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 * Form Customization English lexicon topic
 * @language en
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['action'] = 'Działanie';
$_lang['action_desc'] = 'The Action that this Rule will apply to.';
$_lang['activate'] = 'Aktywuj';
$_lang['constraint'] = 'Wiązanie';
$_lang['constraint_class'] = 'Ogranicz klasę';
$_lang['constraint_class_desc'] = 'Optional. If set, along with the Constraint Field and Constraint options, will restrict this rule to the constraints applied.';
$_lang['constraint_desc'] = 'Optional. The value of the Constraint Field that should be checked against.';
$_lang['constraint_field'] = 'Ogranicz Pole';
$_lang['constraint_field_desc'] = 'Optional. The field by which this constraint should be applied.';
$_lang['containing_panel'] = 'Zawierające panel';
$_lang['containing_panel_desc'] = 'The ID of the containing Form Panel the field is in. This is sometimes necessary for certain rules, so that the system can know what form or panel the field is in.';
$_lang['deactivate'] = 'Dezaktywuj';
$_lang['default_value'] = 'Wartość domyślna';
$_lang['export'] = 'Eksport';
$_lang['fc.action_create'] = 'Utwórz zasoby';
$_lang['fc.action_update'] = 'Zaktualizuj zasoby';
$_lang['fc.action_resource_wildcard'] = 'Create & Update Resource';
$_lang['field'] = 'Pole';
$_lang['field_desc'] = 'This is the field to affect. This may also be a tab, or TV. If it is a TV, please specify in this format: "tv#", where # is the ID of the TV.';
$_lang['field_default'] = 'Field Default Value';
$_lang['field_label'] = 'Etykieta pola';
$_lang['field_visible'] = 'Pole widoczne';
$_lang['fields'] = 'Pola';
$_lang['file'] = 'Plik';
$_lang['filter_by_action'] = 'Filter by Action...';
$_lang['filter_by_rule_type'] = 'Filter by Rule...';
$_lang['filter_by_search'] = 'Wyszukaj...';
$_lang['for_parent'] = 'For Parent';
$_lang['for_parent_desc'] = 'Check this when you want this rule to apply to the parent. Only use with Resources or objects with a `parent` field. Useful for the "create" page of Resources.';
$_lang['form_customization_msg'] = 'Here is a list of currently applied Rules. More information on Rules and Form Customization can be found <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Please note that improper Rules might cause problems with your MODX Revolution installation. Inactive Rules are faded gray.';
$_lang['form_rules'] = 'Form Rules';
$_lang['import'] = 'Importuj';
$_lang['import_from_xml'] = 'Import New Set from XML';
$_lang['label'] = 'Etykieta';
$_lang['original_value'] = 'Oryginalna Wartość';
$_lang['profile'] = 'Profil';
$_lang['profile_create'] = 'Utwórz nowy profil';
$_lang['profile_err_nfs'] = 'Form Customization Profile not found with ID [[+id]].';
$_lang['profile_err_ns'] = 'Form Customization Profile not specified!';
$_lang['profile_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the Profile.';
$_lang['profile_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while trying to save the Profile.';
$_lang['profile_msg'] = 'Here you can specify Sets for this Profile. A Set is a collection of Rules that apply for a given page (Update or Create Resource). They can also be restricted to certain Templates, or other field values on the Resource. Constraints for the Create Resource Sets will execute based on the parent of the newly created Resource\'s value.';
$_lang['profile_new'] = 'New Form Customizaton Profile';
$_lang['profile_remove'] = 'Usuń profil';
$_lang['profile_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to completely remove this Profile? This is irreversible.';
$_lang['profile_remove_multiple'] = 'Delete Multiple Profiles';
$_lang['profile_remove_multiple_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to completely remove these Profiles? This is irreversible.';
$_lang['profile_usergroup_err_ae'] = 'That User Group is already assigned to this Profile!';
$_lang['profile_usergroups_msg'] = 'Here you can assign the User Groups that will use this Profile. If no User Groups are assigned, all Users will use this Profile.';
$_lang['profiles'] = 'Form Customization Profiles';
$_lang['profiles_msg'] = 'This is a list of your Form Customization Profiles. Profiles can contain many Form Customization Rules, and can be activated or deactivated. They can also be configured to only apply to certain User Groups.';
$_lang['rank'] = 'Ranga';
$_lang['rank_desc'] = 'The order the Rule is executed in. A lower number means that it will be executed earlier.';
$_lang['region'] = 'Region';
$_lang['regions'] = 'Regiony';
$_lang['rule'] = 'Zasada';
$_lang['rule_create'] = 'Stwórz zasadę';
$_lang['rule_desc'] = 'The type of Rule that will be applied to this field.';
$_lang['rule_description_desc'] = 'Optional. A description of the rule.';
$_lang['rule_err_ae'] = 'A rule already exists for that field!';
$_lang['rule_err_duplicate'] = 'An error occurred while trying to duplicate the rule.';
$_lang['rule_err_nf'] = 'Reguły nie odnaleziono.';
$_lang['rule_err_ns'] = 'Rule not specified.';
$_lang['rule_err_remove'] = 'An error occurred while trying to remove the rule.';
$_lang['rule_err_save'] = 'An error occurred while trying to save the rule.';
$_lang['rule_remove'] = 'Usuń zasadę';
$_lang['rule_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this Rule?';
