just execute the given block rather than
  # performing a full run of the tool. This is intended for testing tools.
  # Unlike {#run}, this does not catch errors and perform error handling.
  # @param args [String...] Command line arguments specifying which tool to
  #   run and what arguments to pass to it. You may pass either a single
  #   array of strings, or a series of string arguments.
  # @return [Object] The value returned from the block.
  # @yieldparam context [Toys::Context] Yields the tool context.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#480
  def load_tool(*args); end

  # The current loader for this CLI.
  # @return [Toys::Loader]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#267
  def loader; end

  # The global logger, if any.
  # @return [Logger, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#285
  def logger; end

  # The logger factory.
  # @return [Proc]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#291
  def logger_factory; end

  # Run the CLI with the given command line arguments.
  # Handles exceptions using the error handler.
  # @param args [String...] Command line arguments specifying which tool to
  #   run and what arguments to pass to it. You may pass either a single
  #   array of strings, or a series of string arguments.
  # @param verbosity [Integer] Initial verbosity. Default is 0.
  # @param delegated_from [Toys::Context] The context from which this
  #   execution is delegated. Optional. Should be set only if this is a
  #   delegated execution.
  # @return [Integer] The resulting process status code (i.e. 0 for success).
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#450
  def run(*args, verbosity: T.unsafe(nil), delegated_from: T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#585
  def build_context(tool, args, verbosity: T.unsafe(nil), delegated_from: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#629
  def build_executor(tool, context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#665
  def call_handler(context, handler, argument); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#610
  def execute_tool(tool, context, &block); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#656
  def handle_signal_by_tool(context, tool, exception); end

  # @raise [ArgParsingError]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#649
  def handle_usage_errors(context, tool); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#674
  def make_executor(middleware, context, next_executor); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#597
  def make_run_handler(tool); end

  class << self
    # Returns a default Completion that simply uses the tool's completion.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#576
    def default_completion; end

    # Returns a bare-bones error handler that takes simply reraises the
    # error. If the original error (the cause of the {Toys::ContextualError})
    # was a `SignalException` (or a subclass such as `Interrupted`), that
    # `SignalException` itself is reraised so that the Ruby VM has a chance
    # to handle it. Otherwise, for any other error, the
    # {Toys::ContextualError} is reraised.
    # @return [Proc]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#551
    def default_error_handler; end

    # Returns a default logger factory that generates simple loggers that
    # write to STDERR.
    # @return [Proc]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#564
    def default_logger_factory; end

    # Returns a default ModuleLookup for middleware that points at the
    # StandardMiddleware module.
    # @return [Toys::ModuleLookup]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#528
    def default_middleware_lookup; end

    # Returns a default set of middleware that may be used as a starting
    # point for a typical CLI. This set includes the following in order:
    # *  {Toys::StandardMiddleware::SetDefaultDescriptions} providing
    #    defaults for description fields.
    # *  {Toys::StandardMiddleware::ShowHelp} adding the `--help` flag and
    #    providing default behavior for namespaces.
    # *  {Toys::StandardMiddleware::HandleUsageErrors}
    # *  {Toys::StandardMiddleware::AddVerbosityFlags} adding the `--verbose`
    #    and `--quiet` flags for managing the logger level.
    # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware::Spec>]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#503
    def default_middleware_stack; end

    # Returns a default ModuleLookup for mixins that points at the
    # StandardMixins module.
    # @return [Toys::ModuleLookup]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#518
    def default_mixin_lookup; end

    # Returns a default empty ModuleLookup for templates.
    # @return [Toys::ModuleLookup]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/cli.rb#537
    def default_template_lookup; end

# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#120
Toys::CORE_LIB_PATH = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Deprecated
# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/core.rb#20
Toys::CORE_VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Compatibility wrappers for older Ruby versions.
# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#11
module Toys::Compat
  class << self
    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#113
    def absolute_path?(path); end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#31
    def allow_fork?; end

    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#78
    def dir_children(dir); end

    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#65
    def glob_in_dir(glob, dir); end

    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#94
    def instantiate(klass, args, kwargs, block); end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#16
    def jruby?; end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#132
    def method_defined_without_ancestors?(klass, name); end

    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#54
    def suggestions(word, list); end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#36
    def supports_suggestions?; end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#21
    def truffleruby?; end

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/compat.rb#26
    def windows?; end

# A Completion is a callable Proc that determines candidates for shell tab
# completion. You pass a {Toys::Completion::Context} object (which includes
# the current string fragment and other information) and it returns an array
# of candidates, represented by {Toys::Completion::Candidate} objects, for
# completing the fragment.
# A useful method here is the class method {Toys::Completion.create} which
# takes a variety of inputs and returns a suitable completion Proc.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#14
module Toys::Completion
  class << self
    # Create a completion Proc from a variety of specification formats. The
    # completion is constructed from the given specification object and/or the
    # given block. Additionally, some completions can take a hash of options.
    # Recognized specs include:
    #  *  `:empty`: Returns the empty completion. Any block or options are
    #     ignored.
    #  *  `:file_system`: Returns a completion that searches the current
    #     directory for file and directory names. You may also pass any of the
    #     options recognized by {Toys::Completion::FileSystem#initialize}. The
    #     block is ignored.
    #  *  An **Array** of strings. Returns a completion that uses those values
    #     as candidates. You may also pass any of the options recognized by
    #     {Toys::Completion::Enum#initialize}. The block is ignored.
    #  *  A **function**, either passed as a Proc (where the block is ignored)
    #     or as a block (if the spec is nil). The function must behave as a
    #     completion object, taking {Toys::Completion::Context} as the sole
    #     argument, and returning an array of {Toys::Completion::Candidate}.
    #  *  `:default` and `nil` indicate the **default completion**. For this
    #     method, the default is the empty completion (i.e. these are synonyms
    #     for `:empty`). However, other completion resolution methods might
    #     have a different default.
    # @param spec [Object] See the description for recognized values.
    # @param options [Hash] Additional options to pass to the completion.
    # @param block [Proc] See the description for recognized forms.
    # @return [Toys::Completion::Base, Proc]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#411
    def create(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

    # Take the various ways to express a completion spec, and convert them to a
    # canonical form expressed as a single object. This is called from the DSL
    # DSL to generate a spec object that can be stored.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#444
    def scalarize_spec(spec, options, block); end

# A base class that returns no completions.
# Completions *may* but do not need to subclass this base class. They
# merely need to duck-type `Proc` by implementing the `call` method.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#218
class Toys::Completion::Base
  # Returns candidates for the current completion.
  # This default implementation returns an empty list.
  # @param context [Toys::Completion::Context] The current completion
  #   context including the string fragment.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate>] An array of candidates
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#227
  def call(context); end

# A candidate for completing a string fragment.
# A candidate includes a string representing the potential completed
# word, as well as a flag indicating whether it is a *partial* completion
# (i.e. a prefix that could still be added to) versus a *final* word.
# Generally, tab completion systems should add a trailing space after a
# final completion but not after a partial completion.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#143
class Toys::Completion::Candidate
  include ::Comparable

  # Create a new candidate
  # @param string [String] The candidate string
  # @param partial [Boolean] Whether the candidate is partial. Defaults
  #   to `false`.
  # @return [Candidate] a new instance of Candidate
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#152
  def initialize(string, partial: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#190
  def <=>(other); end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#183
  def eql?(other); end

  # Determine whether the candidate is a final completion.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#176
  def final?; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#197
  def hash; end

  # Determine whether the candidate is partial completion.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#168
  def partial?; end

  # Get the candidate string.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#161
  def string; end

  # Get the candidate string.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#161
  def to_s; end

  class << self
    # Create an array of candidates given an array of strings.
    # @param array [Array<String>]
    # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate]] Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#207
    def new_multi(array, partial: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# The context in which to determine completion candidates.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#18
class Toys::Completion::Context
  # Create a completion context
  # @param cli [Toys::CLI] The CLI being run. Required.
  # @param previous_words [Array<String>] Array of complete strings that
  #   appeared prior to the fragment to complete.
  # @param fragment_prefix [String] A prefix in the fragment that does not
  #   participate in completion. (e.g. "key=")
  # @param fragment [String] The string fragment to complete.
  # @param params [Hash] Miscellaneous context data
  # @return [Context] a new instance of Context
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#30
  def initialize(cli:, previous_words: T.unsafe(nil), fragment_prefix: T.unsafe(nil), fragment: T.unsafe(nil), **params); end

  # Get data for arbitrary key.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#84
  def [](key); end

  # Current ArgParser indicating the status of argument parsing up to
  # this point.
  # @return [Toys::ArgParser]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#114
  def arg_parser; end

  # An array of complete arguments passed to the tool, prior to the
  # fragment to complete.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#103
  def args; end

  # The CLI being run.
  # @return [Toys::CLI]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#59
  def cli; end

  # The current string fragment to complete
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#77
  def fragment; end

  # A non-completed prefix for the current fragment.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#71
  def fragment_prefix; end

  # Get data for arbitrary key.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#84
  def get(key); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#122
  def inspect; end

  # All previous words.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#65
  def previous_words; end

  # The tool being invoked, which should control the completion.
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#93
  def tool; end

  # Create a new completion context with the given modifications.
  # @param delta_params [Hash] Replace context data.
  # @return [Toys::Completion::Context]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#51
  def with(**delta_params); end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#129
  def lookup_tool; end

# An instance of the empty completion that returns no candidates.
# @return [Toys:::Completion::Base]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#375
Toys::Completion::EMPTY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Toys::Completion::Base)

# A Completion whose candidates come from a static list of strings.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#331
class Toys::Completion::Enum < ::Toys::Completion::Base
  # Create a completion from a list of values.
  # @param values [Array<String>]
  # @param prefix_constraint [String, Regexp] Constraint on the fragment
  #   prefix. Defaults to requiring the prefix be empty.
  # @return [Enum] a new instance of Enum
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#339
  def initialize(values, prefix_constraint: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns candidates for the current completion.
  # @param context [Toys::Completion::Context] the current completion
  #   context including the string fragment.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate>] an array of candidates
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#364
  def call(context); end

  # Constraint on the fragment prefix.
  # @return [String, Regexp]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#355
  def prefix_constraint; end

  # The array of completion candidates.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#349
  def values; end

# A Completion that returns candidates from the local file system.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#235
class Toys::Completion::FileSystem < ::Toys::Completion::Base
  # Create a completion that gets candidates from names in the local file
  # system.
  # @param cwd [String] Working directory (defaults to the current dir).
  # @param omit_files [Boolean] Omit files from candidates
  # @param omit_directories [Boolean] Omit directories from candidates
  # @param prefix_constraint [String, Regexp] Constraint on the fragment
  #   prefix. Defaults to requiring the prefix be empty.
  # @return [FileSystem] a new instance of FileSystem
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#246
  def initialize(cwd: T.unsafe(nil), omit_files: T.unsafe(nil), omit_directories: T.unsafe(nil), prefix_constraint: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns candidates for the current completion.
  # @param context [Toys::Completion::Context] the current completion
  #   context including the string fragment.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate>] an array of candidates
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#285
  def call(context); end

  # Path to the starting directory.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#276
  def cwd; end

  # Whether directories are included in the completion candidates.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#264
  def include_directories; end

  # Whether files are included in the completion candidates.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#258
  def include_files; end

  # Constraint on the fragment prefix.
  # @return [String, Regexp]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#270
  def prefix_constraint; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/completion.rb#309
  def generate_candidates(children, prefix, dir); end

# This is the base class for tool execution. It represents `self` when your
# tool's methods (such as `run`) are called, and it defines the methods that
# can be called by your tool (such as {#logger} and {#exit}.)
# This class also manages the "data" available to your tool when it runs.
# This data is a hash of key-value pairs. It consists of values set by flags
# and arguments defined by the tool, plus some "well-known" values such as
# the logger and verbosity level.
# You can obtain a value from the data using the {Toys::Context#get} method.
# Additionally, convenience methods are provided for many of the well-known
# keys. For instance, you can call {Toys::Context#verbosity} to obtain the
# value for the key {Toys::Context::Key::VERBOSITY}. Finally, flags and
# positional arguments that store their data here will also typically
# generate convenience methods. For example, an argument with key `:abc` will
# add a method called `abc` that you can call to get the value.
# By convention, flags and arguments defined by your tool should use strings
# or symbols as keys. Keys that are not strings or symbols should either be
# well-known keys such as {Toys::Context::Key::VERBOSITY}, or should be used
# for internal private information needed by middleware and mixins. The
# module {Toys::Context::Key} defines a number of well-known keys as
# constants.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#29
class Toys::Context
  # Create a Context object. Applications generally will not need to create
  # these objects directly; they are created by the tool when it is preparing
  # for execution.
  # @param data [Hash]
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [Context] a new instance of Context
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#388
  def initialize(data); end

  # Fetch an option or other piece of data by key.
  # If the `get` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__get` or the `[]` operator.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#270
  def [](key); end

  # Set an option or other piece of context data by key.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @param value [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#282
  def []=(key, value); end

  # The raw arguments passed to the tool, as an array of strings.
  # This does not include the tool name itself.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::ARGS}.
  # If the `args` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__args`.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#147
  def __args; end

  # The currently running CLI.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::CLI}.
  # If the `cli` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__cli`.
  # @return [Toys::CLI]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#162
  def __cli; end

  # Return the context directory for this tool. Generally, this defaults
  # to the directory containing the toys config directory structure being
  # read, but it may be changed by setting a different context directory
  # for the tool.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::CONTEXT_DIRECTORY}.
  # If the `context_directory` method is overridden by the tool, you can
  # still access it using the name `__context_directory`.
  # @return [String] Context directory path
  # @return [nil] if there is no context.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#181
  def __context_directory; end

  # Exit immediately with the given status code.
  # If the `exit` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__exit` or by calling {Context.exit}.
  # @param code [Integer] The status code, which should be 0 for no error,
  #   or nonzero for an error condition. Default is 0.
  # @return [void]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#361
  def __exit(code = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Find the given data file or directory in this tool's search path.
  # If the `find_data` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__find_data`.
  # @param path [String] The path to find
  # @param type [nil, :file, :directory] Type of file system object to find,
  #   or nil to return any type.
  # @return [String] Absolute path of the result
  # @return [nil] if the data was not found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#346
  def __find_data(path, type: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Fetch an option or other piece of data by key.
  # If the `get` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__get` or the `[]` operator.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#270
  def __get(key); end

  # The logger for this execution.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::LOGGER}.
  # If the `logger` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__logger`.
  # @return [Logger]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#196
  def __logger; end

  # The subset of the context that uses string or symbol keys. By convention,
  # this includes keys that are set by tool flags and arguments, but does not
  # include well-known context values such as verbosity or private context
  # values used by middleware or mixins.
  # If the `options` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__options`.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#326
  def __options; end

  # Set one or more options or other context data by key.
  # If the `set` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__set`.
  # @overload set
  # @overload set
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#305
  def __set(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The full name of the tool being executed, as an array of strings.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_NAME}.
  # If the `tool_name` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__tool_name`.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#211
  def __tool_name; end

  # The source of the tool being executed.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_SOURCE}.
  # If the `tool_source` method is overridden by the tool, you can still
  # access it using the name `__tool_source`.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#226
  def __tool_source; end

  # The (possibly empty) array of errors detected during argument parsing.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::USAGE_ERRORS}.
  # If the `usage_errors` method is overridden by the tool, you can still
  # access it using the name `__usage_errors`.
  # @return [Array<Toys::ArgParser::UsageError>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#241
  def __usage_errors; end

  # The current verbosity setting as an integer.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::VERBOSITY}.
  # If the `verbosity` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__verbosity`.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#256
  def __verbosity; end

  # The raw arguments passed to the tool, as an array of strings.
  # This does not include the tool name itself.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::ARGS}.
  # If the `args` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__args`.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#147
  def args; end

  # The currently running CLI.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::CLI}.
  # If the `cli` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__cli`.
  # @return [Toys::CLI]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#162
  def cli; end

  # Return the context directory for this tool. Generally, this defaults
  # to the directory containing the toys config directory structure being
  # read, but it may be changed by setting a different context directory
  # for the tool.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::CONTEXT_DIRECTORY}.
  # If the `context_directory` method is overridden by the tool, you can
  # still access it using the name `__context_directory`.
  # @return [String] Context directory path
  # @return [nil] if there is no context.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#181
  def context_directory; end

  # Exit immediately with the given status code.
  # If the `exit` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__exit` or by calling {Context.exit}.
  # @param code [Integer] The status code, which should be 0 for no error,
  #   or nonzero for an error condition. Default is 0.
  # @return [void]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#361
  def exit(code = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Find the given data file or directory in this tool's search path.
  # If the `find_data` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__find_data`.
  # @param path [String] The path to find
  # @param type [nil, :file, :directory] Type of file system object to find,
  #   or nil to return any type.
  # @return [String] Absolute path of the result
  # @return [nil] if the data was not found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#346
  def find_data(path, type: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Fetch an option or other piece of data by key.
  # If the `get` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__get` or the `[]` operator.
  # @param key [Symbol]
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#270
  def get(key); end

  # Include the tool name in the object inspection dump.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#397
  def inspect; end

  # The logger for this execution.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::LOGGER}.
  # If the `logger` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__logger`.
  # @return [Logger]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#196
  def logger; end

  # The subset of the context that uses string or symbol keys. By convention,
  # this includes keys that are set by tool flags and arguments, but does not
  # include well-known context values such as verbosity or private context
  # values used by middleware or mixins.
  # If the `options` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__options`.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#326
  def options; end

  # Set one or more options or other context data by key.
  # If the `set` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access it
  # using the name `__set`.
  # @overload set
  # @overload set
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#305
  def set(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The full name of the tool being executed, as an array of strings.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_NAME}.
  # If the `tool_name` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__tool_name`.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#211
  def tool_name; end

  # The source of the tool being executed.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_SOURCE}.
  # If the `tool_source` method is overridden by the tool, you can still
  # access it using the name `__tool_source`.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#226
  def tool_source; end

  # The (possibly empty) array of errors detected during argument parsing.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::USAGE_ERRORS}.
  # If the `usage_errors` method is overridden by the tool, you can still
  # access it using the name `__usage_errors`.
  # @return [Array<Toys::ArgParser::UsageError>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#241
  def usage_errors; end

  # The current verbosity setting as an integer.
  # This is a convenience getter for {Toys::Context::Key::VERBOSITY}.
  # If the `verbosity` method is overridden by the tool, you can still access
  # it using the name `__verbosity`.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#256
  def verbosity; end

  class << self
    # Exit immediately with the given status code. This class method can be
    # called if the instance method is or could be replaced by the tool.
    # @param code [Integer] The status code, which should be 0 for no error,
    #   or nonzero for an error condition. Default is 0.
    # @return [void]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#374
    def exit(code = T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Well-known context keys.
# This module is mixed into the runtime context. This means you can
# reference any of these constants directly from your run method.
# ### Example
#     tool "my-name" do
#       def run
#         # TOOL_NAME is available here.
#         puts "My name is #{get(TOOL_NAME)}"
#       end
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#45
module Toys::Context::Key; end

# Context key for the argument list passed to the current tool. Value is
# an array of strings.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#51
Toys::Context::Key::ARGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the currently running {Toys::CLI}. You can use the
# value to run other tools from your tool by calling {Toys::CLI#run}.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#58
Toys::Context::Key::CLI = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the context directory path. The value is a string
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#64
Toys::Context::Key::CONTEXT_DIRECTORY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the context from which the current call was delegated.
# The value is either another context object, or `nil` if the current
# call is not delegated.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#72
Toys::Context::Key::DELEGATED_FROM = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the active `Logger` object.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#78
Toys::Context::Key::LOGGER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the {Toys::ToolDefinition} object being executed.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#84
Toys::Context::Key::TOOL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the full name of the tool being executed. Value is an
# array of strings.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#91
Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_NAME = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the {Toys::SourceInfo} describing the source of this
# tool.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#98
Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_SOURCE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for all unmatched args in order. The value is an array of
# strings.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#105
Toys::Context::Key::UNMATCHED_ARGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for unmatched flags. The value is an array of strings.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#111
Toys::Context::Key::UNMATCHED_FLAGS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for unmatched positional args. The value is an array of
# strings.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#118
Toys::Context::Key::UNMATCHED_POSITIONAL = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the list of usage errors raised. The value is an array
# of {Toys::ArgParser::UsageError}.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#125
Toys::Context::Key::USAGE_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# Context key for the verbosity value. The value is an integer defaulting
# to 0, with higher values meaning more verbose and lower meaning more
# quiet.
# @return [Object]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/context.rb#133
Toys::Context::Key::VERBOSITY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# A wrapper exception used to provide user-oriented context for an error
# thrown during tool execution.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#46
class Toys::ContextualError < ::StandardError
  # Construct a ContextualError. This exception type is thrown from
  # {ContextualError.capture} and {ContextualError.capture_path} and should
  # not be constructed directly.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [ContextualError] a new instance of ContextualError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#54
  def initialize(cause, banner, config_path: T.unsafe(nil), config_line: T.unsafe(nil), tool_name: T.unsafe(nil), tool_args: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # An overall banner message
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#77
  def banner; end

  # The underlying exception
  # @return [::StandardError]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#71
  def cause; end

  # The line number in the toys config file in which the error was detected
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#89
  def config_line; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#111
  def config_line=(_arg0); end

  # The path to the toys config file in which the error was detected
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#83
  def config_path; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#106
  def config_path=(_arg0); end

