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Test Coverage
 * Resource English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['access'] = 'Πρόσβαση';
$_lang['cache_output'] = 'Cache Output';
$_lang['changes'] = 'Changes';
$_lang['class_key'] = 'Class Key';
$_lang['context'] = 'Context';
$_lang['document'] = 'Έντυπο';
$_lang['document_create'] = 'Create Document';
$_lang['document_create_here'] = 'Έντυπο';
$_lang['document_new'] = 'New Document';
$_lang['documents'] = 'Documents';
$_lang['duplicate_uri_found'] = 'Resource [[+id]] is already using the URI [[+uri]]. Please enter a unique alias or use Freeze URI to manually override it.';
$_lang['empty_template'] = '(empty)';
$_lang['general'] = 'Γενικά';
$_lang['markup'] = 'Markup/Structure';
$_lang['none'] = 'Δεν έχει οριστεί';
$_lang['page_settings'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις';
$_lang['preview'] = 'Προεπισκόπιση';
$_lang['resource_access_message'] = 'Here you can select which Resource Groups this Resource belongs to.';
$_lang['resource_add_children_access_denied'] = 'You do not have permission to create a Resource in this location.';
$_lang['resource_alias'] = 'Resource Alias';
$_lang['resource_alias_help'] = 'An alias for this resource. This will make the resource accessible using:<br /><br />https://yourserver/alias<br /><br /><strong>Note</strong>This only works if you\'re using friendly URLs.';
$_lang['resource_alias_visible'] = 'Use current alias in alias path';
$_lang['resource_alias_visible_help'] = 'The alias of this Resource is inserted in Friendly URL alias path';
$_lang['resource_change_template_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to change the Template? <br /><br />WARNING: This will <b>only temporarily store</b> your prior changes and reload the page; ensure you are ready to do so before proceeding. After the page has reloaded, you will need to save when you are ready to save the Template change.';
$_lang['resource_cacheable'] = 'Cacheable';
$_lang['resource_cacheable_help'] = 'When enabled, the resource will be saved to the cache.';
$_lang['resource_cancel_dirty_confirm'] = 'You have changes pending; are you sure you want to cancel?';
$_lang['resource_class_key_help'] = 'This is the class key of the resource, showing its MODX type.';
$_lang['resource_content'] = 'Περιεχόμενο';
$_lang['resource_contentdispo'] = 'Content Disposition';
$_lang['resource_contentdispo_help'] = 'Use the content disposition field to specify how this resource will be handled by the web browser. For file downloads select the Attachment option.';
$_lang['resource_content_type'] = 'Content Type';
$_lang['resource_content_type_help'] = 'The content type for this resource. If you\'re not sure which content type the resource should have, just leave it as text/html.';
$_lang['resource_create_access_denied'] = 'You do not have permission to create a Resource.';
$_lang['resource_create_here'] = 'Resource';
$_lang['resource_createdby'] = 'Created By';
$_lang['resource_createdon'] = 'Created On';
$_lang['resource_delete'] = 'Διαγραφή';
$_lang['resource_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this resource?<br />NOTE: Any child resources will also be deleted!';
$_lang['resource_description'] = 'Περιγραφή';
$_lang['resource_description_help'] = 'This is an optional description of the resource.';
$_lang['resource_duplicate'] = 'Αντίγραφο';
$_lang['resource_duplicate_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to duplicate this resource? Any item(s) it contains will also be duplicated.';
$_lang['resource_edit'] = 'Επεξεργασία';
$_lang['resource_editedby'] = 'Edited By';
$_lang['resource_editedon'] = 'Edited On';
$_lang['resource_err_change_parent_to_folder'] = 'An error occurred while attempting to change the resource\'s parent to a folder.';
$_lang['resource_err_class'] = 'The resource is not a valid [[+class]].';
$_lang['resource_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while trying to create the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_delete'] = 'An error occurred while trying to delete the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_delete_children'] = 'An error occurred while deleting the children of the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_delete_container_sitestart'] = 'The resource you are trying to delete is a container containing resource [[+id]]. This resource is registered as the \'Site start\' resource, and cannot be deleted. Please assign another resource as your \'Site start\' resource and try again.';
$_lang['resource_err_delete_container_siteunavailable'] = 'The resource you are trying to delete is a folder containing resource [[+id]]. This resource is registered as the \'Site unavailable page\' resource, and cannot be deleted. Please assign another resource as your \'Site unavailable page\' resource and try again.';
