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Test Coverage
 * Access English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['access_category_management_msg'] = 'Διαχείριση της πρόσβασης μελών μιας Ομάδας Χρηστών σε "Στοιχεία". Η διαχείριση της πρόσβασης γίνεται βάση κατηγοριών. Προαιρετικά, εφαρμογή πολιτικών πρόσβασης.';
$_lang['access_category_err_ae'] = 'Αυτή η κατηγορία έχει ήδη αντιστοιχια σε μια Λίστα Ελεγχου Πρόσβασης!';
$_lang['access_category_err_nf'] = 'Δεν βρέθηκε Λίστα Ελέγχου Πρόσβασης γι\' αυτήν την κατηγορία.';
$_lang['access_category_err_ns'] = 'Δεν προσδιορίστηκε Λίστα Ελέγχου Πρόσβασης γι\' αυτήν την κατηγορία.';
$_lang['access_category_err_remove'] = 'Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή της Λίστας Ελεχου Πρόσβασης γι\' αυτήν την κατηγορία.';
$_lang['access_category_remove'] = 'Αφαίρεση της πρόσβασης σε αυτήν την κατηγορία';
$_lang['access_category_update'] = 'Ανανέωση της πρόσβασης για αυτήν την κατηγορία';
$_lang['access_confirm_remove'] = 'Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να αφαιρέσετε αυτήν την Λίστα Ελέγχου Πρόσβασης;';
$_lang['access_context_management_msg'] = 'Manage User Group member access to Contexts and optionally apply access policies.';
$_lang['access_context_err_ae'] = 'An ACL for that Context already exists!';
$_lang['access_context_err_nf'] = 'Context ACL not found.';
$_lang['access_context_err_ns'] = 'Context ACL not specified.';
$_lang['access_context_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the Context ACL.';
$_lang['access_context_remove'] = 'Remove Context Access';
$_lang['access_context_update'] = 'Update Context Access';
$_lang['access_err_ae'] = 'ACL already exists!';
$_lang['access_err_create_md'] = 'Cannot create ACL; missing data!';
$_lang['access_err_nf'] = 'Could not find specified ACL!';
$_lang['access_err_remove'] = 'Σφάλμα κατά την αφαίρεση Λίστας Ελεγχου Πρόσβασης!';
$_lang['access_err_save'] = 'Σφάλμα κατά την αποθήκευση Λίστας Ελεγχου Πρόσβασης!';
$_lang['access_grid_empty'] = 'Δεν υπάρχουν Λίστες Ελέγχου Πρόσβασης για εμφάνιση';
$_lang['access_grid_paginate'] = 'Προβολή Λιστών Ελέγχου Πρόσβασης {0} - {1} από {2}';
$_lang['access_permissions'] = 'Δικαιώματα πρόσβασης';
$_lang['access_permissions_add_document_group'] = 'Δημιουργία νέας ομάδας εγγράφων';
$_lang['access_permissions_add_user_group'] = 'Δημιουργία νέας ομάδας χρηστών';
$_lang['access_permissions_documents_in_group'] = '<strong>Έγγραφα στην ομάδα εγγράφων:</strong> ';
$_lang['access_permissions_documents_tab'] = 'Εδώ μπορείτε να δείτε ποιές ομάδες εγγράφων έχουν οριστεί. Επίσης, μπορείτε να δημιουγήσετε ή να διαγράψετε ομάδες εγγράφων, καθώς και να δείτε ποια έγγραφα ανήκουν σε ποια ομάδα (μετακινήστε το ποντίκι σας πάνω από το ID του εγγράφου για να εμφανιστεί το όνομα της ομάδας). Για να προσθέσετε ή να αφαιρέσετε ένα έγγραφο απο μία ομάδα, πρέπει να πάτε στην οθόνη επεξεργασίας κειμένου.';
$_lang['access_permissions_document_groups'] = 'Ομάδες εγγράφων';
$_lang['access_permissions_introtext'] = 'Εδώ μπορείτε να διαχειριστείτε τις ομάδες χρηστών καθώς και τις ομάδες εγγράφων που έχουν διαφορετικά δικαιώματα πρόσβασης. Για να προσθέσετε νέες ομάδες χρηστών, ή για να προσθέσετε ένα χρήστη σε μία ομάδα, κάντε δεξί κλικ στη λίστα στα αριστερά. Για να αντιστοιχήσετε ομάδες χρηστών σε ομάδες εγγράφων, μπορείτε πολύ απλά να σύρετε την ομάδα χρηστών από τα αριστερά στην ομάδα εγγράφων στα δεξιά.';
$_lang['access_permissions_links'] = 'Αντιστοιχία ομάδων χρηστών/ομάδων εγγράφων';
$_lang['access_permissions_links_tab'] = 'This is where we specify which user groups are given access (i.e. can edit or create children) for the document groups. To link a document group to a user group, select the group from the dropdown, and click on \'Link\'. To remove the link for a certain group, press \'Remove ->\'. This will immediately remove the link.';
$_lang['access_permissions_no_documents_in_group'] = 'Κανένα.';
$_lang['access_permissions_no_users_in_group'] = 'Κανείς.';
$_lang['access_permissions_off'] = '<span class="warning">Τα Δικαιώματα Πρόσβασης δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένα.</span> Αυτό σημαίνει ότι τυχόν αλλαγές που έγιναν εδώ δεν θα έχουν κανένα αποτέλεσμα μέχρι να ενεργοποιηθούν τα Δικαιώματα Πρόσβασης.';
$_lang['access_permissions_users_in_group'] = '<strong>Users in group:</strong> ';