  # The arguments passed to the tool that was running when the error occurred
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#101
  def tool_args; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#121
  def tool_args=(_arg0); end

  # The full name of the tool that was running when the error occurred
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#95
  def tool_name; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#116
  def tool_name=(_arg0); end

  class << self
    # Execute the given block, and wrap any exceptions thrown with a
    # ContextualError.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#156
    def capture(banner, **opts); end

    # Execute the given block, and wrap any exceptions thrown with a
    # ContextualError. This is intended for loading a config file from the
    # given path, and wraps any Ruby parsing errors.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#131
    def capture_path(banner, path, **opts); end


    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#173
    def add_config_path_if_missing(error, path); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#167
    def add_fields_if_missing(error, opts); end

# The core Toys classes.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/core.rb#7
module Toys::Core; end

# Current version of Toys core.
# @return [String]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/core.rb#12
Toys::Core::VERSION = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)

# Namespace for DSL classes. These classes provide the directives that can be
# used in configuration files.
# DSL directives that can appear at the top level of Toys files and tool
# blocks are defined by the {Toys::DSL::Tool} module.
# Directives that can appear within a block passed to {Toys::DSL::Tool#flag}
# are defined by the {Toys::DSL::Flag} class.
# Directives that can appear within a {Toys::DSL::Tool#flag_group} block or
# any of its related directives, are defined by the {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
# class.
# Directives that can appear within a {Toys::DSL::Tool#required_arg},
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#optional_arg}, or {Toys::DSL::Tool#remaining_args} block,
# are defined by the {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} class.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#61
module Toys::DSL; end

# DSL for a flag definition block. Lets you set flag attributes in a block
# instead of a long series of keyword arguments.
# These directives are available inside a block passed to
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#flag}.
# ### Example
#     tool "mytool" do
#       flag :value do
#         # The directives in here are defined by this class
#         flags "--value=VAL"
#         accept Integer
#         desc "An integer value"
#       end
#       # ...
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#24
class Toys::DSL::Flag
  # Called only from DSL::Tool
  # @private
  # @return [Flag] a new instance of Flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#306
  def initialize(flags, acceptor, default, handler, flag_completion, value_completion, report_collisions, group, desc, long_desc, display_name, method_flag); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#325
  def _add_to(tool, key); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#336
  def _get_add_method; end

  # Set the acceptor for this flag's values.
  # You can pass either the string name of an acceptor defined in this tool
  # or any of its ancestors, or any other specification recognized by
  # {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#100
  def accept(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Specify whether to add a method for this flag.
  # Recognized values are true to force creation of a method, false to
  # disable method creation, and nil for the default behavior. The default
  # checks the name and adds a method if the name is a symbol representing
  # a legal method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  # public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  # directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param value [true, false, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#290
  def add_method(value); end

  # Set the shell completion strategy for flag names.
  # You can pass one of the following:
  #  *  The string name of a completion defined in this tool or any of its
  #     ancestors.
  #  *  A hash of options to pass to the constructor of
  #     {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion}.
  #  *  `nil` or `:default` to select the standard completion strategy
  #     (which is {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion} with no extra options).
  #  *  Any other specification recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#156
  def complete_flags(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Set the shell completion strategy for flag values.
  # You can pass either the string name of a completion defined in this
  # tool or any of its ancestors, or any other specification recognized by
  # {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#172
  def complete_values(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Set the default value.
  # @param default [Object]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#111
  def default(default); end

  # Set the short description for the current flag. The short description
  # is displayed with the flag in online help.
  # The description is a {Toys::WrappableString}, which may be word-wrapped
  # when displayed in a help screen. You may pass a {Toys::WrappableString}
  # directly to this method, or you may pass any input that can be used to
  # construct a wrappable string:
  #  *  If you pass a String, its whitespace will be compacted (i.e. tabs,
  #     newlines, and multiple consecutive whitespace will be turned into a
  #     single space), and it will be word-wrapped on whitespace.
  #  *  If you pass an Array of Strings, each string will be considered a
  #     literal word that cannot be broken, and wrapping will be done
  #     across the strings in the array. In this case, whitespace is not
  #     compacted.
  # ### Examples
  # If you pass in a sentence as a simple string, it may be word wrapped
  # when displayed:
  #     desc "This sentence may be wrapped."
  # To specify a sentence that should never be word-wrapped, pass it as the
  # sole element of a string array:
  #     desc ["This sentence will not be wrapped."]
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#221
  def desc(desc); end

  # Set the display name for this flag. This may be used in help text and
  # error messages.
  # @param display_name [String]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#273
  def display_name(display_name); end

  # Add flags in OptionParser format. This may be called multiple times,
  # and the results are cumulative.
  # Following are examples of valid syntax.
  #  *  `-a` : A short boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `--abc` : A long boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `-aVAL` or `-a VAL` : A short flag that takes a required value.
  #     These two forms are treated identically. If this argument appears
  #     with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached string (e.g.
  #     `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the following argument
  #     is taken as the value (e.g. for `-a foo`, the value is set to
  #     `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the value even if it
  #     looks like a flag (e.g. `-a -a` causes the string `"-a"` to be
  #     taken as the value.)
  #  *  `-a[VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the value
  #     is set to `true`. The following argument is never interpreted as
  #     the value. (Compare with `-a [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `-a [VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if the
  #     following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `-a foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `-a[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc=VAL` or `--abc VAL` : A long flag that takes a required
  #     value. These two forms are treated identically. If this argument
  #     appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the
  #     following argument is taken as the value (e.g. for `--abc foo`, the
  #     value is set to `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the
  #     value even if it looks like a flag (e.g. `--abc --def` causes the
  #     string `"--def"` to be taken as the value.)
  #  *  `--abc[=VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise,
  #     the value is set to `true`. The following argument is never
  #     interpreted as the value. (Compare with `--abc [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc [VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if
  #     the following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `--abc foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `--abc=[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--[no-]abc` : A long boolean switch that can be turned either on
  #     or off. This effectively creates two flags, `--abc` which sets the
  #     value to `true`, and `--no-abc` which sets the falue to `false`.
  # @param flags [String...]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#84
  def flags(*flags); end

  # Set the group. A group may be set by name or group object. Setting
  # `nil` selects the default group.
  # @param group [String, Symbol, Toys::FlagGroup, nil]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#261
  def group(group); end

  # Set the optional handler for setting/updating the value when a flag is
  # parsed. A handler should be a Proc taking two arguments, the new given
  # value and the previous value, and it should return the new value that
  # should be set. You may pass the handler as a Proc (or an object
  # responding to the `call` method) or you may pass a block.
  # You can also pass one of the special values `:set` or `:push` as the
  # handler. The `:set` handler replaces the previous value (equivalent to
  # `-> (val, _prev) { val }`.) The `:push` handler expects the previous
  # value to be an array and pushes the given value onto it; it should be
  # combined with setting the default value to `[]` and is intended for
  # "multi-valued" flags.
  # @param handler [Proc, :set, :push]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#134
  def handler(handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add to the long description for the current flag. The long description
  # is displayed with the flag in online help. This directive may be given
  # multiple times, and the results are cumulative.
  # A long description is a series of descriptions, which are generally
  # displayed in a series of lines/paragraphs. Each individual description
  # uses the form described in the {#desc} documentation, and may be
  # word-wrapped when displayed. To insert a blank line, include an empty
  # string as one of the descriptions.
  # ### Example
  #     long_desc "This initial paragraph might get word wrapped.",
  #               "This next paragraph is followed by a blank line.",
  #               "",
  #               ["This line will not be wrapped."],
  #               ["    This indent is preserved."]
  #     long_desc "This line is appended to the description."
  # @param long_desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString...]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#249
  def long_desc(*long_desc); end

  # Set whether to raise an exception if a flag is requested that is
  # already in use or marked as disabled.
  # @param setting [Boolean]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag.rb#184
  def report_collisions(setting); end

# DSL for a flag group definition block. Lets you create flags in a group.
# These directives are available inside a block passed to
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#flag_group}, {Toys::DSL::Tool#all_required},
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#at_most_one}, {Toys::DSL::Tool#at_least_one}, or
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#exactly_one}.
# ### Example
#     tool "login" do
#       all_required do
#         # The directives in here are defined by this class
#         flag :username, "--username=VAL", desc: "Set username (required)"
#         flag :password, "--password=VAL", desc: "Set password (required)"
#       end
#       # ...
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag_group.rb#24
class Toys::DSL::FlagGroup
  # Called only from DSL::Tool.
  # @private
  # @return [FlagGroup] a new instance of FlagGroup
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag_group.rb#280
  def initialize(tool_dsl, tool, flag_group); end

  # Set the short description for the current flag group. The short
  # description is displayed as the group title in online help.
  # The description is a {Toys::WrappableString}, which may be word-wrapped
  # when displayed in a help screen. You may pass a {Toys::WrappableString}
  # directly to this method, or you may pass any input that can be used to
  # construct a wrappable string:
  #  *  If you pass a String, its whitespace will be compacted (i.e. tabs,
  #     newlines, and multiple consecutive whitespace will be turned into a
  #     single space), and it will be word-wrapped on whitespace.
  #  *  If you pass an Array of Strings, each string will be considered a
  #     literal word that cannot be broken, and wrapping will be done
  #     across the strings in the array. In this case, whitespace is not
  #     compacted.
  # ### Examples
  # If you pass in a sentence as a simple string, it may be word wrapped
  # when displayed:
  #     desc "This sentence may be wrapped."
  # To specify a sentence that should never be word-wrapped, pass it as the
  # sole element of a string array:
  #     desc ["This sentence will not be wrapped."]
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag_group.rb#242
  def desc(desc); end

  # Add a flag to the current group. Each flag must specify a key which
  # the script may use to obtain the flag value from the context.
  # You may then provide the flags themselves in OptionParser form.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the flag may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::Flag} within the block.
  # ### Flag syntax
  # The flags themselves should be provided in OptionParser form. Following
  # are examples of valid syntax.
  #  *  `-a` : A short boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `--abc` : A long boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `-aVAL` or `-a VAL` : A short flag that takes a required value.
  #     These two forms are treated identically. If this argument appears
  #     with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached string (e.g.
  #     `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the following argument
  #     is taken as the value (e.g. for `-a foo`, the value is set to
  #     `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the value even if it
  #     looks like a flag (e.g. `-a -a` causes the string `"-a"` to be
  #     taken as the value.)
  #  *  `-a[VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the value
  #     is set to `true`. The following argument is never interpreted as
  #     the value. (Compare with `-a [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `-a [VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if the
  #     following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `-a foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `-a[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc=VAL` or `--abc VAL` : A long flag that takes a required
  #     value. These two forms are treated identically. If this argument
  #     appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the
  #     following argument is taken as the value (e.g. for `--abc foo`, the
  #     value is set to `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the
  #     value even if it looks like a flag (e.g. `--abc --def` causes the
  #     string `"--def"` to be taken as the value.)
  #  *  `--abc[=VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise,
  #     the value is set to `true`. The following argument is never
  #     interpreted as the value. (Compare with `--abc [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc [VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if
  #     the following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `--abc foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `--abc=[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--[no-]abc` : A long boolean switch that can be turned either on
  #     or off. This effectively creates two flags, `--abc` which sets the
  #     value to `true`, and `--no-abc` which sets the falue to `false`.
  # ### Default flag syntax
  # If no flag syntax strings are provided, a default syntax will be
  # inferred based on the key and other options.
  # Specifically, if the key has one character, then that character will be
  # chosen as a short flag. If the key has multiple characters, a long flag
  # will be generated.
  # Furthermore, if a custom completion, a non-boolean acceptor, or a
  # non-boolean default value is provided in the options, then the flag
  # will be considered to take a value. Otherwise, it will be considered to
  # be a boolean switch.
  # For example, the following pairs of flags are identical:
  #     flag :a
  #     flag :a, "-a"
  #     flag :abc_def
  #     flag :abc_def, "--abc-def"
  #     flag :number, accept: Integer
  #     flag :number, "--number=VAL", accept: Integer
  # ### More examples
  # A flag that sets its value to the number of times it appears on the
  # command line:
  #     flag :verbose, "-v", "--verbose",
  #          default: 0, handler: ->(_val, count) { count + 1 }
  # An example using block form:
  #     flag :shout do
  #       flags "-s", "--shout"
  #       default false
  #       desc "Say it louder"
  #       long_desc "This flag says it lowder.",
  #                 "You might use this when people can't hear you.",
  #                 "",
  #                 "Example:",
  #                 ["    toys say --shout hello"]
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param flags [String...] The flags in OptionParser format.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, or one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this flag is not provided on the command
  #   line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param handler [Proc, nil, :set, :push] An optional handler for
  #   setting/updating the value. A handler is a proc taking two
  #   arguments, the given value and the previous value, returning the
  #   new value that should be set. You may also specify a predefined
  #   named handler. The `:set` handler (the default) replaces the
  #   previous value (effectively `-> (val, _prev) { val }`). The
  #   `:push` handler expects the previous value to be an array and
  #   pushes the given value onto it; it should be combined with setting
  #   `default: []` and is intended for "multi-valued" flags.
  # @param complete_flags [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag names associated with this flag. By default, a
  #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion} is used, which provides the flag's
  #   names as completion candidates. To customize completion, set this
  #   to the name of a previously defined completion, a hash of options
  #   to pass to the constructor for {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion}, or
  #   any other spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param complete_values [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag values associated with this flag. This is the empty
  #   completion by default. To customize completion, set this to the
  #   name of a previously defined completion, or any spec recognized by
  #   {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] Raise an exception if a flag is
  #   requested that is already in use or marked as unusable. Default is
  #   true.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param display_name [String] A display name for this flag, used in help
  #   text and error messages.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   flag. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior, which
  #   adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal method
  #   name that starts with a letter and does not override any public
  #   method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method directly
  #   defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Flag} for the
  #   directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag_group.rb#194
  def flag(key, *flags, accept: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), handler: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flags: T.unsafe(nil), complete_values: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add to the long description for the current flag group. The long
  # description is displayed with the flag group in online help. This
  # directive may be given multiple times, and the results are cumulative.
  # A long description is a series of descriptions, which are generally
  # displayed in a series of lines/paragraphs. Each individual description
  # uses the form described in the {#desc} documentation, and may be
  # word-wrapped when displayed. To insert a blank line, include an empty
  # string as one of the descriptions.
  # ### Example
  #     long_desc "This initial paragraph might get word wrapped.",
  #               "This next paragraph is followed by a blank line.",
  #               "",
  #               ["This line will not be wrapped."],
  #               ["    This indent is preserved."]
  #     long_desc "This line is appended to the description."
  # @param long_desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString...]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/flag_group.rb#270
  def long_desc(*long_desc); end

# Internal utility calls used by the DSL.
# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#10
module Toys::DSL::Internal
  class << self
    # Called by the DSL implementation to analyze the name of a new tool
    # definition in context.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#85
    def analyze_name(tool_class, words); end

    # Called by the Tool base class to set config values for a subclass.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#166
    def configure_class(tool_class, given_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Called by the DSL implementation to get, and optionally activate, the
    # current tool.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#57
    def current_tool(tool_class, activate); end

    # Called by the DSL implementation to load a long description from a
    # file.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#146
    def load_long_desc_file(path); end

    # Called by the DSL implementation to add a getter to the tool class.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#102
    def maybe_add_getter(tool_class, key, force); end

    # Called by the Loader and InputFile to prepare a tool class for running
    # the DSL.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#26
    def prepare(tool_class, words, priority, remaining_words, source, loader); end

    # Called by the DSL implementation to find a named mixin.
    # @private
    # @raise [ToolDefinitionError]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#126
    def resolve_mixin(mixin, cur_tool, loader); end

    # Called by the Tool base class to add the DSL to a subclass.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#197
    def setup_class_dsl(tool_class); end


    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#207
    def class_name_to_tool_name(class_name); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#226
    def current_source_from_context; end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#213
    def parent_from_mod_name_segments(mod_names); end

# @private A list of method names to avoid using as getters
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/internal.rb#14
Toys::DSL::Internal::AVOID_GETTERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# DSL for an arg definition block. Lets you set arg attributes in a block
# instead of a long series of keyword arguments.
# These directives are available inside a block passed to
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#required_arg}, {Toys::DSL::Tool#optional_arg}, or
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#remaining_args}.
# ### Example
#     tool "mytool" do
#       optional_arg :value do
#         # The directives in here are defined by this class
#         accept Integer
#         desc "An integer value"
#       end
#       # ...
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#24
class Toys::DSL::PositionalArg
  # Called only from DSL::Tool
  # @private
  # @return [PositionalArg] a new instance of PositionalArg
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#172
  def initialize(acceptor, default, completion, display_name, desc, long_desc, method_flag); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#194
  def _add_optional_to(tool, key); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#185
  def _add_required_to(tool, key); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#212
  def _get_add_method; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#203
  def _set_remaining_on(tool, key); end

  # Set the acceptor for this argument's values.
  # You can pass either the string name of an acceptor defined in this tool
  # or any of its ancestors, or any other specification recognized by
  # {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#36
  def accept(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Specify whether to add a method for this argument.
  # Recognized values are true to force creation of a method, false to
  # disable method creation, and nil for the default behavior. The default
  # checks the name and adds a method if the name is a symbol representing
  # a legal method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  # public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  # directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param value [true, false, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#156
  def add_method(value); end

  # Set the shell completion strategy for arg values.
  # You can pass either the string name of a completion defined in this
  # tool or any of its ancestors, or any other specification recognized by
  # {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#63
  def complete(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Set the default value.
  # @param default [Object]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#47
  def default(default); end

  # Set the short description for the current positional argument. The
  # short description is displayed with the argument in online help.
  # The description is a {Toys::WrappableString}, which may be word-wrapped
  # when displayed in a help screen. You may pass a {Toys::WrappableString}
  # directly to this method, or you may pass any input that can be used to
  # construct a wrappable string:
  #  *  If you pass a String, its whitespace will be compacted (i.e. tabs,
  #     newlines, and multiple consecutive whitespace will be turned into a
  #     single space), and it will be word-wrapped on whitespace.
  #  *  If you pass an Array of Strings, each string will be considered a
  #     literal word that cannot be broken, and wrapping will be done
  #     across the strings in the array. In this case, whitespace is not
  #     compacted.
  # ### Examples
  # If you pass in a sentence as a simple string, it may be word wrapped
  # when displayed:
  #     desc "This sentence may be wrapped."
  # To specify a sentence that should never be word-wrapped, pass it as the
  # sole element of a string array:
  #     desc ["This sentence will not be wrapped."]
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#111
  def desc(desc); end

  # Set the name of this arg as it appears in help screens.
  # @param display_name [String]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#74
  def display_name(display_name); end

  # Add to the long description for the current positional argument. The
  # long description is displayed with the argument in online help. This
  # directive may be given multiple times, and the results are cumulative.
  # A long description is a series of descriptions, which are generally
  # displayed in a series of lines/paragraphs. Each individual description
  # uses the form described in the {#desc} documentation, and may be
  # word-wrapped when displayed. To insert a blank line, include an empty
  # string as one of the descriptions.
  # ### Example
  #     long_desc "This initial paragraph might get word wrapped.",
  #               "This next paragraph is followed by a blank line.",
  #               "",
  #               ["This line will not be wrapped."],
  #               ["    This indent is preserved."]
  #     long_desc "This line is appended to the description."
  # @param long_desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString...]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/positional_arg.rb#139
  def long_desc(*long_desc); end

