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 * Snippet English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['snippet'] = 'Снипет';
$_lang['snippets_available'] = 'Snippets available for you to include in your page';
$_lang['snippet_code'] = 'Snippet code (php)';
$_lang['snippet_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this snippet?';
$_lang['snippet_desc'] = 'Описание';
$_lang['snippet_desc_category'] = 'The Category this Snippet belongs in.';
$_lang['snippet_desc_description'] = 'A short description of this Snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_desc_name'] = 'The name of this Snippet. It will be available using the [[NameOfSnippet]] tags.';
$_lang['snippet_duplicate_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to duplicate this snippet?';
$_lang['snippet_duplicate_error'] = 'An error occurred while duplicating the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while creating the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_delete'] = 'An error occured while trying to delete the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_duplicate'] = 'An error occured while trying to duplicate the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_ae'] = 'A snippet already exists with the name "[[+name]]".';
$_lang['snippet_err_invalid_name'] = 'Snippet name is invalid.';
$_lang['snippet_err_locked'] = 'This snippet is locked for editing.';
$_lang['snippet_err_nf'] = 'Snippet not found!';
$_lang['snippet_err_ns'] = 'Snippet not specified.';
$_lang['snippet_err_ns_name'] = 'Please specify a name for the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while removing the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_execonsave'] = 'Execute snippet after saving.';
$_lang['snippet_lock'] = 'Lock snippet for editing';
$_lang['snippet_lock_msg'] = 'Users must have the edit_locked attribute in order to be able to edit this snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which snippet you wish to edit.';
$_lang['snippet_msg'] = 'Here you can add/edit snippets. Remember, snippets are \'raw\' PHP code, and if you expect the output of the snippet to be shown at a certain point within the template, you need to return a value from within the snippet.';
$_lang['snippet_name'] = 'Snippet name';
$_lang['snippet_new'] = 'Нов снипет';
$_lang['snippet_properties'] = 'Свойства по подразбиране';
$_lang['snippet_title'] = 'Create/edit snippet';
$_lang['snippet_untitled'] = 'Untitled snippet';
$_lang['snippets'] = 'Снипети';