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2 days
Test Coverage
 * Template English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon

$_lang['access'] = 'دسترسی';
$_lang['filter_by_category'] = 'Filter by Category...';
$_lang['rank'] = 'رتبه';
$_lang['template'] = 'Template';
$_lang['template_assignedtv_tab'] = 'Assigned Template Variables';
$_lang['template_code'] = 'کد قالب (HTML)';
$_lang['template_desc'] = 'توضیح';
$_lang['template_desc_category'] = 'The Category this Template belongs in.';
$_lang['template_desc_description'] = 'شرحی کوتاه برای این قالب.';
$_lang['template_desc_name'] = 'نام این قالب.';
$_lang['template_delete_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this template?';
$_lang['template_duplicate_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to duplicate this template?';
$_lang['template_edit_tab'] = 'Edit Template';
$_lang['template_empty'] = '(empty)';
$_lang['template_err_default_template'] = 'This template is set as the default template. Please choose a different default template in the MODX configuration before deleting this template.<br />';
$_lang['template_err_delete'] = 'An error occurred while deleting the template.';
$_lang['template_err_duplicate'] = 'An error occured while duplicating the template.';
$_lang['template_err_ae'] = 'A template already exists with the name "[[+name]]".';
$_lang['template_err_in_use'] = 'This template is in use. Please set the documents using the template to another template. Documents using this template:<br />';
$_lang['template_err_invalid_name'] = 'Template name is invalid.';
$_lang['template_err_locked'] = 'Template is locked from editing.';
$_lang['template_err_nf'] = 'Template not found!';
$_lang['template_err_ns'] = 'Template not specified.';
$_lang['template_err_ns_name'] = 'Please specify a name for the template.';
$_lang['template_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while removing the template.';
$_lang['template_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the template.';
$_lang['template_icon'] = 'Icon';
$_lang['template_icon_description'] = 'Optional. A custom icon class for all resources with this template.';
$_lang['template_lock'] = 'Lock template for editing';
$_lang['template_lock_msg'] = 'Users must have the edit_locked attribute to edit this template.';
$_lang['template_locked_message'] = 'This template is locked.';
$_lang['template_management_msg'] = 'Here you can choose which template you wish to edit.';
$_lang['template_msg'] = 'Create and edit templates. Changed or new templates won\'t be visible in your site\'s cached pages until the cache is emptied; however, you can use the preview function on a page to see the template in action.';
$_lang['template_name'] = 'نام قالب';
$_lang['template_new'] = 'New Template';
$_lang['template_no_tv'] = 'No template variables have been assigned to this template yet.';
$_lang['template_properties'] = 'ویژگی‌های پیش‌فرض';
$_lang['template_reset_all'] = 'Reset all pages to use Default template';
$_lang['template_reset_specific'] = 'Reset only \'%s\' pages';
$_lang['template_title'] = 'ایجاد و یا ویرایش قالب';
$_lang['template_tv_edit'] = 'Edit the sort order of the template variables';
$_lang['template_tv_msg'] = 'The template variables assigned to this template are listed below.';
$_lang['template_untitled'] = 'قالبِ بدون عنوان';
$_lang['templates'] = 'Templates';
$_lang['tvt_err_nf'] = 'Template Variable does not have access to the specified Template.';
$_lang['tvt_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the template variable from the template.';