# This module defines the DSL for a Toys configuration file.
# A Toys configuration defines one or more named tools. It provides syntax
# for setting the description, defining flags and arguments, specifying
# how to execute the tool, and requesting mixin modules and other services.
# It also lets you define subtools, nested arbitrarily deep, using blocks.
# ### Simple example
# Create a file called `.toys.rb` in the current directory, with the
# following contents:
#     tool "greet" do
#       desc "Prints a simple greeting"
#       optional_arg :recipient, default: "world"
#       def run
#         puts "Hello, #{recipient}!"
#       end
#     end
# The DSL directives `tool`, `desc`, `optional_arg`, and others are defined
# in this module.
# Now you can execute it using:
#     toys greet
# or try:
#     toys greet rubyists
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#39
module Toys::DSL::Tool
  # Create a named acceptor that can be referenced by name from any flag or
  # positional argument in this tool or its subtools.
  # An acceptor validates the string parameter passed to a flag or
  # positional argument. It also optionally converts the string to a
  # different object before storing it in your tool's data.
  # Acceptors can be defined in one of four ways.
  #  *  You can provide a **regular expression**. This acceptor validates
  #     only if the regex matches the *entire string parameter*.
  #     You can also provide an optional conversion function as a block. If
  #     provided, function must take a variable number of arguments, the
  #     first being the matched string and the remainder being the captures
  #     from the regular expression. It should return the converted object
  #     that will be stored in the context data. If you do not provide a
  #     block, the original string will be used.
  #  *  You can provide an **array** of possible values. The acceptor
  #     validates if the string parameter matches the *string form* of one
  #     of the array elements (i.e. the results of calling `to_s` on the
  #     array elements.)
  #     An array acceptor automatically converts the string parameter to
  #     the actual array element that it matched. For example, if the
  #     symbol `:foo` is in the array, it will match the string `"foo"`,
  #     and then store the symbol `:foo` in the tool data.
  #  *  You can provide a **range** of possible values, along with a
  #     conversion function that converts a string parameter to a type
  #     comparable by the range. (See the "function" spec below for a
  #     detailed description of conversion functions.) If the range has
  #     numeric endpoints, the conversion function is optional because a
  #     default will be provided.
  #  *  You can provide a **function** by passing it as a proc or a block.
  #     This function performs *both* validation and conversion. It should
  #     take the string parameter as its argument, and it must either
  #     return the object that should be stored in the tool data, or raise
  #     an exception (descended from `StandardError`) to indicate that the
  #     string parameter is invalid.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates an acceptor named "hex" that is defined
  # via a regular expression. It uses the acceptor to validate values
  # passed to a flag.
  #     tool "example" do
  #       acceptor "hex", /[0-9a-fA-F]+/, type_desc: "hex numbers"
  #       flag :number, accept: "hex"
  #       def run
  #         puts "number was #{number}"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param name [String] The acceptor name.
  # @param spec [Object] See the description for recognized values.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to the acceptor name.
  # @param block [Proc] See the description for recognized forms.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#105
  def acceptor(name, spec = T.unsafe(nil), type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create an alias, representing an "alternate name" for a tool.
  # Note: This is functionally equivalent to creating a tool with the
  # `:delegate_relative` option. As such, `alias_tool` is considered
  # deprecated.
  # ### Example
  # This example defines a tool and an alias pointing to it. Both the tool
  # name `test` and the alias `t` will then refer to the same tool.
  #     tool "test" do
  #       def run
  #         puts "Running tests..."
  #       end
  #     end
  #     alias_tool "t", "test"
  #     # Note: the following is preferred over alias_tool:
  #     # tool "t", delegate_relative: "test"
  # @deprecated Use {#tool} and pass `:delegate_relative` instead
  # @param word [String] The name of the alias
  # @param target [String, Array<String>] Relative path to the target of the
  #   alias. This path may be given as an array of strings, or a single
  #   string possibly delimited by path separators.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#368
  def alias_tool(word, target); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:required`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. All flags in this group are
  # required.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of required flags.
  #     tool "login" do
  #       all_required do
  #         flag :username, "--username=VAL", desc: "Set username (required)"
  #         flag :password, "--password=VAL", desc: "Set password (required)"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#685
  def all_required(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:at_least_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. At least one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which one or more
  # may be set.
  #     tool "run-tests" do
  #       at_least_one do
  #         flag :unit, desc: "Run unit tests"
  #         flag :integration, desc: "Run integration tests"
  #         flag :performance, desc: "Run performance tests"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#772
  def at_least_one(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:at_least_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. At least one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which one or more
  # may be set.
  #     tool "run-tests" do
  #       at_least_one do
  #         flag :unit, desc: "Run unit tests"
  #         flag :integration, desc: "Run integration tests"
  #         flag :performance, desc: "Run performance tests"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#772
  def at_least_one_required(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:at_most_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. At most one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which either one or
  # none may be set, but not more than one.
  #     tool "provision-server" do
  #       at_most_one do
  #         flag :restore_from_backup, "--restore-from-backup=VAL"
  #         flag :restore_from_image, "--restore-from-image=VAL"
  #         flag :clone_existing, "--clone-existing=VAL"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#728
  def at_most_one(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:at_most_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. At most one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which either one or
  # none may be set, but not more than one.
  #     tool "provision-server" do
  #       at_most_one do
  #         flag :restore_from_backup, "--restore-from-backup=VAL"
  #         flag :restore_from_image, "--restore-from-image=VAL"
  #         flag :clone_existing, "--clone-existing=VAL"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#728
  def at_most_one_required(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Set the shell completion strategy for this tool's arguments.
  # You can pass one of the following:
  #  *  The string name of a completion defined in this tool or any of its
  #     its ancestors.
  #  *  A hash of options to pass to the constructor of
  #     {Toys::ToolDefinition::DefaultCompletion}.
  #  *  `nil` or `:default` to select the standard completion strategy
  #     (which is {Toys::ToolDefinition::DefaultCompletion} with no extra
  #     options).
  #  *  Any other specification recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # ### Example
  # The namespace "foo" supports completion only of subtool names. It does
  # not complete the standard flags (like --help).
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       complete_tool_args complete_args: false, complete_flags: false,
  #                          complete_flag_values: false
  #       tool "bar" do
  #         def run
  #           puts "in foo bar"
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param spec [Object]
  # @param options [Hash]
  # @param block [Proc]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1444
  def complete_tool_args(spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Create a named completion procedure that may be used by name by any
  # flag or positional arg in this tool or any subtool.
  # A completion controls tab completion for the value of a flag or
  # positional argument. In general, it is a Ruby `Proc` that takes a
  # context object (of type {Toys::Completion::Context}) and returns an
  # array of completion candidate strings.
  # Completions can be specified in one of three ways.
  #  *  A Proc object itself, either passed directly to this directive or
  #     provided as a block.
  #  *  A static array of strings, indicating the completion candidates
  #     independent of context.
  #  *  The symbol `:file_system` which indicates that paths in the file
  #     system should serve as completion candidates.
  # ### Example
  # The following example defines a completion that uses only the immediate
  # files in the current directory as candidates. (This is different from
  # the `:file_system` completion which will descend into subdirectories
  # similar to how bash completes most of its file system commands.)
  #     completion "local-files" do |_context|
  #       `/bin/ls`.split("\n")
  #     end
  #     tool "example" do
  #       flag :file, complete_values: "local-files"
  #       def run
  #         puts "selected file #{file}"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param name [String] Name of the completion
  # @param spec [Object] See the description for recognized values.
  # @param options [Hash] Additional options to pass to the completion.
  # @param block [Proc] See the description for recognized forms.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#259
  def completion(name, spec = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Return the context directory for this tool. Generally, this defaults
  # to the directory containing the toys config directory structure being
  # read, but it may be changed by setting a different context directory
  # for the tool.
  # @return [String] Context directory path
  # @return [nil] if there is no context.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1703
  def context_directory; end

  # Return the current tool config. This object can be queried to determine
  # such information as the name, but it should not be altered.
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1714
  def current_tool; end

  # Causes the current tool to delegate to another tool, specified by the
  # full tool name. When run, it simply invokes the target tool with the
  # same arguments.
  # ### Example
  # This example defines a tool that runs one of its subtools. Running the
  # `test` tool will have the same effect (and recognize the same args) as
  # the subtool `test unit`.
  #     tool "test" do
  #       tool "unit" do
  #         flag :faster
  #         def run
  #           puts "running tests..."
  #         end
  #       end
  #       delegate_to "test:unit"
  #     end
  # @param target [String, Array<String>] The full path to the delegate
  #   tool. This path may be given as an array of strings, or a single
  #   string possibly delimited by path separators.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#399
  def delegate_to(target); end

  # Set the short description for the current tool. The short description
  # is displayed with the tool in a subtool list. You may also use the
  # equivalent method `short_desc`.
  # The description is a {Toys::WrappableString}, which may be word-wrapped
  # when displayed in a help screen. You may pass a {Toys::WrappableString}
  # directly to this method, or you may pass any input that can be used to
  # construct a wrappable string:
  #  *  If you pass a String, its whitespace will be compacted (i.e. tabs,
  #     newlines, and multiple consecutive whitespace will be turned into a
  #     single space), and it will be word-wrapped on whitespace.
  #  *  If you pass an Array of Strings, each string will be considered a
  #     literal word that cannot be broken, and wrapping will be done
  #     across the strings in the array. In this case, whitespace is not
  #     compacted.
  # ### Examples
  # If you pass in a sentence as a simple string, it may be word wrapped
  # when displayed:
  #     desc "This sentence may be wrapped."
  # To specify a sentence that should never be word-wrapped, pass it as the
  # sole element of a string array:
  #     desc ["This sentence will not be wrapped."]
  # @param str [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#546
  def desc(str); end

  # Disable argument parsing for this tool. Arguments will not be parsed
  # and the options will not be populated. Instead, tools can retrieve the
  # full unparsed argument list by calling {Toys::Context#args}.
  # This directive is mutually exclusive with any of the directives that
  # declare arguments or flags.
  # ### Example
  #     tool "mytool" do
  #       disable_argument_parsing
  #       def run
  #         puts "Arguments passed: #{args}"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1378
  def disable_argument_parsing; end

  # Mark one or more flags as disabled, preventing their use by any
  # subsequent flag definition. This can be used to prevent middleware from
  # defining a particular flag.
  # ### Example
  # This tool does not support the `-v` and `-q` short forms for the two
  # verbosity flags (although it still supports the long forms `--verbose`
  # and `--quiet`.)
  #     tool "mytool" do
  #       disable_flag "-v", "-q"
  #       def run
  #         # ...
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param flags [String...] The flags to disable
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1405
  def disable_flag(*flags); end

  # Enforce that all flags must be provided before any positional args.
  # That is, as soon as the first positional arg appears in the command
  # line arguments, flag parsing is disabled as if `--` had appeared.
  # Issuing this directive by itself turns on enforcement. You may turn it
  # off by passsing `false` as the parameter.
  # @param state [Boolean]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1336
  def enforce_flags_before_args(state = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:exactly_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. Exactly one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which exactly one
  # must be set.
  #     tool "deploy" do
  #       exactly_one do
  #         flag :server, "--server=IP_ADDR", desc: "Deploy to server"
  #         flag :vm, "--vm=ID", desc: "Deploy to a VM"
  #         flag :container, "--container=ID", desc: "Deploy to a container"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#816
  def exactly_one(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group of type `:exactly_one`. If a block is given, flags
  # defined in the block belong to the group. Exactly one flag in this
  # group must be provided on the command line.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a group of flags in which exactly one
  # must be set.
  #     tool "deploy" do
  #       exactly_one do
  #         flag :server, "--server=IP_ADDR", desc: "Deploy to server"
  #         flag :vm, "--vm=ID", desc: "Deploy to a VM"
  #         flag :container, "--container=ID", desc: "Deploy to a container"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#816
  def exactly_one_required(desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Expand the given template in the current location.
  # The template may be specified as a class or a well-known template name.
  # You may also provide arguments to pass to the template.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates and uses a simple template.
  #     template "hello-generator" do
  #       def initialize(name, message)
  #         @name = name
  #         @message = message
  #       end
  #       attr_reader :name, :message
  #       expansion do |template|
  #         tool do
  #           to_run do
  #             puts template.message
  #           end
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  #     expand "hello-generator", "mytool", "mytool is running!"
  # @param template_class [Class, String, Symbol] The template, either as a
  #   class or a well-known name.
  # @param args [Object...] Template arguments
  # @return [self]
  # @yield [template]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#494
  def expand(template_class, *args, **kwargs); end

  # Find the given data path (file or directory).
  # Data directories are a convenient place to put images, archives, keys,
  # or other such static data needed by your tools. Data files are located
  # in a directory called `.data` inside a Toys directory. This directive
  # locates a data file during tool definition.
  # ### Example
  # This tool reads its description from a text file in the `.data`
  # directory.
  #     tool "mytool" do
  #       path = find_data("mytool-desc.txt", type: :file)
  #       desc if path
  #       def run
  #         # ...
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param path [String] The path to find
  # @param type [nil, :file, :directory] Type of file system object to find.
  #   Default is `nil`, indicating any type.
  # @return [String] Absolute path of the data.
  # @return [nil] if the given data path is not found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1690
  def find_data(path, type: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a flag to the current tool. Each flag must specify a key which
  # the script may use to obtain the flag value from the context.
  # You may then provide the flags themselves in OptionParser form.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the flag may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::Flag} within the block.
  # ### Flag syntax
  # The flags themselves should be provided in OptionParser form. Following
  # are examples of valid syntax.
  #  *  `-a` : A short boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `--abc` : A long boolean switch. When this appears as an argument,
  #     the value is set to `true`.
  #  *  `-aVAL` or `-a VAL` : A short flag that takes a required value.
  #     These two forms are treated identically. If this argument appears
  #     with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached string (e.g.
  #     `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the following argument
  #     is taken as the value (e.g. for `-a foo`, the value is set to
  #     `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the value even if it
  #     looks like a flag (e.g. `-a -a` causes the string `"-a"` to be
  #     taken as the value.)
  #  *  `-a[VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the value
  #     is set to `true`. The following argument is never interpreted as
  #     the value. (Compare with `-a [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `-a [VAL]` : A short flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `-afoo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if the
  #     following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `-a foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `-a[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc=VAL` or `--abc VAL` : A long flag that takes a required
  #     value. These two forms are treated identically. If this argument
  #     appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the attached
  #     string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, the
  #     following argument is taken as the value (e.g. for `--abc foo`, the
  #     value is set to `"foo"`.) The following argument is treated as the
  #     value even if it looks like a flag (e.g. `--abc --def` causes the
  #     string `"--def"` to be taken as the value.)
  #  *  `--abc[=VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise,
  #     the value is set to `true`. The following argument is never
  #     interpreted as the value. (Compare with `--abc [VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--abc [VAL]` : A long flag that takes an optional value. If this
  #     argument appears with a value attached (e.g. `--abc=foo`), the
  #     attached string (e.g. `"foo"`) is taken as the value. Otherwise, if
  #     the following argument does not look like a flag (i.e. it does not
  #     begin with a hyphen), it is taken as the value. (e.g. `--abc foo`
  #     causes the string `"foo"` to be taken as the value.). If there is
  #     no following argument, or the following argument looks like a flag,
  #     the value is set to `true`. (Compare with `--abc=[VAL]`.)
  #  *  `--[no-]abc` : A long boolean switch that can be turned either on
  #     or off. This effectively creates two flags, `--abc` which sets the
  #     value to `true`, and `--no-abc` which sets the falue to `false`.
  # ### Default flag syntax
  # If no flag syntax strings are provided, a default syntax will be
  # inferred based on the key and other options.
  # Specifically, if the key has one character, then that character will be
  # chosen as a short flag. If the key has multiple characters, a long flag
  # will be generated.
  # Furthermore, if a custom completion, a non-boolean acceptor, or a
  # non-boolean default value is provided in the options, then the flag
  # will be considered to take a value. Otherwise, it will be considered to
  # be a boolean switch.
  # For example, the following pairs of flags are identical:
  #     flag :a
  #     flag :a, "-a"
  #     flag :abc_def
  #     flag :abc_def, "--abc-def"
  #     flag :number, accept: Integer
  #     flag :number, "--number=VAL", accept: Integer
  # ### More examples
  # A flag that sets its value to the number of times it appears on the
  # command line:
  #     flag :verbose, "-v", "--verbose",
  #          default: 0, handler: ->(_val, count) { count + 1 }
  # An example using block form:
  #     flag :shout do
  #       flags "-s", "--shout"
  #       default false
  #       desc "Say it louder"
  #       long_desc "This flag says it lowder.",
  #                 "You might use this when people can't hear you.",
  #                 "",
  #                 "Example:",
  #                 ["    toys say --shout hello"]
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param flags [String...] The flags in OptionParser format.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this flag is not provided on the command
  #   line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param handler [Proc, nil, :set, :push] An optional handler for
  #   setting/updating the value. A handler is a proc taking two
  #   arguments, the given value and the previous value, returning the
  #   new value that should be set. You may also specify a predefined
  #   named handler. The `:set` handler (the default) replaces the
  #   previous value (effectively `-> (val, _prev) { val }`). The
  #   `:push` handler expects the previous value to be an array and
  #   pushes the given value onto it; it should be combined with setting
  #   `default: []` and is intended for "multi-valued" flags.
  # @param complete_flags [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag names associated with this flag. By default, a
  #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion} is used, which provides the flag's
  #   names as completion candidates. To customize completion, set this
  #   to the name of a previously defined completion, a hash of options
  #   to pass to the constructor for {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion}, or
  #   any other spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param complete_values [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag values associated with this flag. This is the empty
  #   completion by default. To customize completion, set this to the
  #   name of a previously defined completion, or any spec recognized by
  #   {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] Raise an exception if a flag is
  #   requested that is already in use or marked as unusable. Default is
  #   true.
  # @param group [Toys::FlagGroup, String, Symbol, nil] Group for this flag.
  #   You may provide a group name, a FlagGroup object, or `nil` which
  #   denotes the default group.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param display_name [String] A display name for this flag, used in help
  #   text and error messages.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   flag. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior, which
  #   adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal method
  #   name that starts with a letter and does not override any public
  #   method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method directly
  #   defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Flag} for the
  #   directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#996
  def flag(key, *flags, accept: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), handler: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flags: T.unsafe(nil), complete_values: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), group: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a flag group. If a block is given, flags defined in the block
  # belong to the group. The flags in the group are listed together in
  # help screens.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a flag group in which all flags are
  # optional.
  #     tool "execute" do
  #       flag_group desc: "Debug Flags" do
  #         flag :debug, "-D", desc: "Enable debugger"
  #         flag :warnings, "-W[VAL]", desc: "Enable warnings"
  #       end
  #       # ...
  #     end
  # @param type [Symbol] The type of group. Allowed values: `:required`,
  #   `:optional`, `:exactly_one`, `:at_most_one`, `:at_least_one`.
  #   Default is `:optional`.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for a description of allowed formats.
  #   Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [Boolean] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [Boolean] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @param block [Proc] Adds flags to the group. See {Toys::DSL::FlagGroup}
  #   for the directives that can be called in this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#638
  def flag_group(type: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify that the given module should be mixed into this tool, and its
  # methods made available when running the tool.
  # You can provide either a module, the string name of a mixin that you
  # have defined in this tool or one of its ancestors, or the symbol name
  # of a well-known mixin.
  # ### Example
  # Include the well-known mixin `:terminal` and perform some terminal
  # magic.
  #     tool "spin" do
  #       include :terminal
  #       def run
  #         # The spinner method is defined by the :terminal mixin.
  #         spinner(leading_text: "Waiting...", final_text: "\n") do
  #           sleep 5
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param mixin [Module, Symbol, String] Module or module name.
  # @param args [Object...] Arguments to pass to the initializer
  # @param kwargs [keywords] Keyword arguments to pass to the initializer
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1627
  def include(mixin, *args, **kwargs); end

  # Determine if the given module/mixin has already been included.
  # You can provide either a module, the string name of a mixin that you
  # have defined in this tool or one of its ancestors, or the symbol name
  # of a well-known mixin.
  # @param mod [Module, Symbol, String] Module or module name.
  # @return [Boolean] Whether the mixin is included
  # @return [nil] if the current tool is not active.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1647
  def include?(mod); end

  # Include the tool name in the class inspection dump.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1843
  def inspect; end

  # Load another config file or directory, as if its contents were inserted
  # at the current location.
  # @param path [String] The file or directory to load.
  # @param as [String] Load into the given tool/namespace. If omitted,
  #   configuration will be loaded into the current namespace.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#416
  def load(path, as: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Load configuration from a public git repository, as if its contents
  # were inserted at the current location.
  # @param remote [String] The URL of the git repository. Defaults to the
  #   current repository if already loading from git.
  # @param path [String] The path within the repo to the file or directory
  #   to load. Defaults to the root of the repo.
  # @param commit [String] The commit branch, tag, or sha. Defaults to the
  #   current commit if already loading from git, or to `HEAD`.
  # @param as [String] Load into the given tool/namespace. If omitted,
  #   configuration will be loaded into the current namespace.
  # @param update [Boolean] Force-fetch from the remote (unless the commit
  #   is a SHA). This will ensure that symbolic commits, such as branch
  #   names, are up to date. Default is false.
  # @raise [ToolDefinitionError]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#445
  def load_git(remote: T.unsafe(nil), path: T.unsafe(nil), commit: T.unsafe(nil), as: T.unsafe(nil), update: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add to the long description for the current tool. The long description
  # is displayed in the usage documentation for the tool itself. This
  # directive may be given multiple times, and the results are cumulative.
  # A long description is a series of descriptions, which are generally
  # displayed in a series of lines/paragraphs. Each individual description
  # uses the form described in the {#desc} documentation, and may be
  # word-wrapped when displayed. To insert a blank line, include an empty
  # string as one of the descriptions.
  # ### Example
  #     long_desc "This initial paragraph might get word wrapped.",
  #               "This next paragraph is followed by a blank line.",
  #               "",
  #               ["This line will not be wrapped."],
  #               ["    This indent is preserved."]
  #     long_desc "This line is appended to the description."
  # @param strs [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>...]
  # @param file [String] Optional. Read the description from the given file
  #   provided relative to the current toys file. The file must be a
  #   plain text file whose suffix is `.txt`.
  # @param data [String] Optional. Read the description from the given data
  #   file. The file must be a plain text file whose suffix is `.txt`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#582
  def long_desc(*strs, file: T.unsafe(nil), data: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Notify the tool definition when a method is defined in this tool class.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1833
  def method_added(_meth); end

