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 * Chunk English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['chunk'] = 'מיני תבנית';
$_lang['chunk_desc_category'] = 'הקטגוריה אליה מיני תבנית זו משוייכת.';
$_lang['chunk_desc_description'] = 'תאור קצת של למיני תבנית זו.';
$_lang['chunk_desc_name'] = 'שם המיני תבנית. יהיה זמין על ידי שימוש ב [[$nameOfChunk]].';
$_lang['chunk_code'] = 'קוד HTML למיני תבנית';
$_lang['chunk_desc'] = 'תאור';
$_lang['chunk_delete_confirm'] = 'האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם למחוק מיני תבנית זו?';
$_lang['chunk_duplicate_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to duplicate this chunk?';
$_lang['chunk_err_create'] = 'An error occurred while creating new chunk.';
$_lang['chunk_err_duplicate'] = 'Error duplicating chunk.';
$_lang['chunk_err_ae'] = 'There is already a chunk with the name "[[+name]]".';
$_lang['chunk_err_invalid_name'] = 'Chunk name is invalid.';
$_lang['chunk_err_locked'] = 'Chunk is locked.';
$_lang['chunk_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the chunk.';
$_lang['chunk_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while saving the chunk.';
$_lang['chunk_err_nf'] = 'Chunk not found!';
$_lang['chunk_err_nfs'] = 'Chunk not found with id: [[+id]]';
$_lang['chunk_err_ns'] = 'Chunk not specified.';
$_lang['chunk_err_ns_name'] = 'Please specify a name.';
$_lang['chunk_lock'] = 'Lock chunk for editing';
$_lang['chunk_lock_msg'] = 'Users must have the edit_locked attribute in order to edit this chunk.';
$_lang['chunk_msg'] = 'Here you can add/edit chunks. Remember: Chunks are \'raw\' HTML code; so any PHP code won\'t be processed.';
$_lang['chunk_name'] = 'Chunk name';
$_lang['chunk_new'] = 'New Chunk';
$_lang['chunk_properties'] = 'Default Properties';
$_lang['chunk_title'] = 'Create/edit chunk';
$_lang['chunk_untitled'] = 'Untitled Chunk';
$_lang['chunks'] = 'Chunks';