# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `vcr` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem vcr`.
# The main entry point for VCR.
# @note This module is extended onto itself; thus, the methods listed
# here as instance methods are available directly off of VCR.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#1
module VCR
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
include ::VCR::Errors
extend ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
extend ::VCR::Errors
extend ::VCR
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#385
def cassette_persisters; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#380
def cassette_serializers; end
# @return [Enumerable] list of all cassettes currently being used
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#362
def cassettes(context = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @deprecated Use #configure instead.
# @see #configure
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#4
def config; end
# @return [VCR::Configuration] the VCR configuration.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#239
def configuration; end
# Used to configure VCR.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.some_config_option = true
# end
# @return [void]
# @yield the configuration block
# @yieldparam config [VCR::Configuration] the configuration object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#234
def configure; end
# Sets up `Before` and `After` cucumber hooks in order to
# use VCR with particular cucumber tags.
# @example
# VCR.cucumber_tags do |t|
# t.tags "tag1", "tag2"
# t.tag "@some_other_tag", :record => :new_episodes
# end
# @return [void]
# @see VCR::CucumberTags#tags
# @yield the cucumber tags configuration block
# @yieldparam t [VCR::CucumberTags] Cucumber tags config object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#256
def cucumber_tags(&block); end
# The currently active cassette.
# @return [nil, VCR::Cassette] The current cassette or nil if there is
# no current cassette.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#48
def current_cassette; end
# Ejects the current cassette. The cassette will no longer be used.
# In addition, any newly recorded HTTP interactions will be written to
# disk.
# @option options
# @param options [Hash] Eject options.
# @return [VCR::Cassette, nil] the ejected cassette if there was one
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#159
def eject_cassette(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#408
def fibers_available?; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#345
def http_interactions; end
# Inserts the named cassette using the given cassette options.
# New HTTP interactions, if allowed by the cassette's `:record` option, will
# be recorded to the cassette. The cassette's existing HTTP interactions
# will be used to stub requests, unless prevented by the cassette's
# `:record` option.
# @example
# VCR.insert_cassette('twitter', :record => :new_episodes)
# # ...later, after making an HTTP request:
# VCR.eject_cassette
# @note If you use this method you _must_ call `eject_cassette` when you
# are done. It is generally recommended that you use {#use_cassette}
# unless your code-under-test cannot be run as a block.
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param name [#to_s] The name of the cassette. VCR will sanitize
# this to ensure it is a valid file name.
# @param options [Hash] The cassette options. The given options will
# be merged with the configured default_cassette_options.
# @raise [ArgumentError] when the given cassette is already being used.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::TurnedOffError] when VCR has been turned off
# without using the :ignore_cassettes option.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::MissingERBVariableError] when the `:erb` option
# is used and the ERB template requires variables that you did not provide.
# @return [VCR::Cassette] the inserted cassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#132
def insert_cassette(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#375
def library_hooks; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#398
def link_context(from_thread, to_key); end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#351
def real_http_connections_allowed?; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#390
def record_http_interaction(interaction); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#370
def request_ignorer; end
# @return [RequestMatcherRegistry] the request matcher registry
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#357
def request_matchers; end
# Turns VCR off, so that it no longer handles every HTTP request.
# @option options
# @param options [Hash] hash of options
# @raise [VCR::Errors::CassetteInUseError] if there is currently a cassette in use
# @raise [ArgumentError] if you pass an invalid option
# @return [void]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#290
def turn_off!(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Turns on VCR, if it has previously been turned off.
# @return [void]
# @see #turn_off!
# @see #turned_off
# @see #turned_on?
# @see #turned_on
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#327
def turn_on!; end
# Turns VCR off for the duration of a block.
# @param options [Hash] hash of options
# @raise [VCR::Errors::CassetteInUseError] if there is currently a cassette in use
# @raise [ArgumentError] if you pass an invalid option
# @return [void]
# @see #turned_on
# @see #turn_off!
# @see #turn_on!
# @see #turned_on?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#270
def turned_off(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Turns on VCR, for the duration of a block.
# @param options [Hash] hash of options
# @return [void]
# @see #turn_off!
# @see #turned_off
# @see #turned_on?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#311
def turned_on(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @note Normally VCR is _always_ turned on; it will only be off if you have
# explicitly turned it off.
# @return [Boolean] whether or not VCR is turned on
# @see #turn_on!
# @see #turn_off!
# @see #turned_off
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#337
def turned_on?; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#403
def unlink_context(key); end
# Inserts a cassette using the given name and options, runs the given
# block, and ejects the cassette.
# @example
# VCR.use_cassette('twitter', :record => :new_episodes) do
# # make an HTTP request
# end
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @option options
# @param name [#to_s] The name of the cassette. VCR will sanitize
# this to ensure it is a valid file name.
# @param options [Hash] The cassette options. The given options will
# be merged with the configured default_cassette_options.
# @raise [ArgumentError] when the given cassette is already being used.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::TurnedOffError] when VCR has been turned off
# without using the :ignore_cassettes option.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::MissingERBVariableError] when the `:erb` option
# is used and the ERB template requires variables that you did not provide.
# @return [void]
# @see #insert_cassette
# @see #eject_cassette
# @yield Block to run while this cassette is in use.
# @yieldparam cassette [(optional) VCR::Cassette] the cassette that has
# been inserted.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#184
def use_cassette(name, options = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Inserts multiple cassettes the given names
# @example
# cassettes = [
# { name: 'github' },
# { name: 'apple', options: { erb: true } }
# ]
# VCR.use_cassettes(cassettes) do
# # make multiple HTTP requests
# end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#213
def use_cassettes(cassettes, &block); end
# @note This string also has singleton methods:
# * `major` [Integer] The major version.
# * `minor` [Integer] The minor version.
# * `patch` [Integer] The patch version.
# * `parts` [Array<Integer>] List of the version parts.
# @return [String] the current VCR version.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/version.rb#11
def version; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#448
def context_cassettes; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#427
def context_value(name); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#413
def current_context; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#435
def dup_context(context); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#417
def get_context(thread_key, fiber_key = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#444
def ignore_cassettes?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#452
def initialize_fibers; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#461
def initialize_ivars; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#431
def set_context_value(name, value); end
class << self
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#10
def const_missing(const); end
# The media VCR uses to store HTTP interactions for later re-use.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#2
class VCR::Cassette
include ::VCR::Logger::Mixin
# @param name [#to_s] The name of the cassette. VCR will sanitize
# this to ensure it is a valid file name.
# @param options [Hash] The cassette options. The given options will
# be merged with the configured default_cassette_options.
# @return [Cassette] a new instance of Cassette
# @see VCR#insert_cassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#58
def initialize(name, options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean, nil] Should outdated interactions be recorded back to file
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#47
def clean_outdated_http_interactions; end
# @return [Boolean] Should unused requests be dropped from the cassette?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#50