  # Create a named mixin module that can be included by name from this tool
  # or its subtools.
  # A mixin is a module that defines methods that can be called from a
  # tool. It is commonly used to provide "utility" methods, implementing
  # common functionality and allowing tools to share code.
  # Normally you provide a block and define the mixin's methods in that
  # block. Alternatively, you can create a module separately and pass it
  # directly to this directive.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates a named mixin and uses it in a tool.
  #     mixin "error-reporter" do
  #       def error message
  #         logger.error "An error occurred: #{message}"
  #         exit 1
  #       end
  #     end
  #     tool "build" do
  #       include "error-reporter"
  #       def run
  #         puts "Building..."
  #         error "Build failed!"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param name [String] Name of the mixin
  # @param mixin_module [Module] Module to use as the mixin. Optional.
  #   Either pass a module here, *or* provide a block and define the
  #   mixin within the block.
  # @param block [Proc] Defines the mixin module.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#149
  def mixin(name, mixin_module = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify how to handle interrupts.
  # You can provide either a block to be called, a Proc to be called, or
  # the name of a method to be called. In each case, the block, Proc, or
  # method can optionally take one argument, the Interrupt exception that
  # was raised.
  # Note: this is equivalent to `on_signal("SIGINT")`.
  # ### Example
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       def run
  #         sleep 10
  #       end
  #       on_interrupt do
  #         puts "I was interrupted."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] The interrupt callback proc or method
  #   name. Pass nil to disable interrupt handling.
  # @param block [Proc] The interrupt callback as a block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1531
  def on_interrupt(handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify how to run this tool.
  # Typically the entrypoint for a tool is a method named `run`. However,
  # you can change this by passing a different method name, as a symbol, to
  # {#to_run}.
  # You can also alternatively pass a block to {#to_run}. You might do this
  # if your method needs access to local variables in the lexical scope.
  # However, it is often more convenient to use {#static} to set those
  # values in the context.
  # ### Examples
  #     # Set a different method name as the entrypoint:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       to_run :foo
  #       def foo
  #         puts "The foo tool ran!"
  #       end
  #     end
  #     # Use a block to retain access to the enclosing lexical scope from
  #     # the run method:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       cur_time =
  #       to_run do
  #         puts "The time at tool definition was #{cur_time}"
  #       end
  #     end
  #     # But the following is approximately equivalent:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       static :cur_time,
  #       def run
  #         puts "The time at tool definition was #{cur_time}"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] The run handler as a method name
  #   symbol or a proc, or nil to explicitly set as non-runnable.
  # @param block [Proc] The run handler as a block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1498
  def on_run(handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify how to handle the given signal.
  # You can provide either a block to be called, a Proc to be called, or
  # the name of a method to be called. In each case, the block, Proc, or
  # method can optionally take one argument, the SignalException that was
  # raised.
  # ### Example
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       def run
  #         sleep 10
  #       end
  #       on_signal("QUIT") do |e|
  #         puts "Signal caught: #{e.signm}."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param signal [Integer, String, Symbol] The signal name or number
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] The signal callback proc or method
  #   name. Pass nil to disable signal handling.
  # @param block [Proc] The signal callback as a block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1562
  def on_signal(signal, handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify how to handle usage errors.
  # You can provide either a block to be called, a Proc to be called, or
  # the name of a method to be called. In each case, the block, Proc, or
  # method can optionally take one argument, the array of usage errors
  # reported.
  # ### Example
  # This tool runs even if a usage error is encountered, by setting the
  # `run` method as the usage error handler.
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       def run
  #         puts "Errors: #{usage_errors.join("\n")}"
  #       end
  #       on_usage_error :run
  #     end
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] The interrupt callback proc or method
  #   name. Pass nil to disable interrupt handling.
  # @param block [Proc] The interrupt callback as a block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1593
  def on_usage_error(handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add an optional positional argument to the current tool. You must
  # specify a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value
  # from the context. If an optional argument is not given on the command
  # line, the value is set to the given default.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool creates a "link" to a given target. The link location is
  # optional; if it is not given, it is inferred from the target.
  #     tool "ln" do
  #       required_arg :target
  #       optional_arg :location
  #       def run
  #         loc = location || File.basename(target)
  #         puts "linking to #{target} from #{loc}..."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this argument is not provided on the
  #   command line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   argument. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1152
  def optional(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add an optional positional argument to the current tool. You must
  # specify a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value
  # from the context. If an optional argument is not given on the command
  # line, the value is set to the given default.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool creates a "link" to a given target. The link location is
  # optional; if it is not given, it is inferred from the target.
  #     tool "ln" do
  #       required_arg :target
  #       optional_arg :location
  #       def run
  #         loc = location || File.basename(target)
  #         puts "linking to #{target} from #{loc}..."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this argument is not provided on the
  #   command line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   argument. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1152
  def optional_arg(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify what should be done with unmatched positional arguments. You
  # must specify a key which the script may use to obtain the remaining
  # args from the context.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool displays a "list" of the given directories. If no directories
  # ar given, lists the current directory.
  #     tool "ln" do
  #       remaining_args :directories
  #       def run
  #         dirs = directories.empty? ? [Dir.pwd] : directories
  #         dirs.each do |dir|
  #           puts "Listing directory #{dir}..."
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if no unmatched arguments are provided on the
  #   command line. Defaults to the empty array `[]`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for these
  #   arguments. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1231
  def remaining(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify what should be done with unmatched positional arguments. You
  # must specify a key which the script may use to obtain the remaining
  # args from the context.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool displays a "list" of the given directories. If no directories
  # ar given, lists the current directory.
  #     tool "ln" do
  #       remaining_args :directories
  #       def run
  #         dirs = directories.empty? ? [Dir.pwd] : directories
  #         dirs.each do |dir|
  #           puts "Listing directory #{dir}..."
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if no unmatched arguments are provided on the
  #   command line. Defaults to the empty array `[]`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for these
  #   arguments. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1231
  def remaining_args(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Require that flags must match exactly. That is, flags must appear in
  # their entirety on the command line. (If false, substrings of flags are
  # accepted as long as they are unambiguous.)
  # Issuing this directive by itself turns on exact match. You may turn it
  # off by passsing `false` as the parameter.
  # @param state [Boolean]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1353
  def require_exact_flag_match(state = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a required positional argument to the current tool. You must
  # specify a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value
  # from the context.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool "moves" something from a source to destination, and takes two
  # required arguments:
  #     tool "mv" do
  #       required_arg :source
  #       required_arg :dest
  #       def run
  #         puts "moving from #{source} to #{dest}..."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   argument. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1073
  def required(key, accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add a required positional argument to the current tool. You must
  # specify a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value
  # from the context.
  # If the given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # Attributes of the arg may be passed in as arguments to this method, or
  # set in a block passed to this method. If you provide a block, you can
  # use directives in {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} within the block.
  # ### Example
  # This tool "moves" something from a source to destination, and takes two
  # required arguments:
  #     tool "mv" do
  #       required_arg :source
  #       required_arg :dest
  #       def run
  #         puts "moving from #{source} to #{dest}..."
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser, or
  #   any other specification recognized by {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
  #   values of this arg. This is the empty completion by default. To
  #   customize completion, set this to the name of a previously defined
  #   completion, or any spec recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text
  #   and error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#desc} for a
  #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::DSL::Tool#long_desc} for
  #   a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
  #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
  #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param add_method [true, false, nil] Whether to add a method for this
  #   argument. If omitted or set to nil, uses the default behavior,
  #   which adds the method if the key is a symbol representing a legal
  #   method name that starts with a letter and does not override any
  #   public method in the Ruby Object class or collide with any method
  #   directly defined in the tool class.
  # @param block [Proc] Configures the positional argument. See
  #   {Toys::DSL::PositionalArg} for the directives that can be called in
  #   this block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1073
  def required_arg(key, accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), add_method: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Set option values statically without creating helper methods.
  # ### Example
  #     tool "hello" do
  #       set :greeting, "Hi there"
  #       def run
  #         puts "#{get(:greeting)}, world!"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @overload set
  # @overload set
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1314
  def set(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Set a custom context directory for this tool.
  # @param dir [String] Context directory
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1724
  def set_context_directory(dir); end

  # Get the settings for this tool.
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition::Settings] Tool-specific settings.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1791
  def settings; end

  # Set the short description for the current tool. The short description
  # is displayed with the tool in a subtool list. You may also use the
  # equivalent method `short_desc`.
  # The description is a {Toys::WrappableString}, which may be word-wrapped
  # when displayed in a help screen. You may pass a {Toys::WrappableString}
  # directly to this method, or you may pass any input that can be used to
  # construct a wrappable string:
  #  *  If you pass a String, its whitespace will be compacted (i.e. tabs,
  #     newlines, and multiple consecutive whitespace will be turned into a
  #     single space), and it will be word-wrapped on whitespace.
  #  *  If you pass an Array of Strings, each string will be considered a
  #     literal word that cannot be broken, and wrapping will be done
  #     across the strings in the array. In this case, whitespace is not
  #     compacted.
  # ### Examples
  # If you pass in a sentence as a simple string, it may be word wrapped
  # when displayed:
  #     desc "This sentence may be wrapped."
  # To specify a sentence that should never be word-wrapped, pass it as the
  # sole element of a string array:
  #     desc ["This sentence will not be wrapped."]
  # @param str [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#546
  def short_desc(str); end

  # Return the current source info object.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo] Source info.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1658
  def source_info; end

  # Set option values statically and create helper methods.
  # If any given key is a symbol representing a valid method name, then a
  # helper method is automatically added to retrieve the value. Otherwise,
  # if the key is a string or does not represent a valid method name, the
  # tool can retrieve the value by calling {Toys::Context#get}.
  # ### Example
  #     tool "hello" do
  #       static :greeting, "Hi there"
  #       def run
  #         puts "#{greeting}, world!"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @overload static
  # @overload static
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1275
  def static(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Applies the given block to all subtools, recursively. Effectively, the
  # given block is run at the *end* of every tool block. This can be used,
  # for example, to provide some shared configuration for all tools.
  # The block is applied only to subtools defined *after* the block
  # appears. Subtools defined before the block appears are not affected.
  # ### Example
  # It is common for tools to use the `:exec` mixin to invoke external
  # programs. This example automatically includes the exec mixin in all
  # subtools, recursively, so you do not have to repeat the `include`
  # directive in every tool.
  #     # .toys.rb
  #     subtool_apply do
  #       # Include the mixin only if the tool hasn't already done so
  #       unless include?(:exec)
  #         include :exec, exit_on_nonzero_status: true
  #       end
  #     end
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       def run
  #         # This tool has access to methods defined by the :exec mixin
  #         # because the above block is applied to the tool.
  #         sh "echo hello"
  #       end
  #     end
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1762
  def subtool_apply(&block); end

  # Create a named template that can be expanded by name from this tool
  # or its subtools.
  # A template is an object that generates DSL directives. You can use it
  # to build "prefabricated" tools, and then instantiate them in your Toys
  # files.
  # A template is an object that defines an `expansion` procedure. This
  # procedure generates the DSL directives implemented by the template. The
  # template object typically also includes attributes that are used to
  # configure the expansion.
  # The simplest way to define a template is to pass a block to the
  # {#template} directive. In the block, define an `initialize` method that
  # accepts any arguments that may be passed to the template when it is
  # instantiated and are used to configure the template. Define
  # `attr_reader`s or other methods to make this configuration accessible
  # from the object. Then define an `on_expand` block that implements the
  # template's expansion. The template object is passed as an object to the
  # `on_expand` block.
  # Alternately, you can create a template class separately and pass it
  # directly. See {Toys::Template} for details on creating a template
  # class.
  # ### Example
  # The following example creates and uses a simple template. The template
  # defines a tool, with a configurable name, that simply prints out a
  # configurable message.
  #     template "hello-generator" do
  #       def initialize(name, message)
  #         @name = name
  #         @message = message
  #       end
  #       attr_reader :name, :message
  #       on_expand do |template|
  #         tool do
  #           to_run do
  #             puts template.message
  #           end
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  #     expand "hello-generator", "mytool", "mytool is running!"
  # @param name [String] Name of the template
  # @param template_class [Class] Module to use as the mixin. Optional.
  #   Either pass a module here, *or* provide a block and define the
  #   mixin within the block.
  # @param block [Proc] Defines the template class.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#211
  def template(name, template_class = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Specify how to run this tool.
  # Typically the entrypoint for a tool is a method named `run`. However,
  # you can change this by passing a different method name, as a symbol, to
  # {#to_run}.
  # You can also alternatively pass a block to {#to_run}. You might do this
  # if your method needs access to local variables in the lexical scope.
  # However, it is often more convenient to use {#static} to set those
  # values in the context.
  # ### Examples
  #     # Set a different method name as the entrypoint:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       to_run :foo
  #       def foo
  #         puts "The foo tool ran!"
  #       end
  #     end
  #     # Use a block to retain access to the enclosing lexical scope from
  #     # the run method:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       cur_time =
  #       to_run do
  #         puts "The time at tool definition was #{cur_time}"
  #       end
  #     end
  #     # But the following is approximately equivalent:
  #     tool "foo" do
  #       static :cur_time,
  #       def run
  #         puts "The time at tool definition was #{cur_time}"
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] The run handler as a method name
  #   symbol or a proc, or nil to explicitly set as non-runnable.
  # @param block [Proc] The run handler as a block.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1498
  def to_run(handler = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Create a subtool. You must provide a block defining the subtool.
  # ### Example
  # The following example defines a tool and two subtools within it.
  #     tool "build" do
  #       tool "staging" do
  #         def run
  #           puts "Building staging"
  #         end
  #       end
  #       tool "production" do
  #         def run
  #           puts "Building production"
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # The following example uses `delegate_to` to define a tool that runs one
  # of its subtools.
  #     tool "test", delegate_to: ["test", "unit"] do
  #       tool "unit" do
  #         def run
  #           puts "Running unit tests"
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  # @param words [String, Array<String>] The name of the subtool
  # @param if_defined [:combine, :reset, :ignore] What to do if a definition
  #   already exists for this tool. Possible values are `:combine` (the
  #   default) indicating the definition should be combined with the
  #   existing definition, `:reset` indicating the earlier definition
  #   should be reset and the new definition applied instead, or
  #   `:ignore` indicating the new definition should be ignored.
  # @param delegate_to [String, Array<String>] Optional. This tool should
  #   delegate to another tool, specified by the full path. This path may
  #   be given as an array of strings, or a single string possibly
  #   delimited by path separators.
  # @param delegate_relative [String, Array<String>] Optional. Similar to
  #   delegate_to, but takes a delegate name relative to the context in
  #   which this tool is being defined.
  # @param block [Proc] Defines the subtool.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#314
  def tool(words, if_defined: T.unsafe(nil), delegate_to: T.unsafe(nil), delegate_relative: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Asserts that the current Toys version against the given requirements,
  # raising an exception if not.
  # @raise [Toys::ToolDefinitionError] if the current Toys version does not
  #   satisfy the requirements.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1817
  def toys_version!(*requirements); end

  # Determines whether the current Toys version satisfies the given
  # requirements.
  # @return [Boolean] whether or not the requirements are satisfied
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1801
  def toys_version?(*requirements); end

  # Remove lower-priority sources from the load path. This prevents lower-
  # priority sources (such as Toys files from parent or global directories)
  # from executing or defining tools.
  # This works only if no such sources have already loaded yet.
  # @raise [Toys::ToolDefinitionError] if any lower-priority tools have
  #   already been loaded.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/tool.rb#1779
  def truncate_load_path!; end

# Representation of a formal set of flags that set a particular context
# key. The flags within a single Flag definition are synonyms.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#8
class Toys::Flag
  # Create a Flag definition.
  # This argument list is subject to change. Use {Toys::Flag.create} instead
  # for a more stable interface.
  # @private
  # @return [Flag] a new instance of Flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#684
  def initialize(key, flags, used_flags, report_collisions, acceptor, handler, default, flag_completion, value_completion, desc, long_desc, display_name, group); end

  # Returns the effective acceptor.
  # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#467
  def acceptor; end

  # Whether this flag is active--that is, it has a nonempty flags list.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#637
  def active?; end

  # Append long description strings.
  # You must pass an array of lines in the long description. See {#long_desc}
  # for details on how each line may be represented.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#672
  def append_long_desc(long_desc); end

  # A list of canonical flag syntax strings.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#628
  def canonical_syntax_strings; end

  # Returns the default value, which may be `nil`.
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#473
  def default; end

  # The short description string.
  # When reading, this is always returned as a {Toys::WrappableString}.
  # When setting, the description may be provided as any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString}.
  #  *  A normal String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Toys::WrappableString]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#490
  def desc; end

  # Set the short description string.
  # See {#desc} for details.
  # @param desc [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#648
  def desc=(desc); end

  # The display name of this flag.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#567
  def display_name; end

  # The list of all effective flags used.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#595
  def effective_flags; end

  # The proc that determines shell completions for the flag.
  # @return [Proc, Toys::Completion::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#521
  def flag_completion; end

  # Returns an array of Flag::Syntax for the flags.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Flag::Syntax>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#461
  def flag_syntax; end

  # The type of flag.
  # @return [:boolean] if the flag is a simple boolean switch
  # @return [:value] if the flag sets a value
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#535
  def flag_type; end

  # Returns the flag group containing this flag
  # @return [Toys::FlagGroup]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#449
  def group; end

  # The handler for setting/updating the value.
  # @return [Proc]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#515
  def handler; end

  # Returns the key.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#455
  def key; end

  # The long description strings.
  # When reading, this is returned as an Array of {Toys::WrappableString}
  # representing the lines in the description.
  # When setting, the description must be provided as an Array where *each
  # element* may be any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString} representing one line.
  #  *  A normal String representing a line. This will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String representing a line. This will be transformed into
  #     a {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Array<Toys::WrappableString>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#509
  def long_desc; end

  # Set the long description strings.
  # See {#long_desc} for details.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#659
  def long_desc=(long_desc); end

  # An array of Flag::Syntax including only long (double-dash) flags.
  # @return [Array<Flag::Syntax>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#587
  def long_flag_syntax; end

  # Look up the flag by string. Returns an object that indicates whether
  # the given string matched this flag, whether the match was unique, and
  # other pertinent information.
  # @param str [String] Flag string to look up
  # @return [Toys::Flag::Resolution] Information about the match.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#607
  def resolve(str); end

  # An array of Flag::Syntax including only short (single dash) flags.
  # @return [Array<Flag::Syntax>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#579
  def short_flag_syntax; end

  # A string that can be used to sort this flag
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#573
  def sort_str; end

  # The proc that determines shell completions for the value.
  # @return [Proc, Toys::Completion::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#527
  def value_completion; end

  # The value delimiter, which may be `""`, `" "`, or `"="`.
  # @return [String] The delimiter
  # @return [nil] if the flag type is not `:value`.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#561
  def value_delim; end

  # The string label for the value as it should display in help.
  # @return [String] The label
  # @return [nil] if the flag type is not `:value`.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#553
  def value_label; end

  # The type of value.
  # @return [:required] if the flag type is `:value` and the value is
  #   required.
  # @return [:optional] if the flag type is `:value` and the value is
  #   optional.
  # @return [nil] if the flag type is not `:value`.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#546
  def value_type; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#791
  def analyze_flag_syntax(flag); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#766
  def canonicalize; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#733
  def create_default_flag; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#720
  def create_flag_completion(spec); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#751
  def remove_used_flags(used_flags, report_collisions); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#705
  def resolve_handler(handler); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#807
  def summarize(name); end

  class << self
    # Create a flag definition.
    # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
    #   the execution context.
    # @param flags [Array<String>] The flags in OptionParser format. If empty,
    #   a flag will be inferred from the key.
    # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
    #   value. See {Toys::Acceptor.create} for recognized formats. Optional.
    #   If not specified, defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT}.
    # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
    #   be set in the context if this flag is not provided on the command
    #   line. Defaults to `nil`.
    # @param handler [Proc, nil, :set, :push] An optional handler for
    #   setting/updating the value. A handler is a proc taking two
    #   arguments, the given value and the previous value, returning the
    #   new value that should be set. You may also specify a predefined
    #   named handler. The `:set` handler (the default) replaces the
    #   previous value (effectively `-> (val, _prev) { val }`). The
    #   `:push` handler expects the previous value to be an array and
    #   pushes the given value onto it; it should be combined with setting
    #   `default: []` and is intended for "multi-valued" flags.
    # @param complete_flags [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
    #   flag names associated with this flag. By default, a
    #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion} is used, which provides the flag's
    #   names as completion candidates. To customize completion, set this to
    #   a hash of options to pass to the constructor for
    #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion}, or pass any other spec recognized
    #   by {Toys::Completion.create}.
    # @param complete_values [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion for
    #   flag values associated with this flag. Pass any spec recognized by
    #   {Toys::Completion.create}.
    # @param report_collisions [Boolean] Raise an exception if a flag is
    #   requested that is already in use or marked as disabled. Default is
    #   true.
    # @param group [Toys::FlagGroup] Group containing this flag.
    # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
    #   description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
    #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
    # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc}
    #   for a description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty array.
    # @param display_name [String] A display name for this flag, used in help
    #   text and error messages.
    # @param used_flags [Array<String>] An array of flags already in use.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#437
    def create(key, flags = T.unsafe(nil), used_flags: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), handler: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flags: T.unsafe(nil), complete_values: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), group: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# The default handler is the set handler, replacing the previous value.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#389
Toys::Flag::DEFAULT_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# A Completion that returns all possible flags associated with a
# {Toys::Flag}.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#294
class Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion < ::Toys::Completion::Base
  # Create a completion given configuration options.
  # @param flag [Toys::Flag] The flag definition.
  # @param include_short [Boolean] Whether to include short flags.
  # @param include_long [Boolean] Whether to include long flags.
  # @param include_negative [Boolean] Whether to include `--no-*` forms.
  # @return [DefaultCompletion] a new instance of DefaultCompletion
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#303
  def initialize(flag:, include_short: T.unsafe(nil), include_long: T.unsafe(nil), include_negative: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns candidates for the current completion.
  # @param context [Toys::Completion::Context] the current completion
  #   context including the string fragment.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate>] an array of candidates
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#342
  def call(context); end

