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 * Menu English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['action'] = 'Toiminto';
$_lang['action_desc'] = 'The controller path to use for this menu item. The path to the controller is built by prefixing the Namespace path, controllers, and manager theme with this value. (Ex: user/update for core Namespace goes to [core_namespace_path]controllers/ [mgr_theme]/user/update.class.php )';
$_lang['description_desc'] = 'The text, or lexicon key, that will be used for rendering the description text of this page in the menu.';
$_lang['handler'] = 'Käsittelijä';
$_lang['handler_desc'] = '(Optional) If set, will not use the action field, but instead run this JavaScript instead when the menu item is clicked.';
$_lang['icon'] = 'Ikoni';
$_lang['icon_desc'] = 'An optional icon/markup.';
$_lang['lexicon_key'] = 'Sanakirjan avain';
$_lang['lexicon_key_desc'] = 'The text, or lexicon key, that will be used for rendering the title text of this page in the menu.';
$_lang['menu_create'] = 'Luo valikko';
$_lang['menu_confirm_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this menu?';
$_lang['menu_err_ae'] = 'A menu already exists with that name. Please specify a different text value.';
$_lang['menu_err_nf'] = 'Menu not found!';
$_lang['menu_err_ns'] = 'No menu specified!';
$_lang['menu_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the menu.';
$_lang['menu_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while trying to save the menu.';
$_lang['menu_parent'] = 'Ylätason valikkoon';
$_lang['menu_parent_err_ns'] = 'Ylätason valikkoa ei ole määritetty!';
$_lang['menu_parent_err_nf'] = 'Ylätason valikkoa ei löytynyt!';
$_lang['menu_remove'] = 'Poista valikkovaihtoehto';
$_lang['menu_top'] = 'Päävalikko';
$_lang['menu_update'] = 'Päivitä valikko';
$_lang['menus'] = 'Valikot';
$_lang['namespace'] = 'Namespace';
$_lang['namespace_desc'] = 'The Namespace which this menu item is based on. This will determine the path for the controller that is loaded.';
$_lang['parameters'] = 'Parametrit';
$_lang['parameters_desc'] = 'Any request parameters you want appended to the result URL when clicking this menu. (Ex: &expire=1)';
$_lang['permissions'] = 'Käyttöoikeus';
$_lang['permissions_desc'] = 'A permission key required to load this menu item.';
$_lang['topmenu'] = 'Päävalikko';
$_lang['topmenu_desc'] = 'This allows you to associate actions with menu items in the top menu bar of the MODX manager. Simply place menus where you would like them in their respective positions.';