def drop_unused_requests; end
# Ejects the current cassette. The cassette will no longer be used.
# In addition, any newly recorded HTTP interactions will be written to
# disk.
# @note This is not intended to be called directly. Use `VCR.eject_cassette` instead.
# @see VCR#eject_cassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#78
def eject(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @return [Boolean, Hash] The cassette's ERB option. The file will be treated as an
# ERB template if this has a truthy value. A hash, if provided, will be used as local
# variables for the ERB template.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#41
def erb; end
# @note VCR will take care of sanitizing the cassette name to make it a valid file name.
# @raise [NotImplementedError] if the configured cassette persister
# does not support resolving file paths.
# @return [String] The file for this cassette.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#132
def file; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#102
def http_interactions; end
# @return [Boolean] false unless wrapped with LinkedCassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#171
def linked?; end
# @return [Array<Symbol, #call>] List of request matchers. Used to find a response from an
# existing HTTP interaction to play back.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#36
def match_requests_on; end
# @return [#to_s] The name of the cassette. Used to determine the cassette's file name.
# @see #file
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#21
def name; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#124
def new_recorded_interactions; end
# @example
# VCR.use_cassette("some cassette") do |cassette|
# Timecop.freeze(cassette.originally_recorded_at || do
# # ...
# end
# end
# @return [Time, nil] The `recorded_at` time of the first HTTP interaction
# or nil if the cassette has no prior HTTP interactions.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#166
def originally_recorded_at; end
# @return [Integer, nil] How frequently (in seconds) the cassette should be re-recorded.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#44
def re_record_interval; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#116
def record_http_interaction(interaction); end
# @return [Symbol] The record mode. Determines whether the cassette records HTTP interactions,
# plays them back, or does both.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#25
def record_mode; end
# @return [Boolean] The cassette's record_on_error mode. When the code that uses the cassette
# raises an error (for example a test failure) and record_on_error is set to false, no
# cassette will be recorded. This is useful when you are TDD'ing an API integration: when
# an error is raised that often means your request is invalid, so you don't want the cassette
# to be recorded.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#32
def record_on_error; end
# @return [Boolean] Whether or not the cassette is recording.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#140
def recording?; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#87
def run_failed!; end
# @private
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#92
def run_failed?; end
# @return [Hash] The hash that will be serialized when the cassette is written to disk.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#149
def serializable_hash; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#97
def should_write_recorded_interactions_to_disk?; end
# @return [Array<Symbol>] If set, {VCR::Configuration#before_record} and
# {VCR::Configuration#before_playback} hooks with a corresponding tag will apply.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#54
def tags; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#177
def assert_valid_options!; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#205
def assign_tags; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#324
def deserialized_hash; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#191
def extract_options; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#300
def interactions_to_record; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#316
def invoke_hook(type, interactions); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#337
def log_prefix; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#278
def merged_interactions; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#213
def previously_recorded_interactions; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#231
def raise_error_unless_valid_record_mode; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#274
def raw_cassette_bytes; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#341
def request_summary(request); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#270
def should_assert_no_unused_interactions?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#237
def should_re_record?(record_mode); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#262
def should_remove_matching_existing_interactions?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#266
def should_remove_unused_interactions?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#258
def should_stub_requests?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#227
def storage_key; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#295
def up_to_date_interactions(interactions); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#308
def write_recorded_interactions_to_disk; end
class << self
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#17
def const_missing(const); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#6
class VCR::Cassette::ERBRenderer
# @return [ERBRenderer] a new instance of ERBRenderer
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#7
def initialize(raw_template, erb, cassette_name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#11
def render; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#52
def binding_for_variables; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#34
def erb_variables; end
# @raise [Errors::MissingERBVariableError]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#21
def handle_name_error(e); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#38
def template; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#30
def use_erb?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/erb_renderer.rb#48
def variables_object; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#49
module VCR::Cassette::EncodingErrorHandling
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#50
def handle_encoding_errors; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#4
class VCR::Cassette::HTTPInteractionList
include ::VCR::Logger::Mixin
# @return [HTTPInteractionList] a new instance of HTTPInteractionList
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#18
def initialize(interactions, request_matchers, allow_playback_repeats = T.unsafe(nil), parent_list = T.unsafe(nil), log_prefix = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Returns the value of attribute allow_playback_repeats.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#16
def allow_playback_repeats; end
# Checks if there are no unused interactions left.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::UnusedHTTPInteractionError] if not all interactions were played back.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#65
def assert_no_unused_interactions!; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#48
def has_interaction_matching?(request); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#54
def has_used_interaction_matching?(request); end
# Returns the value of attribute interactions.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#16
def interactions; end
# Returns the value of attribute parent_list.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#16
def parent_list; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#58
def remaining_unused_interaction_count; end
# Returns the value of attribute request_matchers.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#16
def request_matchers; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#31
def response_for(request); end
# @return [Boolean] Whether or not there are unused interactions left in the list.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#79
def has_unused_interactions?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#96
def interaction_matches_request?(request, interaction); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#107
def log_prefix; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#87
def matching_interaction_index_for(request); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#91
def matching_used_interaction_for(request); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#83
def request_summary(request); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#8
module VCR::Cassette::HTTPInteractionList::NullList
extend ::VCR::Cassette::HTTPInteractionList::NullList
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#11
def has_interaction_matching?(*a); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#12
def has_used_interaction_matching?(*a); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#13
def remaining_unused_interaction_count(*a); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/http_interaction_list.rb#10
def response_for(*a); end
# Keeps track of the cassette persisters in a hash-like object.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters.rb#4
class VCR::Cassette::Persisters
# @private
# @return [Persisters] a new instance of Persisters
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters.rb#8
def initialize; end
# Gets the named persister.
# @param name [Symbol] the name of the persister
# @raise [ArgumentError] if there is not a persister for the given name
# @return the named persister
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters.rb#17
def [](name); end
# Registers a persister.
# @param name [Symbol] the name of the persister
# @param value [#[], #[]=] the persister object. It must implement `[]` and `[]=`.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters.rb#31
def []=(name, value); end
# The only built-in cassette persister. Persists cassettes to the file system.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#7
module VCR::Cassette::Persisters::FileSystem
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Persisters::FileSystem
# Gets the cassette for the given storage key (file name).
# @param file_name [String] the file name
# @return [String] the cassette content
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#23
def [](file_name); end
# Sets the cassette for the given storage key (file name).
# @param file_name [String] the file name
# @param content [String] the content to store
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#33
def []=(file_name, content); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#41
def absolute_path_to_file(file_name); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#11
def storage_location; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#14
def storage_location=(dir); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#47
def absolute_path_for(path); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#63
def downcase_cassette_names?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/persisters/file_system.rb#51
def sanitized_file_name_from(file_name); end
# Keeps track of the cassette serializers in a hash-like object.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#4
class VCR::Cassette::Serializers
# @private
# @return [Serializers] a new instance of Serializers
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#12
def initialize; end
# Gets the named serializer.
# @param name [Symbol] the name of the serializer
# @raise [ArgumentError] if there is not a serializer for the given name
# @return the named serializer
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#21
def [](name); end
# Registers a serializer.
# @param name [Symbol] the name of the serializer
# @param value [#file_extension, #serialize, #deserialize] the serializer object. It must implement
# `file_extension()`, `serialize(Hash)` and `deserialize(String)`.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#39