  # Whether to include long flags
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#323
  def include_long?; end

  # Whether to include negative long flags
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#331
  def include_negative?; end

  # Whether to include short flags
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#315
  def include_short?; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#356
  def collect_results; end

# The push handler pushes the given value using the `<<` operator.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#383
Toys::Flag::PUSH_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# The result of looking up a flag by name.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#173
class Toys::Flag::Resolution
  # @private
  # @return [Resolution] a new instance of Resolution
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#177
  def initialize(str); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#269
  def add!(flag, flag_syntax, negative, exact); end

  # The number of matches that were found.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#201
  def count; end

  # Whether an exact match of the string was found
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#193
  def found_exact?; end

  # Whether multiple matches were found (i.e. ambiguous input).
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#225
  def found_multiple?; end

  # Whether a single unique match was found.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#209
  def found_unique?; end

  # Returns an array of the matching full flag strings.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#260
  def matching_flag_strings; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#281
  def merge!(other); end

  # Whether no matches were found.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#217
  def not_found?; end

  # The flag string that was looked up
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#187
  def string; end

  # Return the unique {Toys::Flag}, or `nil` if not found or
  # not unique.
  # @return [Toys::Flag, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#234
  def unique_flag; end

  # Return whether the unique match was a hit on the negative (`--no-*`)
  # case, or `nil` if not found or not unique.
  # @return [Boolean, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#252
  def unique_flag_negative?; end

  # Return the unique {Toys::Flag::Syntax}, or `nil` if not found
  # or not unique.
  # @return [Toys::Flag::Syntax, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#243
  def unique_flag_syntax; end

# The set handler replaces the previous value.
# @return [Proc]
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#377
Toys::Flag::SET_HANDLER = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Proc)

# Representation of a single flag.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#12
class Toys::Flag::Syntax
  # Parse flag syntax
  # @param str [String] syntax.
  # @return [Syntax] a new instance of Syntax
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#19
  def initialize(str); end

  # A canonical string representing this flag's syntax, normalized to match
  # the type, delimiters, etc. settings of other flag syntaxes. This is
  # generally used in help strings to represent this flag.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#129
  def canonical_str; end

  # This method is accessible for testing only.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#136
  def configure_canonical(canonical_flag_type, canonical_value_type, canonical_value_label, canonical_value_delim); end

  # The style of flag (`:long` or `:short`).
  # @return [:long] if this is a long flag (i.e. double hyphen)
  # @return [:short] if this is a short flag (i.e. single hyphen with one
  #   character).
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#89
  def flag_style; end

  # The type of flag (`:boolean` or `:value`)
  # @return [:boolean] if this is a boolean flag (i.e. no value)
  # @return [:value] if this flag takes a value (even if optional)
  # @return [nil] if this flag is indeterminate
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#97
  def flag_type; end

  # The flags (without values) corresponding to this syntax.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#52
  def flags; end

  # The flag (without values) corresponding to the "negative" form of this
  # flag, if any. i.e. if the original string was `"--[no-]abc"`, the
  # negative flag is `"--no-abc"`.
  # @return [String] The negative form.
  # @return [nil] if the flag has no negative form.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#68
  def negative_flag; end

  # The original string that was parsed to produce this syntax.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#46
  def original_str; end

  # The flag (without values) corresponding to the normal "positive" form
  # of this flag.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#59
  def positive_flag; end

  # A string used to sort this flag compared with others.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#81
  def sort_str; end

  # The original string with the value (if any) stripped, but retaining
  # the `[no-]` prefix if present.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#75
  def str_without_value; end

  # The default delimiter used for the value of this flag. This could be
  # `""` or `" "` for a short flag, or `" "` or `"="` for a long flag.
  # @return [String] delimiter
  # @return [nil] if this flag is a boolean flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#113
  def value_delim; end

  # The default "label" for the value. e.g. in `--abc=VAL` the label is
  # `"VAL"`.
  # @return [String] the label
  # @return [nil] if this flag is a boolean flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#121
  def value_label; end

  # The type of value (`:required` or `:optional`)
  # @return [:required] if this flag takes a required value
  # @return [:optional] if this flag takes an optional value
  # @return [nil] if this flag is a boolean flag
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#105
  def value_type; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag.rb#152
  def setup(original_str, positive_flag, negative_flag, str_without_value, sort_str, flag_style, flag_type, value_type, value_delim, value_label); end

# A FlagGroup is a group of flags with the same requirement settings.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#7
module Toys::FlagGroup
  class << self
    # Create a flag group object of the given type.
    # The type should be one of the following symbols:
    #  *  `:optional` All flags in the group are optional
    #  *  `:required` All flags in the group are required
    #  *  `:exactly_one` Exactly one flag in the group must be provided
    #  *  `:at_least_one` At least one flag in the group must be provided
    #  *  `:at_most_one` At most one flag in the group must be provided
    # @param type [Symbol] The type of group. Default is `:optional`.
    # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
    #   description for the group. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
    #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
    # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
    #   {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc} for a description of allowed
    #   formats. Defaults to the empty array.
    # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
    #   name.
    # @return [Toys::FlagGroup::Base] A flag group of the correct subclass.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#30
    def create(type: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A FlagGroup in which at least one flag must be set
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#262
class Toys::FlagGroup::AtLeastOne < ::Toys::FlagGroup::Base
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#266
  def validation_errors(seen); end

# A FlagGroup in which at most one flag must be set
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#240
class Toys::FlagGroup::AtMostOne < ::Toys::FlagGroup::Base
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#244
  def validation_errors(seen); end

# The base class of a FlagGroup, implementing everything except validation.
# The base class effectively behaves as an Optional group. And the default
# group that contains flags not otherwise assigned to a group, is of this
# type. However, you should use {Toys::FlagGroup::Optional} when creating
# an explicit optional group.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#54
class Toys::FlagGroup::Base
  # Create a flag group.
  # This argument list is subject to change. Use {Toys::FlagGroup.create}
  # instead for a more stable interface.
  # @private
  # @return [Base] a new instance of Base
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#62
  def initialize(name, desc, long_desc); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#175
  def <<(flag); end

  # Append long description strings.
  # You must pass an array of lines in the long description. See {#long_desc}
  # for details on how each line may be represented.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#167
  def append_long_desc(long_desc); end

  # The short description string.
  # When reading, this is always returned as a {Toys::WrappableString}.
  # When setting, the description may be provided as any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString}.
  #  *  A normal String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Toys::WrappableString]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#90
  def desc; end

  # Set the short description string.
  # See {#desc} for details.
  # @param desc [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#143
  def desc=(desc); end

  # Returns true if this group is empty
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#122
  def empty?; end

  # An array of flags that are in this group.
  # Do not modify the returned array.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Flag>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#116
  def flags; end

  # The long description strings.
  # When reading, this is returned as an Array of {Toys::WrappableString}
  # representing the lines in the description.
  # When setting, the description must be provided as an Array where *each
  # element* may be any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString} representing one line.
  #  *  A normal String representing a line. This will be transformed into
  #     a {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String representing a line. This will be transformed
  #     into a {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents
  #     an individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Array<Toys::WrappableString>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#109
  def long_desc; end

  # Set the long description strings.
  # See {#long_desc} for details.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#154
  def long_desc=(long_desc); end

  # The symbolic name for this group
  # @return [String, Symbol, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#73
  def name; end

  # Returns a string summarizing this group. This is generally either the
  # short description or a representation of all the flags included.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#131
  def summary; end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#182
  def validation_errors(_seen); end

# A FlagGroup in which exactly one flag must be set
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#215
class Toys::FlagGroup::ExactlyOne < ::Toys::FlagGroup::Base
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#219
  def validation_errors(seen); end

# A FlagGroup containing all optional flags
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#209
class Toys::FlagGroup::Optional < ::Toys::FlagGroup::Base; end

# A FlagGroup containing all required flags
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#190
class Toys::FlagGroup::Required < ::Toys::FlagGroup::Base
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/flag_group.rb#194
  def validation_errors(seen); end

# This module is the root namespace for tool definitions loaded from files.
# Whenever a toys configuration file is parsed, a module is created under this
# parent for that file's contents. Tool classes defined in that file, along
# with mixins and templates, and any other classes, modules, and constants
# defined, are located within that file's module.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/input_file.rb#10
module Toys::InputFile
  class << self
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/input_file.rb#39
    def __binding; end

    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/input_file.rb#46
    def build_eval_string(module_name, string); end

    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/input_file.rb#14
    def evaluate(tool_class, words, priority, remaining_words, source, loader); end

# The Loader service loads tools from configuration files, and finds the
# appropriate tool given a set of command line arguments.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#8
class Toys::Loader
  # Create a Loader
  # @param index_file_name [String, nil] A file with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory (not just a toplevel directory) is
  #   loaded first as a standalone configuration file. If not provided,
  #   standalone configuration files are disabled.
  # @param preload_file_name [String, nil] A file with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory is preloaded before any tools in that
  #   configuration directory are defined.
  # @param preload_dir_name [String, nil] A directory with this name that
  #   appears in any configuration directory is searched for Ruby files,
  #   which are preloaded before any tools in that configuration directory
  #   are defined.
  # @param data_dir_name [String, nil] A directory with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory is added to the data directory search
  #   path for any tool file in that directory.
  # @param lib_dir_name [String, nil] A directory with this name that appears
  #   in any configuration directory is added to the Ruby load path for any
  #   tool file in that directory.
  # @param middleware_stack [Array<Toys::Middleware::Spec>] An array of
  #   middleware that will be used by default for all tools loaded by this
  #   loader.
  # @param extra_delimiters [String] A string containing characters that can
  #   function as delimiters in a tool name. Defaults to empty. Allowed
  #   characters are period, colon, and slash.
  # @param mixin_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for well-known
  #   mixin modules. Defaults to an empty lookup.
  # @param middleware_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for
  #   well-known middleware classes. Defaults to an empty lookup.
  # @param template_lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A lookup for
  #   well-known template classes. Defaults to an empty lookup.
  # @return [Loader] a new instance of Loader
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#42
  def initialize(index_file_name: T.unsafe(nil), preload_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), preload_file_name: T.unsafe(nil), data_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), middleware_stack: T.unsafe(nil), extra_delimiters: T.unsafe(nil), mixin_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), middleware_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), template_lookup: T.unsafe(nil), git_cache: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns the active tool specified by the given words, with the given
  # priority, without doing any loading. If the given priority matches the
  # currently active tool, returns it. If the given priority is lower than
  # the active priority, returns `nil`. If the given priority is higher than
  # the active priority, returns and activates a new tool.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#350
  def activate_tool(words, priority); end

  # Add a configuration block to the loader.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] If true, add this block at the top of the
  #   priority list. Defaults to false, indicating the block should be at
  #   the bottom of the priority list.
  # @param source_name [String] The source name that will be shown in
  #   documentation for tools defined in this block. If omitted, a default
  #   unique string will be generated.
  # @param block [Proc] The block of configuration, executed in the context
  #   of the tool DSL {Toys::DSL::Tool}.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil] The context directory for tools
  #   loaded from this block. You can pass a directory path as a string, or
  #   `nil` to denote no context. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#167
  def add_block(high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add a configuration git source to the loader.
  # @param git_remote [String] The git repo URL
  # @param git_path [String] The path to the relevant file or directory in
  #   the repo. Specify the empty string to use the entire repo.
  # @param git_commit [String] The git ref (i.e. SHA, tag, or branch name)
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] If true, add this path at the top of the
  #   priority list. Defaults to false, indicating the new path should be
  #   at the bottom of the priority list.
  # @param update [Boolean] If the commit is not a SHA, pulls any updates
  #   from the remote. Defaults to false, which uses a local cache and does
  #   not update if the commit has been fetched previously.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil] The context directory for tools
  #   loaded from this source. You can pass a directory path as a string,
  #   or `nil` to denote no context. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#203
  def add_git(git_remote, git_path, git_commit, high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), update: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a configuration file/directory to the loader.
  # @param path [String] A single path to add.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] If true, add this path at the top of the
  #   priority list. Defaults to false, indicating the new path should be
  #   at the bottom of the priority list.
  # @param source_name [String] A custom name for the root source. Optional.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil, :path, :parent] The context directory
  #   for tools loaded from this path. You can pass a directory path as a
  #   string, `:path` to denote the given path, `:parent` to denote the
  #   given path's parent directory, or `nil` to denote no context.
  #   Defaults to `:parent`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#94
  def add_path(path, high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a set of configuration files/directories from a common directory to
  # the loader. The set of paths will be added at the same priority level and
  # will share a root.
  # @param root_path [String] A root path to be seen as the root source. This
  #   should generally be a directory containing the paths to add.
  # @param relative_paths [String, Array<String>] One or more paths to add, as
  #   relative paths from the common root.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] If true, add the paths at the top of the
  #   priority list. Defaults to false, indicating the new paths should be
  #   at the bottom of the priority list.
  # @param context_directory [String, nil, :path, :parent] The context directory
  #   for tools loaded from this path. You can pass a directory path as a
  #   string, `:path` to denote the given root path, `:parent` to denote
  #   the given root path's parent directory, or `nil` to denote no context.
  #   Defaults to `:path`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#131
  def add_path_set(root_path, relative_paths, high_priority: T.unsafe(nil), context_directory: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Build a new tool.
  # Called only from ToolData.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#372
  def build_tool(words, priority, tool_class = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Get or create the tool definition for the given name and priority.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#335
  def get_tool(words, priority, tool_class = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns true if the given path has at least one subtool, even if they are
  # hidden or non-runnable. Loads from the configuration if necessary.
  # @param words [Array<String>] The name of the parent tool
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#306
  def has_subtools?(words); end

  # Returns a list of subtools for the given path, loading from the
  # configuration if necessary. The list will be sorted by name.
  # @param words [Array<String>] The name of the parent tool
  # @param recursive [Boolean] If true, return all subtools recursively
  #   rather than just the immediate children (the default)
  # @param include_hidden [Boolean] If true, include hidden subtools,
  #   i.e. names beginning with underscores. Defaults to false.
  # @param include_namespaces [Boolean] If true, include namespaces,
  #   i.e. tools that are not runnable but have descendents that would have
  #   been listed by the current filters. Defaults to false.
  # @param include_non_runnable [Boolean] If true, include tools that have
  #   no children and are not runnable. Defaults to false.
  # @return [Array<Toys::ToolDefinition>] An array of subtools.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#281
  def list_subtools(words, recursive: T.unsafe(nil), include_hidden: T.unsafe(nil), include_namespaces: T.unsafe(nil), include_non_runnable: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Load a subtool block. Called from the `tool` directive in the DSL.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#472
  def load_block(parent_source, block, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Loads the subtree under the given prefix.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#398
  def load_for_prefix(prefix); end

  # Load configuration from the given git remote. This is called from the
  # `load_git` directive in the DSL.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#457
  def load_git(parent_source, git_remote, git_path, git_commit, words, remaining_words, priority, update: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Load configuration from the given path. This is called from the `load`
  # directive in the DSL.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#440
  def load_path(parent_source, path, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Given a list of command line arguments, find the appropriate tool to
  # handle the command, loading it from the configuration if necessary.
  # This always returns a tool. If the specific tool path is not defined and
  # cannot be found in any configuration, it finds the nearest namespace that
  # *would* contain that tool, up to the root tool.
  # Returns a tuple of the found tool, and the array of remaining arguments
  # that are not part of the tool name and should be passed as tool args.
  # @param args [Array<String>] Command line arguments
  # @return [Array(Toys::ToolDefinition,Array<String>)]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#235
  def lookup(args); end

  # Given a tool name, looks up the specific tool, loading it from the
  # configuration if necessary.
  # If there is an active tool, returns it; otherwise, returns the highest
  # priority tool that has been defined. If no tool has been defined with
  # the given name, returns `nil`.
  # @param words [Array<String>] The tool name
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition] if the tool was found
  # @return [nil] if no such tool exists
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#257
  def lookup_specific(words); end

  # Attempt to get a well-known mixin module for the given symbolic name.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#421
  def resolve_standard_mixin(name); end

  # Attempt to get a well-known template class for the given symbolic name.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#430
  def resolve_standard_template(name); end

  # Splits the given path using the delimiters configured in this Loader.
  # You may pass in either an array of strings, or a single string possibly
  # delimited by path separators. Always returns an array of strings.
  # @param str [String, Symbol, Array<String,Symbol>] The path to split.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#323
  def split_path(str); end

  # Stop search at the given priority. Returns true if successful.
  # Called only from the DSL.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#385
  def stop_loading_at_priority(priority); end

  # Returns true if the given tool name currently exists in the loader.
  # Does not load the tool if not found.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#362
  def tool_defined?(words); end


  # Return a snapshot of all the current tool definitions that have been
  # loaded. No additional loading is done. The returned array is not in any
  # particular order.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#648
  def all_cur_definitions; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#794
  def calc_remaining_words(words1, words2); end

  # Look for and require any preloads.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#767
  def do_preload(path); end

  # Given a sorted list of tools, filter out non-runnable tools, subject to
  # the given settings.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#808
  def filter_non_runnable_tools(tools, include_namespaces, include_non_runnable); end

  # Finishes all tool definitions under the given path. This generally means
  # installing middleware.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#671
  def finish_definitions_in_tree(words); end

  # Get or create the ToolData for the given name.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#663
  def get_tool_data(words, create); end

  # Load non-index file in a directory source.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#744
  def load_child_in(source, child, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Load an index file in a directory source.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#734
  def load_index_in(source, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Loads from a proc source.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#685
  def load_proc(source, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Load from a file path source that is known to exist and is known to be
  # relevant to the current load request.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#716
  def load_relevant_path(source, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Load from a file path source that is known to exist.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#703
  def load_validated_path(source, words, remaining_words, priority); end

  # Require the contents of the given directory.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#785
  def require_dir_contents(preload_dir); end

  # Update min_loaded_priority to the given value.
  # Caller must own the mutex.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#760
  def update_min_loaded_priority(priority); end

  class << self
    # Get a global default GitCache.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#487
    def default_git_cache; end

    # Determine the next setting for remaining_words, given a word.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#501
    def next_remaining_words(remaining_words, word); end

# An object that handles name delimiting.
# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#608
class Toys::Loader::DelimiterHandler
  # @private
  # @return [DelimiterHandler] a new instance of DelimiterHandler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#612
  def initialize(extra_delimiters); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#630
  def find_orig_prefix(args); end

  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#623
  def split_path(str); end

# An internal object managing the various definitions for a specific tool
# tool name and their priorities, and tracking which, if any, has been
# activated.
# This class is not thread-safe by itself. The caller must protect access
# with a mutex.
# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#521
class Toys::Loader::ToolData
  # Create an empty tool data with no definitions.
  # @private
  # @return [ToolData] a new instance of ToolData
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#527
  def initialize(words); end

  # Attempt to activate the tool with the given priority, and return it.
  # If the given priority tool is already active, returns it.
  # If a lower priority tool is already active, activates the given higher
  # priority tool and returns it.
  # If a higher priority tool is already active, does nothing and returns
  # nil.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#577
  def activate_tool(priority, loader); end

  # Return the current "best" definition, which is either the active
  # definition, or, if none, the current highest-priority definition.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#539
  def cur_definition; end

  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#546
  def empty?; end

  # Ensure there is a tool definition of the given priority, creating it if
  # needed, and return it. A tool class may be provided, but only if the
  # tool definition has not yet been created.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#557
  def get_tool(priority, loader, tool_class = T.unsafe(nil)); end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#598
  def active_definition; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#594
  def top_definition; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/loader.rb#586
  def validate_words(words); end

# An exception indicating a problem during tool lookup
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#39
class Toys::LoaderError < ::StandardError; end

# A middleware is an object that has the opportunity to alter the
# configuration and runtime behavior of each tool in a Toys CLI. A CLI
# contains an ordered list of middleware, known as the *middleware stack*,
# that together define the CLI's default behavior.
# Specifically, a middleware can perform two functions.
# First, it can modify the configuration of a tool. After tools are defined
# from configuration, the middleware stack can make modifications to each
# tool. A middleware can add flags and arguments to the tool, modify the
# description, or make any other changes to how the tool is set up.
# Second, a middleware can intercept and change tool execution. Like a Rack
# middleware, a Toys middleware can wrap execution with its own code,
# replace it outright, or leave it unmodified.
# Generally, a middleware is a class that implements one or more of the
# methods defined in this module: {Toys::Middleware#config}, and
# {Toys::Middleware#run}. This module provides default implementations that
# do nothing, but it is not required to include this module, or even to
# define both methods. Middleware objects need respond only to methods they
# care about.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#28
module Toys::Middleware
  # This method is called *after* a tool has been defined, and gives this
  # middleware the opportunity to modify the tool definition. It is passed
  # the tool definition object and the loader, and can make any changes to
  # the tool definition. In most cases, this method should also call
  # `yield`, which passes control to the next middleware in the stack. A
  # middleware can disable modifications done by subsequent middleware by
  # omitting the `yield` call, but this is uncommon.
  # This basic implementation does nothing and simply yields to the next
  # middleware.
  # @param tool [Toys::ToolDefinition] The tool definition to modify.
  # @param loader [Toys::Loader] The loader that loaded this tool.
  # @return [void]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#45
  def config(tool, loader); end

