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 * Login English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['login_language'] = 'Language';
$_lang['login_activation_key_err'] = 'Activation key does not match! Please check your activation email and make sure you loaded the right URL.';
$_lang['login_blocked_admin'] = 'You have been blocked by an administrator.';
$_lang['login_blocked_error'] = 'You are temporarily blocked and cannot log in. Please try again later.';
$_lang['login_blocked_ip'] = 'You are not allowed to login from your current IP address.';
$_lang['login_blocked_time'] = 'You are not allowed to login at this time. Please try again later.';
$_lang['login_blocked_too_many_attempts'] = 'You have been blocked due to too many failed login attempts.';
$_lang['login_button'] = 'Login';
$_lang['login_cannot_locate_account'] = 'The username or password you entered is incorrect.  Please check the username, re-type the password, and try again.';
$_lang['login_copyright'] = '&copy; 2005-[[+current_year]] by <a href="" target="_blank">MODX, LLC</a>. MODX Revolution&trade; is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.';
$_lang['login_email_label'] = 'Account Email:';
$_lang['login_err_unknown'] = 'An unknown error occurred while trying to log in.';
$_lang['login_forget_your_login'] = 'Forgot your Login?';
$_lang['login_hostname_error'] = 'Your hostname does not point back to your IP address.';
$_lang['login_message'] = 'Please enter your login credentials to start your Manager session. Your username and password are case-sensitive, so please enter them carefully!';
$_lang['login_password'] = 'Password';
$_lang['login_password_reset_act_sent'] = 'If the user or email exists, you\'ll receive an email shortly.';
$_lang['login_remember'] = 'Remember me';
$_lang['login_send_activation_email'] = 'Send Activation Email';
$_lang['login_title'] = 'Login';
$_lang['login_user_err_nf_email'] = 'If the user or email exists, you\'ll receive an email shortly.';
$_lang['login_username'] = 'Username';
$_lang['login_username_or_email'] = 'Username or Email';
$_lang['login_username_password_incorrect'] = 'The username or password you entered is incorrect.  Please check the username, re-type the password, and try again.';
$_lang['login_user_inactive'] = 'Your user account has been disabled. Please contact your system administrator to enable the account.';