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# Diane
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### A Ruby CL documentation utility for recording and playing back your thoughts/intel/motivations, without bloating the Git logs. ☕️


> *I have been assigned a secretary. Her name is Diane.*<br>
> *She seems an interesting cross between a saint and a cabaret singer.*


<img src="" width="400"/>


## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'diane'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install diane


## Usage

![diane screen gif](./diane.gif)


Diane has two subcommands: [`record`](#record) and [`playback`](#playback):

### Record

#### Usage:
diane record MESSAGE

#### Example:
diane record "I'm in the middle of adding git-lfs. Remind me to return + test."

#### Options:

- `--user USER` : By default, Diane records the message and attributes it to the git user currently logged in. To override this, use the `--user` option:

    diane record "the owls are not what they seem" --user "the_giant"

### Playback

#### Usage:
diane playback NUMBER

#### Example:
diane playback 3

#### Options:

- `--all` : By default, Diane plays back 1 recording or the `NUMBER` specified. To override this, use the `--all` option to return every recording that matches the query.

    diane playback --all

- `--user USER` : By default, Diane plays back the recording(s) attributed to the git user currently logged in. To override this, use the `--user` option:

    diane playback 3 --user "bob"
- `--everyone` : If you want to return a `NUMBER` of recordings irrespective of user, use the `--everyone` option.

    diane playback --all --everyone
- `--inorder` : By default, diane plays back the most recent recordings first. You can override this and reverse them with the option `--inorder`.

    diane playback 5 --inorder

> __Note:__ By default, `diane playback` with no number or options returns the single most recent result by the logged in user.


For more, see Diane's [Yardoc](


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](