$_lang['resource_err_delete_sitestart'] = 'The resource is \'Site start\' and cannot be deleted!';
$_lang['resource_err_delete_siteunavailable'] = 'The resource is used as the \'Site unavailable page\' and cannot be deleted!';
$_lang['resource_err_duplicate'] = 'An error occurred while duplicating the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_move_to_child'] = 'You cannot move a Resource to below one of its own children.';
$_lang['resource_err_move_sitestart'] = 'The resource is linked to the site_start variable and cannot be moved to another context!';
$_lang['resource_err_nf'] = 'Resource not found.';
$_lang['resource_err_nfs'] = 'Η Πηγή με αύξοντα αριθμό: [[+id]], δεν βρέθηκε';
$_lang['resource_err_ns'] = 'Resource not specified.';
$_lang['resource_err_own_parent'] = 'The resource cannot be its own parent.';
$_lang['resource_err_publish']  = 'An error occurred while trying to publish the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_new_parent_nf'] = 'New parent resource with id [[+id]] not found.';
$_lang['resource_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while trying to save the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_select_parent'] = 'Please select a parent resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_symlink_target_invalid'] = 'The symlink target does not contain an integer value.';
$_lang['resource_err_symlink_target_nf'] = 'You cannot symlink to a resource that does not exist.';
$_lang['resource_err_symlink_target_self'] = 'You cannot symlink to itself.';
$_lang['resource_err_undelete'] = 'An error occurred while trying to undelete the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_undelete_children'] = 'An error occurred while trying to undelete the children of the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_unpublish'] = 'An error occurred while trying to unpublish the resource.';
$_lang['resource_err_unpublish_sitestart'] = 'The resource is linked to the site_start variable and cannot be unpublished!';
$_lang['resource_err_unpublish_sitestart_dates'] = 'The resource is linked to the site_start variable and cannot have publish or unpublish dates set!';
$_lang['resource_err_weblink_target_nf'] = 'You cannot set a weblink to a resource that does not exist.';
$_lang['resource_err_weblink_target_self'] = 'You cannot set a weblink to itself.';
$_lang['resource_folder'] = 'Container';
$_lang['resource_folder_help'] = 'Check this to make the Resource also act as a Container for other Resources. A \'Container\' is like a folder, only it can also have content.';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_ae'] = 'The resource is already a part of that resource group.';
$_lang['resource_group_resource_err_nf'] = 'The resource is not a part of that resource group.';
$_lang['resource_hide_from_menus'] = 'Hide From Menus';
$_lang['resource_hide_from_menus_help'] = 'When enabled, the resource will <b>not</b> be available for use inside a web menu. Please note that some Menu Builders might choose to ignore this option.';
$_lang['resource_link_attributes'] = 'Link Attributes';
$_lang['resource_link_attributes_help'] = 'Attributes for the link for this resource, such as target= or rel=.';
$_lang['resource_locked_by'] = 'Locked by [[+user]]';
$_lang['resource_longtitle'] = 'Long Title';
$_lang['resource_longtitle_help'] = 'This is a longer title for your resource. It is handy for search engines, and might be more descriptive for the resource.';
$_lang['resource_menuindex'] = 'Menu Index';
$_lang['resource_menuindex_help'] = 'This is the order of the resource in the tree. It is usually used for ordering purposes in displaying resources dynamically. Some components might choose to ignore this setting.';
$_lang['resource_menutitle'] = 'Menu Title';
$_lang['resource_menutitle_help'] = 'Menu title is a field you can use to display a short title for the resource inside your menu snippet(s).';
$_lang['resource_new'] = 'New Resource';
$_lang['resource_notcached'] = 'This resource has not (yet) been cached.';
$_lang['resource_pagetitle'] = 'Τίτλος';
$_lang['resource_pagetitle_help'] = 'The name/title of the resource. Try to avoid using backslashes in the name!';
$_lang['resource_parent'] = 'Parent Resource';
$_lang['resource_parent_help'] = 'The parent resource\'s ID number.';
$_lang['resource_parent_select_node'] = 'Please select a node in the tree to the left.';
$_lang['resource_publish'] = 'Δημοσίευση';
$_lang['resource_publish_confirm'] = 'Publishing this resource now will remove any (un)publishing dates that may have been set. If you wish to set or keep publish or unpublish dates, please choose to edit the resource instead.<br /><br />Proceed?';
$_lang['resource_publishdate'] = 'Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης';