$_lang['access_permissions_users_tab'] = 'Here you can see which user groups have been set up. You can also create new groups, rename groups, delete groups and see which users are members of the different groups. To add a new user to a group or to remove a user from a group, edit the user directly.';
$_lang['access_permissions_user_group'] = 'User group:';
$_lang['access_permissions_user_groups'] = 'User groups';
$_lang['access_permissions_user_group_access'] = 'Resource Groups this User Group has access to:';
$_lang['access_permissions_user_message'] = 'Here you can select which User Groups this user belongs to. You can drag and drop each row to reorder the rank of each User Group. The User Group that has a rank of 0 will be declared the User\'s Primary Group, and will be the User Group that determines the User\'s Dashboard.';
$_lang['access_permission_denied'] = 'You do not have the correct permissions for this document.';
$_lang['access_permission_parent_denied'] = 'You do not have permission to create or move a document here! Please choose another location.';
$_lang['access_policy_err_nf'] = 'Η πολιτική πρόσβασης δεν βρέθηκε.';
$_lang['access_policy_err_ns'] = 'Η πολιτική πρόσβασης δεν έχει καθοριστεί.';
$_lang['access_policy_grid_empty'] = 'No policies to display';
$_lang['access_policy_grid_paginate'] = 'Displaying policies {0} - {1} of {2}';
$_lang['access_resourcegroup_management_msg'] = 'Manage User Group member access to Resource Groups and optionally apply access policies.';
$_lang['access_rgroup_err_ae'] = 'An ACL for that Resource Group already exists!';
$_lang['access_rgroup_err_nf'] = 'Resource Group ACL not found.';
$_lang['access_rgroup_err_ns'] = 'Resource Group ACL not specified.';
$_lang['access_rgroup_err_remove'] = 'Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη διαγραφή της Λίστας Ελεχου Πρόσβασης γι\' αυτήν την ομάδα χρηστών.';
$_lang['access_rgroup_remove'] = 'Remove Resource Group Access';
$_lang['access_rgroup_update'] = 'Update Resource Group Access';
$_lang['access_source_err_ae'] = 'An ACL for that Media Source already exists.';
$_lang['access_source_remove'] = 'Remove Media Source Access';
$_lang['access_source_update'] = 'Update Media Source Access';
$_lang['access_to_contexts'] = 'Access to Contexts';
$_lang['access_to_resource_groups'] = 'Access to Resource Groups';
$_lang['access_type_err_ns'] = 'Target type or id not specified!';
$_lang['acl_add'] = 'Add Access Control';
$_lang['authority'] = 'Authority';
$_lang['authority_err_ns'] = 'Please specify a Minimum Role.';
$_lang['category'] = 'Κατηγορία';
$_lang['category_add'] = 'Προσθήκη Κατηγορίας';
$_lang['filter_by_context'] = 'Filter by Context...';
$_lang['filter_by_policy'] = 'Filter by Policy...';
$_lang['filter_by_resource_group'] = 'Filter by Resource Group...';
$_lang['filter_by_category'] = 'Filter by Category...';
$_lang['filter_by_source'] = 'Filter by Media Source...';
$_lang['no_policy_option'] = ' (no policy) ';
$_lang['permissions_in_policy'] = 'Permissions in Selected Policy';
$_lang['resource_group'] = 'Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_add'] = 'Add Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_access_remove'] = 'Remove Resource from Group';
$_lang['resource_group_access_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this resource from the resource group?';
$_lang['resource_group_create'] = 'Create Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_err_ae'] = 'A resource group with that name already exists.';
$_lang['resource_group_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while trying to create the resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_err_nf'] = 'Resource group not found.';
$_lang['resource_group_err_ns'] = 'Resource group not specified.';
$_lang['resource_group_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_remove'] = 'Delete Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this resource group?';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_ae'] = 'The resource is already a part of that resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while trying to put the resource in the resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_nf'] = 'The resource is not a part of that resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the resource from the resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_untitled'] = 'Untitled Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_update'] = 'Update Resource Group';