def []=(name, value); end
# The compressed serializer. This serializer wraps the YAML serializer
# to write compressed cassettes to disk.
# Cassettes containing responses with JSON data often compress at greater
# than 10:1. The tradeoff is that cassettes will not diff nicely or be
# easily inspectable or editable.
# @see YAML
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/compressed.rb#15
module VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Compressed
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Compressed
# Deserializes the given compressed cassette data.
# @param string [String] the compressed YAML cassette data
# @return [Hash] the deserialized object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/compressed.rb#38
def deserialize(string); end
# The file extension to use for this serializer.
# @return [String] "zz"
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/compressed.rb#21
def file_extension; end
# Serializes the given hash using YAML and Zlib.
# @param hash [Hash] the object to serialize
# @return [String] the compressed cassette data
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/compressed.rb#29
def serialize(hash); end
# The JSON serializer.
# @see Psych
# @see Syck
# @see YAML
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#11
module VCR::Cassette::Serializers::JSON
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Serializers::JSON
extend ::VCR::Cassette::EncodingErrorHandling
extend ::VCR::Cassette::SyntaxErrorHandling
# Deserializes the given string using `JSON`.
# @param string [String] the JSON string
# @return [Hash] the deserialized object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#44
def deserialize(string); end
# The file extension to use for this serializer.
# @return [String] "json"
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#26
def file_extension; end
# Serializes the given hash using `JSON`.
# @param hash [Hash] the object to serialize
# @return [String] the JSON string
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#34
def serialize(hash); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#17
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::JSON::ENCODING_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/json.rb#21
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::JSON::SYNTAX_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# The Psych serializer. Psych is the new YAML engine in ruby 1.9.
# @see JSON
# @see Syck
# @see YAML
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#11
module VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Psych
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Psych
extend ::VCR::Cassette::EncodingErrorHandling
extend ::VCR::Cassette::SyntaxErrorHandling
# Deserializes the given string using Psych.
# @param string [String] the YAML string
# @return [Hash] the deserialized object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#45
def deserialize(string); end
# The file extension to use for this serializer.
# @return [String] "yml"
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#25
def file_extension; end
# Serializes the given hash using Psych.
# @param hash [Hash] the object to serialize
# @return [String] the YAML string
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#33
def serialize(hash); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#17
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Psych::ENCODING_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/psych.rb#20
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Psych::SYNTAX_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# The Syck serializer. Syck is the legacy YAML engine in ruby 1.8 and 1.9.
# @see JSON
# @see Psych
# @see YAML
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#11
module VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Syck
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Syck
extend ::VCR::Cassette::EncodingErrorHandling
extend ::VCR::Cassette::SyntaxErrorHandling
# Deserializes the given string using Syck.
# @param string [String] the YAML string
# @return [Hash] the deserialized object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#43
def deserialize(string); end
# The file extension to use for this serializer.
# @return [String] "yml"
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#25
def file_extension; end
# Serializes the given hash using Syck.
# @param hash [Hash] the object to serialize
# @return [String] the YAML string
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#33
def serialize(hash); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#53
def using_syck; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#17
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Syck::ENCODING_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/syck.rb#20
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::Syck::SYNTAX_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# The YAML serializer. This will use either Psych or Syck, which ever your
# ruby interpreter defaults to. You can also force VCR to use Psych or Syck by
# using one of those serializers.
# @see JSON
# @see Psych
# @see Syck
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#13
module VCR::Cassette::Serializers::YAML
extend ::VCR::Cassette::Serializers::YAML
extend ::VCR::Cassette::EncodingErrorHandling
extend ::VCR::Cassette::SyntaxErrorHandling
# Deserializes the given string using YAML.
# @param string [String] the YAML string
# @return [Hash] the deserialized object
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#47
def deserialize(string); end
# The file extension to use for this serializer.
# @return [String] "yml"
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#27
def file_extension; end
# Serializes the given hash using YAML.
# @param hash [Hash] the object to serialize
# @return [String] the YAML string
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#35
def serialize(hash); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#19
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::YAML::ENCODING_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers/yaml.rb#22
VCR::Cassette::Serializers::YAML::SYNTAX_ERRORS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#59
module VCR::Cassette::SyntaxErrorHandling
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette/serializers.rb#60
def handle_syntax_errors; end
# The supported record modes.
# * :all -- Record every HTTP interactions; do not play any back.
# * :none -- Do not record any HTTP interactions; play them back.
# * :new_episodes -- Playback previously recorded HTTP interactions and record new ones.
# * :once -- Record the HTTP interactions if the cassette has not already been recorded;
# otherwise, playback the HTTP interactions.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/cassette.rb#17
VCR::Cassette::VALID_RECORD_MODES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Mutex to synchronize access to cassettes in a threaded environment
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#27
VCR::CassetteMutex = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Thread::Mutex)
# Stores the VCR configuration.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#7
class VCR::Configuration
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
include ::VCR::Hooks
include ::VCR::Configuration::DefinedHooks
include ::VCR::Logger::Mixin
extend ::VCR::Hooks::ClassMethods
# @return [Configuration] a new instance of Configuration
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#490
def initialize; end
# Adds a callback that will be called with each HTTP request after it is complete.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.after_http_request(:ignored?) do |request, response|
# puts "Request: #{request.method} #{request.uri}"
# puts "Response: #{response.status.code}"
# end
# end
# @param filters [optional splat of #to_proc] one or more filters to apply.
# The objects provided will be converted to procs using `#to_proc`. If provided,
# the callback will only be invoked if these procs all return `true`.
# @see #before_http_request
# @see #around_http_request
# @yield the callback
# @yieldparam request [VCR::Request::Typed] the request that is being made
# @yieldparam response [VCR::Response] the response from the request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#366
def after_http_request(*filters); end
# Determines how VCR treats HTTP requests that are made when
# no VCR cassette is in use. When set to `true`, requests made
# when there is no VCR cassette in use will be allowed. When set
# to `false` (the default), an {VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError}
# will be raised for any HTTP request made when there is no
# cassette in use.
# @overload allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette?
# @overload allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#129
def allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette=(_arg0); end
# @private (documented above)
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#131
def allow_http_connections_when_no_cassette?; end
# Adds a callback that will be executed around each HTTP request.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.around_http_request(lambda {|r| r.uri =~ /}) do |request|
# # extract an address like "1700 E Pine St, Seattle, WA"
# # from a query like "address=1700+E+Pine+St%2C+Seattle%2C+WA"
# address = CGI.unescape(URI(request.uri).query.split('=').last)
# VCR.use_cassette("geocoding/#{address}", &request)
# end
# end
# @note This method can only be used on ruby interpreters that support
# fibers (i.e. 1.9+). On 1.8 you can use separate `before_http_request` and
# `after_http_request` hooks.
# @note You _must_ call `request.proceed` or pass the request as a proc on to a
# method that yields to a block (i.e. `some_method(&request)`).
# @param filters [optional splat of #to_proc] one or more filters to apply.
# The objects provided will be converted to procs using `#to_proc`. If provided,
# the callback will only be invoked if these procs all return `true`.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::NotSupportedError] if the fiber library cannot be loaded.