$_lang['resource_publishdate_help'] = 'If you set a publish date, the resource will be published as soon as the publish date is reached. Click on the calendar icon to select a date, or leave it blank to set it so the resource is never automatically published.';
$_lang['resource_published'] = 'Δημοσιευμένο';
$_lang['resource_published_help'] = 'When published, the resource is available to the public immediately after saving it.';
$_lang['resource_publishedby'] = 'Published By';
$_lang['resource_publishedon'] = 'Δημοσιεύτηκε στις:';
$_lang['resource_publishedon_help'] = 'The date the resource was published.';
$_lang['resource_refresh'] = 'Ανανέωση';
$_lang['resource_richtext'] = 'Rich Text';
$_lang['resource_richtext_help'] = 'When enabled, MODX will use the rich text editor for editing resources. If your resources contain JavaScript and forms, uncheck this to edit in HTML-only mode so the editor won\'t mess your resources up.';
$_lang['resource_searchable'] = 'Searchable';
$_lang['resource_searchable_help'] = 'When enabled, the resource is able to be searched. This setting can also be used for other purposes in your snippets.';
$_lang['resource_settings'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις πόρων';
$_lang['resource_status'] = 'Status';
$_lang['resource_status_help'] = 'If published, the resource is available to the public immediately after saving it. Otherwise, it is hidden from the public site.';
$_lang['resource_summary'] = 'Summary (introtext)';
$_lang['resource_summary_help'] = 'A brief summary of the resource.';
$_lang['resource_syncsite'] = 'Empty Cache';
$_lang['resource_syncsite_help'] = 'When enabled, this will make MODX empty the cache after you save the resource. This way your visitors will not see an older version of the resource.';
$_lang['resource_template'] = 'Uses Template';
$_lang['resource_template_help'] = 'The template in use by the resource.';
$_lang['resource_undelete'] = 'Αναίρεση διαγραφής';
$_lang['resource_unpublish'] = 'Αναίρεση δημοσίευσης';
$_lang['resource_unpublish_confirm'] = 'Un-publishing this resource now will remove any (un)publishing dates that may have been set. If you wish to set or keep publish or unpublish dates, please choose to edit the resource instead. <br /><br />Proceed?';
$_lang['resource_unpublishdate'] = 'Unpublish date';
$_lang['resource_unpublishdate_help'] = 'If you set an unpublish date, the resource will be unpublished as soon as the unpublish date is reached. Click on the calendar icon to select a date, or leave it blank to set it so the resource is never automatically unpublished.';
$_lang['resource_unpublished'] = 'Αδημοσίευτο';
$_lang['resource_untitled'] = 'Untitled Resource';
$_lang['resource_uri'] = 'URI';
$_lang['resource_uri_help'] = 'The full relative URL for this Resource.';
$_lang['resource_uri_override'] = 'Freeze URI';
$_lang['resource_uri_override_help'] = 'Checking this will allow you to freeze the URI for this Resource at the value in the textbox below.';
$_lang['resource_with_id_not_found'] = 'Resource with ID %s not found!';
$_lang['resource_view'] = 'Προβολή';
$_lang['show_sort_options'] = 'Show Sorting Options';
$_lang['site_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
$_lang['site_schedule_desc'] = 'This shows the current resources that are scheduled to publish or unpublished on specified dates. You may toggle the current view by clicking on the toolbar button.';
$_lang['source'] = 'Πηγή';
$_lang['static_resource'] = 'Static Resource';
$_lang['static_resource_create_here'] = 'Static Resource';
$_lang['static_resource_new'] = 'New Static Resource';
$_lang['status'] = 'Status';
$_lang['symlink'] = 'Συντόμευση';
$_lang['symlink_create'] = 'Create Symlink';
$_lang['symlink_create_here'] = 'Συντόμευση';
$_lang['symlink_help'] = 'The address of the object you wish to reference with this Symlink. If you want to point to an existing MODX Resource, enter the ID here.';
$_lang['symlink_message'] = 'A symlink is a symbolic link to another resource in your site which is forwarded to without changing the URL.';
$_lang['symlink_new'] = 'Νέα συντόμευση';
$_lang['template_variables'] = 'Template Variables';
$_lang['untitled_resource'] = 'Untitled Resource';
$_lang['weblink'] = 'Σύνδεσμος';
$_lang['weblink_create'] = 'Create Weblink';
$_lang['weblink_create_here'] = 'Σύνδεσμος';
$_lang['weblink_help'] = 'The address of the object you wish to reference with this weblink. If you want to point to an existing MODX Resource, enter the ID here.';
$_lang['weblink_message'] = 'A weblink is a reference to an object on the internet. This could be a document within MODX, a page on another site or an image or other file on the internet.';
$_lang['weblink_new'] = 'Νέο link';
$_lang['weblink_response_code'] = 'Response Code';
$_lang['weblink_response_code_help'] = 'The HTTP response code that should be sent for the weblink.';