$_lang['resource_group_access_contexts'] = 'A comma-separated list of Contexts that the Resource Group should pertain to for the following options.';
$_lang['resource_group_automatic_access'] = 'Οδηγός πρόσβασης';
$_lang['resource_group_automatic_access_desc'] = 'Note: You may have to flush sessions after adding the Resource Group if you check any of the options below.';
$_lang['resource_group_access_admin'] = 'Automatically Give Adminstrator Group Access';
$_lang['resource_group_access_admin_desc'] = 'If checked, will give the Administrator Group view and editing access to this Resource Group for the above contexts.';
$_lang['resource_group_access_anon'] = 'Να δίνεται αυτόματα πρόσβαση σε ανώνυμους χρήστες';
$_lang['resource_group_access_anon_desc'] = 'If checked, will give non-logged-in users view access to this Resource Group for the above contexts.';
$_lang['resource_group_access_parallel'] = 'Δημιουργία παράλληλης ομάδας χρηστών';
$_lang['resource_group_access_parallel_desc'] = 'If checked, will automatically create a User Group with the same name, and give it view access to this Resource Group for the above contexts.';
$_lang['resource_group_access_ugs'] = 'Automatically Give Other User Groups Access';
$_lang['resource_group_access_ugs_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of User Group names. If non-blank, will give the User Groups specified here view access to this Resource Group for the above contexts.';
$_lang['roles_msg'] = 'A role is, by definition, a position or status one holds within a certain situation. They can be used to group Users into a position or status within a User Group. Roles in MODX also have what is called "Authority". This is a number value that can be any valid integer. Authority levels are "inheritable downward", in the sense that a Role with Authority 1 will inherit any and all Group Policies assigned to itself, and to any Roles with higher Authority level than 1.';
$_lang['source_add'] = 'Add Media Source';
$_lang['namespace_add'] = 'Add Namespace';
$_lang['access_namespace_update'] = 'Update Namespace Access';
$_lang['access_namespace_remove'] = 'Remove Namespace Access';
$_lang['filter_by_namespace'] = 'Filter by Namespace...';

$_lang['user_group_aw'] = 'Οδηγός πρόσβασης';
$_lang['user_group_aw_desc'] = 'Note: You may have to flush sessions after adding the User Group if you check any of the options below.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_contexts'] = 'Contexts';
$_lang['user_group_aw_contexts_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of Contexts that this User Group should be able to view.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_manager_policy'] = 'Manager Policy';
$_lang['user_group_aw_manager_policy_desc'] = 'The Policy to give the User Group for editing in the manager. Select (no policy) if you do not want to grant manager access.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_users'] = 'Users';
$_lang['user_group_aw_users_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of usernames to add to this User Group. You can use the format username:role to set the role; otherwise, Member will be assumed.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_resource_groups'] = 'Resource Groups';
$_lang['user_group_aw_resource_groups_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of Resource Groups to give access to in the Contexts specified above.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_categories'] = 'Element Categories';
$_lang['user_group_aw_categories_desc'] = 'A comma-separated list of Element Categories to give access to in the Contexts specified above.';
$_lang['user_group_aw_parallel'] = 'Create Parallel Resource Group';
$_lang['user_group_aw_parallel_desc'] = 'If checked, will automatically create a Resource Group with the same name, and give this User Group view access to it in the Contexts specified above.';

$_lang['user_group_category_access'] = 'Element Category Access';
$_lang['user_group_category_access_msg'] = 'Here you can set which Elements this User Group can access by the Categories the Elements are in.';
