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Test Coverage
 * TV Widget English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['attributes'] = 'Атрибути';
$_lang['capitalize'] = 'Capitalize';
$_lang['checkbox'] = 'Check Box';
$_lang['checkbox_columns'] = 'Колони';
$_lang['checkbox_columns_desc'] = 'The number of columns the checkboxes are displayed in.';
$_lang['class'] = 'Class';
$_lang['combo_allowaddnewdata'] = 'Allow Add New Items';
$_lang['combo_allowaddnewdata_desc'] = 'When Yes, allows items to be added that do not already exist in the list. Defaults to No.';
$_lang['combo_forceselection'] = 'Force Selection to List';
$_lang['combo_forceselection_desc'] = 'If using Type-Ahead, if this is set to Yes, only allow inputting of items in the list.';
$_lang['combo_forceselection_multi_desc'] = 'If this is set to Yes, only items already in the list are allowed. If No, new values can be entered a well.';
$_lang['combo_listempty_text'] = 'Empty List Text';
$_lang['combo_listempty_text_desc'] = 'If Type-Ahead is on, and the user types a value not in the list, display this text.';
$_lang['combo_listheight'] = 'List Height';
$_lang['combo_listheight_desc'] = 'The height, in pixels, of the dropdown list itself. Defaults to the height of the combobox.';
$_lang['combo_listwidth'] = 'List Width';
$_lang['combo_listwidth_desc'] = 'The width, in pixels, of the dropdown list itself. Defaults to the width of the combobox.';
$_lang['combo_maxheight'] = 'Max Height';
$_lang['combo_maxheight_desc'] = 'The maximum height in pixels of the dropdown list before scrollbars are shown (defaults to 300).';
$_lang['combo_stackitems'] = 'Stack Selected Items';
$_lang['combo_stackitems_desc'] = 'When set to Yes, the items will be stacked 1 per line. Defaults to No, which displays the items inline.';
$_lang['combo_title'] = 'List Header';
$_lang['combo_title_desc'] = 'If supplied, a header element is created containing this text and added into the top of the dropdown list.';
$_lang['combo_typeahead'] = 'Enable Type-Ahead';
$_lang['combo_typeahead_desc'] = 'If yes, populate and autoselect the remainder of the text being typed after a configurable delay (Type-Ahead Delay) if it matches a known value (defaults to off).';
$_lang['combo_typeahead_delay'] = 'Type-Ahead Delay';
$_lang['combo_typeahead_delay_desc'] = 'The length of time in milliseconds to wait until the Type-Ahead text is displayed if Type-Ahead is enabled (defaults to 250).';
$_lang['date'] = 'Дата';
$_lang['date_format'] = 'Date Format';
$_lang['date_use_current'] = 'If no value, use current date';
$_lang['default'] = 'Default';
$_lang['delim'] = 'Delimiter';
$_lang['delimiter'] = 'Delimiter';
$_lang['disabled_dates'] = 'Disabled Dates';
$_lang['disabled_dates_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of "dates" to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so they are very powerful. Some examples:<br />
- Disable these exact dates: 2003-03-08,2003-09-16<br />
- Disable these days for every year: 03-08,09-16<br />
- Only match the beginning (useful if you are using short years): ^03-08<br />
- Disable every day in March 2006: 03-..-2006<br />
- Disable every day in every March: ^03<br />
Note that the format of the dates included in the list should exactly match the format config. In order to support regular expressions, if you are using a date format that has "." in it, you will have to escape the dot when restricting dates.';
$_lang['disabled_days'] = 'Disabled Days';
$_lang['disabled_days_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of days to disable, 0-based (defaults to null). Some examples:<br />
- Disable Sunday and Saturday: 0,6<br />
- Disable weekdays: 1,2,3,4,5';
$_lang['dropdown'] = 'DropDown List Menu';
$_lang['earliest_date'] = 'Earliest Date';
$_lang['earliest_date_desc'] = 'The earliest allowed date that can be selected.';
$_lang['earliest_time'] = 'Earliest Time';
$_lang['earliest_time_desc'] = 'The earliest allowed time that can be selected.';
$_lang['email'] = 'Имейл';
$_lang['file'] = 'Файл';
$_lang['height'] = 'Height';
$_lang['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$_lang['htmlarea'] = 'HTML Area';
$_lang['htmltag'] = 'HTML Tag';
$_lang['image'] = 'Image';
$_lang['image_align'] = 'Align';
$_lang['image_align_list'] = 'none,baseline,top,middle,bottom,texttop,absmiddle,absbottom,left,right';