  # This method is called when the tool is run. It gives the middleware an
  # opportunity to modify the runtime behavior of the tool. It is passed
  # the tool instance (i.e. the object that hosts a tool's `run` method),
  # and you can use this object to access the tool's options and other
  # context data. In most cases, this method should also call `yield`,
  # which passes control to the next middleware in the stack. A middleware
  # can "wrap" normal execution by calling `yield` somewhere in its
  # implementation of this method, or it can completely replace the
  # execution behavior by not calling `yield` at all.
  # Like a tool's `run` method, this method's return value is unused. If
  # you want to output from a tool, write to stdout or stderr. If you want
  # to set the exit status code, call {Toys::Context#exit} on the context.
  # This basic implementation does nothing and simply yields to the next
  # middleware.
  # @param context [Toys::Context] The tool execution context.
  # @return [void]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#70
  def run(context); end

  class << self
    # Create a middleware spec.
    # @overload spec
    # @overload spec
    # @overload spec
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#107
    def spec(middleware, *args, **kwargs, &block); end

    # Create a spec from an array specification.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#149
    def spec_from_array(array); end

    # Create a {Toys::Middleware::Stack} from an array of middleware specs.
    # Each element may be one of the following:
    #  *  A {Toys::Middleware} object
    #  *  A {Toys::Middleware::Spec}
    #  *  An array whose first element is a middleware name or class, and the
    #     subsequent elements are params that define what to pass to the class
    #     constructor (see {Toys::Middleware.spec})
    # @param input [Array<Toys::Middleware,Toys::Middleware::Spec,Array>]
    # @return [Toys::Middleware::Stack]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#133
    def stack(input); end

# A base class that provides default no-op implementation of the middleware
# interface. This base class may optionally be subclassed by a middleware
# implementation.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#178
class Toys::Middleware::Base
  include ::Toys::Middleware

# A middleware specification, including the middleware class and the
# arguments to pass to the constructor.
# Use {Toys::Middleware.spec} to create a middleware spec.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#188
class Toys::Middleware::Spec
  # Internal constructor. Use {Toys::Middleware.spec} instead.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [Spec] a new instance of Spec
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#276
  def initialize(object, name, args, kwargs, block); end

  # Equality check
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#252
  def ==(other); end

  # @return [Array] the positional arguments to be passed to a middleware
  #   class constructor, or the empty array if there are no positional
  #   arguments
  # @return [nil] if this spec wraps a middleware object
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#229
  def args; end

  # @return [Proc] if there is a block argument to be passed to a
  #   middleware class constructor
  # @return [nil] if there is no block argument, or this spec wraps a
  #   middleware object
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#244
  def block; end

  # Builds a middleware for this spec, given a ModuleLookup for middleware.
  # If this spec wraps an existing middleware object, returns that object.
  # Otherwise, constructs a middleware object from the spec.
  # @param lookup [Toys::ModuleLookup] A module lookup to resolve
  #   middleware names
  # @return [Toys::Middleware] The middleware
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#199
  def build(lookup); end

  # Equality check
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#252
  def eql?(other); end

  # Return the hash code
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#267
  def hash; end

  # @return [Hash] the keyword arguments to be passed to a middleware class
  #   constructor, or the empty hash if there are no keyword arguments
  # @return [nil] if this spec wraps a middleware object
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#236
  def kwargs; end

  # @return [String, Symbol] if this spec represents a middleware name
  # @return [Class] if this spec represents a middleware class
  # @return [nil] if this spec wraps a middleware object
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#221
  def name; end

  # @return [Toys::Middleware] if this spec wraps a middleware object
  # @return [nil] if this spec represents a class to instantiate
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#214
  def object; end

# A stack of middleware specs, which can be applied in order to a tool.
# A middleware stack is separated into three groups:
#  *  {#pre_specs}, which are applied first.
#  *  {#default_specs}, which are applied next. The default specs are set
#     when the stack is created and are generally not modified.
#  *  {#post_specs}, which are applied third.
# When adding middleware to a stack, you should normally add them to the
# pre or post specs. By default, {Stack#add} appends to the pre specs,
# inserting new middleware just before the defaults.
# Use {Toys::Middleware.stack} to create a middleware stack.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#301
class Toys::Middleware::Stack
  # Internal constructor. Use {Toys::Middleware.stack} instead.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [Stack] a new instance of Stack
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#381
  def initialize(default_specs: T.unsafe(nil), pre_specs: T.unsafe(nil), post_specs: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Equality check
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#359
  def ==(other); end

  # Add a middleware spec to the stack, in the default location, which is
  # at the end of pre_specs). See {Toys::Middleware.spec} for a description
  # of the arguments you can pass.
  # @overload add
  # @overload add
  # @overload add
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#329
  def add(middleware, *args, **kwargs, &block); end

  # Build the middleware in this stack.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#349
  def build(middleware_lookup); end

  # The default set of middleware specs.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware:Spec>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#312
  def default_specs; end

  # Duplicate this stack.
  # @return [Toys::Middleware::Stack]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#338
  def dup; end

  # Equality check
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#359
  def eql?(other); end

  # Return the hash code
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#372
  def hash; end

  # The middleware specs that follow the default set.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware:Spec>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#318
  def post_specs; end

  # The middleware specs that precede the default set.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware:Spec>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/middleware.rb#306
  def pre_specs; end

# A mixin definition. Mixin modules should include this module.
# A mixin is a collection of methods that are available to be called from a
# tool implementation (i.e. its run method). The mixin is added to the tool
# class, so it has access to the same methods that can be called by the tool,
# such as {Toys::Context#get}.
# ### Usage
# To create a mixin, define a module, and include this module. Then define
# the methods you want to be available.
# If you want to perform some initialization specific to the mixin, you can
# provide an *initializer* block and/or an *inclusion* block. These can be
# specified by calling the module methods defined in
# {Toys::Mixin::ModuleMethods}.
# The initializer block is called when the tool context is instantiated
# in preparation for execution. It has access to context methods such as
# {Toys::Context#get}, and can perform setup for the tool execution itself,
# such as initializing some persistent state and storing it in the tool using
# {Toys::Context#set}. The initializer block is passed any extra arguments
# that were provided to the `include` directive. Define the initializer by
# calling {Toys::Mixin::ModuleMethods#on_initialize}.
# The inclusion block is called in the context of your tool class when your
# mixin is included. It is also passed any extra arguments that were provided
# to the `include` directive. It can be used to issue directives to define
# tools or other objects in the DSL, or even enhance the DSL by defining DSL
# methods specific to the mixin. Define the inclusion block by calling
# {Toys::Mixin::ModuleMethods#on_include}.
# ### Example
# This is an example that implements a simple counter. Whenever the counter
# is incremented, a log message is emitted. The tool can also retrieve the
# final counter value.
#     # Define a mixin by creating a module that includes Toys::Mixin
#     module MyCounterMixin
#       include Toys::Mixin
#       # Initialize the counter. Notice that the initializer is evaluated
#       # in the context of the runtime context, so has access to the runtime
#       # context state.
#       on_initialize do |start = 0|
#         set(:counter_value, start)
#       end
#       # Mixin methods are evaluated in the runtime context and so have
#       # access to the runtime context state, just as if you had defined
#       # them in your tool.
#       def counter_value
#         get(:counter_value)
#       end
#       def increment
#         set(:counter_value, counter_value + 1)
#"Incremented counter")
#       end
#     end
# Now we can use it from a tool:
#     tool "count-up" do
#       # Pass 1 as an extra argument to the mixin initializer
#       include MyCounterMixin, 1
#       def run
#         # Mixin methods can be called.
#         5.times { increment }
#         puts "Final value is #{counter_value}"
#       end
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#80
module Toys::Mixin
  mixes_in_class_methods ::Toys::Mixin::ModuleMethods

  class << self
    # Create a mixin module with the given block.
    # @param block [Proc] Defines the mixin module.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#87
    def create(&block); end

    # @private
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#149
    def included(mod); end

# Methods that will be added to a mixin module object.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#98
module Toys::Mixin::ModuleMethods
  # The inclusion proc for this mixin. This block is evaluated in the tool
  # class immediately after the mixin is included, and is passed any
  # arguments provided to the `include` directive.
  # @return [Proc] The inclusion procedure for this mixin.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#143
  def inclusion; end

  # The inclusion proc for this mixin. This block is evaluated in the tool
  # class immediately after the mixin is included, and is passed any
  # arguments provided to the `include` directive.
  # @return [Proc] The inclusion procedure for this mixin.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#143
  def inclusion=(_arg0); end

  # The initializer proc for this mixin. This proc is evaluated in the
  # runtime context before execution, and is passed any arguments provided
  # to the `include` directive. It can perform any runtime initialization
  # needed by the mixin.
  # @return [Proc] The iniitiliazer for this mixin.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#121
  def initializer; end

  # The initializer proc for this mixin. This proc is evaluated in the
  # runtime context before execution, and is passed any arguments provided
  # to the `include` directive. It can perform any runtime initialization
  # needed by the mixin.
  # @return [Proc] The iniitiliazer for this mixin.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#121
  def initializer=(_arg0); end

  # Set an inclusion proc for this mixin. This block is evaluated in the
  # tool class immediately after the mixin is included, and is passed any
  # arguments provided to the `include` directive.
  # @param block [Proc] Sets the inclusion proc.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#131
  def on_include(&block); end

  # Set the initializer for this mixin. This block is evaluated in the
  # runtime context before execution, and is passed any arguments provided
  # to the `include` directive. It can perform any runtime initialization
  # needed by the mixin.
  # @param block [Proc] Sets the initializer proc.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/mixin.rb#108
  def on_initialize(&block); end

# A helper module that provides methods to do module lookups. This is
# used to obtain named helpers, middleware, and templates from the
# respective modules.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#9
class Toys::ModuleLookup
  # Create an empty ModuleLookup
  # @return [ModuleLookup] a new instance of ModuleLookup
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#56
  def initialize; end

  # Add a lookup path for modules.
  # @param path_base [String] The base require path
  # @param module_base [Module] The base module, or `nil` (the default) to
  #   infer a default from the path base.
  # @param high_priority [Boolean] If true, add to the head of the lookup
  #   path, otherwise add to the end.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#73
  def add_path(path_base, module_base: T.unsafe(nil), high_priority: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Obtain a named module. Returns `nil` if the name is not present.
  # @param name [String, Symbol] The name of the module to return.
  # @return [Module] The specified module
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#92
  def lookup(name); end

  class << self
    # Given a require path, return the module expected to be defined.
    # @param path [String] File path, delimited by forward slash
    # @return [Module] The module loaded from that path
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#42
    def path_to_module(path); end

    # Convert the given string to a module name. Specifically, converts
    # to `UpperCamelCase`, and then to a symbol.
    # @param str [String, Symbol] String to convert.
    # @return [Symbol] Converted name
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#31
    def to_module_name(str); end

    # Convert the given string to a path element. Specifically, converts
    # to `lower_snake_case`.
    # @param str [String, Symbol] String to convert.
    # @return [String] Converted string
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/module_lookup.rb#18
    def to_path_name(str); end

# An exception indicating that a tool has no run method.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#13
class Toys::NotRunnableError < ::StandardError; end

# Representation of a formal positional argument
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#7
class Toys::PositionalArg
  # Create a PositionalArg definition.
  # This argument list is subject to change. Use {Toys::PositionalArg.create}
  # instead for a more stable interface.
  # @private
  # @return [PositionalArg] a new instance of PositionalArg
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#153
  def initialize(key, type, acceptor, default, completion, desc, long_desc, display_name); end

  # The effective acceptor.
  # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#54
  def acceptor; end

  # The effective acceptor.
  # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#54
  def acceptor=(_arg0); end

  # Append long description strings.
  # You must pass an array of lines in the long description. See {#long_desc}
  # for details on how each line may be represented.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#141
  def append_long_desc(long_desc); end

  # The proc that determines shell completions for the value.
  # @return [Proc, Toys::Completion::Base]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#66
  def completion; end

  # The default value, which may be `nil`.
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#60
  def default; end

  # The short description string.
  # When reading, this is always returned as a {Toys::WrappableString}.
  # When setting, the description may be provided as any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString}.
  #  *  A normal String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Toys::WrappableString]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#83
  def desc; end

  # Set the short description string.
  # See {#desc} for details.
  # @param desc [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#117
  def desc=(desc); end

  # The displayable name.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#108
  def display_name; end

  # The displayable name.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#108
  def display_name=(_arg0); end

  # The key for this arg.
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#42
  def key; end

  # The long description strings.
  # When reading, this is returned as an Array of {Toys::WrappableString}
  # representing the lines in the description.
  # When setting, the description must be provided as an Array where *each
  # element* may be any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString} representing one line.
  #  *  A normal String representing a line. This will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String representing a line. This will be transformed into
  #     a {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Array<Toys::WrappableString>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#102
  def long_desc; end

  # Set the long description strings.
  # See {#long_desc} for details.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#128
  def long_desc=(long_desc); end

  # Type of this argument.
  # @return [:required, :optional, :remaining]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#48
  def type; end

  class << self
    # Create a PositionalArg definition.
    # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
    #   the execution context.
    # @param type [Symbol] The type of arg. Valid values are `:required`,
    #   `:optional`, and `:remaining`.
    # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
    #   value. See {Toys::Acceptor.create} for recognized formats. Optional.
    #   If not specified, defaults to {Toys::Acceptor::DEFAULT}.
    # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion. See
    #   {Toys::Completion.create} for recognized formats.
    # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text and
    #   error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
    # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
    #   description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefintion#desc} for a
    #   description of the allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
    # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefintion#long_desc}
    #   for a description of the allowed formats. (But note that this param
    #   takes an Array of description lines, rather than a series of
    #   arguments.) Defaults to the empty array.
    # @return [Toys::PositionalArg]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/positional_arg.rb#32
    def create(key, type, accept: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# A settings class defines the structure of application settings, i.e. the
# various fields that can be set, and their types. You can define a settings
# structure by subclassing this base class, and using the provided methods.
# ### Attributes
# To define an attribute, use the {Settings.settings_attr} declaration.
# Example:
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
#     end
#     my_settings =
#     my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => false
#     my_settings.endpoint        # => ""
#     my_settings.endpoint = ""
#     my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => true
#     my_settings.endpoint        # => ""
#     my_settings.endpoint_unset!
#     my_settings.endpoint_set?   # => false
#     my_settings.endpoint        # => ""
# An attribute has a name, a default value, and a type specification. The
# name is used to define methods for getting and setting the attribute. The
# default is returned if no value is set. (See the section below on parents
# and defaults for more information.) The type specification governs what
# values are allowed. (See the section below on type specifications.)
# Attribute names must start with an ascii letter, and may contain only ascii
# letters, digits, and underscores. Unlike method names, they may not include
# non-ascii unicode characters, nor may they end with `!` or `?`.
# Additionally, the name `method_missing` is not allowed because of its
# special behavior in Ruby.
# Each attribute defines four methods: a getter, a setter, an unsetter, and a
# set detector. In the above example, the attribute named `:endpoint` creates
# the following four methods:
#  *  `endpoint` - retrieves the attribute value, or a default if not set.
#  *  `endpoint=(value)` - sets a new attribute value.
#  *  `endpoint_unset!` - unsets the attribute, reverting to a default.
#  *  `endpoint_set?` - returns a boolean, whether the attribute is set.
# ### Groups
# A group is a settings field that itself is a Settings object. You can use
# it to group settings fields in a hierarchy.
# Example:
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
#       settings_group :service_flags do
#         settings_attr :verbose, default: false
#         settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false
#       end
#     end
#     my_settings =
#     my_settings.service_flags.verbose      # => false
#     my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true
#     my_settings.service_flags.verbose      # => true
#     my_settings.endpoint                   # => ""
# You can define a group inline, as in the example above, or create an
# explicit settings class and use it for the group. For example:
#     class Flags < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :verbose, default: false
#       settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false
#     end
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
#       settings_group :service_flags, Flags
#     end
#     my_settings =
#     my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true
# If the module enclosing a subclass of `Settings` is itself a subclass of
# `Settings`, then the class is automatically added to its enclosing class as
# a group. For example:
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
#       # Automatically adds this as the group service_flags.
#       # The name is inferred (snake_cased) from the class name.
#       class ServiceFlags < Toys::Settings
#         settings_attr :verbose, default: false
#         settings_attr :use_proxy, default: false
#       end
#     end
#     my_settings =
#     my_settings.service_flags.verbose = true
# ### Type specifications
# A type specification is a restriction on the types of values allowed for a
# settings field. Every attribute has a type specification. You can set it
# explicitly by providing a `:type` argument or a block. If a type
# specification is not provided explicitly, it is inferred from the default
# value of the attribute.
# Type specifications can be any of the following:
#  *  A Module, restricting values to those that include the module.
#     For example, a type specification of `Enumerable` would accept `[123]`
#     but not `123`.
#  *  A Class, restricting values to that class or any subclass.
#     For example, a type specification of `Time` would accept `` but
#     not ``.
#     Note that some classes will convert (i.e. parse) strings. For example,
#     a type specification of `Integer` will accept the string `"-123"`` and
#     convert it to the value `-123`. Classes that support parsing include:
#      *  `Date`
#      *  `DateTime`
#      *  `Float`
#      *  `Integer`
#      *  `Regexp`
#      *  `Symbol`
#      *  `Time`
#  *  A Regexp, restricting values to strings matching the regexp.
#     For example, a type specification of `/^\w+$/` would match `"abc"` but
#     not `"abc!"`.
#  *  A Range, restricting values to objects that fall in the range and are
#     of the same class (or a subclass) as the endpoints. String values are
#     accepted if they can be converted to the endpoint class as specified by
#     a class type specification.
#     For example, a type specification of `(1..5)` would match `5` but not
#     `6`. It would also match `"5"` because the String can be parsed into an
#     Integer in the range.
#  *  A specific value, any Symbol, String, Numeric, or the values `nil`,
#     `true`, or `false`, restricting the value to only that given value.
#     For example, a type specification of `:foo` would match `:foo` but not
#     `:bar`.
#     (It might not seem terribly useful to have an attribute that can take
#     only one value, but this type is generally used as part of a union
#     type, described below, to implement an enumeration.)
#  *  An Array representing a union type, each of whose elements is one of
#     the above types. Values are accepted if they match any of the elements.
#     For example, a type specification of `[:a, :b :c]` would match `:a` but
#     not `"a"`. Similarly, a type specification of `[String, Integer, nil]`
#     would match `"hello"`, `123`, or `nil`, but not `123.4`.
#  *  A Proc that takes the proposed value and returns either the value if it
#     is legal, the converted value if it can be converted to a legal value,
#     or the constant {Toys::Settings::ILLEGAL_VALUE} if it cannot be
#     converted to a legal value. You may also pass a block to
#     `settings_attr` to set a Proc type specification.
#  *  A {Toys::Settings::Type} that checks and converts values.
# If you do not explicitly provide a type specification, one is inferred from
# the attribute's default value. The rules are:
#  *  If the default value is `true` or `false`, then the type specification
#     inferred is `[true, false]`.
#  *  If the default value is `nil` or not provided, then the type
#     specification allows any object (i.e. is equivalent to `Object`).
#  *  Otherwise, the type specification allows any value of the same class as
#     the default value. For example, if the default value is `""`, the
#     effective type specification is `String`.
# Examples:
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       # Allows only strings because the default is a string.
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: ""
#     end
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       # Allows strings or nil.
#       settings_attr :endpoint, default: "", type: [String, nil]
#     end
#     class ServiceSettings < Toys::Settings
#       # Raises ArgumentError because the default is nil, which does not
#       # match the type specification. (You should either allow nil
#       # explicitly with `type: [String, nil]` or set the default to a
#       # suitable string such as the empty string "".)
#       settings_attr :endpoint, type: String
#     end
# ### Settings parents
# A settings object can have a "parent" which provides the values if they are
# not set in the settings object. This lets you organize settings as
# "defaults" and "overrides". A parent settings object provides the defaults,
# and a child can selectively override certain values.
# To set the parent for a settings object, pass it as the argument to the
# Settings constructor. When a field in a settings object is queried, it
# looks up the value as follows:
#  *  If a field value is explicitly set in the settings object, that value
#     is returned.
#  *  If the field is not set in the settings object, but the settings object
#     has a parent, the parent is queried. If that parent also does not have
#     a value for the field, it may query its parent in turn, and so forth.
#  *  If we encounter a root settings with no parent, and still no value is
#     set for the field, the default for the *original* setting is returned.
# Example:
#     class MySettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :str, default: "default"
#     end
#     root_settings =
#     child_settings =
#     child_settings.str        # => "default"
#     root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
#     child_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
#     child_settings.str = "value_from_child"
#     child_settings.str        # => "value_from_child"
#     child_settings.str_unset!
#     child_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
#     root_settings.str_unset!
#     child_settings.str        # => "default"
# Parents are honored through groups as well. For example:
#     class MySettings < Toys::Settings
#       settings_group :flags do
#         settings_attr :verbose, default: false
#         settings_attr :force, default: false
#       end
#     end
#     root_settings =
#     child_settings =
#     child_settings.flags.verbose       # => false
#     root_settings.flags.verbose = true
#     child_settings.flags.verbose       # => true
# Usually, a settings and its parent (and its parent, and so forth) should
# have the same class. This guarantees that they define the same fields with
# the same type specifications. However, this is not required. If a parent
# does not define a particular field, it is treated as if that field is
# unset, and lookup proceeds to its parent. To illustrate:
#     class Settings1 < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :str, default: "default"
#     end
#     class Settings2 < Toys::Settings
#     end
#     root_settings =
#     child_settings =  # does not have str
#     grandchild_settings =
#     grandchild_settings.str        # => "default"
#     root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
#     grandchild_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
# Type specifications are enforced when falling back to parent values. If a
# parent provides a value that is not allowed, it is treated as if the field
# is unset, and lookup proceeds to its parent.
#     class Settings1 < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :str, default: "default"  # type spec is String
#     end
#     class Settings2 < Toys::Settings
#       settings_attr :str, default: 0  # type spec is Integer
#     end
#     root_settings =
#     child_settings =
#     grandchild_settings =
#     grandchild_settings.str        # => "default"
#     child_settings.str = 123       # does not match grandchild's type
#     root_settings.str = "value_from_root"
#     grandchild_settings.str        # => "value_from_root"
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#299
class Toys::Settings
  # Create a settings instance.
  # @param parent [Settings, nil] Optional parent settings.
  # @return [Settings] a new instance of Settings
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#580
  def initialize(parent: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Internal get field value, with fallback to parents.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#679
  def get!(field); end