# @see #before_http_request
# @see #after_http_request
# @yield the callback
# @yieldparam request [VCR::Request::FiberAware] the request that is being made
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#395
def around_http_request(*filters, &block); end
# Adds a callback that will be called before a previously recorded
# HTTP interaction is loaded for playback.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# # Don't playback transient 5xx errors
# c.before_playback do |interaction|
# interaction.ignore! if interaction.response.status.code >= 500
# end
# # Change a response header for playback
# c.before_playback(:twilio) do |interaction|
# interaction.response.headers['X-Foo-Bar'] = 'Bazz'
# end
# end
# @param tag [(optional) Symbol] Used to apply this hook to only cassettes that match
# the given tag.
# @see #before_record
# @yield the callback
# @yieldparam interaction [VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware] The interaction that is being
# loaded.
# @yieldparam cassette [(optional) VCR::Cassette] The current cassette.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#325
def before_playback(tag = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Adds a callback that will be called before the recorded HTTP interactions
# are serialized and written to disk.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# # Don't record transient 5xx errors
# c.before_record do |interaction|
# interaction.ignore! if interaction.response.status.code >= 500
# end
# # Modify the response body for cassettes tagged with :twilio
# c.before_record(:twilio) do |interaction|
# interaction.response.body.downcase!
# end
# end
# @param tag [(optional) Symbol] Used to apply this hook to only cassettes that match
# the given tag.
# @see #before_playback
# @yield the callback
# @yieldparam interaction [VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware] The interaction that will be
# serialized and written to disk.
# @yieldparam cassette [(optional) VCR::Cassette] The current cassette.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#297
def before_record(tag = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Gets the directory to read cassettes from and write cassettes to.
# @return [String] the directory to read cassettes from and write cassettes to
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#15
def cassette_library_dir; end
# Sets the directory to read cassettes from and writes cassettes to.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/cassettes'
# end
# @note This is only necessary if you use the `:file_system`
# cassette persister (the default).
# @param dir [String] the directory to read cassettes from and write cassettes to
# @return [void]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#30
def cassette_library_dir=(dir); end
# Gets the registry of cassette persisters. Use it to register a custom persister.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.cassette_persisters[:my_custom_persister] = my_custom_persister
# end
# @note Custom persisters must implement the following interface:
# * `persister[storage_key]` # returns previously persisted content
# * `persister[storage_key] = content` # persists given content
# @return [VCR::Cassette::Persisters] the cassette persister registry object.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#269
def cassette_persisters; end
# Gets the registry of cassette serializers. Use it to register a custom serializer.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.cassette_serializers[:my_custom_serializer] = my_custom_serializer
# end
# @note Custom serializers must implement the following interface:
# * `file_extension # => String`
# * `serialize(Hash) # => String`
# * `deserialize(String) # => Hash`
# @return [VCR::Cassette::Serializers] the cassette serializer registry object.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#253
def cassette_serializers; end
# Configures RSpec to use a VCR cassette for any example
# tagged with `:vcr`.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#418
def configure_rspec_metadata!; end
# An object to log debug output to.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.debug_logger = $stderr
# end
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.debug_logger ='vcr.log', 'w')
# end
# @overload debug_logger
# @overload debug_logger=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#440
def debug_logger; end
# @private (documented above)
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#442
def debug_logger=(value); end
# Default options to apply to every cassette.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.default_cassette_options = { :record => :new_episodes }
# end
# @note {VCR#insert_cassette} for the list of valid options.
# @overload default_cassette_options
# @overload default_cassette_options=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#46
def default_cassette_options; end
# Sets the default options that apply to every cassette.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#49
def default_cassette_options=(overrides); end
# Sets up a {#before_record} and a {#before_playback} hook that will
# insert a placeholder string in the cassette in place of another string.
# You can use this as a generic way to interpolate a variable into the
# cassette for a unique string. It's particularly useful for unique
# sensitive strings like API keys and passwords.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# # Put "<GITHUB_API_KEY>" in place of the actual API key in
# # our cassettes so we don't have to commit to source control.
# c.filter_sensitive_data('<GITHUB_API_KEY>') { GithubClient.api_key }
# # Put a "<USER_ID>" placeholder variable in our cassettes tagged with
# # :user_cassette since it can be different for different test runs.
# c.define_cassette_placeholder('<USER_ID>', :user_cassette) { }
# end
# @param placeholder [String] The placeholder string.
# @param tag [Symbol] Set this to apply this only to cassettes
# with a matching tag; otherwise it will apply to every cassette.
# @yield block that determines what string to replace
# @yieldparam interaction [(optional) VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware] the HTTP interaction
# @yieldreturn the string to replace
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#225
def define_cassette_placeholder(placeholder, tag = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Sets up a {#before_record} and a {#before_playback} hook that will
# insert a placeholder string in the cassette in place of another string.
# You can use this as a generic way to interpolate a variable into the
# cassette for a unique string. It's particularly useful for unique
# sensitive strings like API keys and passwords.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# # Put "<GITHUB_API_KEY>" in place of the actual API key in
# # our cassettes so we don't have to commit to source control.
# c.filter_sensitive_data('<GITHUB_API_KEY>') { GithubClient.api_key }
# # Put a "<USER_ID>" placeholder variable in our cassettes tagged with
# # :user_cassette since it can be different for different test runs.
# c.define_cassette_placeholder('<USER_ID>', :user_cassette) { }
# end
# @param placeholder [String] The placeholder string.
# @param tag [Symbol] Set this to apply this only to cassettes
# with a matching tag; otherwise it will apply to every cassette.
# @yield block that determines what string to replace
# @yieldparam interaction [(optional) VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware] the HTTP interaction
# @yieldreturn the string to replace
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#225
def filter_sensitive_data(placeholder, tag = T.unsafe(nil), &block); end
# Configures which libraries VCR will hook into to intercept HTTP requests.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.hook_into :webmock, :typhoeus
# end
# @param hooks [Array<Symbol>] List of libraries. Valid values are
# `:webmock`, `:typhoeus`, `:excon` and `:faraday`.
# @raise [ArgumentError] when given an unsupported library name.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::LibraryVersionTooLowError] when the version
# of a library you are using is too low for VCR to support.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#65
def hook_into(*hooks); end
# Specifies host(s) that VCR should ignore.
# @param hosts [Array<String>] List of hosts to ignore
# @see #ignore_localhost=
# @see #ignore_request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#75
def ignore_host(*hosts); end
# Specifies host(s) that VCR should ignore.
# @param hosts [Array<String>] List of hosts to ignore
# @see #ignore_localhost=
# @see #ignore_request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#75
def ignore_hosts(*hosts); end
# Sets whether or not VCR should ignore localhost requests.
# @param value [Boolean] the value to set
# @see #ignore_hosts
# @see #ignore_request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#94
def ignore_localhost=(value); end
# Defines what requests to ignore using a block.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.ignore_request do |request|