$_lang['image_alt'] = 'Alternate Text';
$_lang['image_border_size'] = 'Border Size';
$_lang['image_hspace'] = 'H Space';
$_lang['image_vspace'] = 'V Space';
$_lang['latest_date'] = 'Latest Date';
$_lang['latest_date_desc'] = 'The latest allowed date that can be selected.';
$_lang['latest_time'] = 'Latest Time';
$_lang['latest_time_desc'] = 'The latest allowed time that can be selected.';
$_lang['listbox'] = 'Listbox (Single-Select)';
$_lang['listbox-multiple'] = 'Listbox (Multi-Select)';
$_lang['list-multiple-legacy'] = 'Legacy multiple list';
$_lang['lower_case'] = 'Lower Case';
$_lang['max_length'] = 'Max Length';
$_lang['min_length'] = 'Min Length';
$_lang['regex_text'] = 'Regular Expression Error';
$_lang['regex'] = 'Regular Expression Validator';
$_lang['name'] = 'Име';
$_lang['number'] = 'Number';
$_lang['number_allowdecimals'] = 'Allow Decimals';
$_lang['number_allownegative'] = 'Allow Negatives';
$_lang['number_decimalprecision'] = 'Decimal Precision';
$_lang['number_decimalprecision_desc'] = 'The maximum precision to display after the decimal separator (defaults to 2).';
$_lang['number_strict_decimalprecision'] = 'Strict Decimal Precision';
$_lang['number_strict_decimalprecision_desc'] = 'When set to “Yes,” preserves trailing zeros in decimal numbers (defaults to “No”).';
$_lang['number_decimalseparator'] = 'Decimal Separator';
$_lang['number_decimalseparator_desc'] = 'Character(s) to allow as the decimal separator (defaults to ".")';
$_lang['number_maxvalue'] = 'Max Value';
$_lang['number_minvalue'] = 'Min Value';
$_lang['option'] = 'Radio Options';
$_lang['parent_resources'] = 'Parent Resources';
$_lang['radio_columns'] = 'Колони';
$_lang['radio_columns_desc'] = 'The number of columns the radio boxes are displayed in.';
$_lang['rawtext'] = 'Raw Text (deprecated)';
$_lang['rawtextarea'] = 'Raw Textarea (deprecated)';
$_lang['required'] = 'Allow Blank';
$_lang['required_desc'] = 'If set to No, MODX will not allow the user to save the Resource until a valid, non-blank value has been entered.';
$_lang['resourcelist'] = 'Resource List';
$_lang['resourcelist_depth'] = 'Depth';
$_lang['resourcelist_depth_desc'] = 'The levels deep that the query to grab the list of Resources will go. The default is 10 deep.';
$_lang['resourcelist_includeparent'] = 'Include Parents';
$_lang['resourcelist_includeparent_desc'] = 'If Yes, will include the Resources named in the Parents field in the list.';
$_lang['resourcelist_limitrelatedcontext'] = 'Limit to Related Context';
$_lang['resourcelist_limitrelatedcontext_desc'] = 'If Yes, will only include the Resources related to the context of the current Resource.';
$_lang['resourcelist_limit'] = 'Limit';
$_lang['resourcelist_limit_desc'] = 'The number of Resources to limit to in the list. 0 or empty means infinite.';
$_lang['resourcelist_parents'] = 'Parents';
$_lang['resourcelist_parents_desc'] = 'A list of IDs to grab children for the list.';
$_lang['resourcelist_where'] = 'Where Conditions';
$_lang['resourcelist_where_desc'] = 'A JSON object of where conditions to filter by in the query that grabs the list of Resources. (Does not support TV searching.)<br/>Examples: [{"template:=":"4"}], [{"pagetitle:!=":"Home"}], [{"parent:IN":[34,56]}]';
$_lang['richtext'] = 'RichText';
$_lang['sentence_case'] = 'Sentence Case';
$_lang['shownone'] = 'Allow Empty Choice';
$_lang['shownone_desc'] = 'Allow the user to select an empty choice which is a blank value.';
$_lang['start_day'] = 'Start Day';
$_lang['start_day_desc'] = 'Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to 0, which is Sunday)';
$_lang['string'] = 'String';
$_lang['string_format'] = 'String Format';
$_lang['style'] = 'Style';
$_lang['tag_id'] = 'Tag ID';
$_lang['tag_name'] = 'Tag Name';
$_lang['target'] = 'Цел';
$_lang['text'] = 'Текст';
$_lang['textarea'] = 'Текстова област';
$_lang['textareamini'] = 'Textarea (Mini)';
$_lang['textbox'] = 'Textbox';
$_lang['time_increment'] = 'Time Increment';
$_lang['time_increment_desc'] = 'The number of minutes between each time value in the list (defaults to 15).';
$_lang['hide_time'] = 'Hide time option for user';
$_lang['title'] = 'Заглавие';
$_lang['upper_case'] = 'Upper Case';
$_lang['url'] = 'URL';
$_lang['url_display_text'] = 'Display Text';
$_lang['width'] = 'Width';