  # Load the given hash of data into this settings object.
  # @param data [Hash] The data as a hash of key-value pairs.
  # @param raise_on_failure [boolean] If `true`, raises an exception on the
  #   first error encountered. If `false`, continues parsing and returns an
  #   array of the errors raised.
  # @return [Array<FieldError>] An array of errors.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#599
  def load_data!(data, raise_on_failure: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Parse the given JSON string and load the data into this settings object.
  # @param str [String] The JSON-formatted string.
  # @param raise_on_failure [boolean] If `true`, raises an exception on the
  #   first error encountered. If `false`, continues parsing and returns an
  #   array of the errors raised.
  # @return [Array<FieldError>] An array of errors.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#656
  def load_json!(str, raise_on_failure: T.unsafe(nil), **json_opts); end

  # Parse the given JSON file and load the data into this settings object.
  # @param filename [String] The path to the JSON-formatted file.
  # @param raise_on_failure [boolean] If `true`, raises an exception on the
  #   first error encountered. If `false`, continues parsing and returns an
  #   array of the errors raised.
  # @return [Array<FieldError>] An array of errors.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#670
  def load_json_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: T.unsafe(nil), **json_opts); end

  # Parse the given YAML string and load the data into this settings object.
  # @param str [String] The YAML-formatted string.
  # @param raise_on_failure [boolean] If `true`, raises an exception on the
  #   first error encountered. If `false`, continues parsing and returns an
  #   array of the errors raised.
  # @return [Array<FieldError>] An array of errors.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#629
  def load_yaml!(str, raise_on_failure: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Parse the given YAML file and load the data into this settings object.
  # @param filename [String] The path to the YAML-formatted file.
  # @param raise_on_failure [boolean] If `true`, raises an exception on the
  #   first error encountered. If `false`, continues parsing and returns an
  #   array of the errors raised.
  # @return [Array<FieldError>] An array of errors.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#643
  def load_yaml_file!(filename, raise_on_failure: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Internal set field value, with validation.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#707
  def set!(field, value); end

  # Internal determine if the field is set locally.
  # @private
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#719
  def set?(field); end

  # Internal unset field value.
  # @private
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#730
  def unset!(field); end

  class << self
    # Returns the fields hash. This is shared between the settings class and
    # all its instances.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#841
    def fields; end

    # When this base class is inherited, if its enclosing module is also a
    # Settings, add the new class as a group in the enclosing class.
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#851
    def inherited(subclass); end

    # Add an attribute field.
    # @param name [Symbol, String] The name of the attribute.
    # @param default [Object] Optional. The final default value if the field
    #   is not set in this settings object or any of its ancestors. If not
    #   provided, `nil` is used.
    # @param type [Object] Optional. The type specification. If not provided,
    #   one is inferred from the default value.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#796
    def settings_attr(name, default: T.unsafe(nil), type: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

    # Add a group field.
    # Specify the group's structure by passing either a class (which must
    # subclass Settings) or a block (which will be called on the group's
    # class.)
    # @param name [Symbol, String] The name of the group.
    # @param klass [Class] Optional. The class of the group (which must
    #   subclass Settings). If not present, an anonymous subclass will be
    #   created, and you must provide a block to configure it.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#819
    def settings_group(name, klass = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end


    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#887
    def create_getter(field); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#899
    def create_set_detect(field); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#893
    def create_setter(field); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#905
    def create_unsetter(field); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#874
    def interpret_name(name); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#870
    def to_class_name(str); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#864
    def to_field_name(str); end

# A special type specification indicating infer from the default value.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#304
Toys::Settings::DEFAULT_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#746
class Toys::Settings::Field
  # @return [Field] a new instance of Field
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#747
  def initialize(container, name, type_spec, default_or_group_class); end

  # Returns the value of attribute container.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#766
  def container; end

  # Returns the value of attribute default.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#769
  def default; end

  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#772
  def group?; end

  # Returns the value of attribute group_class.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#770
  def group_class; end

  # Returns the value of attribute name.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#767
  def name; end

  # Returns the value of attribute type.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#768
  def type; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#776
  def validate(value); end

# Error raised when a value does not match the type constraint.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#309
class Toys::Settings::FieldError < ::StandardError
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [FieldError] a new instance of FieldError
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#337
  def initialize(value, settings_class, field_name, type_description); end

  # The field that rejected the value
  # @return [Symbol]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#326
  def field_name; end

  # The settings class that rejected the value
  # @return [Class]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#320
  def settings_class; end

  # A description of the type constraint, or nil if the field didn't exist.
  # @return [String, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#332
  def type_description; end

  # The value that did not match
  # @return [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#314
  def value; end

# A special value indicating a type check failure.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#301
Toys::Settings::ILLEGAL_VALUE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Object)

# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#739
Toys::Settings::SETTINGS_TYPE = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Toys::Settings::Type)

# A type object that checks values.
# A Type includes a description string and a testing function. The testing
# function takes a proposed value and returns either the value itself if it
# is valid, a converted value if the value can be converted to a valid
# value, or {ILLEGAL_VALUE} if the type check failed.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#361
class Toys::Settings::Type
  # Create a new Type.
  # @param description [String] Name of the type.
  # @param block [Proc] A testing function.
  # @return [Type] a new instance of Type
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#368
  def initialize(description, &block); end

  # Test a value, possibly converting to a legal value.
  # @param val [Object] The value to be tested.
  # @return [Object] The validated value, the value converted to a legal
  #   value, or {ILLEGAL_VALUE} if the type check is unsuccessful.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#386
  def call(val); end

  # The name of the type.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#377
  def description; end

  class << self
    # Create and return a Type given a default value. See the {Settings}
    # class documentation for the rules.
    # @param value [Object]
    # @return [Type]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#427
    def for_default_value(value); end

    # Create and return a Type given a type specification. See the
    # {Settings} class documentation for valid type specifications.
    # @param type_spec [Object]
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if the type specification is invalid.
    # @return [Type]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#399
    def for_type_spec(type_spec); end


    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#486
    def convert(val, klass); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#440
    def for_module(klass); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#446
    def for_range(range); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#454
    def for_regexp(regexp); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#480
    def for_scalar(value); end

    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#462
    def for_union(array); end

# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#564
Toys::Settings::Type::CONVERTERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)

# Information about the source of a tool, such as the file, git repository,
# or block that defined it.
# This object represents a source of tool information and definitions. Such a
# source could include:
# * A toys directory
# * A single toys file
# * A file or directory loaded from git
# * A config block passed directly to the CLI
# * A tool block within a toys file
# The SourceInfo provides information such as the tool's context directory,
# and locates data and lib directories appropriate to the tool. It also
# locates the tool's source code so it can be reported when an error occurs.
# Each tool has a unique SourceInfo with all the information specific to that
# tool. Additionally, SourceInfo objects are arranged in a containment
# hierarchy. For example, a SourceInfo object representing a toys files could
# have a parent representing a toys directory, and an object representing a
# tool block could have a parent representing an enclosing block or a file.
# Child SourceInfo objects generally inherit some attributes of their parent.
# For example, the `.toys` directory in a project directory defines the
# context directory as that project directory. Then all tools defined under
# that directory will share that context directory, so all SourceInfo objects
# descending from that root will inherit that value (unless it's changed
# explicitly).
# SourceInfo objects can be obtained in the DSL from
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#source_info} or at runtime by getting the
# {Toys::Context::Key::TOOL_SOURCE} key. However, they are created internally
# by the Loader and should not be created manually.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#39
class Toys::SourceInfo
  # Create a SourceInfo.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [SourceInfo] a new instance of SourceInfo
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#194
  def initialize(parent, priority, context_directory, source_type, source_path, source_proc, git_remote, git_path, git_commit, source_name, data_dir_name, lib_dir_name); end

  # Create a child SourceInfo with an absolute path.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#243
  def absolute_child(child_path, source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Apply all lib paths in order from high to low priority
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#183
  def apply_lib_paths; end

  # The context directory path (normally the directory containing the
  # toplevel toys file or directory).
  # This is not affected by setting a custom context directory for a tool.
  # @return [String] The context directory path.
  # @return [nil] if there is no context directory (perhaps because the root
  #   source was a block)
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#74
  def context_directory; end

  # Locate the given data file or directory and return an absolute path.
  # @param path [String] The relative path to find
  # @param type [nil, :file, :directory] Type of file system object to find,
  #   or nil (the default) to return any type.
  # @return [String] Absolute path of the resulting data.
  # @return [nil] if the data was not found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#163
  def find_data(path, type: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a child SourceInfo with a git source.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#255
  def git_child(child_git_remote, child_git_path, child_git_commit, child_path, source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The git commit. This is set if the source, or one of its ancestors, comes
  # from git.
  # @return [String] The git commit.
  # @return [nil] if this source is not fron git.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#144
  def git_commit; end

  # The git path. This is set if the source, or one of its ancestors, comes
  # from git.
  # @return [String] The git path. This could be the empty string.
  # @return [nil] if this source is not fron git.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#135
  def git_path; end

  # The git remote. This is set if the source, or one of its ancestors, comes
  # from git.
  # @return [String] The git remote
  # @return [nil] if this source is not fron git.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#126
  def git_remote; end

  # The parent of this SourceInfo.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo] The parent.
  # @return [nil] if this SourceInfo is a root.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#46
  def parent; end

  # The priority of tools defined by this source. Higher values indicate a
  # higher priority. Lower priority values could be negative.
  # @return [Integer] The priority.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#62
  def priority; end

  # Create a proc child SourceInfo
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#270
  def proc_child(child_proc, source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Create a child SourceInfo relative to the parent path.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#219
  def relative_child(filename, source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The root ancestor of this SourceInfo. This generally represents a source
  # that was added directly to a CLI in code.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo] The root ancestor.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#54
  def root; end

  # The source, which may be a path or a proc depending on the {#source_type}.
  # @return [String] Path to the source file or directory.
  # @return [Proc] The block serving as the source.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#82
  def source; end

  # A user-visible name of this source.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#151
  def source_name; end

  # The path of the current source file or directory.
  # This could be set even if {#source_type} is `:proc`, if that proc is
  # defined within a toys file. The only time this is not set is if the
  # source is added directly to a CLI in a code block.
  # @return [String] The source path
  # @return [nil] if this source has no file system path.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#109
  def source_path; end

  # The source proc. This is set if {#source_type} is `:proc`.
  # @return [Proc] The source proc
  # @return [nil] if this source has no proc.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#117
  def source_proc; end

  # The type of source. This could be:
  # * `:file`, representing a single toys file. The {#source} will be the
  #   filesystem path to that file.
  # * `:directory`, representing a toys directory. The {#source} will be the
  #   filesystem path to that directory.
  # * `:proc`, representing a proc, which could be a toplevel block added
  #   directly to a CLI, a `tool` block within a toys file, or a block within
  #   another block. The {#source} will be the proc itself.
  # @return [:file, :directory, :proc]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#97
  def source_type; end

  # A user-visible name of this source.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#151
  def to_s; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#357
  def find_special_dir(dir_name); end

  class << self
    # Check a path and determine the canonical path and type.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#335
    def check_path(path, lenient); end

    # Create a root source info for a cached git repo.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#304
    def create_git_root(git_remote, git_path, git_commit, source_path, priority, context_directory: T.unsafe(nil), data_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Create a root source info for a file path.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#282
    def create_path_root(source_path, priority, context_directory: T.unsafe(nil), data_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

    # Create a root source info for a proc.
    # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/source_info.rb#320
    def create_proc_root(source_proc, priority, context_directory: T.unsafe(nil), data_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), lib_dir_name: T.unsafe(nil), source_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

# Namespace for standard middleware classes.
# These middleware are provided by Toys-Core and can be referenced by name
# when creating a {Toys::CLI}.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#70
module Toys::StandardMiddleware
  class << self
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#79
    def append_common_flag_group(tool); end

# @private
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#74
Toys::StandardMiddleware::COMMON_FLAG_GROUP = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Symbol)

# Namespace for standard mixin classes.
# These mixins are provided by Toys-Core and can be included by name by
# passing a symbol to {Toys::DSL::Tool#include}.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#92
module Toys::StandardMixins; end

# A template definition. Template classes should include this module.
# A template is a configurable set of DSL code that can be run in a toys
# configuration to automate tool defintion. For example, toys provides a
# "minitest" template that generates a "test" tool that invokes minitest.
# Templates will often support configuration; for example the minitest
# template lets you configure the paths to the test files.
# ### Usage
# To create a template, define a class and include this module.
# The class defines the "configuration" of the template. If your template
# has options/parameters, you should provide a constructor, and methods
# appropriate to edit those options. The arguments given to the
# {Toys::DSL::Tool#expand} method are passed to your constructor, and your
# template object is passed to any block given to {Toys::DSL::Tool#expand}.
# Next, in your template class, call the `on_expand` method, which is defined
# in {Toys::Template::ClassMethods#on_expand}. Pass this a block which
# defines the implementation of the template. Effectively, the contents of
# this block are "inserted" into the user's configuration. The template
# object is passed to the block so you have access to the template options.
# ### Example
# This is a simple template that generates a "hello" tool. The tool simply
# prints a `"Hello, #{name}!"` greeting. The name is set as a template
# option; it is defined when the template is expanded in a toys
# configuration.
#     # Define a template by creating a class that includes Toys::Template.
#     class MyHelloTemplate
#       include Toys::Template
#       # A user of the template may pass an optional name as a parameter to
#       # `expand`, or leave it as the default of "world".
#       def initialize(name: "world")
#         @name = name
#       end
#       # The template is passed to the expand block, so a user of the
#       # template may also call this method to set the name.
#       attr_accessor :name
#       # The following block is inserted when the template is expanded.
#       on_expand do |template|
#         desc "Prints a greeting to #{}"
#         tool "templated-greeting" do
#           to_run do
#             puts "Hello, #{}!"
#           end
#         end
#       end
#     end
# Now you can use the template in your `.toys.rb` file like this:
#     expand(MyHelloTemplate, name: "rubyists")
# or alternately:
#     expand(MyHelloTemplate) do |template|
# = "rubyists"
#     end
# And it will create a tool called "templated-greeting".
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#72
module Toys::Template
  include ::Toys::Context::Key

  mixes_in_class_methods ::Toys::Template::ClassMethods

  class << self
    # Create a template class with the given block.
    # @param block [Proc] Defines the template class.
    # @return [Class]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#79
    def create(&block); end

    # @private
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#118
    def included(mod); end

# Class methods that will be added to a template class.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#90
module Toys::Template::ClassMethods
  # The template expansion proc. This proc is passed the template object,
  # and is evaluted in the tool class. It should invoke directives to
  # create tools and other objects.
  # @return [Proc] The expansion of this template.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#112
  def expansion; end

  # The template expansion proc. This proc is passed the template object,
  # and is evaluted in the tool class. It should invoke directives to
  # create tools and other objects.
  # @return [Proc] The expansion of this template.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#112
  def expansion=(_arg0); end

  # Define how to expand this template. The given block is passed the
  # template object, and is evaluated in the tool class. It should invoke
  # directives to create tools and other objects.
  # @param block [Proc] The expansion of this template.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#99
  def on_expand(&block); end

  # Define how to expand this template. The given block is passed the
  # template object, and is evaluated in the tool class. It should invoke
  # directives to create tools and other objects.
  # @param block [Proc] The expansion of this template.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/template.rb#99
  def to_expand(&block); end

# Base class for defining tools
# This base class provides an alternative to the {Toys::DSL::Tool#tool}
# directive for defining tools in the Toys DSL. Creating a subclass of
# `Toys::Tool` will create a tool whose name is the "kebab-case" of the class
# name. Subclasses can be created only in the context of a tool configuration
# DSL. Furthermore, a class-defined tool can be created only at the top level
# of a configuration file, or within another class-defined tool. It cannot
# be a subtool of a tool block.
# ### Example
#     class FooBar < Toys::Tool
#       desc "This is a tool called foo-bar"
#       def run
#         puts "foo-bar called"
#       end
#     end
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/base.rb#77
class Toys::Tool < ::Toys::Context
  class << self
    # @private
    # @private
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/dsl/base.rb#81
    def inherited(tool_class); end

# A ToolDefinition describes a single command that can be invoked using Toys.
# It has a name, a series of one or more words that you use to identify
# the tool on the command line. It also has a set of formal flags and
# command line arguments supported, and a block that gets run when the
# tool is executed.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#11
class Toys::ToolDefinition
  # Create a new tool.
  # Should be created only from the DSL via the Loader.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # @return [ToolDefinition] a new instance of ToolDefinition
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#219
  def initialize(parent, full_name, priority, source_root, middleware_stack, middleware_lookup, tool_class = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a named acceptor to the tool. This acceptor may be refereneced by
  # name when adding a flag or an arg. See {Toys::Acceptor.create} for
  # detailed information on how to specify an acceptor.
  # @param name [String] The name of the acceptor.
  # @param acceptor [Toys::Acceptor::Base, Object] The acceptor to add. You
  #   can provide either an acceptor object, or a spec understood by
  #   {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  # @param type_desc [String] Type description string, shown in help.
  #   Defaults to the acceptor name.
  # @param block [Proc] Optional block used to create an acceptor. See
  #   {Toys::Acceptor.create}.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#827
  def add_acceptor(name, acceptor = T.unsafe(nil), type_desc: T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add a named completion proc to this tool. The completion may be
  # referenced by name when adding a flag or an arg. See
  # {Toys::Completion.create} for detailed information on how to specify a
  # completion.
  # @param name [String] The name of the completion.
  # @param completion [Proc, Toys::Completion::Base, Object] The completion to
  #   add. You can provide either a completion object, or a spec understood
  #   by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param options [Hash] Additional options to pass to the completion.
  # @param block [Proc] Optional block used to create a completion. See
  #   {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#874
  def add_completion(name, completion = T.unsafe(nil), **options, &block); end

  # Add a flag to the current tool. Each flag must specify a key which
  # the script may use to obtain the flag value from the context.
  # You may then provide the flags themselves in `OptionParser` form.
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param flags [Array<String>] The flags in OptionParser format. If empty,
  #   a flag will be inferred from the key.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, or one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this flag is not provided on the command
  #   line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param handler [Proc, nil, :set, :push] An optional handler for
  #   setting/updating the value. A handler is a proc taking two
  #   arguments, the given value and the previous value, returning the
  #   new value that should be set. You may also specify a predefined
  #   named handler. The `:set` handler (the default) replaces the
  #   previous value (effectively `-> (val, _prev) { val }`). The
  #   `:push` handler expects the previous value to be an array and
  #   pushes the given value onto it; it should be combined with setting
  #   `default: []` and is intended for "multi-valued" flags.
  # @param complete_flags [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag names associated with this flag. By default, a
  #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion} is used, which provides the flag's
  #   names as completion candidates. To customize completion, set this to
  #   a hash of options to pass to the constructor for
  #   {Toys::Flag::DefaultCompletion}, or pass any other spec recognized
  #   by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param complete_values [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion
  #   for flag values associated with this flag. Pass any spec
  #   recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @param report_collisions [true, false] Raise an exception if a flag is
  #   requested that is already in use or marked as disabled. Default is
  #   true.
  # @param group [Toys::FlagGroup, String, Symbol, nil] Group for
  #   this flag. You may provide a group name, a FlagGroup object, or
  #   `nil` which denotes the default group.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc}
  #   for a description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param display_name [String] A display name for this flag, used in help
  #   text and error messages.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1052
  def add_flag(key, flags = T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), default: T.unsafe(nil), handler: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flags: T.unsafe(nil), complete_values: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), group: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a flag group to the group list.
  # The type should be one of the following symbols:
  #  *  `:optional` All flags in the group are optional
  #  *  `:required` All flags in the group are required
  #  *  `:exactly_one` Exactly one flag in the group must be provided
  #  *  `:at_least_one` At least one flag in the group must be provided
  #  *  `:at_most_one` At most one flag in the group must be provided
  # @param type [Symbol] The type of group. Default is `:optional`.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the group. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to `"Flags"`.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the flag group. See
  #   {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc} for a description of allowed
  #   formats. Defaults to the empty array.
  # @param name [String, Symbol, nil] The name of the group, or nil for no
  #   name.
  # @param report_collisions [true, false] If `true`, raise an exception if a
  #   the given name is already taken. If `false`, ignore. Default is
  #   `true`.
  # @param prepend [true, false] If `true`, prepend rather than append the
  #   group to the list. Default is `false`.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#985
  def add_flag_group(type: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil), name: T.unsafe(nil), report_collisions: T.unsafe(nil), prepend: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add an initializer.
  # @param proc [Proc] The initializer block
  # @param args [Object...] Arguments to pass to the initializer
  # @param kwargs [keywords] Keyword arguments to pass to the initializer
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1283
  def add_initializer(proc, *args, **kwargs); end