# uri = URI(request.uri)
# # ignore only localhost requests to port 7500
# == 'localhost' && uri.port == 7500
# end
# end
# @yield the callback
# @yieldparam request [VCR::Request] the HTTP request
# @yieldreturn [Boolean] whether or not to ignore the request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#112
def ignore_request(&block); end
# Logger object that provides logging APIs and helper methods.
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#454
def logger; end
# @param http_message [#body, #headers] the `VCR::Request` or `VCR::Response` object being serialized
# @return [Boolean] whether or not the body of the given HTTP message should
# be base64 encoded during serialization in order to preserve the bytes exactly.
# @see #preserve_exact_body_bytes
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#484
def preserve_exact_body_bytes_for?(http_message); end
# Sets a parser for VCR to use when parsing query strings for request
# comparisons. The new parser must implement a method `call` that returns
# an object which is both equalivant and consistent when given an HTTP
# query string of possibly differing value ordering.
# * `#== # => Boolean`
# The `#==` method must return true if both objects represent the
# same query string.
# This defaults to `CGI.parse` from the ruby standard library.
# @overload query_parser
# @overload query_parser=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#151
def query_parser; end
# Sets a parser for VCR to use when parsing query strings for request
# comparisons. The new parser must implement a method `call` that returns
# an object which is both equalivant and consistent when given an HTTP
# query string of possibly differing value ordering.
# * `#== # => Boolean`
# The `#==` method must return true if both objects represent the
# same query string.
# This defaults to `CGI.parse` from the ruby standard library.
# @overload query_parser
# @overload query_parser=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#151
def query_parser=(_arg0); end
# Registers a request matcher for later use.
# @example
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.register_request_matcher :port do |request_1, request_2|
# URI(request_1.uri).port == URI(request_2.uri).port
# end
# end
# VCR.use_cassette("my_cassette", :match_requests_on => [:method, :host, :port]) do
# # ...
# end
# @param name [Symbol] the name of the request matcher
# @yield the request matcher
# @yieldparam request_1 [VCR::Request] One request
# @yieldparam request_2 [VCR::Request] The other request
# @yieldreturn [Boolean] whether or not these two requests should be considered
# equivalent
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#198
def register_request_matcher(name, &block); end
# @deprecated Use #hook_into instead.
# @see #hook_into
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#26
def stub_with(*adapters); end
# Specifies host(s) that VCR should stop ignoring.
# @param hosts [Array<String>] List of hosts to unignore
# @see #ignore_hosts
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#84
def unignore_host(*hosts); end
# Specifies host(s) that VCR should stop ignoring.
# @param hosts [Array<String>] List of hosts to unignore
# @see #ignore_hosts
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#84
def unignore_hosts(*hosts); end
# Sets a parser for VCR to use when parsing URIs. The new parser
# must implement a method `parse` that returns an instance of the
# URI object. This URI object must implement the following
# interface:
# * `scheme # => String`
# * `host # => String`
# * `port # => Fixnum`
# * `path # => String`
# * `query # => String`
# * `#port=`
# * `#query=`
# * `#to_s # => String`
# * `#== # => Boolean`
# The `#==` method must return true if both URI objects represent the
# same URI.
# This defaults to `URI` from the ruby standard library.
# @overload uri_parser
# @overload uri_parser=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#177
def uri_parser; end
# Sets a parser for VCR to use when parsing URIs. The new parser
# must implement a method `parse` that returns an instance of the
# URI object. This URI object must implement the following
# interface:
# * `scheme # => String`
# * `host # => String`
# * `port # => Fixnum`
# * `path # => String`
# * `query # => String`
# * `#port=`
# * `#query=`
# * `#to_s # => String`
# * `#== # => Boolean`
# The `#==` method must return true if both URI objects represent the
# same URI.
# This defaults to `URI` from the ruby standard library.
# @overload uri_parser
# @overload uri_parser=
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#177
def uri_parser=(_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#529
def create_fiber_for(fiber_errors, hook_declaration, proc); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#511
def load_library_hook(hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#582
def log_prefix; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#564
def register_built_in_hooks; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#559
def request_filter_from(object); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#519
def resume_fiber(fiber, fiber_errors, response, hook_declaration); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#548
def start_new_fiber_for(request, fibers, fiber_errors, hook_declaration, proc); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#554
def tag_filter_from(tag); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/configuration.rb#0
module VCR::Configuration::DefinedHooks
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def after_http_request(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def after_library_hooks_loaded(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def before_http_request(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def before_playback(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def before_record(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def preserve_exact_body_bytes(*filters, &hook); end
# Provides integration with Cucumber using tags.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#3
class VCR::CucumberTags
# @private
# @return [CucumberTags] a new instance of CucumberTags
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#19
def initialize(main_object); end
# Adds `Before` and `After` cucumber hooks for the named tags that
# will cause a VCR cassette to be used for scenarios with matching tags.
# @param tag_names [Array<String,Hash>] the cucumber scenario tags. If
# the last argument is a hash it is treated as cassette options.
# - `:use_scenario_name => true` to automatically name the
# cassette according to the scenario name.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#30
def tag(*tag_names); end
# Adds `Before` and `After` cucumber hooks for the named tags that
# will cause a VCR cassette to be used for scenarios with matching tags.
# @param tag_names [Array<String,Hash>] the cucumber scenario tags. If
# the last argument is a hash it is treated as cassette options.
# - `:use_scenario_name => true` to automatically name the
# cassette according to the scenario name.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#30
def tags(*tag_names); end
class << self
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#11
def add_tag(tag); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#6
def tags; end
# Constructs a cassette name from a Cucumber 2 scenario outline
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#84
class VCR::CucumberTags::ScenarioNameBuilder
# @return [ScenarioNameBuilder] a new instance of ScenarioNameBuilder
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#85
def initialize(test_case); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#90
def cassette_name; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#100
def examples_table(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#103
def examples_table_row(row); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#94
def feature(feature); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#100
def scenario(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/cucumber.rb#94
def scenario_outline(feature); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#33
module VCR::Deprecations; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#34
module VCR::Deprecations::Middleware; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#36
module VCR::Deprecations::Middleware::Faraday
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/deprecations.rb#37
def initialize(*args); end
# Namespace for VCR errors.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#3
module VCR::Errors; end
# Error raised when an `around_http_request` hook is used improperly.
# @see VCR::Configuration#around_http_request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#36
class VCR::Errors::AroundHTTPRequestHookError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when VCR is turned off while a cassette is in use.
# @see VCR#turn_off!
# @see VCR#turned_off
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#10
class VCR::Errors::CassetteInUseError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when you attempt to eject a cassette inserted by another
# thread.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#56
class VCR::Errors::EjectLinkedCassetteError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Base class for all VCR errors.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#5
class VCR::Errors::Error < ::StandardError; end
# Error raised when a VCR 1.x cassette is used with VCR 2.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#32
class VCR::Errors::InvalidCassetteFormatError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when the version of one of the libraries that VCR hooks into
# is too low for VCR to support.
# @see VCR::Configuration#hook_into
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#26
class VCR::Errors::LibraryVersionTooLowError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when an cassette ERB template is rendered and a
# variable is missing.
# @see VCR#insert_cassette
# @see VCR#use_cassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#21
class VCR::Errors::MissingERBVariableError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when you attempt to use a VCR feature that is not
# supported on your ruby interpreter.
# @see VCR::Configuration#around_http_request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#41
class VCR::Errors::NotSupportedError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when a VCR cassette is inserted while VCR is turned off.
# @see VCR#insert_cassette
# @see VCR#use_cassette
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#15
class VCR::Errors::TurnedOffError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when an HTTP request is made that VCR is unable to handle.