$_lang['rule_remove_multiple'] = 'Delete Multiple Rules';
$_lang['rule_remove_multiple_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove these Rules? This is irreversible.';
$_lang['rule_update'] = 'Zaktualizuj zasadę';
$_lang['rule_value_desc'] = 'The value to set in the Rule.';
$_lang['rules'] = 'Zasady';
$_lang['set'] = 'Ustaw';
$_lang['set_and_fields'] = 'Set Information and Fields';
$_lang['set_change_template'] = 'Change Template For Set';
$_lang['set_change_template_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to do this? This will change the Template that these Rules apply to. If so, MODX will first save your changes before reloading the page to refresh the new TVs for the new Template.';
$_lang['set_constraint_field_desc'] = 'Setting the Constraint field will prevent the rules in this Set from executing unless the field for this Resource matches the "constraint" value.';
$_lang['set_constraint_desc'] = 'Set the value of the field (specified above) to restrict the rules in this Set from being executed unless the Resource has this value on the specified constraint field.';
$_lang['set_create'] = 'Stwórz nowy zestaw';
$_lang['set_err_nfs'] = 'No Set found with ID [[+id]]';
$_lang['set_err_ns'] = 'No Set specified.';
$_lang['set_fields_msg'] = 'Here you can adjust the fields for this page, including their visibility, labels and default values. Just double-click on a row to edit its value. Leave a field empty to use the default setting.<br>Please note: when hiding an element inside this profile, it will be hidden in overlapping profiles too (even if Visible is checked).';
$_lang['set_import_err_upload'] = 'An error occurred while trying to find the XML file. Please specify a valid file.';
$_lang['set_import_err_xml'] = 'An error occurred importing the XML file. Please ensure you specified a valid Form Customization Set XML File.';
$_lang['set_import_msg'] = 'Select an XML file to import a Form Customization Set from. It must be in the correct XML Form Customization format.';
$_lang['set_import_template_err_nf'] = 'Template not found while import Form Customization Set.';
$_lang['set_msg'] = 'Here you can edit what fields, tabs and Template Variables show for this page, as well as their labels and default values. Just double-click on a column to edit its value. You can also use the tab key to progress through the grid. Leave a field blank to use the default setting.';
$_lang['set_new'] = 'Stwórz nowy zestaw';
$_lang['set_edit'] = 'Edytuj zestaw';
$_lang['set_remove'] = 'Usuń zestaw';
$_lang['set_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove this set? This is irreversable.';
$_lang['set_remove_multiple'] = 'Delete Multiple Sets';
$_lang['set_remove_multiple_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove these sets? This is irreversable.';
$_lang['set_tab_err_ae'] = 'A tab already exists with that ID. Please specify another.';
$_lang['set_tabs_msg'] = 'Here you adjust the tabs and regions for this page, including their visibility and title. Just double-click on a row to edit its value. Leave a field empty to use the default setting.<br>Please note: when hiding an element inside this profile, it will be hidden in overlapping profiles too (even if Visible is checked).';
$_lang['set_template_desc'] = 'Choosing a Template will limit the rules in the Set from executing unless the Resource has the specified Template.';
$_lang['set_tvs_msg'] = 'Here you can set visibility, labels, default values and the tabs they reside in by double-clicking on the row in the grid. Note: If you move a TV to another Region, you can adjust the order of the TV in the "Region Rank" field. Leave a field empty to use the default setting.';
$_lang['sets'] = 'Form Customization Sets';
$_lang['simplexml_err_nf'] = 'MODX requires the SimpleXML PHP extension to use this feature. Please ensure the extension is installed before continuing.';
$_lang['tab'] = 'Zakładka';
$_lang['tab_create'] = 'Stwórz nową kartę';
$_lang['tab_id'] = 'ID';
$_lang['tab_name'] = 'Nazwa karty';
$_lang['tab_title'] = 'Tytuł';
$_lang['tab_new'] = 'Nowa karta';
$_lang['tab_rank'] = 'Ranga regionu';
$_lang['tab_remove'] = 'Usuń kartę';
$_lang['tab_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this tab?';
$_lang['tab_visible'] = 'Widoczny dla karty';
$_lang['tabs'] = 'Zakładki';
$_lang['tv'] = 'Zmienna Szablonu (TV)';
$_lang['tv_default'] = 'TV Default Value';
$_lang['tv_label'] = 'Etykieta TV';
$_lang['tv_name'] = 'Nazwa';
$_lang['tv_move'] = 'Przenieś TV to zakładki';
$_lang['tv_visible'] = 'Widoczny dla TV';
$_lang['tvs'] = 'Zmienne Szablonu (TV)';
$_lang['usergroup'] = 'Grupa użytkownika';
$_lang['usergroup_create'] = 'Add User Group';
$_lang['usergroup_desc'] = 'Optional. If set, will restrict this Profile to only Users in the specified User Group.';
$_lang['usergroup_remove'] = 'Remove User Group From Profile';
$_lang['usergroup_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want this Profile to no longer apply to Users in this User Group?';
$_lang['usergroups'] = 'Grupy użytkownika';
$_lang['visible'] = 'Widoczne';
$_lang['xmlwriter_err_nf'] = 'MODX requires the XMLWriter PHP extension to use this feature. Please ensure the extension is installed before continuing.';