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 * Package Builder English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['as_system_settings'] = 'تنظیمات سیستم';
$_lang['as_context_settings'] = 'Context Settings';
$_lang['as_lexicon_entries'] = 'Lexicon Entries';
$_lang['as_lexicon_topics'] = 'Lexicon Topics';
$_lang['build'] = 'آغاز عملیات ساخت';
$_lang['class_key'] = 'Class Key';
$_lang['class_key_desc'] = 'The type of object you would like to map to the vehicle.';
$_lang['class_key_custom'] = 'Or Custom Class';
$_lang['class_key_custom_desc'] = 'Here you can specify a custom xPDOObject class name that is not in the above list.';
$_lang['file'] = 'فایل';
$_lang['index'] = 'Index';
$_lang['object'] = 'Object';
$_lang['object_id'] = 'Object ID';
$_lang['object_id_desc'] = 'The exact object that you want to map. Required.';
$_lang['package_autoselects'] = 'Package Auto-Includes';
$_lang['package_autoselects_desc'] = 'Please select the resources you would like the Package Builder to automatically include. Note: if building from the core, it is recommended not to check any of these.';
$_lang['package_build'] = 'Build the Package';
$_lang['package_build_desc'] = 'You are now ready to build the package. Once built, it will be placed in your core/packages directory.';
$_lang['package_build_err'] = 'An error occurred while trying to build the package.';
$_lang['package_build_xml'] = 'Build Package from XML';
$_lang['package_build_xml_desc'] = 'Please select a valid build XML file for your component.';
$_lang['package_builder'] = 'Package Builder';
$_lang['package_built'] = 'The package has been built.';
$_lang['package_info'] = 'Package Information';
$_lang['package_info_desc'] = 'First specify the package information, such as name, version and release.';
$_lang['package_method'] = 'Select a Packaging Method';
$_lang['package_method_desc'] = 'Please select the method of package building that you would like to use.';
$_lang['php_script'] = 'PHP Script';
$_lang['preserve_keys'] = 'Preserve Keys';
$_lang['preserve_keys_desc'] = 'This will preserve the primary keys to the values that they currently are in your DB.';
$_lang['release'] = 'Release';
$_lang['resolve_files'] = 'Resolve Files';
$_lang['resolve_files_desc'] = 'When checked, this will resolve the files specified in the resolvers.';
$_lang['resolve_php'] = 'Resolve PHP Scripts';
$_lang['resolve_php_desc'] = 'When checked, this will resolve the PHP scripts specified in the resolvers.';
$_lang['resolver_add'] = 'Add Resolver';
$_lang['resolver_create'] = 'Create Resolver';
$_lang['resolver_name_desc'] = 'The name of the resolver. Used for organizational purposes.';
$_lang['resolver_remove'] = 'Delete Resolver';
$_lang['resolver_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this resolver?';
$_lang['resolver_source_desc'] = 'The absolute path of the source of the resolver. If it is a file resolver, select the directory of the files you\'d like to copy. If a PHP Script, specify the script. Example: <br /><br />/public_html/modx/_build/components/demo/';
$_lang['resolver_target_desc'] = 'The absolute path target for where the resolver should put files or actions. Usually you won\'t have to change this. Example: <br /><br />return MODX_ASSETS_PATH . "snippets/";';
$_lang['resolver_type_desc'] = 'File resolvers make sure to copy all the files in the source directory to the target. PHP Script resolvers execute the source file as PHP.';
$_lang['resolvers'] = 'Resolvers';
$_lang['source'] = 'Source';
$_lang['target'] = 'Target';
$_lang['type'] = 'Type';
$_lang['unique_key'] = 'Unique Key';
$_lang['unique_key_desc'] = 'A unique key identifying how to search for the object. Can be a string or comma-delimited list. Examples: <br />"name" for modPlugin<br />"templatename" for modTemplate<br />Or more complex, "pluginid,evtid" for modPluginEvent';
$_lang['update_object'] = 'Update Object';
$_lang['update_object_desc'] = 'If checked, this will update the object if it is found. If not checked, it will not save the object if it is already found.';
$_lang['use_wizard'] = 'Use the Wizard';
$_lang['use_xml'] = 'Build from an XML file';
$_lang['vehicle'] = 'Vehicle';
$_lang['vehicle_add'] = 'Add Vehicle';
$_lang['vehicle_create'] = 'Create Vehicle';
$_lang['vehicle_remove'] = 'Delete Vehicle';
$_lang['vehicle_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this vehicle?';
$_lang['vehicles'] = 'Vehicles';
$_lang['vehicles_add'] = 'Add Vehicles';
$_lang['vehicles_desc'] = 'Vehicles are the objects that are contained in the package. You may add them in here.';
$_lang['version'] = 'Version';
$_lang['xml_file_err_upload'] = 'There was an error while trying to upload the XML file.';