# @note VCR will raise this to force you to do something about the
# HTTP request. The idea is that you want to handle _every_ HTTP
# request in your test suite. The error message will give you
# suggestions for how to deal with the request.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#63
class VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError < ::VCR::Errors::Error
# Constructs the error.
# @param request [VCR::Request] the unhandled request.
# @return [UnhandledHTTPRequestError] a new instance of UnhandledHTTPRequestError
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#70
def initialize(request); end
# The HTTP request.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#65
def request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#136
def cassettes_description; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#148
def cassettes_list; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#81
def construct_message; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#90
def current_cassettes; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#118
def current_matchers; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#77
def documentation_version_slug; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#183
def format_bullet_point(lines, index); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#189
def format_foot_note(url, index); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#128
def formatted_headers; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#168
def formatted_suggestions; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#311
def has_used_interaction_matching?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#114
def match_request_on_body?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#110
def match_request_on_headers?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#315
def match_requests_on_suggestion; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#285
def no_cassette_suggestions; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#303
def none_suggestion; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#291
def record_mode_suggestion; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#94
def request_description; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#267
def suggestion_for(key); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#274
def suggestions; end
# List of suggestions for how to configure VCR to handle the request.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#194
VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError::ALL_SUGGESTIONS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# Error raised when you ask VCR to decode a compressed response
# body but the content encoding isn't one of the known ones.
# @see VCR::Response#decompress
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#46
class VCR::Errors::UnknownContentEncodingError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when a request matcher is requested that is not registered.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#29
class VCR::Errors::UnregisteredMatcherError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Error raised when you eject a cassette before all previously
# recorded HTTP interactions are played back.
# @note Only applicable when :allow_episode_skipping is false.
# @see VCR::HTTPInteractionList#assert_no_unused_interactions!
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/errors.rb#52
class VCR::Errors::UnusedHTTPInteractionError < ::VCR::Errors::Error; end
# Represents a single interaction over HTTP, containing a request and a response.
# @attr request [Request] the request
# @attr response [Response] the response
# @attr recorded_at [Time] when this HTTP interaction was recorded
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#504
class VCR::HTTPInteraction < ::Struct
# @return [HTTPInteraction] a new instance of HTTPInteraction
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#505
def initialize(*args); end
# @return [HookAware] an instance with additional capabilities
# suitable for use in `before_record` and `before_playback` hooks.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#535
def hook_aware; end
# Builds a serializable hash from the HTTP interaction data.
# @return [Hash] hash that represents this HTTP interaction
# and can be easily serialized.
# @see HTTPInteraction.from_hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#515
def to_hash; end
class << self
# Constructs a new instance from a hash.
# @param hash [Hash] the hash to use to construct the instance.
# @return [HTTPInteraction] the HTTP interaction
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#527
def from_hash(hash); end
# Decorates an {HTTPInteraction} with additional methods useful
# for a `before_record` or `before_playback` hook.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#541
class VCR::HTTPInteraction::HookAware
# @return [HookAware] a new instance of HookAware
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#542
def initialize(http_interaction); end
# Replaces a string in any part of the HTTP interaction (headers, request body,
# response body, etc) with the given replacement text.
# @param text [#to_s] the text to replace
# @param replacement_text [#to_s] the text to put in its place
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#566
def filter!(text, replacement_text); end
# Flags the HTTP interaction so that VCR ignores it. This is useful in
# a {VCR::Configuration#before_record} or {VCR::Configuration#before_playback}
# hook so that VCR does not record or play it back.
# @see #ignored?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#551
def ignore!; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this HTTP interaction should be ignored.
# @see #ignore!
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#557
def ignored?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#587
def filter_hash!(hash, text, replacement_text); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#574
def filter_object!(object, text, replacement_text); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#5
module VCR::Hooks
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
mixes_in_class_methods ::VCR::Hooks::ClassMethods
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#34
def clear_hooks; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#44
def has_hooks_for?(hook_type); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#38
def hooks; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#28
def invoke_hook(hook_type, *args); end
class << self
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#19
def included(klass); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#49
module VCR::Hooks::ClassMethods
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#50
def define_hook(hook_type, prepend = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#9
class VCR::Hooks::FilteredHook < ::Struct
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#12
def conditionally_invoke(*args); end
# Returns the value of attribute filters
# @return [Object] the current value of filters
def filters; end
# Sets the attribute filters
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute filters to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def filters=(_); end
# Returns the value of attribute hook
# @return [Object] the current value of hook
def hook; end
# Sets the attribute hook
# @param value [Object] the value to set the attribute hook to.
# @return [Object] the newly set value
def hook=(_); end
class << self
def [](*_arg0); end
def inspect; end
def keyword_init?; end
def members; end
def new(*_arg0); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#26
module VCR::InternetConnection
extend ::VCR::InternetConnection
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#31
def available?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#29
VCR::InternetConnection::EXAMPLE_HOST = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/library_hooks.rb#3
class VCR::LibraryHooks
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/library_hooks.rb#6
def disabled?(hook); end
# Returns the value of attribute exclusive_hook.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/library_hooks.rb#4
def exclusive_hook; end
# Sets the attribute exclusive_hook
# @param value the value to set the attribute exclusive_hook to.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/library_hooks.rb#4
def exclusive_hook=(_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/library_hooks.rb#10
def exclusively_enabled(hook); end
# A Cassette wrapper for linking cassettes from another thread
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#6
class VCR::LinkedCassette < ::SimpleDelegator
# Prevents cassette ejection by raising EjectLinkedCassetteError
# @raise [Errors::EjectLinkedCassetteError]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#62
def eject(*args); end
# @return [Boolean] true
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#68
def linked?; end
class << self
# Create a new CassetteList
# @param cassettes [Array] context-owned cassettes
# @param linked_cassettes [Array] context-unowned (linked) cassettes
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#57
def list(cassettes, linked_cassettes); end
# An enumerable lazily wrapping a list of cassettes that a context is using
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#8
class VCR::LinkedCassette::CassetteList
include ::Enumerable
# Creates a new list of context-owned cassettes and linked cassettes
# @param cassettes [Array] context-owned cassettes
# @param linked_cassettes [Array] context-unowned (linked) cassettes
# @return [CassetteList] a new instance of CassetteList
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#14
def initialize(cassettes, linked_cassettes); end
# Yields linked cassettes first, and then context-owned cassettes
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#20
def each; end
# Provide last implementation, which is not provided by Enumerable
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#31
def last; end
# Provide size implementation, which is not provided by Enumerable
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#40
def size; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/linked_cassette.rb#45
def wrap(cassette); end
# Provides log message formatting helper methods.
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#4
class VCR::Logger
# @return [Logger] a new instance of Logger
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#5
def initialize(stream); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#9
def log(message, log_prefix, indentation_level = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#15
def request_summary(request, request_matchers); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#22
def response_summary(response); end
# Provides common logger helper methods that simply delegate to
# the underlying logger object.
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#45
module VCR::Logger::Mixin
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#46
def log(message, indentation_level = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#50
def request_summary(*args); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#54
def response_summary(*args); end
# A null-object version of the Logger. Used when
# a `debug_logger` has not been set.
# @note We used to use a null object for the `debug_logger` itself,
# but some users noticed a negative perf impact from having the
# logger formatting logic still executing in that case, so we
# moved the null object interface up a layer to here.
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#34
module VCR::Logger::Null
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#37
def log(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#38
def request_summary(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#39
def response_summary(*_arg0); end
class << self
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#37
def log(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#38
def request_summary(*_arg0); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/logger.rb#39
def response_summary(*_arg0); end
# The main thread in which VCR was loaded
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#30
VCR::MainThread = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Thread)
# Contains middlewares for use with different libraries.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#39
module VCR::Middleware; end
# Object yielded by VCR's {Rack} middleware that allows you to configure
# the cassette dynamically based on the rack env.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#5
class VCR::Middleware::CassetteArguments
# @private
# @return [CassetteArguments] a new instance of CassetteArguments
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#7
def initialize; end
# Sets (and gets) the cassette name.
# @param name [#to_s] the cassette name
# @return [#to_s] the cassette name
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#16
def name(name = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Sets (and gets) the cassette options.