$_lang['user_group_category_authority_desc'] = 'The minimum Role that will have access to the Permissions in the selected Policy for this context. Roles with stronger Authority (lower numbers) will inherit this access as well. Most situations can leave this at "Member".';
$_lang['user_group_category_category_desc'] = 'The Category to grant access to.';
$_lang['user_group_category_context_desc'] = 'The Context to target for Elements with the above Category associated to them.';
$_lang['user_group_category_err_ae'] = 'User Group already has access to that Category.';
$_lang['user_group_category_policy_desc'] = 'The Policy to apply to this Context with Elements in the Category for this User Group. This will grant all Users in this User Group with the selected minimum Role all the Permissions in the Policy.';
$_lang['user_group_category_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this Category from this User Group?';
$_lang['user_group_context_access'] = 'Context Access';
$_lang['user_group_context_access_msg'] = 'Here you can set which Contexts this User Group can access.';
$_lang['user_group_context_authority_desc'] = 'The minimum Role that will have access to the Permissions in the selected Policy for this context. Roles with stronger Authority (lower numbers) will inherit this access as well. Most situations can leave this at "Member".';
$_lang['user_group_context_context_desc'] = 'The Context to grant access to.';
$_lang['user_group_context_policy_desc'] = 'The Policy to apply to this Context for this User Group. This will grant all Users in this User Group with the selected minimum Role all the Permissions in the Policy.';
$_lang['user_group_context_err_ae'] = 'User Group already has access to that context.';
$_lang['user_group_context_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this Context from this User Group?';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_access'] = 'Resource Group Access';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_access_msg'] = 'Here you can set which Resource Groups this User Group can access.';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_authority_desc'] = 'The minimum Role that will have access to the Permissions in the selected Policy for this context. Roles with stronger Authority (lower numbers) will inherit this access as well. Most situations can leave this at "Member".';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_context_desc'] = 'The Context to target for items with the above Resource Group associated to them.';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_err_ae'] = 'User Group already has access to that Resource Group.';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_policy_desc'] = 'The Policy to apply to this Context with Resources in the Resource Group for this User Group. This will grant all Users in this User Group with the selected minimum Role all the Permissions in the Policy.';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this Resource Group from this User Group?';
$_lang['user_group_resourcegroup_resource_group_desc'] = 'The Resource Group to grant access to.';
$_lang['user_group_source_access'] = 'Media Source Access';
$_lang['user_group_source_access_msg'] = 'Here you can set which Media Sources this User Group can access.';
$_lang['user_group_source_authority_desc'] = 'The minimum Role that will have access to the Permissions in the selected Policy. Roles with stronger Authority (lower numbers) will inherit this access as well. Most situations can leave this at "Member".';
$_lang['user_group_source_err_ae'] = 'User Group already has access to that Media Source.';
$_lang['user_group_source_policy_desc'] = 'The Policy to apply to this Media Source for this User Group. This will grant all Users in this User Group with the selected minimum Role all the Permissions in the Policy.';
$_lang['user_group_source_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this Media Source from this User Group?';
$_lang['user_group_source_source_desc'] = 'The Media Source to grant access to.';
$_lang['user_group_user_access_msg'] = 'Select which users you want in this User Group.';
$_lang['user_group_namespace_access'] = 'Namespace access';
$_lang['user_group_namespace_access_desc'] = 'Here you can set which Namespaces this User Group can access.';