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 * English language strings for Elements
 * @package modx
 * @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['element'] = 'Element';
$_lang['element_err_nf'] = 'Element not found.';
$_lang['element_err_ns'] = 'Element not specified.';
$_lang['element_err_staticfile_exists'] = 'A static file already exists within the specified path.';
$_lang['element_static_source_immutable'] = 'The static file specified as the element source is not writable! You cannot edit the content of this element in the manager.';
$_lang['element_static_source_protected_invalid'] = 'You cannot point your Element to the MODX configuration directory; this is a protected, non-accessible directory.';
$_lang['is_static'] = 'Is Static';
$_lang['is_static_msg'] = 'Indicates if the element source is stored in an external file.';
$_lang['quick_create'] = 'Quick Create';
$_lang['quick_create_chunk'] = 'Quick Create Chunk';
$_lang['quick_create_plugin'] = 'Quick Create Plugin';
$_lang['quick_create_snippet'] = 'Quick Create Snippet';
$_lang['quick_create_template'] = 'Quick Create Template';
$_lang['quick_create_tv'] = 'Quick Create TV';
$_lang['quick_update_chunk'] = 'Quick Update Chunk';
$_lang['quick_update_plugin'] = 'Quick Update Plugin';
$_lang['quick_update_snippet'] = 'Quick Update Snippet';
$_lang['quick_update_template'] = 'Quick Update Template';
$_lang['quick_update_tv'] = 'Quick Update TV';
$_lang['properties_export'] = 'Export Properties';
$_lang['properties_import'] = 'Import Properties';
$_lang['property_preprocess'] = 'Pre-process tags in Property Values';
$_lang['property_preprocess_msg'] = 'If enabled, tags in Default Property/Property Set values will be processed before they are used for Element processing.';
$_lang['static_file'] = 'Static File';
$_lang['static_file_msg'] = 'An external file location where the element source is stored.';
$_lang['static_source'] = 'Media Source for Static File';
$_lang['static_source_msg'] = 'MODX will use this Media Source as a base path when looking for the Static Element file. Using "None" will assume you are specifying an absolute path.';
$_lang['tv_elements'] = 'Input Option Values';
$_lang['tv_default'] = 'Default Value';
$_lang['tv_type'] = 'Input Type';
$_lang['tv_output_type'] = 'Output Type';
$_lang['tv_output_type_properties'] = 'Output Type Properties';
$_lang['static_file_ns'] = 'You have to specify a static file.';