  # Add a named mixin module to this tool.
  # You may provide a mixin module or a block that configures one.
  # @param name [String] The name of the mixin.
  # @param mixin_module [Module] The mixin module.
  # @param block [Proc] Define the mixin module here if a `mixin_module` is
  #   not provided directly.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#848
  def add_mixin(name, mixin_module = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Add an optional positional argument to the current tool. You must specify
  # a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value from the
  # context. If an optional argument is not given on the command line, the
  # value is set to the given default.
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if this argument is not provided on the command
  #   line. Defaults to `nil`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, or one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion. See
  #   {Toys::Completion.create} for recognized formats.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text and
  #   error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc}
  #   for a description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty array.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1155
  def add_optional_arg(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a required positional argument to the current tool. You must specify
  # a key which the script may use to obtain the argument value from the
  # context.
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, or one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion. See
  #   {Toys::Completion.create} for recognized formats.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text and
  #   error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc}
  #   for a description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty array.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1117
  def add_required_arg(key, accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Add a named template class to this tool.
  # You may provide a template class or a block that configures one.
  # @param name [String] The name of the template.
  # @param template_class [Class] The template class.
  # @param block [Proc] Define the template class here if a `template_class`
  #   is not provided directly.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#895
  def add_template(name, template_class = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end

  # Append long description strings.
  # You must pass an array of lines in the long description. See {#long_desc}
  # for details on how each line may be represented.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#806
  def append_long_desc(long_desc); end

  # Returns true if this tool has disabled argument parsing.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#637
  def argument_parsing_disabled?; end

  # The stack of built middleware specs for this tool.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#418
  def built_middleware; end

  # Check that the tool can still be defined. Should be called internally
  # or from the DSL only.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1427
  def check_definition_state(is_arg: T.unsafe(nil), is_method: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # The completion strategy for this tool.
  # When reading, this may return an instance of one of the subclasses of
  # {Toys::Completion::Base}, or a Proc that duck-types it. Generally, this
  # defaults to a {Toys::ToolDefinition::DefaultCompletion}, providing a
  # standard algorithm that finds appropriate completions from flags,
  # positional arguments, and subtools.
  # When setting, you may pass any of the following:
  #  *  `nil` or `:default` which sets the value to a default instance.
  #  *  A Hash of options to pass to the
  #     {Toys::ToolDefinition::DefaultCompletion} constructor.
  #  *  Any other form recognized by {Toys::Completion.create}.
  # @return [Toys::Completion::Base, Proc]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#453
  def completion; end

  # Set the completion strategy for this ToolDefinition.
  # See {#completion} for details.
  # @param spec [Object]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1308
  def completion=(spec); end

  # Return the effective context directory.
  # If there is a custom context directory, uses that. Otherwise, looks for
  # a custom context directory up the tool ancestor chain. If none is
  # found, uses the default context directory from the source info. It is
  # possible for there to be no context directory at all, in which case,
  # returns nil.
  # @return [String] The effective context directory path.
  # @return [nil] if there is no effective context directory.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1333
  def context_directory; end

  # The custom context directory set for this tool.
  # @return [String] The directory path
  # @return [nil] if no custom context directory is set.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#434
  def custom_context_directory; end

  # Set the custom context directory.
  # See {#custom_context_directory} for details.
  # @param dir [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1296
  def custom_context_directory=(dir); end

  # The default context data set by arguments.
  # @return [Hash]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#402
  def default_data; end

  # Returns true if this tool's definition has been finished and is locked.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#629
  def definition_finished?; end

  # The full name of the delegate target, if any.
  # @return [Array<String>] if this tool delegates
  # @return [nil] if this tool does not delegate
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#493
  def delegate_target; end

  # Causes this tool to delegate to another tool.
  # @param target [Array<String>] The full path to the delegate tool.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1343
  def delegate_to(target); end

  # The short description string.
  # When reading, this is always returned as a {Toys::WrappableString}.
  # When setting, the description may be provided as any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString}.
  #  *  A normal String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String, which will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Toys::WrappableString]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#333
  def desc; end

  # Set the short description string.
  # See {#desc} for details.
  # @param desc [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#780
  def desc=(desc); end

  # Disable argument parsing for this tool.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#911
  def disable_argument_parsing; end

  # Mark one or more flags as disabled, preventing their use by any
  # subsequent flag definition. This may be used to prevent middleware from
  # defining a particular flag.
  # @param flags [String...] The flags to disable
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1083
  def disable_flag(*flags); end

  # A displayable name of this tool, generally the full name delimited by
  # spaces.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#510
  def display_name; end

  # Enforce that flags must come before args for this tool.
  # You may disable enforcement by passoing `false` for the state.
  # @param state [true, false]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#929
  def enforce_flags_before_args(state = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns true if this tool requires exact flag matches.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#653
  def exact_flag_match_required?; end

  # Complete definition and run middleware configs. Should be called from
  # the Loader only.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1393
  def finish_definition(loader); end

  # A list of all defined flag groups, in order.
  # @return [Array<Toys::FlagGroup>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#359
  def flag_groups; end

  # A list of all defined flags.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Flag>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#366
  def flags; end

  # Returns true if this tool enforces flags before args.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#645
  def flags_before_args_enforced?; end

  # The name of the tool as an array of strings.
  # This array may not be modified.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#295
  def full_name; end

  # Returns true if this tool handles interrupts. This is equivalent to
  # `handles_signal?(2)`.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#566
  def handles_interrupts?; end

  # Returns true if this tool handles the given signal.
  # @param signal [Integer, String, Symbol] The signal number or name
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#576
  def handles_signal?(signal); end

  # Returns true if this tool handles usage errors.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#585
  def handles_usage_errors?; end

  # Include the given mixin in the tool class.
  # The mixin must be given as a module. You can use {#lookup_mixin} to
  # resolve named mixins.
  # @param mod [Module] The mixin module
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#738
  def include_mixin(mod, *args, **kwargs); end

  # Returns true if at least one flag or positional argument is defined
  # for this tool.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#610
  def includes_arguments?; end

  # Returns true if this tool has any definition information.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#620
  def includes_definition?; end

  # Returns true if there is a specific description set for this tool.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#601
  def includes_description?; end

  # Returns true if this tool has at least one included module.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#593
  def includes_modules?; end

  # Return the interrupt handler. This is equivalent to `signal_handler(2)`.
  # @return [Proc] if the interrupt signal handler is defined as a Proc
  # @return [Symbol] if the interrupt signal handler is defined as a method
  # @return [nil] if there is no handler for the interrupt signals
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#538
  def interrupt_handler; end

  # Set the interrupt handler. This is equivalent to calling
  # {#set_signal_handler} for the `SIGINT` signal.
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol] The interrupt signal handler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1232
  def interrupt_handler=(handler); end

  # Sets the path to the file that defines this tool.
  # A tool may be defined from at most one path. If a different path is
  # already set, it is left unchanged.
  # @param source [Toys::SourceInfo] Source info
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#768
  def lock_source(source); end

  # The long description strings.
  # When reading, this is returned as an Array of {Toys::WrappableString}
  # representing the lines in the description.
  # When setting, the description must be provided as an Array where *each
  # element* may be any of the following:
  #  *  A {Toys::WrappableString} representing one line.
  #  *  A normal String representing a line. This will be transformed into a
  #     {Toys::WrappableString} using spaces as word delimiters.
  #  *  An Array of String representing a line. This will be transformed into
  #     a {Toys::WrappableString} where each array element represents an
  #     individual word for wrapping.
  # @return [Array<Toys::WrappableString>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#352
  def long_desc; end

  # Set the long description strings.
  # See {#long_desc} for details.
  # @param long_desc [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#792
  def long_desc=(long_desc); end

  # Get the named acceptor from this tool or its ancestors.
  # @param name [String] The acceptor name.
  # @return [Toys::Acceptor::Base] The acceptor.
  # @return [nil] if no acceptor of the given name is found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#692
  def lookup_acceptor(name); end

  # Get the named completion from this tool or its ancestors.
  # @param name [String] The completion name
  # @return [Toys::Completion::Base, Proc] The completion proc.
  # @return [nil] if no completion of the given name is found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#725
  def lookup_completion(name); end

  # Lookup the custom context directory in this tool and its ancestors.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1372
  def lookup_custom_context_directory; end

  # Get the named mixin from this tool or its ancestors.
  # @param name [String] The mixin name.
  # @return [Module] The mixin module.
  # @return [nil] if no mixin of the given name is found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#714
  def lookup_mixin(name); end

  # Get the named template from this tool or its ancestors.
  # @param name [String] The template name.
  # @return [Class, nil] The template class.
  # @return [nil] if no template of the given name is found.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#703
  def lookup_template(name); end

  # Mark this tool as having at least one module included.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1381
  def mark_includes_modules; end

  # A list of all defined optional positional arguments.
  # @return [Array<Toys::PositionalArg>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#380
  def optional_args; end

  # All arg definitions in order: required, optional, remaining.
  # @return [Array<Toys::PositionalArg>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#662
  def positional_args; end

  # The priority of this tool definition.
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#302
  def priority; end

  # The remaining arguments specification.
  # @return [Toys::PositionalArg] The argument definition
  # @return [nil] if remaining arguments are not supported by this tool.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#388
  def remaining_arg; end

  # Require that flags must match exactly. (If false, flags can match an
  # unambiguous substring.)
  # @param state [true, false]
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#947
  def require_exact_flag_match(state = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # A list of all defined required positional arguments.
  # @return [Array<Toys::PositionalArg>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#373
  def required_args; end

  # Reset the definition of this tool, deleting all definition data but
  # leaving named acceptors, mixins, and templates intact.
  # Should be called only from the DSL.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#246
  def reset_definition; end

  # Resolve the given flag given the flag string. Returns an object that
  # describes the resolution result, including whether the resolution
  # matched a unique flag, the specific flag syntax that was matched, and
  # additional information.
  # @param str [String] Flag string
  # @return [Toys::Flag::Resolution]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#677
  def resolve_flag(str); end

  # Returns true if this tool is a root tool.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#546
  def root?; end

  # The run handler.
  # This handler is called to run the tool. Normally it is a method name,
  # represented by a symbol. (The default is `:run`.) It can be set to a
  # different method name, or to a proc that will be called with `self` set
  # to the tool context. Either way, it takes no arguments. The run handler
  # can also be explicitly set to `nil` indicating a non-runnable tool;
  # however, typically a tool is made non-runnable simply by leaving the run
  # handler set to `:run` and not defining the method.
  # @return [Proc] if the run handler is defined as a Proc
  # @return [Symbol] if the run handler is defined as a method
  # @return [nil] if the tool is explicitly made non-runnable
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#470
  def run_handler; end

  # Set the run handler.
  # This handler is called to run the tool. Normally it is a method name,
  # represented by a symbol. (The default is `:run`.) It can be set to a
  # different method name, or to a proc that will be called with `self` set
  # to the tool context. Either way, it takes no arguments. The run handler
  # can also be explicitly set to `nil` indicating a non-runnable tool;
  # however, typically a tool is made non-runnable simply by leaving the run
  # handler set to `:run` and not defining the method.
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol, nil] the run handler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1218
  def run_handler=(handler); end

  # Run all initializers against a context. Called from the Runner.
  # @private This interface is internal and subject to change without warning.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1415
  def run_initializers(context); end

  # Returns true if this tool is marked as runnable.
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#554
  def runnable?; end

  # Specify what should be done with unmatched positional arguments. You must
  # specify a key which the script may use to obtain the remaining args
  # from the context.
  # @param key [String, Symbol] The key to use to retrieve the value from
  #   the execution context.
  # @param default [Object] The default value. This is the value that will
  #   be set in the context if no unmatched arguments are provided on the
  #   command line. Defaults to the empty array `[]`.
  # @param accept [Object] An acceptor that validates and/or converts the
  #   value. You may provide either the name of an acceptor you have
  #   defined, or one of the default acceptors provided by OptionParser.
  #   Optional. If not specified, accepts any value as a string.
  # @param complete [Object] A specifier for shell tab completion. See
  #   {Toys::Completion.create} for recognized formats.
  # @param display_name [String] A name to use for display (in help text and
  #   error reports). Defaults to the key in upper case.
  # @param desc [String, Array<String>, Toys::WrappableString] Short
  #   description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#desc} for a
  #   description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty string.
  # @param long_desc [Array<String,Array<String>,Toys::WrappableString>] Long description for the arg. See {Toys::ToolDefinition#long_desc}
  #   for a description of allowed formats. Defaults to the empty array.
  # @return [self]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1193
  def set_remaining_args(key, default: T.unsafe(nil), accept: T.unsafe(nil), complete: T.unsafe(nil), display_name: T.unsafe(nil), desc: T.unsafe(nil), long_desc: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Set the handler for the given signal.
  # This handler is called when the given signal is received, immediately
  # taking over the execution as if it were the new `run` method. The signal
  # handler can be specified as a Proc, or a Symbol indicating a method to
  # call. It optionally takes the `SignalException` as the sole argument.
  # @param signal [Integer, String, Symbol] The signal number or name
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol] The signal handler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1247
  def set_signal_handler(signal, handler); end

  # Settings for this tool
  # @return [Toys::ToolDefinition::Settings]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#287
  def settings; end

  # Return the signal handler for the given signal.
  # This handler is called when the given signal is received, immediately
  # taking over the execution as if it were the new run handler. The signal
  # handler can be specified as a Proc, or a Symbol indicating a method to
  # call. It optionally takes the `SignalException` as the sole argument.
  # @param signal [Integer, String, Symbol] The signal number or name
  # @return [Proc] if the signal handler is defined as a Proc
  # @return [Symbol] if the signal handler is defined as a method
  # @return [nil] if there is no handler for the given signal
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#527
  def signal_handler(signal); end

  # The local name of this tool, i.e. the last element of the full name.
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#500
  def simple_name; end

  # Info on the source of this tool.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo] The source info
  # @return [nil] if the source is not defined.
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#426
  def source_info; end

  # The root source info defining this tool, or nil if there is no source.
  # @return [Toys::SourceInfo, nil]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#309
  def source_root; end

  # The stack of middleware specs used for subtools.
  # This array may be modified in place.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Middleware::Spec>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#411
  def subtool_middleware_stack; end

  # The tool class.
  # @return [Class]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#316
  def tool_class; end

  # The usage error handler.
  # This handler is called when at least one usage error is detected during
  # argument parsing, and is called instead of the `run` method. It can be
  # specified as a Proc, or a Symbol indicating a method to call. It
  # optionally takes an array of {Toys::ArgParser::UsageError} as the sole
  # argument.
  # @return [Proc] if the usage error handler is defined as a Proc
  # @return [Symbol] if the user error handler is defined as a method
  # @return [nil] if there is no usage error handler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#485
  def usage_error_handler; end

  # Set the usage error handler.
  # This handler is called when at least one usage error is detected during
  # argument parsing, and is called instead of the `run` method. It can be
  # specified as a Proc, or a Symbol indicating a method to call. It
  # optionally takes an array of {Toys::ArgParser::UsageError} as the sole
  # argument.
  # @param handler [Proc, Symbol] The usage error handler
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1267
  def usage_error_handler=(handler); end

  # A list of flags that have been used in the flag definitions.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#395
  def used_flags; end


  # @raise [::ArgumentError]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1492
  def canonicalize_signal(signal); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1445
  def create_class; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1449
  def make_config_proc(middleware, loader, next_config); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1457
  def make_delegation_run_handler(target); end

  # @raise [ToolDefinitionError]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1478
  def resolve_acceptor_name(name); end

  # @raise [ToolDefinitionError]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#1485
  def resolve_completion_name(name); end

# A Completion that implements the default algorithm for a tool.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#15
class Toys::ToolDefinition::DefaultCompletion < ::Toys::Completion::Base
  # Create a completion given configuration options.
  # @param complete_subtools [true, false] Whether to complete subtool names
  # @param include_hidden_subtools [true, false] Whether to include hidden
  #   subtools (i.e. those beginning with an underscore)
  # @param complete_args [true, false] Whether to complete positional args
  # @param complete_flags [true, false] Whether to complete flag names
  # @param complete_flag_values [true, false] Whether to complete flag values
  # @param delegation_target [Array<String>, nil] Delegation target, or
  #   `nil` if none.
  # @return [DefaultCompletion] a new instance of DefaultCompletion
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#28
  def initialize(complete_subtools: T.unsafe(nil), include_hidden_subtools: T.unsafe(nil), complete_args: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flags: T.unsafe(nil), complete_flag_values: T.unsafe(nil), delegation_target: T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns candidates for the current completion.
  # @param context [Toys::Completion::Context] the current completion
  #   context including the string fragment.
  # @return [Array<Toys::Completion::Candidate>] an array of candidates
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#94
  def call(context); end

  # Whether to complete positional args
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#68
  def complete_args?; end

  # Whether to complete flag values
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#76
  def complete_flag_values?; end

  # Whether to complete flags
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#60
  def complete_flags?; end

  # Whether to complete subtool names
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#44
  def complete_subtools?; end

  # Delegation target, or nil for none.
  # @return [Array<String>] if there is a delegation target
  # @return [nil] if there is no delegation target
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#85
  def delegation_target; end

  # Delegation target, or nil for none.
  # @return [Array<String>] if there is a delegation target
  # @return [nil] if there is no delegation target
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#85
  def delegation_target=(_arg0); end

  # Whether to include hidden subtools
  # @return [true, false]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#52
  def include_hidden_subtools?; end


  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#149
  def analyze_subtool_fragment(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#171
  def arg_candidates(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#190
  def flag_value_candidates(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#178
  def plain_flag_candidates(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#132
  def subtool_candidates(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#126
  def subtool_or_arg_candidates(context); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#112
  def valued_flag_candidates(context); end

# Tool-based settings class.
# The following settings are supported:
#  *  `propagate_helper_methods` (_boolean_) - Whether subtools should
#     inherit methods defined by parent tools. Defaults to `false`.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/tool_definition.rb#209
class Toys::ToolDefinition::Settings < ::Toys::Settings
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#888
  def propagate_helper_methods; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#894
  def propagate_helper_methods=(val); end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#900
  def propagate_helper_methods_set?; end

  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/settings.rb#906
  def propagate_helper_methods_unset!; end

# An exception indicating an error in a tool definition.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/errors.rb#7
class Toys::ToolDefinitionError < ::StandardError; end

# Namespace for common utility classes.
# These classes are not loaded by default, and must be required explicitly.
# For example, before using {Toys::Utils::Exec}, you must:
#     require "toys/utils/exec"
# source://toys-core//lib/toys-core.rb#103
module Toys::Utils; end

# A string intended for word-wrapped display.
# A WrappableString is an array of string "fragments" representing the atomic
# units that should not be split when word-wrapping. It should be possible to
# reconstruct the original string by joining these fragments with whitespace.
# source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#11
class Toys::WrappableString
  # Create a wrapped string.
  # You can pass either:
  #  *  A single String, which will be split into fragments by whitespace.
  #  *  An array of Strings representing the fragments explicitly.
  # @param string [String, Array<String>] The string or array of string
  #   fragments
  # @return [WrappableString] a new instance of WrappableString
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#23
  def initialize(string = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  # Returns a new WrappaableString whose content is the concatenation of this
  # WrappableString with another WrappableString.
  # @param other [WrappableString]
  # @return [WrappableString]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#41
  def +(other); end

  # Tests two wrappable strings for equality
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#70
  def ==(other); end

  # Returns true if the string is empty (i.e. has no fragments)
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#51
  def empty?; end

  # Tests two wrappable strings for equality
  # @param other [Object]
  # @return [Boolean]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#70
  def eql?(other); end

  # Returns the string fragments, i.e. the individual "words" for wrapping.
  # @return [Array<String>]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#32
  def fragments; end

  # Returns a hash code for this object
  # @return [Integer]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#80
  def hash; end

  # Returns the string without any wrapping
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#60
  def string; end

  # Returns the string without any wrapping
  # @return [String]
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#60
  def to_s; end

  # Wraps the string to the given width.
  # @param width [Integer, nil] Width in characters, or `nil` for infinite.
  # @param width2 [Integer, nil] Width in characters for the second and
  #   subsequent lines, or `nil` to use the same as width.
  # @return [Array<String>] Wrapped lines
  # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#93
  def wrap(width, width2 = T.unsafe(nil)); end

  class << self
    # Make the given object a WrappableString.
    # If the object is already a WrappableString, return it. Otherwise,
    # treat it as a string or an array of strings and wrap it in a
    # WrappableString.
    # @param obj [Toys::WrappableString, String, Array<String>]
    # @return [Toys::WrappableString]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#146
    def make(obj); end

    # Make the given object an array of WrappableString.
    # @param objs [Array<Toys::WrappableString,String,Array<String>>]
    # @return [Array<Toys::WrappableString>]
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#156
    def make_array(objs); end

    # Wraps an array of lines to the given width.
    # @param strs [Array<WrappableString>] Array of strings to wrap.
    # @param width [Integer, nil] Width in characters, or `nil` for infinite.
    # @param width2 [Integer, nil] Width in characters for the second and
    #   subsequent lines, or `nil` to use the same as width.
    # @return [Array<String>] Wrapped lines
    # source://toys-core//lib/toys/wrappable_string.rb#126
    def wrap_lines(strs, width, width2 = T.unsafe(nil)); end