# @param options [Hash] the cassette options
# @return [Hash] the cassette options
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#25
def options(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Faraday middleware that VCR uses to record and replay HTTP requests made through
# Faraday.
# @note You can either insert this middleware into the Faraday middleware stack
# yourself or configure {VCR::Configuration#hook_into} to hook into `:faraday`.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#15
class VCR::Middleware::Faraday
include ::VCR::Deprecations::Middleware::Faraday
# Constructs a new instance of the Faraday middleware.
# @param app [#call] the faraday app
# @return [Faraday] a new instance of Faraday
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#21
def initialize(app); end
# Handles the HTTP request being made through Faraday
# @param env [Hash] the Faraday request env hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#29
def call(env); end
# Close any persistent connections.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#35
def close; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#40
class VCR::Middleware::Faraday::RequestHandler < ::VCR::RequestHandler
# @return [RequestHandler] a new instance of RequestHandler
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#42
def initialize(app, env); end
# Returns the value of attribute app.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#41
def app; end
# Returns the value of attribute env.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#41
def env; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#47
def handle; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#129
def collect_chunks; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#61
def delay_finishing?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#124
def invoke_after_request_hook(response); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#94
def on_ignored_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#113
def on_recordable_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#100
def on_stubbed_by_vcr_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#73
def raw_body_from(body); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#81
def response_for(response); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#139
def restore_body_from_chunks(request); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/faraday.rb#65
def vcr_request; end
# Rack middleware that uses a VCR cassette for each incoming HTTP request.
# @example
# app = do
# use VCR::Middleware::Rack do |cassette, env|
# "rack/#{env['SERVER_NAME']}"
# cassette.options :record => :new_episodes
# end
# run MyRackApp
# end
# @note This will record/replay _outbound_ HTTP requests made by your rack app.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#43
class VCR::Middleware::Rack
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
# Constructs a new instance of VCR's rack middleware.
# @param app [#call] the rack app
# @raise [ArgumentError] if no configuration block is provided
# @return [Rack] a new instance of Rack
# @yield the cassette configuration block
# @yieldparam cassette [CassetteArguments] the cassette configuration object
# @yieldparam env [(optional) Hash] the rack env hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#53
def initialize(app, &block); end
# Implements the rack middleware interface.
# @param env [Hash] the rack env hash
# @return [Array(Integer, Hash, #each)] the rack response
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#62
def call(env); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/middleware/rack.rb#72
def cassette_arguments(env); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#7
module VCR::Normalizers; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#9
module VCR::Normalizers::Body
mixes_in_class_methods ::VCR::Normalizers::Body::ClassMethods
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#64
def initialize(*args); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#95
def base_body_hash(body); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#81
def serializable_body; end
class << self
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#10
def included(klass); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#15
module VCR::Normalizers::Body::ClassMethods
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#16
def body_from(hash_or_string); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#29
def force_encode_string(string, encoding); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#34
def try_encode_string(string, encoding_name); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#106
module VCR::Normalizers::Header
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#107
def initialize(*args); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#156
def convert_to_raw_strings(array); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#149
def delete_header(key); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#142
def edit_header(key, value = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#137
def get_header(key); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#132
def header_key(key); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#114
def normalize_headers; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#8
module VCR::Ping
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#9
def pingecho(host, timeout = T.unsafe(nil), service = T.unsafe(nil)); end
class << self
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/internet_connection.rb#9
def pingecho(host, timeout = T.unsafe(nil), service = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Integrates VCR with RSpec.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr.rb#35
module VCR::RSpec; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/rspec.rb#5
module VCR::RSpec::Metadata
extend ::VCR::RSpec::Metadata
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/rspec.rb#30
def configure!; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/test_frameworks/rspec.rb#8
def vcr_cassette_name_for(metadata); end
# The request of an {HTTPInteraction}.
# @attr method [Symbol] the HTTP method (i.e. :head, :options, :get, :post, :put, :patch or :delete)
# @attr uri [String] the request URI
# @attr body [String, nil] the request body
# @attr headers [Hash{String => Array<String>}] the request headers
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#179
class VCR::Request < ::Struct
include ::VCR::Normalizers::Header
include ::VCR::Normalizers::Body
extend ::VCR::Normalizers::Body::ClassMethods
# @return [Request] a new instance of Request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#183
def initialize(*args); end
# the HTTP method (i.e. :head, :options, :get, :post, :put, :patch or :delete)
# @return [Symbol] the current value of method
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#231
def method(*args); end
# Parses the URI using the configured `uri_parser`.
# @return [#schema, #host, #port, #path, #query] A parsed URI object.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#226
def parsed_uri; end
# Builds a serializable hash from the request data.
# @return [Hash] hash that represents this request and can be easily
# serialized.
# @see Request.from_hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#200
def to_hash; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#318
def without_standard_port(uri); end
class << self
# Constructs a new instance from a hash.
# @param hash [Hash] the hash to use to construct the instance.
# @return [Request] the request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#213
def from_hash(hash); end
# Provides fiber-awareness for the {VCR::Configuration#around_http_request} hook.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#296
class VCR::Request::FiberAware
# Yields the fiber so the request can proceed.
# @return [VCR::Response] the response from the request
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#300
def proceed; end
# Builds a proc that allows the request to proceed when called.
# This allows you to treat the request as a proc and pass it on
# to a method that yields (at which point the request will proceed).
# @return [Proc] the proc
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#309
def to_proc; end
# Decorates a {Request} with its current type.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#237
class VCR::Request::Typed
# @param request [Request] the request
# @param type [Symbol] the type. Should be one of `:ignored`, `:stubbed`, `:recordable` or `:unhandled`.
# @return [Typed] a new instance of Typed
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#243
def initialize(request, type); end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request is being stubbed by an
# external library (such as WebMock).
# @see #stubbed_by_vcr?
# @see #stubbed?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#264
def externally_stubbed?; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request is being ignored
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#249
def ignored?; end
# @note VCR allows `:ignored` and `:recordable` requests to be made for real.
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request will be made for real.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#280
def real?; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request will be recorded.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#269
def recordable?; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request will be stubbed.
# It may be stubbed by an external library or by VCR.
# @see #stubbed_by_vcr?
# @see #externally_stubbed?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#288
def stubbed?; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not this request is being stubbed by VCR
# @see #externally_stubbed?
# @see #stubbed?
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#256
def stubbed_by_vcr?; end
# @return [Symbol] One of `:ignored`, `:stubbed`, `:recordable` or `:unhandled`.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#239
def type; end
# @return [Boolean] whether or not VCR knows how to handle this request.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#274
def unhandled?; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#3
class VCR::RequestHandler
include ::VCR::Logger::Mixin
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#6
def handle; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#62
def disabled?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#54
def externally_stubbed?; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#66
def has_response_stub?(consume_stub); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#49
def invoke_after_request_hook(vcr_response); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#43
def invoke_before_request_hook; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#78
def library_name; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#110
def log_prefix; end
# Subclasses can implement these
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#84
def on_externally_stubbed_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#87
def on_ignored_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#93
def on_recordable_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#90
def on_stubbed_by_vcr_request; end
# @raise [VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#96
def on_unhandled_request; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#100
def request_summary; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#33
def request_type(consume_stub = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#29
def set_typed_request_for_after_hook(request_type); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#58
def should_ignore?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_handler.rb#74
def stubbed_response; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#6
class VCR::RequestIgnorer
include ::VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
include ::VCR::Hooks
include ::VCR::RequestIgnorer::DefinedHooks
extend ::VCR::Hooks::ClassMethods
# @return [RequestIgnorer] a new instance of RequestIgnorer
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#13
def initialize; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#40
def ignore?(request); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#32
def ignore_hosts(*hosts); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#20
def ignore_localhost=(value); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#28
def localhost_ignored?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#36
def unignore_hosts(*hosts); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#46
def ignored_hosts; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#0
module VCR::RequestIgnorer::DefinedHooks
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/hooks.rb#55
def ignore_request(*filters, &hook); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_ignorer.rb#11
VCR::RequestIgnorer::LOCALHOST_ALIASES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# Keeps track of the different request matchers.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#5
class VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry
# @private
# @return [RequestMatcherRegistry] a new instance of RequestMatcherRegistry
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#49
def initialize; end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#64
def [](matcher); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#55
def register(name, &block); end
# Builds a dynamic request matcher that matches on a URI while ignoring the
# named query parameters. This is useful for dealing with non-deterministic
# URIs (i.e. that have a timestamp or request signature parameter).
# @example
# without_timestamp = VCR.request_matchers.uri_without_param(:timestamp)
# # use it directly...
# VCR.use_cassette('example', :match_requests_on => [:method, without_timestamp]) { }
# # ...or register it as a named matcher
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.register_request_matcher(:uri_without_timestamp, &without_timestamp)
# end
# VCR.use_cassette('example', :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri_without_timestamp]) { }
# @param ignores [Array<#to_s>] The names of the query parameters to ignore
# @return [#call] the request matcher
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#91
def uri_without_param(*ignores); end
# Builds a dynamic request matcher that matches on a URI while ignoring the
# named query parameters. This is useful for dealing with non-deterministic
# URIs (i.e. that have a timestamp or request signature parameter).
# @example
# without_timestamp = VCR.request_matchers.uri_without_param(:timestamp)
# # use it directly...
# VCR.use_cassette('example', :match_requests_on => [:method, without_timestamp]) { }
# # ...or register it as a named matcher
# VCR.configure do |c|
# c.register_request_matcher(:uri_without_timestamp, &without_timestamp)
# end
# VCR.use_cassette('example', :match_requests_on => [:method, :uri_without_timestamp]) { }
# @param ignores [Array<#to_s>] The names of the query parameters to ignore
# @return [#call] the request matcher
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#91
def uri_without_params(*ignores); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#105
def raise_unregistered_matcher_error(name); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#111
def register_built_ins; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#132
def try_to_register_body_as_json; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#98
def uri_without_param_matchers; end
# The default request matchers used for any cassette that does not
# specify request matchers.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#9
VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::DEFAULT_MATCHERS = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#12
class VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::Matcher < ::Struct
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#13
def matches?(request_1, request_2); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#19
class VCR::RequestMatcherRegistry::URIWithoutParamsMatcher < ::Struct
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#39
def call(request_1, request_2); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#20
def partial_uri_from(request); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/request_matcher_registry.rb#43
def to_proc; end
# The response of an {HTTPInteraction}.
# @attr status [ResponseStatus] the status of the response
# @attr headers [Hash{String => Array<String>}] the response headers
# @attr body [String] the response body
# @attr http_version [nil, String] the HTTP version
# @attr adapter_metadata [Hash] Additional metadata used by a specific VCR adapter.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#334
class VCR::Response < ::Struct
include ::VCR::Normalizers::Header
include ::VCR::Normalizers::Body
extend ::VCR::Normalizers::Body::ClassMethods
# @return [Response] a new instance of Response
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#338
def initialize(*args); end
# Checks if the type of encoding is one of "gzip" or "deflate".
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#385
def compressed?; end
# The type of encoding.
# @return [String] encoding type
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#380
def content_encoding; end
# Decodes the compressed body and deletes evidence that it was ever compressed.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::UnknownContentEncodingError] if the content encoding
# is not a known encoding.
# @return self
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#399
def decompress; end
# Recompresses the decompressed body according to adapter metadata.
# @raise [VCR::Errors::UnknownContentEncodingError] if the content encoding
# stored in the adapter metadata is unknown
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#413
def recompress; end
# Builds a serializable hash from the response data.
# @return [Hash] hash that represents this response
# and can be easily serialized.
# @see Response.from_hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#348
def to_hash; end
# Updates the Content-Length response header so that it is
# accurate for the response body.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#373
def update_content_length_header; end
# Checks if VCR decompressed the response body
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#390
def vcr_decompressed?; end
class << self
# Decode string compressed with gzip or deflate
# @raise [VCR::Errors::UnknownContentEncodingError] if the content encoding
# is not a known encoding.
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#452
def decompress(body, type); end
# Constructs a new instance from a hash.
# @param hash [Hash] the hash to use to construct the instance.
# @return [Response] the response
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#363
def from_hash(hash); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#443
VCR::Response::HAVE_ZLIB = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), TrueClass)
# The response status of an {HTTPInteraction}.
# @attr code [Integer] the HTTP status code
# @attr message [String] the HTTP status message (e.g. "OK" for a status of 200)
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#478
class VCR::ResponseStatus < ::Struct
# Builds a serializable hash from the response status data.
# @return [Hash] hash that represents this response status
# and can be easily serialized.
# @see ResponseStatus.from_hash
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#484
def to_hash; end
class << self
# Constructs a new instance from a hash.
# @param hash [Hash] the hash to use to construct the instance.
# @return [ResponseStatus] the response status
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/structs.rb#494
def from_hash(hash); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/variable_args_block_caller.rb#3
module VCR::VariableArgsBlockCaller
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/variable_args_block_caller.rb#4
def call_block(block, *args); end
# @private
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#3
class VCR::VersionChecker
# @return [VersionChecker] a new instance of VersionChecker
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#4
def initialize(library_name, library_version, min_version); end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#13
def check_version!; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#29
def compare_version; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#43
def parse_version(version); end
# @raise [Errors::LibraryVersionTooLowError]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#23
def raise_too_low_error; end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#19
def too_low?; end
# source://vcr//lib/vcr/util/version_checker.rb#39
def version_requirement; end